May 10, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E839 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RESTARTING AMERICAN importance of the success of both Dulles and northern Virginia. Phase 2 will require nothing OFFSHORE LEASING NOW ACT Reagan. less than the most qualified board possible to After the airports authority was created, both be a success. SPEECH OF Reagan and Dulles prospered. In the past 25 It is imperative that these changes to the HON. GENE GREEN years, Dulles has become the economic en- original law be enacted quickly, and I hope gine for not only northern Virginia, but the en- that the committee of jurisdiction will expedite OF TEXAS tire Commonwealth. Without a successful review of the legislation. If the current leader- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES international airport drawing global traffic and ship is allowed to stay in place, it will very like- Thursday, May 5, 2011 myriad businesses, the region would not be ly continue to make decisions that add to the The House in Committee of the Whole nearly as successful as it is today. Metrorail cost of Phase 2 and further jeopardize not House on the State of the Union had under access to the airport and fast-growing only MWAA’s bond rating, but the success of consideration the bill (H.R. 1230) to require Loudoun County will attract more businesses, both airports under their control. The respec- the Secretary of the Interior to conduct cer- create new jobs and ease congestion on area tive executives simply must have the ability to tain offshore oil and gas lease sales, and for roadways. Dulles Rail being completed on appoint new board members as soon as pos- other purposes: time and at or under original cost estimates is sible to prevent the current board from turning Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Chair, I key to many more decades of success. Dulles Rail into a failed project. rise today in support of H.R. 1230. While I have been extremely pleased ob- My primary interest is to see the project Gas prices continue to rise. The instability in serving MWAA’s achievements over the past completed on time and at or under budget and the Middle East is threatening our supply, and two decades, I believe continued success is I believe the board’s decision to opt for an un- we already import much of our oil from coun- now threatened by a board of directors that derground station at Dulles Airport could be tries that are hostile to our interests. We need has lost sight of its primary mission of serving disastrous. Since the announcement, Fairfax to safely and responsibly produce our domes- airport passengers and residents of the sur- and Loudoun counties have indicated that they tic resources offshore in order to reduce this rounding communities. For many years MWAA will not assume the extra costs of the under- reliance on foreign imports and in turn, in- was run by competent and dedicated profes- ground station. If the local governments with- crease our economic growth. sionals such as Jim Wilding and Jim Bennett. draw Phase 2 funding, the project will be in We cannot forget that just one production As current CEO Lynn Hampton prepares to re- serious jeopardy. rig equals 500 jobs—100 workers on the rig, tire, the search process for her replacement The underground station also is opposed by plus 400 workers supporting drilling operations conducted by the current board of directors nearly every elected official representing onshore. This industry comprises not only oil has been a study in poor management and northern Virginia residents, including the Fair- and gas companies, but also a network of political horse trading. When the board voted fax and Loudoun boards of supervisors, the suppliers and contractors that purchase goods to advance the nomination of Nathaniel Ford, Herndon Town Council, Virginia Secretary of as diverse as forgings, valves, computers, the deciding vote was cast by proxy by a then Transportation Sean Connaughton and Gov- chemicals and helicopters from suppliers in all board member who was under house arrest in ernor Bob McDonnell. Independent groups 50 states. the Ivory Coast. such as the Washington Airports Task Force, That is why I support H.R. 1230, which This problem arose because under the cur- Dulles Corridor Rail Association, the Northern would force lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico rent law, board members serve until their re- Virginia Regional Commission, the Fairfax and offshore Virginia that were delayed or placement is confirmed. While this may have County Chamber of Commerce, the Virginia cancelled following the Macondo spill. worked in the past, in my opinion the law is Chamber of Commerce and AAA Mid-Atlantic I encourage my colleagues to support this being abused to keep political favorites in of- have all spoken out against the underground bill. fice, even if their service is suspect. The lead- station. For a board member to recently state, f ership void at MWAA also is reflected in the ‘‘I think the board is committed to the under- planning for Phase 2 of Dulles Rail. Under the ground station as best for the community at INTRODUCING LEGISLATION TO current board, costs have greatly exceeded large’’ shows astonishing hubris and a willful CHANGE THE STRUCTURE OF original estimates, with more likely to come avoidance of reality. THE METROPOLITAN WASH- with the board’s April 6 decision to build an Recent Phase 2 cost estimates are ex- INGTON AIRPORTS AUTHORITY underground station at Dulles Airport. tremely troubling. While original projections put BOARD Because of these concerns about the direc- the cost of Phase 2 at $2.5 billion, the cost tion of MWAA today, I am introducing legisla- spikes to at least $3.5 billion under the plan HON. FRANK R. WOLF tion to make changes to the 1986 law that es- approved by the MWAA board. With such dra- OF VIRGINIA tablished the regional operating authority for matic cost increases before a contract is even IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dulles and Reagan National airports. This leg- awarded, some have expressed concerns islation will amend the original statute to give about the creditworthiness of the bonds that Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Virginia a majority on the MWAA Board of Di- will be issued to pay for Phase 2. Airport au- Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I have been one of rectors by increasing the number of Common- thorities nationwide have been placed on no- the strongest supporters of Washington Dulles wealth appointees from five to nine. With both tice that bond ratings could be lowered in the International Airport and Ronald Reagan airports located in Virginia and with northern future. An additional $300 million or more for Washington National Airport as well as the Virginia residents and local governments pro- Dulles Rail could be a troublesome sign for Dulles Corridor Metrorail Extension project. I viding the lion’s share of the revenue for the the bond markets. I fear an increase in bor- was one of the original sponsors of the 1986 Dulles Rail project, it is only fair that the ma- rowing costs could effectively kill the project in legislation that transferred from the federal jority of the board be Virginians. The bill will the design phase. government the operations of Dulles and also prevent board members from serving past Considering all this information, I do not be- Reagan. I worked with former Senators John the end of their appointment, and will establish lieve that the current board of directors is act- Warner and Paul Trible, former Governor that board members can be replaced at any ing in the best interests of the northern Vir- Linwood Holton, and former Secretary of time by the respective executives who appoint ginia residents who will be forced to under- Transportation Elizabeth Dole to enact that im- the board: the governors of Virginia and Mary- write costs for Phase 2 through increased tolls portant law that created the Metropolitan land, the mayor of the District of Columbia or on the DTR and increased revenue from coun- Washington Airports Authority, MWAA. For the president of the United States. I believe ty coffers. The underground station will add at nearly 25 years MWAA has operated effec- these changes are critical if we are to ensure least $300 million to the overall cost of Phase tively, governed by board members who were that MWAA will once again function as origi- 2. When long-term financing costs are in- pillars of the community and understood the nally intended and in the best interests of cluded, the underground station could end up ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:40 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10MY8.001 E10MYPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with REMARKS E840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 10, 2011 adding closer to $500 million to the project. It and Mary Jo in 1957 while they were stationed Bowersox, Alan Waren, Aunt Caroline, Steph- is my understanding that tolls on the Dulles at Ft. Benning. They went on to have two anie Smart, and all the family and friends who Toll Road could reach $10.25 in 2020, eight- more children, George Clark Scarborough was showed an outpouring of love and support and-a-half years from now. The initial toll pro- born in Rome, GA in 1960 and Charles Jo- over the last year and a half.
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