May 17, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1075 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO LOUIS MINCARELLI Many of you know about typical tax-deferred first step toward that realization by giving all savings plans—such as a ‘‘529’’ and college American families the tools they need to pro- HON. JIM GERLACH tuition plans. These savings tools, which are vide for their families—no matter what their OF PENNSYLVANIA available to all Americans, can’t help a family specialized needs might be. with a child who may not go to college. Yet, A new approach to savings for these fami- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES one could argue that the need for savings and lies—one that fosters ownership, self-control Thursday, May 17, 2007 planning for the future is even greater for a and flexibility—is needed today. I urge my col- Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise child with a disability because he or she will leagues to support this innovative approach to today to honor Louis Mincarelli for his long- likely be less able to earn a self-supporting in- saving for the long-term, specialized needs of time service to the Norriton Fire Engine Com- come. And may require continued expendi- children with disabilities. pany and surrounding communities. tures on medical treatment or adaptive equip- FSAs will bring families the much needed Mr. Mincarelli has been a member of the ment. peace of mind by giving them the tools to pro- Norriton Fire Engine Company since 1976. He Without a new savings tool, parents of chil- vide for their children and helping ensure that has served tirelessly on the banquet, by-laws, dren with disabilities must choose between children with disabilities are able to live life to and legislative committees and was instru- turning down the advantages of savings plans the fullest and be as productive as possible. mental in raising the funding necessary to si- available to others or risk a hefty penalty if Our legislation offers hope to families to pro- multaneously purchase two new fire trucks. In their child cannot use the funds according to vide resources that are life-enhancing and 1995, he was awarded Life Membership for the account restrictions. meaningful and the control necessary to en- his service and sacrifice to the Company. Ad- The Financial Security Accounts for Individ- sure that their loved ones obtain essential ditionally, Mr. Mincarelli held the position of uals with Disabilities (FSAID) Act of 2007 will services. I urge my colleagues to support the president of the Norriton Fire Engine Company provide families of people with physical, cog- Financial Security Accounts for Individuals for 15 years from 1979 to 1994. nitive, or developmental disabilities access to with Disabilities Act of 2007. For 34 years, Mr. Mincarelli also served his the savings tools that everyone else enjoys. f country as a First Sergeant in the United Individuals with disabilities, or their families, States Army. As an honored veteran, he takes could create a Financial Security Account IN HONOR OF ARABY COLTON pride in continuing to serve the citizens of (FSA) that accrues tax-free interest during the East Norriton Township and surrounding com- life of the beneficiary. The FSA will help fami- HON. SAM FARR munities. lies of individuals with disabilities to pay for a OF CALIFORNIA Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues variety of current and long-term essential ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES join me today in honoring Mr. Louis Mincarelli penses including medical care, community Thursday, May 17, 2007 for his exemplary and dedicated service to the based support services, education, employ- Norriton Fire Engine Company and the East ment training and support, and assistive tech- Mr. FARR. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Norriton Township area. His commitment and nology. As adults, beneficiaries can also use honor Mrs. Araby Colton, a great lady who energy to make his community a better place these accounts to pay for housing and trans- passed away recently at the age of 95. Araby is an example for all citizens to follow. portation needs. was a passionate activist of uncompromising f FSAs differ from existing savings tools by principles throughout her life. providing much needed flexibility for families Araby and her husband, Vie, founded the INTRODUCTION OF THE FINANCIAL and beneficiaries: Canadian-American Wolf Defenders, which SECURITY ACCOUNTS FOR INDI- Accounts can be established as easily as a was instrumental in stopping a wolf hunt in VIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES typical savings account, without overburden- Canada. She was a member of the Monterey ACT OF 2007 some paperwork, administrative fees, or on- County Peace Coalition, the World Society for going legal fees; the Protection of Animals, and a valued mem- HON. ANDER CRENSHAW Beneficiaries are allowed to control their ber of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance. She raised OF FLORIDA own financial destinies; and if they are unable Arabian horses and a wolf-dog. Her children IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to serve in this capacity, parents, guardians or inherited her love of animals. other designees can serve in this capacity; During consideration of the 1972 Endan- Thursday, May 17, 2007 Qualified expenses under the FSAID are gered Species Act, testimony was entered on Mr. CRENSHAW. Madam Speaker, today, purposefully broad to accommodate the great- the subject of aerial wolf hunting in Alaska. along with several of my colleagues, I intro- er needs of people with disabilities and the fi- Araby’s passionate ‘‘Letter to Wolf Defenders’’ duced the Financial Security Accounts for Indi- nancial demands of their individual care plan; from her HOWL newsletter detailing the hor- viduals with Disabilities Act of 2007. As we Qualified expenses are not limited to adult- rors of such hunting practices was read before know, the federal government gives American hood or retirement age so resources can be the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife families a helping hand in saving for the fu- used whenever they are needed; Conservation in their hearings on predatory ture. Accounts with special tax advantages The flexibility in expenses also allows fami- mammals and endangered species. help people save for college, retirement, and lies to save with confidence even though they Throughout the 90’s, she wrote ‘‘Your World other life events. But people with disabilities cannot always predict how independent their and Mine,’’ a newspaper column for the Car- don’t always have the same expectations for children will become; mel Valley Sun and other local newspapers. the future. A family who saves money in a traditional Her articles reported on the environment, ani- Individuals with disabilities may have very account for a child who becomes disabled mals, politics and book reviews. She kept up different needs and concerns for their long- later in life can roll over the funds into an FSA with current events, and was writing a letter to term care. However, no matter how different without penalty; and the editor on global warming when she passed the needs or the financial demands that face Unlike some savings instruments, FSA away. a family, all parents have a common interest— would be created and regulated on a federal In her later years, Araby and some friends to ensure the financial security of their chil- level so any eligible individual in the United formed a confab they called ‘‘The Coffee- dren. Although several savings tools exist for States would have access to this savings tool. house.’’ They named their group in memory of all families, increased costs for care, long-term The Financial Security Accounts for Individ- the American rebels that met in coffeehouses security, more flexibility, and the desire to fos- uals with Disabilities Act of 2007 will give fami- in the 1770’s to discuss separation from a ty- ter greater independence for children with dis- lies of people with disabilities the ability to rannical government. ‘‘The Coffeehouse’’ abilities warrant the establishment of a new save for their children’s futures just like other members discussed the great issues of the savings instrument. American families. Today, we are taking the day. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:37 May 18, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K17MY8.001 E17MYPT1 jlentini on PRODPC74 with REMARKS E1076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 17, 2007 Madam Speaker, the life of Araby Colton H.R. 916—John R. Justice Prosecutors and TRIBUTE TO DESCHUTES COUNTY was full of joy and purpose. She cared about Defenders Incentive Act, ‘‘nay’’; rollcall vote SHERIFF LES STILES the world around her and worked tirelessly to No. 348, final passage on H.R. 1700—COPS make it a better place, not just for humans, Improvement Act of 2007, ‘‘aye’’; rollcall vote but for all creatures. She would be delighted No. 349, final passage on H.R. 1773—Safe HON. GREG WALDEN to think that she was a thorn in the sides of American Roads Act, ‘‘aye’’. OF OREGON politicians, but I have only respect and admira- tion for a lady with such deep convictions. I f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES know I speak for the whole House in extend- SMALL BUSINESS FAIRNESS IN Thursday, May 17, 2007 ing condolences to her family. Araby will be CONTRACTING ACT greatly missed. Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Madam Speaker, I f SPEECH OF rise today to pay tribute to a great American, a dedicated Oregonian, and a tremendous PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION HON.
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