VOL. LIV—NO. 4. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY 3, 1888. WHOLE NO. 2,755 WO MORE PUBLIC BUILDINGS. More Truth Than Poetry. risen to the dignity of a silk hat andfor a postoffice is paid iu this city, FOR >robably never will. He clings to thewhere the government pays a yearly APPAN HALL AND A GOVERN- We presume Mr. McDowell will joft, Michigan slouch, but never allows rental of S1.200. The smallest rental MENT POSTOFFICE AMONG worry less about giving up his charge t to get rusty or frayed. The captain is in Ypsilanti, where $300. is paid. In THE POSSIBILITIES. of the County House, after nine years ooks better with his hat off than on, Adrian, $350. is paid, in Jackson $1,100: service, than some of his friends do. 'or he has a fine Jliead—big and round in Hillsdale $375, in Lansing $1,100, in 3r. Jenkins has Gone — Romantic His administration has been eminently History of a Washtenaw Girl In and covered with handsome brown hair Bay City $7U0. Postmaster General France —Death of Prof. Gray —A satisfactory, and he can doubtless now xuied just a little too near the middle, Dickinson is beleived to be heartily in Small Blaze atthe University—The lix himself in a way of making a good Hit pushed away from his broad, bulg- favor of the govornment owing its own Newsy Items of the Week, living independent of Boards of Super- ng forehead. Allen wears a Prince buildings. He reasons that the man TS visors,8uperintendents,or anybody else, Vlbert coat also, and a lowcut vest, vho can afford to own a house pays For afew days only we offer our entire stock of HEAVYWEIGHT A $2OO Fire, and that, after all, is far pleasanter rolling collar, small black cravat, and ess for his property considering the in- OVERCOATS at OneHalf What the Goods are Marked. than holding any public trust. His dark trousers. His truddy .face is erest on his investment than the man A fire broke out in the chemical successor, Mr. McCormick, is every smoothly shaven except for a small who has to rent a house The bill in- All $20.00 Overcoats for $10.00 dboratory Wednesday night. The way competent and worthy, and his be- brown mustache, and when he reads or iroduced in the house by Congressman 15.00 7.50 rigin of it is unknown but it is sup-ing a democrat, is no more objection to writes he balances a pair of goldbowed Blount, the chairman of the commit* 10.00 5.00 >osed that some student must have him, than being a republican was to his spectacles on his anything but large ee on Postoffices provides that the 8.00 4.oo olded up his apron and put jt in thepredecessor. But republican papers nose. In the street he carries a heavy postmaster general is authorized to 6.00 3.00 drawer without noticing that there imagine that no one but a republican cane, and when not troubled with the erect a building at any place where for 8.00 Boy s Overcoats for 4.00 was a spark of fire in it from too close has a right to an office, and an office rheumatism, he is a livuly pedestrian. two years preceding the gross receipts '6.00 3.00 ontact with a spirit lamp. The tirewhich a republican can't be found to Alen weighs in the neighborhood of 225 of the postoffice exceed $3,000. provi- 4.00 2.00 was extinguished before any great till, should be abolished.—Ypsilanti pounds and his height would be placed ded that he does not order more build- 3.00 1.50 damage was done. Loss $'200, insured. Sentiuel. at a guess at 5 feet 11 inches." ings erected than Congress appropriates Dr, Gray's Death. money to pay, for: No building is to Sunday School County Convention. Guiteau's Second Cousin in Pontiac. OTJT PRICES ZL.S cost the United States more than Dr. Asa Gray, the first professor ap- The Sunday Schools of the county The Detroit Evening News in giving $25,000. At any city where the gross re- On Men's heavy weight suits we make a cut of from $2.00 to pointed for the University of Michigan, ceipts of the postoffice for two years $4.00 on a suit. On Boy's suits a cut of from $1.50 to $3.00 held a convention in ifpsilanti, dele- a description of some of the inmates died in Cambridge, Monday. He wasgates being present from all parts of of the ladies' ward in the Pontiac in- does not exceed $25,(K30. each year, the A lot of odd coats at $3.00 each that cost $4.00 $5.00 and $6.00 appointed professor of botany in 1838the county.E. C. Warner, of Ypsilanti, sane asylum contains the following: the building shall not cost more than On pants both Men's and Boy's we cut from $1.00 to $1.50. and was given a two years leave of was