Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register Payee InvoiceAmt CheckAmt 110 Percent LLC 3350 3350 161ST Ave Development LLC 85526.15 85526.15 16602 NE 91ST ST 119.19 119.19 1-800-GOT-JUNK? 763.53 763.53 1Smart Life LLC 874 874 1st Place Striping 18014.27 18014.27 223 LLC 99.49 99.49 2 By 2 Properties 137.84 137.84 2FA Inc 401.43 401.43 2fiberfriends 11800 11800 343 Management LLC 2475 2475 360 Systems 1444 1444 3CMA 765 765 3Degrees 53.19 53.19 3-D Roof Systems LLC 391.72 783.44 3M Company (merchandise) 20272.84 41369.34 3R Technology LLC 2379 4758 425 Fitness 4902.7 4902.7 45th Legislative District 300 300 4Imprint 24376.58 24376.58 Page 1 of 240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register 5509 162nd Ave NE LLC 281.88 281.88 71 Productions 10483 10483 8020 Property Group LLC 1482.38 2964.76 8040 Avondale Way LLC 6125.46 6125.46 8805 14th Ave S, LLC 1650.14 1650.14 911 Media Arts Center 784 784 911 Supply Inc 46104.34 628360.71 911 Supply, Inc. 347990.87 8371436.53 A-1 Landscaping and Construction Inc 2161890.15 2161890.15 A-1 Painting & Performance Films 18357.74 18357.74 AAA-1 Roof Care 26426.08 214703.42 AAA Fire Protection 3260.43 5434.05 AA Asphalting, LLC 6110.84 6110.84 AAA Washington 3000 3000 AABCO Barricade Company Inc 2573.21 2573.21 Aakre, Louise 9 9 Aapka Spa LLC 457.17 457.17 A & A Printing Inc 2719.98 2719.98 Aaron Grady 70.58 70.58 Aaron Schrader 425 425 A.A.R. Testing Lab Inc 35396.45 79193.75 AAR Testing Lab Inc 4014.6 4014.6 Page 2 of 240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register Aarti Bindlish 14.6 14.6 Abbey Party Rents of Washington, Inc 310946.92 596247.76 Abbey Road HOA 10000 10000 Abby E Murray 100 100 Abby Road Division #3 Homeowners 5000 5000 Association ABC Legal Services Inc 7688.98 14440.88 ABC Special Event Rentals By Cort 20597.6 48514.93 Abdel-Montagaly, Khaled 235.76 235.76 Abdel-Rassoul, Ashraf Omar 204.04 204.04 Abedin, Nick 271.65 271.65 Abhay & Minal Shah 308.58 308.58 Abhishek Agrawal 38.92 38.92 Aboda Inc. 1602.82 3205.64 Aboda Investments LLC 270.4 270.4 Abrakadoodle 2119.6 2119.6 Abram, Eva M 300 300 Absco Solutions 649.28 649.28 Absher Construction Company 2000 2000 Abu-Dayyah, Nora 125 125 Abuiseifan, Hammad & Leila 125.42 125.42 Page 3 of 240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register Accela Inc 269884.27 401711.57 Accenture LLP 5236.6 5236.6 Access Golf LLC 2188.5 2188.5 ACCO Engineered Systems 856.8 856.8 Accord Contractors LLC 237483.51 274796.57 Accountemps 50981.59 62035.31 Accounting Principals, Inc. 31427.1 61176.33 Accountmate Software Corporation 1120 1120 Accurate Auto Body Inc 267107.87 431187.91 Accurate Communications Corp 900 900 Accurate Service LLC 3174.33 3174.33 Accustat Sports Timing Inc 1700 1700 Ace-Acme Septic Inc 2362.05 4724.1 Ace Galvanizing Inc 468.67 468.67 Ace of Illusions 1875 1875 ACE USA 15840 21815 ACF West Inc 7859.8 9443.25 A&C Glass Service Co 10283.5 10283.5 Achiad Snir 190.56 190.56 ACI Gift Cards Inc 120000 140000 Acme Land And Loan LLC 271.17 271.17 Acosta, Amanda 9.97 9.97 Page 4 of 