Dis PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. E5EI < ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL.* 39. PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 26, 1900. ISBK5.4VPRICE THREE CENTS. BATH BONE REMOVED. dated June IS. No d'reotor Indirect new from the ministers since.’’ FROM MISS MORRILL. of Peats la 0.\ FREE STATERS A Wsw DlrKl.rV.aer>l About 420 foreign trips Including thi — Cuba. American marines went to Pekin t< guard the legations, A force of 100 Washington, Jane 23.—The postmaster WORST FEARED Americans nnltlng with a force of SfiO has Issued an or.lsr removing _P general men of all nationalities represented hen From from offloe Kates Q. Hath bone, who has Letter Portland went on June 10 to open the road and tc been a former order from suspended by relieve Pekin. This movement was bj the director general of the poets Missionary. position permission of the Chinese government. of Cuba and detailing Martin C. Foenes, Columns The last news from the expedition wai Roberts’ Six an Inspector In the postal aervloe to psr- dated June 12 on which date the exped from the duties of director general of tlon was at Lang-Fang The rallroai hai until further orders. Fourth As- posts been destroyed behind it slnoe. Converging. sistant Postmaster General Bristow has Eteeivtd Womans Board of As to Admiral and the Any news that can be obtained or efforl By been relieved from further work at home Seymour Foreign made for the relief of the legatlcns ami 1 In Cuba and has Halted for home. Missions. the lives and property of foreigner! TO BUILD HOSPITAL. at Pekin. should be done at any hazard. Legations All energies and forces mnst lie directed Bishop (odnuu'i Grnrroai Offer to to the relief of Tien Tsin, particularly Results Not as It Is the key to Pekin. Expected Pr«M|N« lalo. Events Previous To The MONOCACY S ACTION. For Several Days. (Srccux TO TXa run; Washington, June 85.—Reported action Boxer Outbreak. of the in t« Presque Isle, June 85.—Bishop Cod- gunboat Monooacy falling after she had been Ured Acts gently on the man has spent the last week in northern respond upon from the Aroostook. Sunday the 17th he officiated The Situation in China Grows More Taku forts, Is understood tc have been received with the at Honlton, Mon lay at Ft. Fairfield, surprise by Liver who an Kidneys, Tuesday at Limestone and Wednesday at and More President, requested explana- She Was PreTented From Vis- Caribou, Thursday at Ashland and Fri- Gloomy. tion of the matter which has not yet been Nnnber of Bom Rsve Broken fnrnlshed. This was made known and Dowels day at Masardls. Saturday evening he today iting Nearby Villages. In official offset the was given a reoeptlon by the townspeople quarters,to published the Randle’s Line. Intimations that would System Tkrongh of Presque Isle at St. John's s^ool. It the Monooacy Cleanses not have failed to unless she had was largely attended and daring the respond „.'5B EFFECTUALLY evening the bishop was serenaded by the been ordered to hold her fire. Woman's full brass band. FOREIGNERS WERE SAFE. | Borton, June 25.—The braird of mission, hns reoelve a letter front Miss On Sunday the bishop gave a special Force Reaches International London, June 86—11.26 a. m.—The VSZnSl&E&Pgfr Relief Mary 8. Morrill of Pao Xing Fu, North sermon to Trinity lodge F. & A. M., French consul general at Shanghai, tele- China, and of Portland, Me under date OVERCOMES-^ It being the feast of St. John the Bap- graphing yesterday, reported that the Construction Train De- of May 14, In which .he says: | tist. During the bishop's stay In Presque at Tien Tsin. Chinese minister of railroads ami tele- Troops "The pupil, and their parent, have Isle he made an offer to the town of the has informed that all railed graphs, foreign felt free from by Boers. school for a town apparently entirely anxiety St. John's building i lnlnlste at Pekin were safe last Tuesday concerning the movements of the Boxers. hospital and agreed thatfnot only would __ and to leave with the au- preparing 1 had rather thought that the girls would he present the buildings but would raise thority of the Chinese government. be afraid before this but can finite be- an amount to properly equip them ro**tt2;srf«ra TROOPS LANDED AT TAKU. lieve that the folks would that prefer BUT TMt 6CNVINE MfcHTO BY provided that the town would guarantee Tsing Tan, June 84—8 p. m —Eight they should stay here, as their large feet to raise a certain amount eaoh year to The Chinese Minister's Proposal For an thousand allied troops have landed at show forth the family connections. Wa