elected president; J. Canfield, of "Mrs. Abbie Maynard, of Ann Ar-$20,000. Where the gross receipts do Heavy gloves and mittens we sell for about f what others ask. absence, While in Europe he purchas- Tpsilanti, vicepresident; K. Kitbor- , is a cousin of Charles Guiteau, the not exceed $20,000., the building shall On underwear we quote prices way below what others ask. ed the first oE the books bought for thetiedge, of Ann Arbor, secretary; and assassin of President Garfield. She not cost the government more than Tniversity library. In 1812 he was has been an inmate of various asylums We mean to move all winter goods quickly. Mrs. W. S. Terry, of Ann Arbor, treas- for many years and is probably incur- $15,000. The building is to be let lected professor of natural history in urer. At noon Wednesday, fortytwo able. Insanity, it would appear, to the lowest bidder. The govern- We have too many Overcoats, we need the room, and although we ilarvard University. He was one ofdelegates were present of whom eleven courses through the veins, in greater or ment is authorized to accept a piece of he best known botanists in the leis degree, of the unhappy Guiteau ground not less than fifty feet in extent will lose money by this offer, we are deteimined to move the goods. were Baptists, five " Methodists, six family. Mrs. Maynard has intense country. 1'resbvterians, and twentyone Con- hallucinations of hearing and of sight. on each side of the proposed building, A Special Election Next Week. gregationalists. In the afternoon She hears all sorts of stories, particu jurisdiction over which is to be ceded WARNER & CO., Clothiers. there were twentylive new delegates larly those of a nature slanderous o! by the state, or if such donation is her character, and she sees the person; The taxpayers of this school district present. Tuesday evening, Kev. T. W_ who utter the slanders. It is not benot made, to purchase such ground at a are called upon to attend a special McLean spoke on, How shall the Sun- lieved that she will recover the use ofcost not exceeding $5,000., and when meeting in Fireman's hall, uext Friday day school be made more effective. her senses." necessary such land shall be con- veiling, Febauary 10. The meeting Wednesday forenoon after the adoptio This item refers to Miss Maynard demned. The sum of $2,<Ji)fyioo. is was called by the school board at their of a constitution and election of offi- daughter of the late Wm. S. Maynard proposed " to be appropriated during STOCK session, Tuesday evening. The ques- cers, six delegates were elected to the the coming year. The progress formerly a leading merchant and citi tion, which the voters are called upon state association. M. II. Reynolds de- zen of this place. Her mother was i of the bill will be watched with great to decide is whether the trustees shall livered an address on the state work nrst cousin of Guiteau. It is believec interest. For, as we before remarked be authorized to sell one or two rods of and the need of county work. Wednes that her insanity is owing in great par Ann Arbor may soon wake up to find [and from the ;,south side of the | first day afternoon, Prof. A. George spoke to mesmeristic experiments allowed to a government postoffice in i's midst. ward school to the Students' Christian of the advantage and value of Sunday be made upon her. She was an ap The same is true of Ypsilanti. Association, which has made applica- school work and Mrs. Eliza 11. Sun-subject and it is believed that these tion to purchase such land. derL.nd spoke on what the Sunday experiments greatly weakened he The Ground Donated for Tappan Hall. "The Moon's Got the 'Clipse." school should do for a community mind. Of a family ot six daughters CLOTHING The convention wound up Wednesday this one was the only one whose mint evening. The deed made Mrs. II. L. Sack- Last Saturday evening a little Ann Ar- was in the least clouded, and it is bu ett to the Trustees of the Presbyterian AND bor boy ran into the house all excit- just to the memories of the dead anc church of this city,in trust, of the prop- ment exclaiming,"O,cotne quick, mam- In Westminster Abbey. Hie feelings of the living members to erty on the corner of State and Huron ma, the moon's got the'clipse." .Never Htate that they were all bright girls and streets, now occupied by the School of before was theie a clearer evening on Those who missed the lecture, West- the mother a lovely example of the true minster Abbey, by Dr.
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