240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register AC Power Technology Inc 62381.58 62381.58 A Crafty Arab 550 550 Acrylic Concepts Inc 2668.93 2668.93 Actionworks 117730.63 178547.79 Active Engineering 12.13 12.13 Active Network, Inc 113802.68 160453.06 Active Shooter Training LLC 1450 4350 Act On Electric 821.25 821.25 Actor, Ryan and Mary Frances 125.11 125.11 A Custom Stitch 4051.4 4051.4 Adabi, Samila 204.08 204.08 Adams Asphalt Patching Inc 106.9 106.9 Adams, Jason & Amy 238.24 238.24 Adams, Ross P. 1000 1000 Ad Design & Construction Inc 1000 1000 Aditya Dalmia 403.87 403.87 Adkins, Sam 199.02 199.02 Adolfson & Peterson Construction 1000 1000 Adopt A Stream Foundation 481.8 481.8 Ad Pros of Palm Beach 50172.9 50172.9 Adrian Balasa 272.87 272.87 Page 5 of 240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register Adrian M Whorton 77385 77385 Adrienne Genise & Joseph Pordon 42.86 42.86 ADS LLC 2128.04 2128.04 ADT Commercial LLC 12649.39 12649.39 Aduro Inc 331764.75 591937.69 Advanced Dental Products 92 92 Advanced Fire Protection Inc 24174.37 24174.37 Advanced Installation 54.5 54.5 Advance Door Systems Inc 3975.02 6336.45 Advanced Pro Fitness Repair Inc 3359.26 5470.43 Advanced Tint LLC 605.55 605.55 Advanced Traffic Products 180255.02 203644.33 Advance Fire & Safety, Inc 38587.48 391732.62 Advance Marking Systems 10676.91 14878.05 Advantage Precision Graphics 268.27 268.27 AEGIS Engineering PLLC 104763.75 104763.75 AEGIS Engineering, PLLC 88225 96590 Aegis ITS, Inc. 475996.5 475996.5 Aegis Living 50 50 Aero Construction 1615.87 1615.87 Aerojet 20086.23 20086.23 Page 6 of 240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register Aero Rent-A-car 10284.12 10284.12 Aero Rent A Car 194101.99 258286.57 Aerospace Futures Alliance 5000 5000 Affan Dar 606.61 606.61 Affinity Safety Trainig 50 50 Affordable Washington Backflow Testing 11360 13440 Affordable Washington Backflow Testing 4602.8 6900.23 & Repair Afrose Fatima Ahmed 1250 1250 A G Adjustments Inc 4195.51 4195.51 Agarwal, Deepak 700 700 Agarwal, Mukesh 90 90 Agave Cocina & Cantina 281 281 AGC Education Foundation 5354 6918 Aggarwal, Ashish 30 30 Agha, Khurram & Muyyda 366.15 366.15 Agnew, Kevin and Kate 259.03 259.03 Agreement Dynamics Inc 1219 1219 Aguirrre, Maria 250.65 250.65 Ahab Shipping Inc 2983.92 3179.67 AHBL, Inc 7673.75 7673.75 Page 7 of 240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register Ahern Management Consulting 7312.5 7312.5 Ahmed, Afrose Fatima 1650 1650 Airbag Service 3363.48 5527.62 Air Compressor Service 3309.54 3309.54 Aircraft Certification Service ACS LLC 12 12 Airfield Estates Winery 1525.82 1525.82 Airgas Medical Services, Inc 1548.63 1548.63 Airgas, Nor Pac, Inc DO NOT USE!! 2972.81 6227.79 Airgas USA. LLC 6991.12 25840.77 Airial Balloon Company 7950 7950 Airspace Monitoring Systems Inc 5628.24 5628.24 Air Tec Company 4565.06 4565.06 Airy Greetings 3564.01 3564.01 Ajax Electric Company Inc 7051.89 7051.89 AJEGL Inc. 160.7 160.7 Ajili Hodari 126 126 AKA Enterprise Solutions Inc 32209.46 62084.38 Akalin, Alan and Renata 122.67 122.67 Akdeniz, Cindy 40 40 Aken, Jeff 1161.15 1161.15 