Jhe Notre Dame Scholasti f) HOME OF DISNEY HATS m What^s New for FaU? m EXCLUSIVE AT THE MEN'S SHOP m «) FALL NAVY BLUES Bold drape, long roll double breasted models with hand stitched lapels. $65 Other Suits $45 and up €) RASHUSSEN MEN'S SHOP 106-108 S. Main 130-132 W. Washington The Scholastic ^ | NITE-LIFE BEGINS AT GILBERT'S in Tuxedos with all the tailoring "know how" of years of experience fully apparent in the ease with which they fit the wearer. The size range is complete with regulars, shorts, longs, extra-longs and portlys. Prices start at $ 39 .50 FULL DRESS all sizes starting at $60 Tuxedos bought before 3 o'clock will be ready for you by 6:30 die same evening! OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 P. M. GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Michigan Street 9 Oct. 14, 1949 You see, I had one just like it, but i> several sizes larger, which I sent to MASS CALENDAR letters the campus laundry. In return I re­ ceived by mistake the miniature replica SATURDAY, OCT. 15—Double- described above. white— St. Teresa, Virgin; Gloria, Timber! In spite of the efforts of the Dining Common Preface. Hall, I doubt that the shirt will ever Editor: fit me. So if anyone is interested, It would be much appreciated by all SUNDAY, OCT. 16—Semidouble— please contact me. Don Carbone students who are anjnvhere near six Green—XIX Sunday after Pentecost; feet in height, if some ingenious soul 314 Farley Gloria, 2nd Coll. St. Hedwig, Widow, would get a saw, and cut dowTi some of P.S.: It would also make a good 3rd "Defend Us," Creed, Preface of the low hanging branches on the tree nightshirt for a large doll (toy, not Trinity. near the northeast corner of the Chem­ human). istry Building. If it's not done soon, MONDAY, OCT. 17 —Double — some unsuspecting victim is going to 1950 'Dome' Distribution White—St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, leave one of his eyeballs dangling from Editor: Virgin; Gloria, Common Pref. a twig. Chuck Linsenmeyer When Publications made plans for Lyons Hall early publication of next year's DOME TUESDAY, OCT. 18—Double of P.S.: Also southwest corner of Lyons it was with the thought that it might II Class—Red—St. Luke, Evangelist; Hall on path to Rockne Memorial. be an added convenience to the gradu­ Gloria, Creed, Pref. Apostles. Why don't you smoke more?—Editor ating seniors. -<— A representative of the Senior class WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19—Double has informed us that the class officers White—St. Peter of .\lcantara, Con­ Case of the Shrunken Shirt have queried members of the next grad­ fessor; Gloria, Common Preface. Editor: uating class and that the general opin­ By means of this column, if I m.ay, ion is that the later publication date is THURSDAY, OCT. 20—Double- I would like to contact any of my fel­ preferred so that all the year's events White—St. John Cantius, Confessor; low students who may have some little can be included. Gloria, Common Preface. friend (male) in need of a shirt. I The DOME is the senioi's' book. What have for sale—cheap—a. blue and yel­ they wish is what we wish. So next FRIDAY, OCT. 21 — Simple — low striped tee-shirt of excellent qual­ year's DOME will have a late distribu­ White—St. Hilarion, Abbot and Con­ ity, worn only twice. Any little boy tion but will include the entire year's fessor; Gloria, 2nd Coll. Holy Spirit, of about four feet six, 80 pounds, will events. Dale Francis, 3rd "Defend Us," Common Preface. fit comfortably into it. Director of Publications Spceiai Purchase! Pure wool AIRFORCE «REY FLANNEL SLACKS 7.95 It's values like these that have made Adler's famous for slacks. Pure wool airforce grey flarmel with zipper closing, pleated front, California wristband and other features you'll like. Ideal for class or date wear. Get yours tomorrow! THIS WEEK'S BROWSER WINNER «) FRANK DRISCOLL — 219 Morrissey Hall MICHIGAN at WASHINGTON The Scholastic ^ I derbee, who was unable to attend, due to a bad case of the hives. One re­ mark led to another, and there were THE WEEK some stinging remarks to say the least, until one of the bees threw his three left feet and caught the other one in the ear, nose, and bread-basket simul­ by Jack McQoldrick taneously. They slugged, wrestled, cussed, etc. (you'd think they were an admiral and a Bee-36 tangling), and Top of the Week ing and exercises Avith ten-gram bug finally (brace yourselves, men, this is the coup de grace), the vitamin bee Army, 21; Michigan, 7. bells, then