E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 No. 138 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was man LUIS GUTIE´ RREZ, and others who mental in passing legislation to assist called to order by the Speaker pro tem- will be here. veterans exposed to Agent Orange. pore (Mr. BENTIVOLIO). Thank you, Congresswoman BUSTOS, But on the subject of posttraumatic f for bringing us together to honor the stress disorder and traumatic brain in- life and service and leadership of Lane jury, Lane had whatever symptoms he DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Evans, who passed away this month at had of his service to our country. TEMPORE the age of 63, my colleagues. As the ranking member, he traveled The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- He was the ranking member on the the country. I had the privilege on a fore the House the following commu- Veterans’ Affairs Committee and number of occasions to welcome him at nication from the Speaker: served our veterans so well. He served Fort Miley, our veterans hospital in WASHINGTON, DC, our country in uniform. He served our San Francisco. The way he connected November 13, 2014. country in the Congress. He served our with the veterans, because he under- I hereby appoint the Honorable KERRY L. country in the community. He was just stood, he shared their pain—literally, BENTIVOLIO to act as Speaker pro tempore on a great person. We were honored to call shared their pain—he fought for all this day. him colleague, many of us privileged to kinds of research, whether it was the JOHN A. BOEHNER, call him friend. hidden injuries of war that we now Speaker of the House of Representatives. The son of a firefighter and a nurse, know so much more about. But there f Lane Evans was born and raised in the in that hospital we had not only met district he represented here for 24 MORNING-HOUR DEBATE the needs of our veterans, but we had years. From his service in the Ma- tremendous research, whether it was The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- rines—and he was proud of that—to his about Parkinson’s or other traumatic ant to the order of the House of Janu- work as an attorney with the Western brain injury. ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- Illinois University Legal Assistance He was a champion for our veterans nize Members from lists submitted by Fund, to his time in the House, Lane and military families, hardworking the majority and minority leaders for spent his life fighting for those who people across America. Many of us who morning-hour debate. could not fight for themselves. had been invited by—he was so proud of The Chair will alternate recognition Each and every day, Lane Evans his district, and many of us had the between the parties, with each party fought to strengthen the middle class privilege of being invited there to join limited to 1 hour and each Member and to expand the ladders of oppor- his constituents in honoring him. It other than the majority and minority tunity that define the American was just an all-American experience to leaders and the minority whip limited Dream. He stood strong and resolute see people from all walks of life hon- to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- against efforts to privatize Social Se- oring this great man and, of course, his bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. curity. That was one of his fights here. colleagues from the military being a f As a Vietnam-era veteran who served very important part of it. on Okinawa, Lane took the struggles of Diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1995, HONORING THE LIFE OF our military families personally. It is Congressman Evans continued to serve CONGRESSMAN LANE EVANS especially fitting that we honor Lane the people in his district for almost an- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The today and this week as we observe Vet- other 12 years. He was determined to Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from erans Day, for he was one of the make a difference and help create a California (Ms. PELOSI) for 5 minutes. House’s most dedicated legislators of better world for the next generation. Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I am here those who served our country in uni- He surely has left our country stronger to join the distinguished delegation form and, as I say, a leader in the Vet- for having served it. He was a pioneer from Illinois, especially Congress- erans’ Affairs Committee. in terms of the hidden wounds of war woman BUSTOS, who represents a dis- From that position as ranking mem- for our soldiers. trict in Congress that was once mag- ber on the Veterans’ Affairs Com- Today we remember his courage, his nificently also represented by Con- mittee, Lane worked relentlessly to en- commitment, his vision, his beautiful gressman Lane Evans. So it is with sure that veterans of all generations smile, his lovely personality, his gra- great sadness that I come to the floor would receive the support and benefits cious being, his strong commitment to to join his colleagues, Congresswoman they deserve. He championed veterans our vets. We hope it is a comfort to his JAN SCHAKOWSKY, Congressman DANNY with posttraumatic stress disorder and brothers and loved ones that so many DAVIS, who served with him, Congress- traumatic brain injury. He was instru- here in this body and around the world b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7941 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Nov 14, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13NO7.000 H13NOPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 13, 2014 mourn their loss, pray for them, but we Dodge Foundation, the Newark Edu- Two hundred thousand, 300,000, feel very strengthened as a country be- cation Trust, and the Save Ellis Island 400,000 deportations a year. These sta- cause of the blessing of Lane Evans’ Foundation. tistics represent people, people dis- life to us. He was chief historical consultant for appearing from their churches, from So again I thank Congresswoman the Jewish Museum’s Exhibition, their kitchen tables, from parent- CHERI BUSTOS for bringing us together ‘‘Bridges and Boundaries: African teacher conferences. Why? Because to honor this great man. It is my privi- Americans and American Jews.’’ He co- Congress is doing nothing to make it lege to join the members of the Illinois founded the Marion Thompson Wright stop or make any progress towards an delegation and other Members who will Lecture Series, the oldest, largest, and immigration system based in reality be on the floor to honor Lane. most prestigious Black History Month and common sense, where people come He was a proud son of Illinois, that is event in the State. He was a member of legally with visas rather than smug- for sure. I remember seeing him in Mo- the Scholarly Advisory Committee to glers. line just so proud, so proud of his dis- the National Museum of African Amer- Now the GOP Conference in the trict, of his constituents, and they ican History and Culture, Smithsonian House is saying, after a decade of were all, in turn, as we are, proud of Institution, which is currently being delay, a decade of defying the Amer- him. built here on The Mall in Washington. ican people, and a decade of demoniz- Thank you, Congresswoman BUSTOS. Dr. Price is survived by his wife, ing immigrants, that they are so anx- Mary Sue Sweeney Price, who is widely f ious to work on immigration reform. respected for her outstanding leader- But there is just one thing stopping HONORING THE LIFE OF DR. ship for almost a generation as director them: the President. The one thing pre- CLEMENT ALEXANDER PRICE and CEO of the Newark Museum, our venting Republicans from taking ac- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The State’s greatest museum. tion, they say, is that the President My wife, Heidi, and I are grateful to Chair recognizes the gentleman from may also take action to keep families have known Clement Price. We and the New Jersey (Mr. LANCE) for 5 minutes. together and address the destructive people of our State mourn his untimely Mr. LANCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise nature of the deportation. passing. We extend our deepest sym- today to honor the life of Dr. Clement But here is how one commentator in pathy to Mary Sue and to his legions of Alexander Price, a shining figure in Atlantic magazine described it: friends and admirers in Newark, in New New Jersey society and culture, a re- ‘‘Boehner’s effort to hold congressional spected professor and historian, and a Jersey, and across the United States. When he last visited me on Capitol immigration reform hostage if Obama beloved family member and friend, who acts unilaterally is so absurd. Boehner died last week and leaves behind an ex- Hill several months ago, he was, as usual, filled with optimism and good killed the hostage long ago. Now he’s traordinarily distinguished record of hoping that if he pretends it’s still public service. cheer. On behalf of the Congress of the United States, I celebrate the distin- alive no one will notice the corpse Dr.
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