Pa~ Two CLicaao Sunday Tribune Looking at Hollywood Fran Comes Back In• Air with Ed Sullivan Builds an A 285· mil. - an • hour ob.ervation plcm. for the Fr.nch Cll'lDyof the Crisp Is' Old Buys New air. It is a Pot•• 63. Reliable Planes By WAYNE THOMIS of Films HE FRENCH air forces, almost ruined by frequent By ED SUWVAN Tand violent shifts in politi- der two-row His- cial panic in the United States. cal control of its funds and poli- pano -Suizas, de- Crisp at least could not say that cies, is making a come-back. li v e r i n g 1,100 While France today is consid- horsepower each. Donald Crap in A. Bur kit t in he wasn't getting action on a A. Leif in "Th. In the character a role of eight. "Mutiny on the broad scale. At the time he was Thrall of Leif the of Burk. in "B.- ered to have the weakest air Th e yare sup- e.n yean ago. Bounty." manager of the Fischer Riley Lucky." loved Enemy." , force of the big European pow- posed to give the Opera company and filling in for ers, the nation is striving to planes a top speed of 310 miles Hollywood. the tenor in such light operatic where directors became only build up its air fieets by insist- an hour. N ••Daughters Courageous" roles as were provided by " Flor- cogs in the wheel Crisp quit and ing upon development of new The ship carries a crew of four carries a crew of three (pilot, the picture leans heavily on odora" and ••Wizard of the became an actor. types of fighting planes in its -two pilots, a bomber-naviga- gunner, and observer), and has a Ithe characterization of the Nile." The veteran is one of an im- home factories and by purchas- tor, and rear gunner. It has range of 900 miles. Its speed at stolid, reliable town banker who From light opera he trans- portant group of old-timers in ing certain types of single-seat tankage for 3,200 miles. Fully 16,400 feet is 298 miles an hour. fighting planes and multi-en- falls in love with Fay Bainter ferred to a Cohan-Harris com- this town who form the pattern 75, with a 1,100-horsepower twl and her family of four daugh- pany. He was backstage when of the movies. Lewis Stone, gined bombers from foreign fac- tories. row Wasp motor, purchased i ters, deserted by their husband the newspapers arrived with the Walter Connolly, Henry Steph- the United States. From various sources this de- and father twenty years earlier. story of Louis Blerlot's fiight enson, Donald Meek, Walter The Morane fighter has a 2 partment has obtained' specific The small- town banker could across the English channel, stag- Brennan, J. Au b r e y Smith, mm. cannon incorporated in t information concerning perform- have been played In many ways. gering the world by fiying thirty- Thomas Mitchell, Allan Hale, engine and firing through t ance of new planes being deliv- It was no accident that veteran one 'miles from Calais to Dover Reginald Owen, Etienne Girar- hub of the Ratier controlabl ered to the French air squadrons. Donald Crisp played it exactly in thirty-seven minutes, and he dot, Guy Kibbee, Robert Gleck- pitch propeller. The engine i They will be described briefiy as it should have been per- was on Broadway when the ler, Edward Everett Horton, and cooled with a type of ethylen here. All the machines are mon- formed, because Crisp is the Old Hudson-Fulton celebration was Jean Hersholt are others of this glycol like Prestone. The plan oplanes and all save two are Reliable of group. To them weighs 5,000 pounds fully loa from French designs. films. He has are entrusted ed, has a top speed of 311 mile First there is the Potez 63. been everything roles of pivotal an hour and a ceiling at 34, in pictures- importance, and A I:oolhoven pursuit plane. one of feet. The ship has fiaps an lawyer, doctor, invariably these fifty purchased in the Netherland •• lands at 76 miles an hour. soldier, banker, veterans make is fitted with oxygen, radio, a fa m Ily friend, of these parts This plane is used for the same full navigating instruments. jUdge, foreman veritable gems type of fiying as the Potez 63. of the jury, fa- of make-believe. For single-seat fighters to be • • • ther, uncle- Withou t the used in the defense of Paris, or The fighter from the Net and he- has background pro- as escort ships for short-range lands is a new plane with a never d t s a p- vided by these bombing flights, the French will speed of 313 miles an hour. pointed. He Is veterans, pic - depend on three types of planes. has a span of 34 feet, length one of that ex· tures would One is the Morane-Saulnier, with feet, and weight of 5,000 pou tensive coterie often become a 960-horsepower V' twelve His- gross. Its manufacturers s of Hollywood just a series of pano-Suiza motor; another is the it is the fastest fighter with veterans who, poses by the Dutch Koolhoven 58, with a radial engine in the entire worl without benefit stars. 