takes a brisk walk around the flower pot, a refreshing dip in the won. (If you can read that last sen­ gardener's mustache cup, and sits down tence, you're wanted as a proofreader). to a hearty vitamin-packed bi-eakfast Dissa and Data of crispy crunchy souffled bi*awmash- With regard to last week's prediction awns, steefils on toast, and sliced her- Bottom of the Week on the World Series outcome . the milberries with cream. In fact, he used Now who's going to beat Army? WEEK says . "'wait till next year." to work out on Cartier field with the ... Is it true that Mauri Rose, of In­ Bee-squad just to stay in shape. dianapolis Speedway fame is . driving the 11:45 ND bus for Northern Indiana The other fellow, though, was a gay .00 Transit? . John E. (for rural) bul- little son of a bee, who used to stay livan went to the Riley High-East' Chi­ out till all hours of the night with his 15 PHOTOS $1 cago football game last week. His honey, and get a buzz on from slurping for comment on the peroxide cheerleaders the suds down at Hornet Harry's Hap­ • FRIENDSHIP was, "the bleachers went wild when py Hacienda in the Hyacinth. Then • APPLICATION Riley won." . We hear that several he'd sleep most of the day away, and of the nation's sportswriters sent get up just in time to put two bucks on Size 2/2x3/2 Frank Leahy a record of You Were the long-shot in the last race at the Only Fooling ... (if we beat Tulane, Bee-line track. Copied from your favorite Ave can only lose six this season). photograph. Well, anyway, to make a long story It's too bad the VA checks aren't in MAIL §1.00 and PHOTO to short (gotta make that deadline), these yet, since some local bookies are taking two fellows met. Everybody saw it. Tulane even tomorrow. Brother "PROCOpy All the well-known bees were there, Bookstore says that the large freshman Box 115-A Greenville, Ohio except of course, Throckmorton P. Gil- class has caused razor blade sales to fall oif 50%. Jerry Cowhig and Jack Zilly, class of '48, and now with the Los Angeles Rams, visited their Alma Mater this week foIIo\ving the PASSING VP Bears-Rams game. They both have STOP GOOD TIMES parts in the RKO picture Easy Living, starring Victor Mature. This pic is coming soon to South Bend. ... A GET THE BEST FOR LESS ... If s recent survey showed that 67% of the Fun... the GEORGE DAVIS WAY commerce students think that the school colors are green and white. Jack * Incomparable Low Rates Long, A.B. student who transferred here from Fordham so he could get * Private Studios and Main Ballroom four tickets to the North Carolina * Friendly, Congenial Atmosphere game said . "Well aren't they green * Personally Trained Staff and white?" Congenial Dance Fiesta every Thursday Maybe It's Bee-cause Nile 9-11 Pallia for pupils and guests. Meet new friends and have fun. Now that the SCHOLASTIC is running fiction (or hadn't you noticed?), the NORTHEBN INDIANA'S LARGEST STUDIO WEEK decided to incorporate into to­ day's column the following little story about the bee farm that is just north Alice and George Davis of the campus. This story has to do with the two little bees who had a SPECIAL Low Rate ^«^£ 'Dm] fight, and a very gruelling fight it was, indeed. But to start at the bee-ginning: for Notre Dame Students. thei-e were these two little bees. Now Phone 38229 [ UNCE OTLDIO^ 1 one of the bees was a healthy specimen of masculine beemanity; one of those STUDIO HOURS 10 fellows that gets up at six every morn­ 106 W. MONROE AT MICHIGAN -10 Oct. 14, 1949 Entertainment M PIPE SMOKERS OCTOBER 14 A splendid assortment of COLFAX (through Oct. 19)—Gary Cooper stars in Nationally kno^vn pipes this fictionized history of the Navy's aircraft carrier en­ featuring Hardcastle Pipes titled Ta^k Force (Legion of Decency Eating A-1). Jane —the pipe with Personality. Wyatt and Walter Brennan offer fine support. The film is excellent. Stop in today PALACE (through Oct. 18)—Oscar-winning John Hus­ ONLY $1.89 ton fails to capture the vei-^^e of reality in this picture. {We Were Strangers B) that was so pi-evalent in his Treasure of Sierra Madre. Jennifer Jones unconvincingly ALSO: CANASTA CARDS plaj'S a Cuban resurrectionist (she shouldn't keep her teeth locked) while John Garfield is seen as an American who BOXED—$1.95 liilots the murky plot. There are a few memorable scenes in ths movie but, on the Avhole, it is turgid fare. Mr. Soft Touch (A-1) ^\^th Glenn Ford and Evelyn Keyes is the co-feature.
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