CHOP THE ADS BEFORE YOU Wideit Circulated Pip* Cm- ||0P THE STORES-YOU'LL mf Ctrterd Completely; fari Sl -iND IT SAVES MONEY. Meyer1. "Speataf Ab«t CARTERET PRESS Sports. NO. 23 w. CARTERKT, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 19S9 PRICE THREE CENTS IlMINATION WORK|Boroagfc Pays Tribute To Beloved MOVEMENT PUSHED BOARD MEMBER? STREMLAU IS START JULY 1, WOR Relates Some Peculiarities Dr.StrandbergAtRitesHereMonday TO NAME STADIUM Of Life At Carteret Transmitter STRONG CONTENDER FICIALS ADVISED Stmt, Umi With Mmrnin A, Fund Cortege FOR LATE SPONSOR CARTERET -A story called the alpha and omega of the build- FOR BOARD PUCE .1 (hiring On Removal '"va; High School Choir Sing. At Chinch Strvice 'Saga of Life at Cartcret," was ing's existence, knows no holidays. Band Mothers' Club, Wom- sent out this week from the pub- Sunday, Christmas, on and on for Local Attorney Advanced CARTERET—The borough paid its highest po.v icity bureau of station WOR, of 3«B days a year with only a brief lamjproiH E- Rahway en's Club Endorse Plan To A* Possible Successor To Crossing U Held ible tribute to a beloved resident on Monday afternoon which E. W. (Johnny) Johnstone is respite in the milkmannish hour* when the funeral of Dr. Herbert L. Strandberg, President Honor Dr. Strandberg head. The story covers some of before down, WOR just transmits Dr. Strandberf LS Of Education{U1On>, f0rmeformerr BorougBoroughh CouncilmaCouncilmann the peculiar aspectR that go with and transmit* to the radio sets of BST TO BE $180,000 th Officer waa held In th PUPILS IN APPROVAL the operation of the station, and the land. INACTIVE * o i- £ , , ' ' e opinion of is as follows: i |. [ Wink on elimina- And this, according to a resume of Police H. J. Harrington the funeral was the lament CARTKUET—The movement to .,, Kn"! Rahway grade ver to take place in Carteret. "Squat in the midst of the Jer- of the year 1938 which just flut- r A KTKkKT-Because the death , ,|,,, c-ntral Railroad of hree open cars were filled with the name the Hiith School Stadium m sey flat* outside of Carteret, N. J. tered up from the Jersey flats, It nf Dr Herbert L. Strandbwr en-; «liifh originally was owern Rent by relatives and honor of Dr. Herbert L. Strand- (approximately 20 miles from the sum total of life at Carteret ntes »n important vacancy in tbt Out of 8,860 hours, the transmit- hive started last Oc- riends and organization*. Last Respects bciK Ruined momentum this week Manhattan as a mono-rail minded Board nf Education and leavet the crow would fly) stands the white, ter wan ready to operate 7,803 of , vpidcd to get under 1>, Strandberg died suddenly when two of the leading women's board with the balance of power modemlined building which houses them, actually radiated programs \ final hearing on the arly Friday morning after a long organizations of the borough en- Flag, At Schools Flown for 7,436 hours. equally divided, means of filling , .,,nk place before the 'Iness from which he was believed the 60,000-watt larynx of WOR. domed the idea and voted to make Over a period of years quite a the vacancy with an oppolntee wit- "'•* I•.,!,!„• Utility Commis- ,0 be recovering. At Halt-Staff For And the power bull I Brother, their feeling: known to the Board few unusual things have happened the power bill! If you think your a hie to both factions are beinf j lV This borough was Rev. Daniel E. Lorentz, pastor of of Education. there which don't as a rule happen , !,,• Bnrough Attorney he Presbyterian Church, where the Dr. Strandberg electric icebox is a juice-gulper, nought. The state law provides the The first group to take the action in—let us say—your own parlor. you should see the kilowatts and i,v MIKI Borough Clerk ervice was held, spoke from a text vacancy shall be Oiled by the board CARTERET—Flags on all pub- was the Band Mothers' Club, which Among them WOR looks over a kilowatts that race through the Emil Strernlau r..m-. mid Abeel Canda, which he said typified Dr. Strand- itself and makes no provision for endorsed the idea at its meeting left shoulder at a man with radio power meters at Carteret The .. SluKK, owners of erg perfectly — Matthew 23 ;2, ic schools in the borough are now failure of the board to agree on an Wednesday night at the home of needles read 1,814,481 last year, , property to be ac- 'But he that is greatest among you flown at half mast and will remain signals in his teeth; engineers who Mrs. Calvin F. Dengler. The sug- hunted fish Worms with a pack which is enough to light a couple appointee, should such a contin- shall be your servant." Mr. Lo- that way for the thirty day period gestion met with unanimous