John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 2-22-1963 The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 8 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 8" (1963). The Carroll News. 230. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/230 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Bal{.er and MacFadden debate ------------------------ ~ MacFADDEN The Carroll BAKER STATEMENT STATEMENT The Student Union c1f John Carroll Uni'lrer­ Fellow Students. On next :Monday and sity has l>een termed one of the best ~tudent Tuesday, you will be casting your ballot in governments in the country. We have come NEWS what can be termed the most important elec­ a long way in the battle for effective and University Heights 18, Ohio tion of the year, that of Student Union pres­ active ~tudcnl government. ident. This is, indeed, a decision with far­ Now thnt we built up momentum and have Vol XLV N reaching consequences which will affect you hav~ I • 1 0. a Friday, February 22, 1963 captured the intc>rcst and support of the stuc.l ent ------------- as long as you are at John Carroll. body, we must tukc steps to insut·c our continuing sUCC(>ss in the future. Succe!<S must come of de- Your examination and evaluation of the candi­ dates is tt·uly a gigantic task. I only ask that each cisive, \vell-tounded action. 1 one of you consider it deeply, honestly, and I feel thnt there are two clear-rut areas where Editorial I :;incerely. thi!l action must be dit·ect('d: to consolidate and !llrengthcn the internal structure of the union; to All the elements of a national politic.al convention were While we are in the midst of this presidential promote progt-cssivc measures to make the Union, campaign, the continuolll) expansion and evolution present as the Student Union held primaries last Tuesday of John Carroll University is quietly taking place. and ultimately the University, a better one in night to narrow the field of candidates down to the finalists, the future. New facilities are being developed: new academic To cono;olhlntf' lh<' g:tins we hR\'E" male, I pro­ John Baker and Matthew MacFadden. departlll1;!nLc; and curricula are being created; new pose: But now all of the sweet political wheeling, dealing, and students are being sought in increasing numbers. - A strengthening of thl' powers o! the Revie\v The University is moving forward. But iS the maneuvering is over and the final decision as to who will be Student Body? Conunittec by gh'ing them the job of checking and the next Student. Union president is left to the entire stu­ classifying the function~ and operations of each True, we have made much progress ~n the past, member organization of the Executive Committee. dent body. but we can never leave the jc.b unfinished. The 'J"}l('re is nothing worse lhan having two organiza. With you is entrusted the voting privilege that will give responsibility for this increasing student expansion tions do:ng the work of one, or having no one to one man your confidence and backing. Are you qualified to falls upon the shoulders of the Student Union. fill the position. This clarification of each mem­ exercise it prudently? More specifically, it rests on one man. the Student ber's duty and function '"ill help immensely to Union president. He is the key to future progress. promote a smooth running student government. This is something that you must decide in your own The following proposals are constructed with an - -A seminRl' for incoming freshmen, preferably mind over the next four days. And only through reading eye to promoting this continued advancement during or imm!'cllately following Orientation Week, the candidates' statements in the News, attending the nu­ under the leadership of a strong, active Union on the pros and cons of different major and minor president. fields of study '"'ilh students from each of the mel·ous debates, and personally questioning the candidates honol' ft•alernitics and clubs representing their can you ever hope to vote with a right conscience. • Tlw monthly compul&ory convoca.tlon should fields of study, After you find out the views of the two aspirants, you be altered In order to present the student - An extension of the probatlonu•·y period for with n. sel('ctlon of J>rogram.s. In Us place, all new clubs and organizutions seeking admission may ask yourself a few simple questions in order to arrive there will be two series of convocations each