www.ukrweekly.com ТНЕ І СВОБОДА^SVOBODA I I Ukrainian WeeH Ї PUBLISHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC, A FRATERNAL NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION Vol. L No. 25 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 20,1982 25 cents Ukrainian refugees from Poland Letters reveal Shukhevych learn about immigration procedures lost 99 percent of sight by Dr. Walter Dushnyck of the United States Immigration Ser­ vice. News came from beyond the barb­ NEW YORK - Some 60 young She said that in the United States ed wires and iron bars: Yuriy Shu­ Ukrainian men and women who recent­ there are several million illegal aliens, khevych, the eternal prisoner of the ly arrived from Poland, attended a mostly those from Mexico and the Soviet jails whose crime was writing meeting on Saturday, June 5, at the Central American countries, as well as down two dozen critical words about auditorium of the Ukrainian Liberation hundreds of immigrants from Central the Soviet regime, lost 99 percent of Front in downtown Manhattan to hear and Eastern Europe, and Asia. his sight after an operation perform­ about steps and procedures connected ed in the prison hospital. That is, he with acquiring permanent legal status The Ukrainian immigrants of recent was in fact blinded. by aliens in the United States. date belong in the latter category, they The blinding of Mr. Shukhevych, The meeting was organized and came to America as tourists, students who became prisoner at the age of 14 sponsored by the Organization for the and political refugees seeking political only for the reason that he was a son Defense of Lemkivshchyna, which is asylum. All three categories of immi­ of the Ukrainian guerrilla leader, striving to bring assistance and help to grants have considerable difficulties in Gen. Roman Shukhevych, is one Ukrainian Lemkos, who had been changing their status to qualify for more link in the long chain of KGB expelled in great numbers by the Polish permanent stay in the United States. crimes against humanity and against Communist government in 1946-47 However, Miss Savoyka added, a Ukrainian people. from the Carpathian region of Ukraine. change of one's immigration status is Yoriy Shukhevych was arrested Most of some 250,000 Ukrainian possible and feasible, although it takes for the first time in 1948 when he was .Lemkos were forcibly deported to the реї sis tent efforts' and a knowledge of 14; The legal commutations daring so-called "recovered territories" in the perplexity of American immigra­ the "thaw period," which were ex­ western Poland. tion laws. America still needs all kinds pected to release all sentenced juvenile Yoriy Sonkhevych Myron Mycio, president of the Or­ of specialists — technicians, engineers, political prisoners, didn't touch Mr. ganization for the Defense of Lem­ artisans, tool-and-die makers, car­ Shukhevych. On the contrary, he was kivshchyna, who himself was a member penters, bakers — and those who During the past month, many once more sentenced in 1958 for so- of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) possess such skills are surely to be letters were received from Ukraine, called "cell's crime". This time, bis and a former political prisoner in Soviet accepted for permanent residence in this from persons close to Ukrainian "crime" was his critical views about concentration camps, spoke about the country, she said. political prisoner and Helsinki moni­ the Soviet reality expressed in the aims and actual work of the organiza­ A change of a student's status to the tor Yurty Shukhevych. Those per­ prison cell. "The liberalization" of tion. status of regular immigrant requires sons in the West who received such the Soviet regime which was so Acting as moderator at the meeting "hard-proof" documentary evidence letters learned that Mr. Shukhevych talked about in the West, passed by was his wife, Katherine Mycio, who that such a candidate was accepted by a has lost 99 percent of his sight. As a Mr. Shukhevych. He had to serve outlined briefly the purpose of the bona fide American college or univer­ result, when he was recently allowed another. 