W O R K E R S O F A L L C O U N T R I E S, U N I T E ! From Marx to Mao M L © Digital Reprints 2006 RUSSIAN EDITION PUBLISHED BY DECISION OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE SOVIET UNION (BOLSHEVIKS) П pолеma puu вcex cm paн, coeдuняйmecь! ИНCTИTУT МАРKCА — ЭНГЕ ЛЬCА — ЛЕ НИНА пpи ЦK ВKП(б) n.b. CTAlnH СОчИНEНИя О Г И З ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ М o c к в a • 1 9 4 7 J. V. S TA L I N FROM MARX w o R k s TO MAO VOLUME § !(@$ NOT FOR COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION E FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE M o s c o w • 1 9 5 3 C O N T E N T S FROM MARX TO MAO Page Preface .................. XIII THE DISCUSSION. Interview With a Rosta Correspond- ent, January 9, 1924............ 1 THIRTEENTH CONFERENCE OF THE R.C.P.(B.), Janu- ary 16-18, 1924 ............. 3 1. Report on Immediate Tasks in Party Affairs, January 17 .NOT . FOR . 5 2. Reply to the Discussion, January 18 .... 27 ON THE DEATHCOMMERCIAL OF LENIN. A Speech Delivered at the Second All-Union Congress of Soviets, January 26, 1924. 47 LENIN. A Speech Delivered at a Memorial Meeting of the Kremlin MilitaryDISTRIBUTION School, January 28, 1924 .... 54 The Mountain Eagle . 54 Modesty . 56 Force of Logic . 57 No Whining . 57 No Boasting . 58 Fidelity to Principle . 59 Faith in the Masses . 62 The Genius of Revolution . 63 ON THE CONTRADICTIONS IN THE YOUNG COM- MUNIST LEAGUE. Speech at the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) Conference on Work Among the Youth, April 3, 1924 67 VIII CONTENTS THE FOUNDATIONS OF LENINISM. Lectures Delivered at the Sverdlov University .......... 71 I. The Historical Roots of Leninism . 74 II. Method . 82 III. Theory . 91 IV. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat . 111 V. The Peasant Question. 126 VI. The National Question . 143 VII. Strategy and Tactics ......... 155 VIII. The Party. 170 IX. Style in Work . 193 THIRTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE R.C.P.(B.), May 23-31, 1924 . 197 Organisational Report of the Central Committee, May 24 199 1. The Mass Organisations That Link the Party With the Class . ............... 200 2. The State Apparatus ........... 206 3. The Composition of the Party. The Lenin Enrolment 210 4. The composition of Leading Party Bodies, Cadres and the Younger Party Element ......... 212 5. The Work of the Party in the Sphere or Agitation and Propaganda ............. 215 6. The Work of the Party in the Registration, Alloca- tion and Promotion of Forces ....... 218 7. Inner-Party Life ............ 218 8. Conclusions ............. 221 Reply to the Discussion, May 27 ....... 231 THE RESULTS OF THE THIRTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE R.C.P.(B.). Report Delivered at the C.C., R.C.P.(B.) Courses for Secretaries of Uyezd Party Committees, June 17, 1924 ................. 246 Foreign Affairs . 247 Questions of the Bond Between Town and Country 252 CONTENTS IX Questions of the Education and Re-education of the Working Masses . 260 TheParty............... 265 The Tasks of Party Workers in the Uyezds . 272 WORKER CORRESPONDENTS. Interview With a Repre- sentative of the Magazine “Rabochy Korrespondent” . 274 THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF POLAND. Speech Delivered at a Meeting of the Polish Commission of the Comintern, July 3, 1924 .............. 276 A LETTER TO COMRADE DEMYAN BEDNY. July 15, 1924 . 285 Y. M. SVERDLOV ............. 289 CONCERNING THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION . 292 1. The Period of Bourgeois-Democratic “Pacifism” 292 2. The Intervention of America in European Affairs and the Entente’s London Agreement on Reparations 298 3. Strengthening of the Revolutionary Elements in the European Labour Movement. Growth of the International Popularity of the Soviet Union 304 THE PARTY’S IMMEDIATE TASKS IN THE COUNTRY- SIDE. Speech Delivered at a Conference of Secretaries of Rural Party Units, Called by the Central Committee of the R.C.P.(B.), October 22, 1924 ........ 315 Defects in the Reports From the Localities . 315 The Party’s Chief Defect—the Weakness of Party Work in the Countryside . 317 Wherein Lies the Strength of Our Party in the Towns? 317 Wherein Lies the Weakness of Our Work in the Coun- tryside? . 318 The Chief Task Is to Create a Peasant Active Around theParty............. 319 X CONTENTS The Soviets Must Be Revitalised . 319 The Approach to the Peasantry Must Be Changed . 320 The Lessons of the Revolt in Georgia. 321 A Tactful Approach to the Peasantry Is Needed . 323 The Party’s Chief Tasks . 324 Conditions for the Work . 324 The Chief Thing Is To Maintain Contact With the Millions of Non-Party People . 325 THE PARTY’S TASKS IN THE COUNTRYSIDE. Speech Delivered at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the R.C.P.(B.), October 26, 1924 ....... 