Are meet the usual expenses. (AURKNIAFFoSyRVP© Boers LosingHorses Through 1,200 Germans.A French have not up to the present writing been The bishop is to meet a committee of Armistice. Taku, Including ***£“« ~"Lc onicer wno nun num;mej in gvuiuK railed upon to piss through the lire of Nt ssu n «u M> N« g>mA Cold and Luck of Food. the citizens today to see If the plans can Tien Tsln to that that has tried be perfected. through Taku, says persecution 8hang Tung the Russians alone have lost 160 kilim friends, though the Increasing rumors are BOTH SIDES SATISFIED. and 3U0 wounded. St. Louis, June 2.V -Cars were run The Oerman gunboat Iltls, up the without Interference today on all lines of Pel Ho river, reports that masses of Chi- the Transit company Less than the usual nese are nearing Tong Ku and that an Waitt and Bond’s London, June 85—3.85 a. m.—The Brit- may serve In tho local forcoi la defense London, June 8*1.—4 33 i*. m —Lord numb3r of cars are | Immediate attack Is expeoted. running, especially ish cruiser Terrible has arrived ut Che of llong Kong. Roberts' six columns are converging ap- north and south. A majority of the pas- SEYMOUR REPORTED Foo from Tnku with the latest news, A million rounds left Hong Kong yes- CAPTURED. parently so as to dose In upon the Frae sengers usually carried by these north which Is as follows: terday for Tnku by the British steamer Che Foo, Tuesday, June 26.—Hear Ad- decisive results cannot BLACKSTONE Staters although and south lines are still patronizing “Eight hundred Sikhs and 200 Welsh Halloong. miral Kempff reports by a Japanese tor- be expected for several days. the wngons and busses ofjthe strikers fusiliers have effected a junction with The .Shanghai correspondent of the pedo boat that the combined forces en- A number of Hoers who were believed through sympathy for the men who are the American, German and Russian Times telegraphs the following under tered Tien Tsln, Saturday, June 23, sus- CICAR to be within the wide flange net have out, or fear of the consequences of being forces, which hod been cut off by the yesterday's date: taining small loss. They started on Sun- broken, or rather stolen, through Gen. caught riding on Transit company’s oars. Chinese about nine miles from Tien "A military correspondent at Tnku day to relieve the foroe which left Tien Kundle's Floksburg-Senekal lines. As the demonstrations against those The Tsln. It was proposed to deliver an as- says 'that the operations of the allies Tsln on July 10 and and which Is be- Leading The Canadians were engaged In the who use the cars In these sections of sault upon the Chinese forces at Tien are suffering from the want of a recog- lieved to be surrouuded near Pekin. Honlngspruit fight last Friday. Gen. De the city become less frequented, how- Tsln last night (Sunday night). It is not nized head,defective organization and the According to Japanese reports, Admiral 10c Londre Wet's men first cut off a Canadian out- ever, the nu niter who patronize them clear what forces united. It would seem lack of transport.” Seymour has been captured and the min- post of mounted rides at dawn, two being Increases. that the relieving foroe cut off had been isters have left Pekin, guarded by Chi- THE killed, Lieut. Trlglls and four others Both the Transit company and the' in the woria. OXFORD, relieved by another. At any rate It Is nese soldiers Their whereabouts Is un- j being wounded and three captured. The Union men seemed satisfied with the sit- ARMISTICE ASKED FOR. Me. apparently certain that allies arrived In known. Fryeburg, Free Stater s then attacked the oainp uation. Known Everywhere. sufficient force at Tien Tsln Sunday to Minister Wu That No Greatly improved, and under cew where were 66 Canadians and the two Requests Mors rates for Juue attack the besieging Chinese.” FORTY DEAD management. Special ooinpanleg of Stropshires, though with- THE >V FAT HER. Troops Be Seat It ( I.Ins. QUALITY and early July. “Foreign official opinion here,” says out much effect as the men were wgll jeim.VMp FRANK PLUMMER, Trop. a from Shanghai to the Dally Washington, June ?5.—The chief de- The Accident at Grow* entrenched. despatch Georgs* COUNTS. Express dated yesterday, “Inclines to the velopment today In the Chinese situation Wonc. The foreign military attaches who belief that the worst has happened to the was the effort of the Chinese minister were with Lord Roberts are now In to Admiral Wu legations at Pekin and Sey- Ting Fang, to secure an armls the June Cape Town en route for Europe.
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