i i - : 2» - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. March 30, 1989 APARTMENTS I WANTED I CARS 1 0 1 J CARS , I 2 £ J fo r r e n t TO RENT FOR SALE I m U for sale Spgciolis^D#tf! MANCHESTER. Second PROFESSIONAL man DATSUN 1978 510 wagon, 72 HOUR MONEY BUCK Money floor, 2 bedrooms, seeks apartment to mllegcge In 80's, new heat, and appliances. shore In Monchester- clutch, tires and 6URRANTEE No pets. $600 plus se­ /Bolton area. Call An­ brakes. Great student oidt 'as Tofonido 'naes Credit card bill Bill Mapse is getting set Tanker captain curity. 646-3979. drew Y., 643-2711 days. cars $600.00 Call 643- Otda ’87 Clara ’•.4W 649-3426 evenings. 8082 FrldoYS and even­ CHda '87 M Rag. 'IlSea E t I S M ® / I ^ m is c e l u n S ings. Ford '87 Rangar P.U. ••.••6 OK’d by House /5 for his ifirst pro season /13 loses his job /6 I2 2 J r e m o d e l in g | £ ' J s id in g | 2 l l s e r v ic e s I^CONOOMINIUMS Oiavy 'S7 Blaiar 4«4 '14,498 Olda '87 Cutlaaa ■B.NS IFOR RENT FORD Super Cab, 1977. Olda '87 Clara 2Dr SOLO •8.e9S WEDDING Videos bv V-8 auto, cap, new Royal Wedding Con- FARRAND REMODELING LEAKY ROOF? RAWKES TREE SERVICE FURNITURE Pont. '88 Grand Am ■8,996 A MoM roofi cm b« r«p6ir«0. tires, brakes, exhaust, ceots. 649-3042. Room additlona, dackt, roof­ Bucket, truck S chipper. Stump MANCHESTER. Large Olda '88 Clara '6.988 In piBCG of tout roroofing Mpmool two bedroom town- good condition. $1,250 Olda '88 Clara 4 Or SOLO ■8.086 ing, tiding, windows and gutt- removal. Free estimates. COLONIAL. Seven art. All types of ramodaling and Compl«t6 rtrooflng of Ml typM. house. $660. per month. or best otter. Ron, 647- Chavy '88 Calabdty ■6.896 Special consideration fOV drawer pine desk with rspairs Call Bob Farrand, Jr. FREE eSTtMATeS Includes heat and hot 9997. Olda '86 Oalla ■8.986 U W N CARE elderly and handicapped. water. Could be pur­ brass fixtures. Mint Olda '88 88 Ragancy ■8.NS Bus. 647-8509 Manchester Roofing condition. $150. 871- BUICK Regal, 1984. Toyott '88 Calica QT8 *10,475 chased for $92,900. with 1305. R es. ,6 4 5 -6 8 4 9 645-8830 647-7553 little money down. 635- Power steering, auto­ Ford '86 LTO 4 Or ■8,896 GILBERT UWN 6200 matic, many extras. Bulck '86 Ragal ■7,986 Screened loam, gravel, I MISCELLANEOUS $4,700 or best otter. Otda '64 Cutlaaa ■6.M6 A SERVICE For ait your naadal 10% lerlM tilM Mseeast I ELECTRICAL processed gravel, FOR SALE 643-1172 after 5pm. BOB RILEY OLDSMOBILE naaaonabla ralM, freo aati- Quality sronl. fully Insured, sand, stone, and fill for AND MARINE mataa, trucking loam, mulch reasonable ; rates, free esti- I FOR RENT HONDA CVee, 1979. For mats, no |ob too small. Re­ «K l ttona. Spaclallzing In DUMAS ELECTRIC delivery call George parts. Runs like a top. 250 Adimt 8L, Minch. pairs, Dackt, Basemsnts. atone walla. Call 647-7156. Griffing 742-7886. NORTH Coventry. Six END ROLLS Excel lent tires, air con­ 049-1740 Any carpent^ work you ' Service changes, addi­ rooms Including sun 27W width — 25<t ditioner, pioneer stero- need...ws do. Trim, framing, tional wiring and re­ BMW 1984 5331, five anrhpHtpr Hrralft siding, garages, roofing, etc. room with large deck, 13" width — 2 for 25it /cassett, halogen head­ SPRING Clean Up DISTRIBUTION speed, burgandy. Ex­ CeLTARTGARFINTIIT ISS-tSH pairs 'on existin g fenced acre lot, ap­ Newsprint end rolls can be lights. $300. 742-0261. Dethatcblno. Bush homes. Quality work at LABELS pliances, and wo- picked up et the Manchester cellent condition. Well Trimming^. Edging. maintained. $15,500. affordable prices. Enti­ Tired of manuetiy addr«S8inp sher/drver hookup In Herald ONLY betore 11 a m. Mowing. Commercial basement. Security Monday through Thursday. Call 522-9211 or 521-8312. rely owner operated. distribution mail we can Friday, March 31, 1989 equipped. Consclent- CARPENTRY WORK automate this process providing and references. $700. CLYDE CAMERQ 1983. Power Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm ous and dependable. 27 years exp. Call Jo- COLECO. 24 toot poo All Phases Quality service for a reasonable per month. Available CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. steering, air condition­ Ray Hardy. 646-7973 Framing, Roofs, Siding, Trim. complete. Free If re­ , seph Dumas 646-S253. price Call 644-6191 April 15. 742-6141-leove moved. 