327 ENTRY IN THE RED BOOK OF THE DYNAMO FAC- TORY, November 7, 1924 ......... 335 TO THE FIRST CAVALRY ARMY . 336 TO KRESTYANSKAYA GAZETA . ....... 337 TROTSKYISM OR LENINISM? Speech Delivered at the Plenum of the Communist Group in the A.U.C.C.T.U., November 19, 1924 ............ 338 I. The Facts About the October Uprising . 338 II. The Party and the Preparation for October . 346 III. Trotskyism or Leninism? . 363 THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION AND THE TACTICS OF THE RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS. Preface to the Book “On the Road to October”.......... 374 I. The External and Internal Setting for the October Revolution . 374 II. Two Specific Features of the October Revolu- tion—or October and Trotsky’s Theory of “Per- manent” Revolution . 378 CONTENTS XI III. Certain Specific Features of the Tactics of the Bolsheviks During the Period of Preparation for October . 398 IV. The October Revolution as the Beginning of and the Pre-condition for the World Revolution 414 Notes .................. 421 Biographical Chronicle (1924) ......... 439 PREFACE The sixth volume of J. V. Stalin’s Works contains writings and speeches of the year 1924. This was the first year without V. I. Lenin. The Bol- shevik Party and Soviet people continued their creative work of building socialism under Comrade Stalin’s lead- ership. Comrade Stalin rallied the Party around its Central Committee and mobilised it for the struggle to build socialism in the U.S.S.R. The works of Comrade Stalin included in the present volume played a cardinal part in the ideological defeat of Trotskyism and other anti-Leninist groups, in the defence, substantiation and development of Leninism. The sixth volume opens with Comrade Stalin’s in- terview with a Rosta* correspondent entitled “The Dis- cussion,” and with his report to the Thirteenth Con- ference of the R.C.P.(B.) on “Immediate Tasks in Party Affairs,” which are devoted to the exposure of Trotskyism and the struggle for the ideological and organisational unity of the Bolshevik Party. In his speech at the Second All-Union Congress of Soviets, On the Death of Lenin, Comrade Stalin on * Russian Telegraph Agency.—Tr. XIV PREFACE behalf of the Bolshevik Party made his great vow sacredly to cherish and fulfil Lenin’s behests. The volume includes J. V. Stalin’s well-known work The Foundations of Leninism, in which he gives a masterly exposition and theoretical substantiation of Leninism. The “Organisational Report of the Central Committee to the Thirteenth Congress of the R.C.P. (B.),” “The Re- sults of the Thirteenth Congress of the R.C.P. (B.),” “Con- cerning the International Situation,” “The Party’s Imme- diate Tasks in the Countryside,” and other articles and speeches are devoted to questions of the international situation, the internal life and consolidation of the Party, the alliance of the working class and peasantry, and the education and re-education of the masses in the spirit of socialism. The volume concludes with The October Revolution and the Tactics of the Russian Communists, which gives a theoretical summing up of the experience of the Great October Socialist Revolution and substantiates and devel- ops Lenin’s teaching on the victory of socialism in one country. A Letter to Comrade Demyan Bedny is published for the first time in this volume. Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute of the C.P., C.P.S.U.(B.) !(@$ THE DISCUSSION Interview With a Rosta Correspondent January 9, 1924 The discussion which has extensively developed in the R.C.P.(B.) and its press will be conclusively summed up only by the All-Union Party Conference that is to take place in a week's time. But the resolutions that have already been received from local Party organisations leave no room for doubt that the Central Committee's position has the endorsement of over 90 per cent of the entire R.C.P.(B.) membership. The Party is well aware that our enemies are trying to make use of the discussion in order to spread all man- ner of fabrications about the supposed disintegration of the R.C.P.(B.), the weakening of Soviet power, etc. Such an appraisal of our discussion is, to say the least, ludicrous. In actual fact the discussions which have re- peatedly arisen in our Party have invariably resulted in the elimination of differences. The Party has always emerged from these discussions still stronger and more united. The present discussion has revealed the extreme- ly high degree of political maturity of the working- class masses, who have in their hands the state power in the U.S.S.R. I must say—and anyone acquainted with the discussion can convince himself of this—that complete unanimity of opinion prevails among the overwhelming 2 J. V. S T A L I N majority of the Party on all basic political and economic questions.
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