to the E:xecuth·e Council, to one year. in or1er at a decision. month, an "A" Series and a ''B" Series. A that 11 more representative bnsis may be estab­ 1. Which man has more and better ideas for im­ Htudent \\1ll have to a-ttend a. oerta.in number lished for judging the merits of the applicant ! proving John Carroll University? from each ~;tl rl('s (this number to be deter­ organl7.atlon. mined by the administration) In orde-r to ful­ -Spring and full social weekencls \\ith Friday 2. Are the candidates' ideas practicable and does he fill his com·ocatlon obllga.tlon. evcming concet'b nnd definitely scheduled Sunday have sufficient drive and know-how to achieve his goals? The "A" Series wiiJ offer a. program of the afternoon e\·cnt:>. Horn('(:oming and Prom Week­ arh and current events while the ''B" Series ends in this wuy would bc<-ome more than just 3. Has the man shown initiative in the past? will offer a \·a.rlety of topics t-ouching all dances unci clnss purties. 4. Is this the man that I want to represent me to pha.o;e,. of our education. TW., proposal will - A Public Relations organ formed under the the administration and the community for the next year ? aJI('vlaU> t he• existing compl.a.cency by pennit­ chnirmun~hip of the vice-president. Organizations t lng the student t~ choose the convocation 5. Will he be the voice of the entire student body? (Tum to l'ag•• 8, Col. 8) (Tum to Page 8, Col. 4) These are only a few, but they will help in coming to a decision before casting a ballot. Be objective in all of your answers and lay down all personal prejudices. There is now only one thing left to do. Come to the polls on ~fonday or Tuesday and vote so that we will have a presi­ dent elected by the entire student body and not by just a minority faction. Classmen exercise• electoral privileges .John Baker and 1\Iatthew MacFadden were nominated by the "Cnion as the two candidates for the Union presidency last Tuesday. The final elections \\-'ill be held next Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 24 and 25. Poll!; v.;u be open Cor day stu­ until tbe ballot for the particular dent~ in the Cloak Room of the offi~ is cast. Unsuccessful candi­ Administration Duilding on .Mon­ dates can be placed on the ballot day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on for the next lower office that they Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. :tl'c eligible to hold Evening students m:ty \·ote from Election activities are present­ 7 to 9 p.m. on Monday only, since ly being planned by Election Com­ the results will be announced at mittee chairman Albert Thomas the Union meeting- 1'uesdny a t and his starr. They sincerely en­ 5:45 p.m. courage all students to vote on I To be eligible to vol(•, day slu­ either :Monday or Tuesday. d!."nts must present their lD cards to the cll>etion officials. Only Election news those Evening College students who are IERking 12 or more Cr!'rlit MATTHEW MacFADDEN is a junior history on· the inside hours this semester will b(o per­ JOHN BAKER is a junior history major from major from LaGrange, llli,ois. He was former­ mit ted to cast ballots. Candidates do'bate Page 2 Cleveland. He is presently the president and ly feature editor of the Carroll News and a 1 At the Union meet ing next Union representative of the French Club. Bake.­ member of the Sodality. At p~sent Macfad­ Tuesday, Union members ,..,;n Minor candidat>e biographifl den is NFCCS regional vice-president and a is also an active member In Phi Alpha Theta, elect their vice-presid(>nt. secre­ Salem lntervie•"' Page 4 member of the Union Admissions Committee. tary, and treasurer. Nominations national honorary history fraternity. His over­ His overage is 2.6. for thesE.> office~ can be made up Union balloting Page I age is 3 .2 . Poge 2 THE CARROLL NEWS Friday, February 22, 1963 Candidates contest policies; Straight from the tower prollliSe• n1ore student unity , Uno anno By DA \ ' IJ) Bl'R~E of _each or~anization and dedde the linion. Orgnnir.ations would I Stucle:nt Union pre..~iclentinl wh1ch funcuon each should per- be called upon to contribute do-l by Allyn Adams form. He added that the proba- nations. A board would be set up I candidates .John Baker and tlonary period for clubs seeking to examinl' lhe netld and acad2m- 0 . · • - - Matt hew l\lncFacldcn aro"e ndsmssion to the E.xecutive Co\m ·c c t f - - th .
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