B20 — THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1996 UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED Informed opinions Happy Halloween Wolff's 'Pretty Women' JSED CAR SUPER CENTER Our editors name the candidates Attthe Les Malamut Gallery, 7 DAY TEST DRIVE ON ALL best suited to serve you at the a Union resident's paintings % GUARANTEED APPROVAL!! local and county levels, Page 6. take center stage. See Page B4. NO CREDIT.. BAD CREDIT... NO CREDIT REJECTIONS... BANKRUPTCY... w I PREFERRED USED VEHICLES REPOSSESSION... JUDGEMENTS... NQ PROBLEM!. IT'S OKI! '92 PATHFINDER ASKING $19,495 •93 MAXIMA QXE A9KINQ $13,995 •93 EXCEL ASKING $4,777 91 PRELUDE SI ASKING $10,995 HYUNDAI 3-D". 4-CYl S-S^D MA'« t>'?-\\ AC T'f.i*1",1: CH.'PL CU>'" VSSW 4-OR *-C"; Al»*O TRANS 4-VA*L DA P'SU AC T-CLASS 'Cnu:S£ CLOTMIMT MONO* J-Ofl 4-C*L. AUTO TRANS P'SVB. *C TLT. WHL CRUI9E. MOON ROOF I NISSAN 4-rJfl. 6-CYl, AUTO TRANS. C'S/9. AC. T/QLASS. CLOTH INT.. CRUISE. CO AMTM STERtOC*SS Ui's4 2Q9 VIN NWCMJ1S AJWTWSTERECVCASS Ut U »7I VtN PTM6054 "Your Best Source For Community Information" X m A WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER 'RAHWAY, N.J., VOL.7 NOM—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1996 TWO SEC 70 < o Adding it up RIVIERA '83 NEW YORKER ASKING $1,995 c TOYOTA 2-DR. 4-CYL, AUTO TRANS, P/&/B. Mayor denies school sea RUNNER ASKING CHRYSLER 4-OR. B-CYL. AUTO TRANS P^SU AC CRJ SE ' VUOUH :NT BuOtE T5 T AUTO TRANS. P CO O*OTA AD" PCVL AU'O TO AWfUSTEREOCASS UI.SS.74OVIN POIK007 AMTMTSTEREOCAS5 Ml l3fl.8O3ViN DRIOO7O3 CO'jtSf-MOO* 000' CLO^I i U; 142B74VIN KOI 15033 70 By Scan Dally the UCIA and reviewed the qualific *' / of o Highlights o Staff Writer • the Trust Company of New Jersey, stec Firewood available City Councilman Frank Janusz announced that he had of the $18,365,000 aggregate bonds. One of the partners of > uncovered a "gross violation of the public trust" in the this firm is Assemblyman Neil Cohen, a Democrat like The Department of Public administration of Mayor James Kennedy. Kennedy. Works invites city residents who In an annoucement that was ridiculed by Kennedy, Jan- • The firm of Dc Cotiis & Pinto, which worked for the have a need for firewood or usz said that Kennedy gave out high-paying consulting and UCIA and fodnd that the aggregate bonds are exempt from wood chips to stop by the legal jobs on a $4,3 million capital expenditure in the registration and that nothing in the "Officia^Statement" of > department offices, located at Board of Education that took place on June 15, 1993. The the bond were.untrue or misleading. De Cotiis and Pinto 999 Hart St., from 9 a.m. to people who received fees from working on this turned were the legal counsel for the UCUA-when the Democrats •93 COUGAR XR7 ASKING $10,995 o '92 7351L ASKING S25.995 UNCOLH 4-OR, 8^YL. AUTO TRANS. P'S-E) AC CRUISE LEATHER iMT CARR ROOF 3:30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays. DOOQE M>R. fl-CYL. AUTO TRANS,-P/S/8. AC. CRUISE CLOTH iNr T.-GLASS MERCURV 2-0f». W:YL AUTO TRAN3. fIVb: AC. T/OUSS. fi' DEf. CtOTH IHT. e around and contributed to Kennedy's election campaign "controlled" it in 1993, said Kennedy. MW ^•D» 6-CY;.. AU'O TRA^S. "515 AC. SUN fir LEATHER 'NT AWFl»ySTEREocAS3 Ul 47 r56 WH NY6M083 - AWni-STEREOCASS Ul 45.l8«VlH PH6Q71S5 AMfWSTERtCVCASS Ml tW.TWViN MUO397W Railway residents must sign that year, he said. • The law firm of Genova Burns/which acted as general IE in at the office, then they are The capital expenditure was financed with a chunk of counsel for the UCIA for the sale of the aggregate bonds. O welcome to all the free fire- Union County Improvement Authority bonds, bonds that Geneva Bums has also received the job of doing labor wood and wood chips that they had an aggregate amount of $18365,000. According to negotiations with city employees, a job that was to be done O can carry, while supplies last. Janusz, this expenditure was for a "lease-purchase prog- by Business Administrator Peter Petissier. Due to insurance require- > ram;" $3,367,485 was to go into renovations of the Rah- • The firm ofMcManimon & Scotland, which gave the ments,- no chainsaws, splitting or way High School gymnasium while the remaining lend/purchase agreement the legal go-ahead. This firm has other work will be allowed on $995,000 was to go into the purchase of computers for the also been given work in the city government, said Janusz. the premises. Board of Education. - ••.