1,080-horsepower Hispano-Suiza Its range is two hours of fiyi of stardom, con- In "Dawn Pa- First of 200 Curtis. Hawk 75 pur.uit planes purchased in the United State. twin-row radial motor; and the at a cruislng speed of 240 mil tribute mightily Crap. at left. with Ruth Hart and B.rton Churchill in .cene from .. Parnell:' trol," revised by the French government being inspected at Villacoublay. France. third is the new Curtiss Hawk an hour. to the success version, Crisp's This is a twin -motored plane The Curtiss fighter is identic of pictures-and to the success staged. He already was In mo- scene in the air headquarters of- with accommodations for two or in all details with the 230 figh of stars more glamorous if less tion pictures, as an assistant di- fice-~when he starts thinking of three members of the crew, de- ers bought by the United State expert. rector for Biograph, when the the dog he left at home and is so pending upon its uses. It is to be army air corps. In our air for Within the boundaries of his Titanic went down ott the New- the machine is known as P- swept away by the flood of mem- flown both as a multigun fighter own career Crisp contains the foundland coast on her maiden ory that he calls to the dog and and as a reconnaissance bomber. It has a twin-row Wasp moto history of pictures, because in trip, and he was a full-fieqged of 1,200 horsepower and a to pretends to pat it-hurled it- It has retractile landing gear, 1913 he played the rOle of Gen- director a few months later self at you from the screen. In twin fins and rudders after the speed of 312 miles an hour. It eral Grant in ••Birth of a Na- when District Attorney Charles "Jezebel" his portrait of the common American practice, and gross weight Is 5,500 pounds, it tion," the D. W. Griffith early S. Whitman (the Dewey of his ,stern southern doctor rounded Is built entirely of metal. The wing span 35 feet and length 3 day) sent Lieut. Charles Becker, epic that was the start of an era. out the e n t ire picture, In wings span 52lh feet, length 36 feet. The Curtiss plane is buil In 1939 the English veteran is Gyp the Blood, and Leftie Louie " Daughters Courageous" his feet, gross weight 8,315 pounds. entirely of metal, while both th still going strong. For twenty- to the electric chair for the mur- embarrassed dignity when he The motors are Hispano-Suiza Morane and the Koolhoven hav six years he has been going to metal stress -bearing structur der of Gambler Herman Rosen- comes face to face with the, re- fourteen -cylinder twin -row ra- bat at the Hollywood plate and thal. turned husband (Claude Rains), but are covered with fabric 0 dials developing 670 horsepower A heavy bomber capable of 311miles an hour at 25.000f•• t. It is a Leo 45. knocking out solid base hits, Throughout those crowded, and in particular his scene with each at takeott. The French both wing and fuselage. and if that isn't the label of a colorful, and violent years Crisp Rains outside the theater, when plan to equlp similar planes with loaded the plane weighs 24,200 big-leaguer, then we all have was learning about the movies he tells Rains that he (Rains) twin-row Wasp Jr. motors devel- pounds. Its ceiling is 29,000feet, another guess coming. and preparing himself for the must prove his love by going oping 825 horsepower for take- and it cruises at 270 miles an Donald Crisp checked in at job of assistant director with away, were memorable experi- off, after they begin manufactur- hour at 16,400 feet. In the air the port of New York in 1906, David Wark Griffith. He direct- ences in the movies. ing this American engine in it is a slick, streamlined fish, for General Pershin at a moment when the crust of ed the battle scenes for Griffith I can't think back to a single France under license.
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