. i The Lecythidaceae of a Central Amazonian Moist Forest Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden ADVISORY BOARD PATRICIA K. HOLMGREN, Director of the Herbarium The New York Botanical Garden JAMES L. LUTEYN, Senior Curator SCOTT A. MORI, Senior Curator The New York Botanical Garden The New York Botanical Garden EDITORIAL BOARD WILLIAM R. BUCK, Editor The New York Botanical Garden Bronx, New York 10458-5126 WM. WAYT THOMAS, Associate Editor The New York Botanical Garden Bronx, New York 10458-5126 THOMAS F. DANIEL (1991-1996) Department of Botany California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park San Francisco, California 94118 The MEMOIRS are published at irregular intervals in volumes of various sizes and are designed to include results of original botanical research by members of The New York Botanical Garden's staff, or by botanists who have collaborated in one or more of The New York Botanical Garden's research programs. Ordinarily only manuscripts of 100 or more typewritten pages will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor. For further information regarding editorial policy and instructions for the preparation of manuscripts, contact the Editor. Scientific Publications Department THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN Bronx, New York 10458-5126 U.S.A. (718) 817-8721 FAX (718) 817-8842 TillS PUBLICATION IS PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER The Lecythidaceae of a Central Amazonian Moist Forest Scott A. Mori and Nadja Lepsch-Cunha ..~ .. Cour%ri quionensis Couralori longipedicel/ala Lecy/his .rabucajo Lecylhis porvifruc!o £. grand/flora E. brocleo$o £. omozoniciformis Eschwei/ero loev/corpo The New York Botanical Garden Bronx, New York 10458, U.S.A. Issued: 29 December 1995 MEMOIRS OF THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN VOLUME 75 Copyright © 1995 The New York Botanical Garden Published by The New York Botanical Garden Bronx, New York 10458 Composition by Eisner/Martin Typographies Manufactured by Braun-Brumfield, Inc. International Standard Serial Number 0071-5794 The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences--Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives, ANSIINISO (Z39.48-1992). Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper Printed using soy-based ink Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication nata Mori, Scott A., 1941­ The Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian moist forest I Scott A. Mori and Nadja Lepsch-Cunha. p. cm.-(Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden ; v. 75) Includes bibliographical references (p. ) arid index. ISBN 0-89327-396-1 I. Lecythidaceae----Amazon River Region. 2. Rain forest plants- Amazon River Region. I. Lepsch-Cunha, Nadja, 1962­ II. Title. III. Series QKl.N525 vol. 75 [QK495.L42] 581 s-dc20 [583'.42] 95-37040 CIP MEMOIRS OF THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 75: I-55 The Lecythidaceae of a Central Amazonian Moist Forest SCOTT A. MORI AND NADIA LEPSCH-CUNHA Contents AbstractIResumo . 2 Introduction .. ............................. , 3 Taxonomic Treatment , , 3 Habitat 4 Distribution and Representative Specimens 4 Phenology , 4 Common Names , 4 Uses 5 Comments , 6 Tenninology , 6 Tree Size , , .. , , 6 Tree Bole , 6 Bark. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Stems , , 7 Leaves. , , 7 Flowers " " 8 Fruits , .. , .. , .. , 10 Taxonomie Problems , 14 Description of Lecythidaceae Subfamily Lecythidoideae 16 ~of~s., ." .. ,..... 16 Key to Genera, . , 16 Chave para os G€neros , , . , , . , , , .. , 17 Descriptions of Genera and Species 17 I. Allanloma,."",."., . , , 17 I. Allanloma lineafa (Martius ex Berg) Miers 17 2. Bertholletia, , 19 1. Bertholletia exce/sa Humboldt & Bonpland , , 19 3. Carin/ana.... , " , , .. , , 21 1. Cariniana decandra Ducke , 21 2. C. Inicrantha Ducke , . 22 4, Corythophora , . 22 I. CorythopllOra alta R. Knuth , 24 2, C rirnosa W, Rodrigues subsp. rimosa 24 5. Couratari., , ....................................... .. 24 I. Couratari guianensis Aublet . 26 2, C longipedicelfata W. Rodrigues. 27 3, C mulriflora (1. E. Smith) Eyma . 27 4, C stelfata A C. Smith. .. 27 5. C. (auari Berg. ' . 29 6. Eschweilera ",.................. 29 1. Eschweilera OITUU,oniciformis Mori . 32 2. E. atropetiolata Mori. 32 3. E. bracteosa (Poeppig ex Berg) Miers. 33 4. E. carinata Mori . 33 5. E. col/ina Eyma. 33 6. E. coriacea (A. P. de Candolle) Mori . 34 7. E. cyathiformis Morl . 34 8. E. grandiflora (Aublet) Sandwith. .. 35 9. E. laevicarpa Mori. 35 10. E. micrantlUJ (Berg) Miers.. .. .. .. .. 36 2 MEMOIRS OF THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN [VOL. 75 11. E. pedicel/ala (Richard) Marl .36 12. E. pseudadecolorans Marl .. .36 13. E. raTlkiniae Man .39 14. E. romeu-cardosoiMori . .39 15. E. tessmannii R. Knuth . .41 16. E. truncata A. C. Smith . .41 17. E. wachenheimii (R. Benoist) Sandwith .. .42 7. Gustavia ,., . .42 I. Gustavia elliptica Marl . .42 8. Lecyrhis , . ..44 1. Lecythis barnebyi Marl . .. 45 2. L. gracieana Marl . .47 3. L. parvifructa Marl . .. 49 4. L. pisanis CambessMes .. .. 49 5. L. poiteaui Berg . .. 50 6. L. prance; Marl . .. 50 7. L. retusa Spruce ex Berg ... 50 8. L. zabucajo Aublet. .. 52 9. L. sp. 01. .. 53 10. L. sp. 05 .. ..53 Acknowledgments . 