10 years until 1968. meeting. In connection with political sity, and that be has financial means to a visit by his mother, he did not After being released in 1968, Mr. events in Poland in the last few months, sustain himself at the univer­ recognize her from among the obser­ Shukhevych was deported to the several hundred young Ukrainian men sity. vers present. Caucasus, to serve five more years of and women found themselves in the Still another problem for newcomers Having obtained similar informa­ exile, where he married, becoming West - Western Europe, the United is to receive the so-called "green card" tion, Sviatoslav and Nina Karavan- the father of two charming children. States and Canada. They cannot or will which attests to the legal status of an sky decided to redouble efforts on But the hand of the Soviet Ukrai­ not return to Poland, but want to immigrant in America, as well as the Shukhevych's behalf in the United nian-hating Moloch reached him remain here. Social Security card, both of which are States. Through Rep. Charles even there. In March 1972 he was The principal speaker at the meeting required by American employers. Such Dougherty (R-Pa.), chairman of the arrested and sentenced a third time. was Lydia Savoyka, staff member of the documents, continued Miss Savoyka, Ad Hoc Committee on the Baltic He earned the title of the "very U.S. Catholic Conference and a mem­ are absolutely essential and must be States and Ukraine, the Karavan- dangerous state criminal" and 11 ber of the Federal Advisory Committee (Continued on page 5) skys appealed to the U.S. Congress, years of the most severe penalty — citing two recent House concurrent confinement for writing down two resolutions in defense of Mr. Shu­ dozen words. khevych. Those who know what the confine­ UFA convention opens tomorrow Each of the Karavanskys knew ment of the "very dangerous state SCRANTON, Pa. -The 20th Con­ officers, and those of the editors of Mr. Shukhevych: Mr. Karavansky criminals" in Vladimir prison means vention of the Ukrainian Fraternal Narodna Volya, the official organ of the spent time with him in prison camps, wont wonder that after 11 years of Association, the second largest Ukrai­ UFA, and Forum, the UFA-published while Mrs. Karavansky established such imprisonment the prisoner nian fraternal society, gets under way at magazine. contact with him while he was free becomes blind, or paralyzed, or the association's Verkhovyna resort in for a very brief period of time. mentally ill. But, it was just that Also to be discussed are by-laws Glen Spey, N.Y., on Monday, June 21. changes, organizing and publishing Below is the full text of their penalty — 11 years confinement in The convention will continue through matters, and the Verkhovyna resort. appeal to the U.S. Congress. ` Vladimir — that was chosen for Mr. Shukhevych, who had already served Friday, June 25. a 20-year sentence. Soviet legislation Besides electing a new Executive A highlight of the convention will be by Sviatoslav Karavansky anticipates that after serving half a Committee, Auditing Committee and the banquet on Wednesday evening, and Nina Strokata sentence the prisoner can be trans­ Supreme Assembly, the convention June 23, which will be attended by ferred from the jail to the prison delegates will be asked to vote on convention delegates and invited guests. When future historians write the camp (that means to the jail with the whether they support the idea of a Founded in 1911, the UFA is based in book of Soviet KGB crimes, they will weaker regime), but even this "huma­ merger between the UFA and the Scranton, Pa., and has branches have to add to the long list of horrific nity" was not applied to Mr. Shukhe­ Ukrainian National Association. throughout the United States and facts the blinding of dissidents. Yes, vych. Delegates to the recent UNA conven­ Canada. It has assets of S10 million, those who were coolly killing millions Being very well-informed, KGB tion voted overwhelmingly in favor of 23,000 members and some S28 million of people on the grounds of "scienti­ such a move. insurance in force. fic" theories can boast about this too. (Continued oa page 5) The UFA convention program also The current supreme president of the includes addenda to the reports of UFA is John Oleksyn. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 20,1982 Jo25 Soviet woman Soviets smash fledgling disarmament group to rejoin MOSCOW - While thousands of Sergei Rozenoer, a 29-year-o.ld ma­ buted telephone numbers of three demonstrators for disarmament rallied thematician, was taken to the district members in the West some two weeks in New York's Central Paik last week­ prosecutor's office on June 10 and told ago and was soliciting calls from peace spouse in West end, Soviet police cracked down on to stop the activities of the group. Two activists abroad. Moscow's only independent peace plainclothesmen and a uniformed mili­ Mr. Batovrin said that he had re­ MOSCOW - Tatyana I. Lozansky, movement, reported the Associated tia colonel visited Mr. Rozenoer's ceived a call on the morning of June 11 29, one of a group of Soviet citizens on a Press. apartment on the afternoon of June 11 from a Boston group that wanted to hunger strike to press for the right to According to reports, 10 of 11 mem­ while he was talking with Western form the American counterpart of the join spouses in the West, has been bers of the group, whose formation was correspondents.
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