Akhilesh Vadari 1250 1250 Akina Designs, LLC (don't use) 8424.61 8424.61 Page 8 of 240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register Alamo Industrial 180815.72 180815.72 Alampallam, Sudha 225 225 Alam, Zulfigar 265.44 265.44 Alan Gasperini 591.1 591.1 Alan Webb Nissan 125505.04 502020.16 Alarcon, Stephen and Nancy 61.88 61.88 Alaska Association of Municipal Clerks 58 116 Albassyiouni, Moustafa 249.26 249.26 Albatross Digital 51050 64550 Albatross Digital LLC 14400 14400 Albayrak, Mehmet 420.73 420.73 Albee, Mike 40 40 Albert, David and Mary 57.89 57.89 Albert Einstein Elementary PTSA 8885 8885 Albertson, Melody 256.5 256.5 Albrecht, Jeffrey and Candice 68.69 68.69 Albright, Steve 5999 5999 Alcorta, Francisco 47.8 47.8 Aleccia, Vincent 170.52 170.52 Alegis Construction 1106.9 1106.9 Aleksandar Juric 395.5 395.5 Page 9 of 240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register Alerna Golf & Tennis of Seattle 60831.28 60831.28 AlertSense, Inc 40500 40500 Alexander Exhibit LLC 1697.25 1697.25 Alexander, Robin & Michelle 191.66 191.66 Alexander Smith 193.59 193.59 Alexander Young, 141.74 141.74 Alexis Pearlstein 447 447 Alex Zerbe Entertainment LLC 750 750 Alhadeff, Mark 72.62 72.62 Alice Training Institute LLC 1190 1190 Align Electric 112 112 Ali, Shahid 321.66 321.66 Alison Thompson 124 124 Ali, Suzanne 70 70 Allam, Sowjanya 65 65 Allan & Barbara Freeman 6.03 6.03 Allan Clark & Rumi Coated 298.34 298.34 All Around Fence Co 26514.22 26514.22 All Battery Sales & Service Inc 94825.25 331690.88 All City Bail Bond Co. Inc. 150 150 All City Convertibles & Customs Inc 2242.14 2242.14 Page 10 of240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register All City Fence Co 7477.76 7477.76 All Concrete Surfaces, LLC 1000 1000 Alldata Corporation 8220 8220 Alldata LLC 6601.5 6601.5 Allen Brackett Shedd 32830 43960 Allen, Jim 157.03 157.03 Allen, Kimberly 92.64 92.64 Allen, Scott H 150.04 150.04 All Hands Consulting 23005 23005 Alliance Building Services LLC 17.75 17.75 Alliance of Eastside Agencies 13000 13000 Alliance One 1484.5 1748.25 Alliance Resource Consulting LLC 40000 60000 Allied Body Works Inc 26243.4 26243.4 Allied Fire & Security 82767.88 126606.1 Allied Steel Fabricators Inc 3994.34 3994.34 Allied Waste Services #172 2830.76 2830.76 Allison, Bill 18 18 Allison Blair 316.99 316.99 Allison, Carolyn 25 25 Allison Eng 167.14 167.14 Page 11 of240 10/01/2021 Check Register Pie Chart Checks Grouped by Payee Based on Check Register Allison Yocum 390 390 All New Glass 1000 1000 Allnight Air Sweep 750 750 Alloway, Keith 317.71 317.71 Allplay Systems, LLC 108424.21 108424.21 All Prof Carpet Mtn 80.45 80.45 All Seasons Waterproofing and 2628 2628 Drainage Inc All Sports Cages & Netting 4763.25 4763.25 Allsports US Inc 81229.88 97065.51 All Star Auto Glass 1651.99 1651.99 All Star Rent A Fence Inc 5236.08 5236.08 All Star Rent A Fence, Inc 4475.1 4475.1 Allstate Payment Center 2392.8 2392.8 Alltech Painting LLC 748.25 748.25 All Traffic Data Services Inc 27340.65 67726.35 All Traffic Solutions, Inc.
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