•- "-• • • The firm of McCarter Sc English, which was brought For further information, call '91 CAVALIER Z24 ASKING $6,444 '88 635 CSI ASKING $11,995 "What got voters really mad at that time was that this in by the Union County government to examine the guar- 91 STORM GSI ASKING $4,990 '89 TOWNCAR ASKING $4,995 the Department of Public Works LINCOLN 4-OR. *-CYL. AUTO TRANS P'S'B. AC. T^GLASS «r Dff LEATHER INT CMEVY 3-DR. 6-CYL, AUTO TRANS. P'S/B AC TIGLASS CRUISE CLOTH INT BMW 2-DR. 6-CYL AUTO TRANS, P/S/B, AC CRUISE SUN ROOF LEATHER ;NT o major capital expenditure was not done as a local bond GEO 3-DR. 4-CYL. S-SPO MAW, P/S-S*. AC aOTM (NT T'GLASS FOtO DOWN SEAT At Rahway Intermediate School's Family Math anty agreement for the bonds by the UCIA. AMTWSTEBEO/CASS Ml S5K0VW M7IMIS0 AJ*n*BTEREO/CAS3MW J AUFltSTEREOCASS Ml 63 0C2 VN U75H7S4 AJWFIX'STEREOCA5S Ml B5.M2V1N KV 763*17 • ' • at 827-2060. Nights, parents and children work for 90 minutes issue, which has to be voted on by the public, but rather According to Janusz, Kennedy "plundered school o each evening learning math skills together. More was steered into a lease-purchase program, which does not funds" until 1994 when "the voters elected a Board of Edu- LJJ Computer lab is open tharr 30 parents attended over a four night period have to be voted on," said Janusz. cation that Kennedy couldn't control." From left: Molly McGill, Pam Truncate, and Kystle A number of firms were brought in as consultants or leg- Kennedy wrote off Janusz's allegations as "ludicrous" The Technology Center at Truncale. « Rahwajf High School js^qpejuo. al counsel for this expenditure, four in all These included:^ and ."election__year politics.". Kennedy .is not up. for re;. all residents Mondays through ~ •The Montclair firm of GilFand Cohen, who worked for election next week but janusz, a Republican is running. o Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. for those who want to gain or 3D improve computer skills. Candidate apologizes for swearing at public forum The tech center has 26 net- he could ask his question and he said, DIAMONTE ASKING $11,495 '87 VAN C2O ASKING $3,995 '94 REGAL ASKING $11,495 '9O 929S ASKING $6,99O By Scan Daily reports, apologized for what he said at statement, Janusz said.that "he came periodic arguments between Demo-, CHEVY B-CYL. AJTO TRANS PiS'B- BUCKETS CONSOLE. SPT Mifl C ITSUSISMI t-Qt\, $-Cn. AUTO TRANS. P,B-S'. AC TiGlASS CRjiSE CLOTM IN BUICK 2-OR. S-CYL. AUTO TRANS. P'S'B AC. CLOTH INT. CRU'SE. HOMT GTOUP MA20A 4-DR. 6-CYL. AUTO TRANS, P^S^. AC.XRU.SE. LEATHER iNT MOON ROO worked computers equipped with Staff Writer 'I don't want to.ask a question. I want AWFIASTEREO-CASSMl 116.226 V>N MC712*S18 the event/which look place in the up to me after the debate and talked to Ul 59 37JV.H NVCK327 AM^I^STERE&CASS. UIM.W4V1N Rtorflll AU/TM/STEREO/CASSMI 03.739 VIN t,O3074fl5 cratic Councilman Chester Holmes f~ word processing, data base, and The biggest story to come out of the PiinfcHd Softool luditorium^Dy the to make a statement. me and he seemed pretty civil to me." and Republican WUliamV/nuck, "and spread sheet.fofXmgK. 2nd Ward candidates night wa/n't serool WA: , "It wasn't even like Bob Simon and This did not Stop both sides from look what he did." #: The lab i» also equipped with •omelhing that wag laid by (he candi- According to Frank Janusz, the t weren't going back, and forth. We attaching some significance to Rach- "I guess it's what I've always said m many other application programs dates — it was (omething said by one Republican incumbent for the 2nd were just asking question* and that lln's remarks. — it's 'do as I say, nor as f do,' " he and CD ROM encyclopedia for of the audience. Ward, Rachlin "went off* on a ques- .seemed to offend him." Accordine (o Janusz. Rachlin "dis- added. research. Six of the computer* Robert Rachlin, Democratic candi- . tion asked by Cohen on the 11 acres of Janusz said that Rachlin then left rupted" the event, which was attended "How's he going to act on coun- have direct access to the Web. date for the 1st Ward City Council undeveloped land behind City Hall, the microphone and went to sit down. by both children and parents. cil?" he added. "He wasn't being Any student can use it to seat, reportedly swore at some women land that has become an issue in this "It looked like he started arguing.
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