53 Literature Cited . ..54 Index to Scientific Names .. .. 55 Abstract Morl, Scolt A. (Institute of Systematic Botany, The New York Botanieal Garden, Bronx, New York 10458-5126, U.S.A.) and Nadja Lepsch-Cunha (Dept. de Ciencias-Lab. de Sementes, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, 13418-90D-Piracicaba-Sfio Paulo, Brazil). The Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian moist forest. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 75: 1-55. 1995. The results of a taxo­ nomic study of the 39 species of the Brazil nut family (Lecythidaceae) found in the lOOO-ha control reserve (Reserve 1501 or "Km 41 ") of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project of thc Smithsonian Institution and the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amaz6nia are reported. Descriptions, keys, habitat preferences, phenology, distribution and representative specimens, com­ mon names (when available), and comments are provided for all species found in the reserve. An illus­ tration of at least one species in each genus is ineluded, and discussions and illustrations of features useful in distinguishing eentral Amazonian species of Lecythidaceae are presented. Three new spccies, Eschweilera rankiniae, E. romeu-cardo.wi. and Lecylhis gracieana, are described. Keys for identification of the genera and species within genera are provided in Portuguesc as well as English. Resumo Mori, Scott A. (Institute of Systematic Botany, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458-5126, U.S.A.) e Nadja Lepsch-Cunha (Dept. de Ciencias-Lab. de Sementes, Esco1a Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, 13418-90D-Piracicaba-Sao Paulo, Brasil). The Lecythidaceae of a central Amazonian moist forest. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 75:1-55. 1995. Os resultados de urn estudo raxon6mico das 39 esp~cies da familia de Castanha-do-Para (Lecythidaceae) que ocorrem numa reserva controle dc 1.000 ha (Reserva 1501 ou "Km 41") do Projeto Dinamica Bio16gica de Fragmentos Florestais sao reportados. Descri90cs, chaves, prcferencias ccol6gicas, distribui9ao e esp~cimes representativos, fenologia, nomes vulgarcs, e comentarios sobre cada esp~cie que se­ encontra na reserva sao aprescntados. Incluem-se comentarios gerais das caractensticas que sao empregadas na identifica9ao de generas e esp~cies dc Lecythidaceae e, pelo menDs, urn desenho de uma esp~cie em cada genero. Tres novas cspl:cies, Eschweilera rankiniae, E. romeu-caniosoi, e Lecythis gracieana sao dcscritas. Chaves para a identifica9iio de generos e esp~cies em Ingles bern como cm Portugues sao apresentadas. 1995J THE LECYTHIDACEAE OF A CENTRAL AMAZONIAN MOIST FOREST 3 Introduction yet to be solved. Mori is convinced that the best way to resolve taxonomic problems in neotropical trees is OUf central Amazonian study of Lecythidncene is to couple taxonomic and ecological studies. Study of part of the much larger Biological Dynamics of herbarium specimens alone somctimes is not suffi· Forest Fragments Project CBDFFP) of the Smithson w cient for detecting the nuances of differences among ian Institution and the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas closely related species of tropical trecs. da Amazonia (INPA). The BDFF Project was previ­ Reserve 1501, also known as Km 41, was selectcd ously known as the Minimum Critical Size of Eco~ for our study because it is the 1OOO-ha control reserve systems Project under the aegis of the World Wildlife of the BDFF Project. The first digit of the rescrve indi­ Fund and INPA. A description of the BDFF Project is cates the ranch upon which the reserve is located (I = provided by Lovejoy and Bierregaard (1990). Fazenda Esteio), the second digit indicates the size The principal goal of the BDFF Project is to assess class of the reserve (5 =control area), and the last two the effects of fragmentation on once continuous trop­ digits indicate the number of replicates of that partic· ieal rain forest. However. as stated in a call for pro­ ular size in the BDFF Project (there is only one con· posals dated 16 October 1990, "Understanding the trol area). Reserve 1501 is also called Km 41 because relative impact of the forest fragmentation processes it is located 41 kilometers along state highway ZF-3 requires as background data detailed inventories, Irom federal highway BR-174 (the Manaus-Boa Vista knowledge of species biology, and undcrstanding of Highway). A map of Reserve 1501, as well as of all the abiotic environment within continuous forest." other reserves in the BDFFP system, is provided by The Lecythidaceae Sub-Project of the BDFF Lovejoy and Bierregaard (1990). Project is an attempt to provide the basic biological Establishment of the Lecythidaceae Sub-Project information needed for understanding the effects of consisted of (I) location of a 100-ha plot and its sub­ forest fragmentation on one of the ecologically most division into hectares, which in turn were divided important families of trces throughout Amazonia and into 20 x 20 m quadrats by a professional surveyor; the Guianas (Mori, 1990; Mori & collaborators, (2) location and tagging of all individuals of 1987; Mori & Pranee, 1990a; Prance & Mori, 1979).
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