sup- transmitter; birds, bees and beetles of sizeable cities. MRS. STAUBACH, 79 gency occur. (iriitinally submitted enU reviewed some of Dr. Strand- of mourning for Dr. H. L. Strand- port from the Band Mothers. that mobbed humming transform- But the remarkable thing about At the Latest development both l,v the commission berg's accomplishments and said berg, Further respect to this mem- Yesterday afternoon the tmrter- ers, and, of course, a super-neat WOR's day-after-day record of .tides, Republican and Democratic, uTr not acceptable it was not the length of one's life BURIED YESTERDAY ory was "paid Monday night when et Woman's Club endorsed the idea maze of shiny tubes and purple operation, pouring out programs seemed desirous of securing an »d ,1 Bureau of Public hat mattered but what was done the regular WPA Recreation with a support which was almost buzzy gadgets. for hundreds of miles, is that of interim appointee of a non-politi- Mipplics the funds, n that life. -Another eulogy was One Of Founders Of Luth- Dance usually held in Nathan Hale unanimous among those members The giant transmitter, which is (Continued on Page 2) cal, or independent, complexion. * 1,'VlSCll. contributed by Supervising Prin- present. The proposition was sub- School was omitted. eran Church Survived By The name most prominently l:m» call for approx cipal Calvin F. Dengler, who mitted by the President of the club, mentioned as a likely choice waa All of the public schools were ronths for the work shared the pulpit with Mr. LorenU. Mrs. Emanuel Lefkowitz. 5 Sons, 1 Daughter that of Emil Stremlau. Many felt closed at noon Monday, the day of litMIO of about |180, Military Rite* The stadium was started and 2 OLD RESIDENTS FUNERAL SERVICES that while Mr. Stremlau had been his funeral, and many of the fac- CARTE RET—Funeral services ii-cil planR eliminat Following the flag draped coffin completed during Dr. Strandberg'! identified with the Republican ad- ulty members were among those were hold yesterday afternoon in . in the overhead nto the church was a guard of four years as president of the ministration of some years back, who filled the church to overflow- HELD FOR GOYENA •wrthiMi the bridge by honor from Carteret Post, Amer- Board of Education and is ac- ACCIDENT VICTIMS Zion Lutheran Church for Mrs, serving as one-time borough attor- -T the original plan ican Legion, consisting of Harold ing at the funeral service. School claimed as one <i( the best playing Elizabeth Staubach, seventy-nine ney, he had lost any political tie- children lined the streets at points h>< straightened from Edwards, Walter Tomwuk, Walter fields in the state. The benefit to Mrs. Walsh's Burns Fatal; High Mass Of Requiem Is years old, who was one of the ups because he has not been active ., over which it now where the cortege passed. with the present Republican re- Tomczuk, Jr., and Michael Borash. the school teams and to those of founders of the church and an ar- ' rh some of the Slugg They stood by the coffin throughout Dr. Strandberg had been in poor Colquhoun, Hit By Sung In St. Eliza- gime. outside organizations permitted to dent worker for its betterment i.. • 11 >• will be bought, he church service. Dr. Strandberg health since the last of October, use it has been recognized by all beth's Church What action, if any, is taken by Car, Badly Hurt throughout life here. Mrs. Stau- <»,] i he railroad track: had been a captain in the Army and in November took a two-week factions in the borough. the board, at its meeting Wednes- CARTERET—Funeral services g e •....••-I nnd the motoi during the World War. cruise in the hope of regaining his The movement to name the field CARTERET — Two accidents bach died Monday morning at the were held Thursday morning for day night, is as yet undetermined, in mudway will pass Mrs. A, Kelscy Wood, church or strength. He and Mrs. Strand- Strandberg Stadium was initiated which occurred here curly Wednes- home of her son, August Stau- John Goyena, sixty, of 41 Thornal so far as could be learned. It be- ganist, played several selections, berg sailed election day, Shortly by this newspaper last week. It bach, of 103 Grant Avenue. The day morning took the life of a long- Street, who died Monday after- came known yesterday however and the choir of Carteret High after his return however he be- is understood students of the time resident, Jrtra. Dorn Walsh, noon at Perth Amboy General Hos- service was conducted by the pas- that there is a strong backing for School sang "The Lord Is My came worse and went to the Beth schools favor the idea as do other pital.
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