643-9395. R O U TE 83, V E R N O N ing, V-6, mint condi­ Registered S Fully Insured message. S3 Nittan 2S0 ZX *6995 tion. $3,800. Call 646- NaMard lawn mainte­ Very R»m onibla Prices HEATING/ 84 Caprice 4 Door *6995 8645. nance, spring clean up, Quality Work / Free Satlmalaa VINYL SibiNG & ta g PLUMBING I STORE AND [ 84 Chrys. E. Clast 4 Dr *5595 mowing, fertilizing, MERCURY Cougar XR, 7 4 2 - 1 5 7 9 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS OFFICE SPACE I SALES 84 Century LTD 4 Door *6695 , 1985, 39,800 miles. Fully Heart patient loses battle with death parking lot cleaning, I % Hospitals PJ’i Plumbing, Heating 8 85 Cavalier CJ 4 Door *4495 loaded. New tires. Ex­ gutter cleaning. Expertly installed. MANCHESTER. One NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ 85 Spectrum 4 Door *5195 cellent condition. Ask­ By Maureen Leavitt address system. “ He’s not a quitter, ” his mother had said 649-7593 Call S.R. BLANCHARD, Air Conditioning Please call Paul Ryder Boilers, pumps, hot water Bucklond Square, 1075 eral Statute 23-65 prohibits 85 Camaro Coupe *7495 ing $6,100. Call otter Manchester Herald "W e are saddened by the news of the of Danny after the last episode. me. for all your Busines- tanks, new and at 742-0018. Tolland Turnpike, up the posting of advertise­ 85 Elactra 4 Door *10995 5pm. 282-0718.________ ments by any person, firm or death of Richard “ Danny” Stence. He was a Kathy Soutos, a neighbor, said Danny's s/Homeowner needs replacements. to 4225 sq. ft. Avqliqble 85 Century 4 Door *7495 Want to sell your car? For corporation on a telegraph, Richard "Danny” Stence’s battle for his popular student whose cause taught us all death was a shock. from new construction FREE ESTIMATES April, 1989. Cqll Mr. 85 Century Wagon *7995 TRUCK8/VANS quick results, use o low- telephone, electric light or life ended today. about the importance of life,” the state­ ” It was a shock, really when it to altering & remodel­ Lqwrence, 643-2161. power pole or to o tree, 86 Olds 98 4 Door *9995 cost Classified od. Call ing. Price competitive 643-9649/228-9616 FOR SALE Stance, 17, of 360 Oakland St., was a heart ment said. happened,” Mrs. Soutos said. “ I was to get new 643-2711 todoy to place LANDSCAPING MANCHESTER. For shrub, rock, or any other 66 Olds Clara Wagon *8995 and quality Is a must. LCD leose. 6,100 squore feet. natural oblect without a w rit­ 86 Spectrum 4 Door *4995 transplant patient who was known by his Andrew Vincens, acting principal at talking to her (Mrs. Stence) yesterday, he your od. ten permit for the purpose of TQYDTA van, 1985. This Several references Plumbing 8, Heating PHILS LAWN CARE Excellent retqll spoce. 86 Bonneville 4 Door *7995 van Is loaded. Dual sun family and friends as a fighter after facing Illing Junior High School, called Danny a was fine. He was a little depressed.” available. Call 742-1082 Will subdivide. F.J. protecting It or the public and episodes of rejection. He died early this “ very courageous boy. We’re dealing with a System s Spring Cleanup. carries a fine of up to $50 for root, AM-FM stero "Everyone’s really upset about it here, for Immediate response. Llcmtsd Iniurad Spllecki Realtors. 643- each offense._______________ cassette, dual olr, morning at his home. lot of upset kids,” he said. because they knew him.” Weekly services. 2121. 872-9111 YARD MASTERS Bathroom Kitchen remodaling THREE family tog sole. built-in refrigerator According to Carol Shea, a neighbor Danny, a Manchester native, was born Soutos and her husband, Tony, who own Yard cleaned. Water heatsra Call for free estimates March 31, April 1 and 2, and Ice maker. 49K. whose children were very close with with heart trouble. He received a heart Bel-Amis Restaurant in South Windsor, rate plan MANCHESTER Asking $7,900. 568-3500, Trees cut. ArchKectaral Deslga Bollart 8om-4pm. 223 Man­ SCHALLER Danny, he was to have picked up his own transplant four years ago and has battled started a transplant collection fund last fall Additions. Sunrooms. Senior Citizen discount 742-7476 MAIN STREET chester Rood, Glaston­ ACURA QUALITY days or 644-1889, even- Have dump truck, Qaragaa, KHehens. New bury. Lots to choose .Ings. Mr. Sears. car this weekend. rejection episodes in the past. to help defray some of the travel expenses house construction. Prompt sarvica DON’S UW N SEnVKE AND 1200 sq. t. Air condi­ PRE-OWNED AUTOS Peter Vlles group, insurance companies, and will haul. Q AN D EN m e from, everything In ex­ Danny, a tenth-grader at Manchester Attempts to reach Danny’s mother, of going to and from a hospital in New York. Bv Construction Management. 6 4 6 -1 1 0 1 tioning & heat in­ 67 Acun Inttgra L8 ^8995 The Associated Press labor unions. The coalition op­ 6 43 -9 9 9 6 10% Senlov CItIzan Call now for; cellent condition.
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