PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-YOL. 18. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1880. IKHS'ffitf.BSKSt PRICE 3 CENTS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS EDUCATIONAL THE COFFEE WE DRINK. Number of Capacity In Watterson's Opinions. Published every (lay (Sundays excepted) by the THE PEESS. roasters lb»per day One 11 rm 10 12,000 PORTLAND PIBLISHIISO One lirm 2 CO., FiUDAY The 2,500 Instruction in English and Class- MORXING, NOVEMBER 5. Beverage Which Cheers but One Arm a 3,000 What the Author of the Revenue Plank At 109 Exchange St., Portland. One firm 3 2,500 Does Not Intoxicate. one firm 2 Thinks. Terms : Dollars a Tear. To mail subscrib- ical Studies. 2.500 Eight We Jo not rea<l anonymous letters and commun!- One lirm 3 "js Seven Dollars a Vear, if paid in advance. j 2,000 The One firm 2 Given to private pupils by the subscriber. rations. name and address of the writer are in : 2,000 One firm ... 1 THE ail oases not for 1,500 Of tlie canst·» which lead to the result of the MAINE STATE PRESS indispensable, necessarily publiea- | THE DIFFERENT KINDS AND QUALI- One firm 1 1,000 tion î>ut as a guaranty of good failli. One firm 2 election the Louisville Courier-Journal says:— published every THUKSi>A.Y Mornijî.i at $2 60 a TIES 1,000 »v e cannot DESCRIBED. Oue firm 2 ear, if paid in advance at §2.00 a J. W. COLCORD, undertake to return or preserve com- 1,00o We are to believe that the defeat year. One firm 1 unwilling mand·-it. ions i"at are used. 1,000 not One firm 1 which has overtaken the Democratic Is a Κ atks of ADVJSRTWixtj : One inch of the 1,000 party space, Street. One firm 1 500 constitutes a "square." S13 Pearl Iioston defeat of the people, but It Is the defeat of le/^T^£fcoluniti, 24 dti Herald. tiret week; 75 ceD.s Jan Ev iekif attaché is 1.5<Tp?r*S4are, daily ,·*>»■ regular of the PKsee furnished ί Totals ··· politicians. The politicians of the Democratic week after; throe insertions or Many of the readers of tlie Herald will sit 33,500 lese, $1.00; continu- Adth a Card certificate other nfter tirst BO cents. signed by Stanley Puilen, moral undertook to rip every day week, 3VTISI«3 BHOWJNT, dowu to their cup of fragrant -Mocha nr Java According to the above ligures there are party, ignoring forces, play Half three Editor. All steamboat and hotel square, insertions or less, 75 cents; railway, managers now being roasted in Boston 8500 pounds of a garno of battledore with the ene 50 cents of coffee this without to think Republican pol- week, $1.00: per week after. Teacher will confer a favor upon us by demanding credentials morning stopping coffeo 300 working in Special one-third additional. daily. Reckoning days iticians. To do this deserted·· lead- Notices, ev<-rv of the and magnitude of the trade they great Under head of of person claiming to represent our journal. importance a year, wo have the enormous total of over 10,- "Amusements" and "Auctjoh er and a that their or is of coffee into abandoned great principle. This was Sales," $2.00 per square per week; three inser- French and German, "cup two'' helping on. Each 000,000 pounds going consump- tions or tion from the Boston market in a Who an irrevocable an£ after it a series of less, $1.60. family buys a pound or two now and and year blunder, Advertisements inserted in the "Maixe State Will reçoive at then, will that wo are not a nation of coffce- Pupils say accidents and mistakes as a matter of Press" \vhi< h has a circulation The Election. the matter no further followed large in every part gives thought, unless, drinkers? Why, a single grocery store alone of tli·.· State., for .IK) for first course. The revolt of per square insertion, 643 Street. Tiie latest returns do not affect perhaps, to blame the grocer if tlio liavor of in Boston sells from 10 to 12 tons of roasted Kelly; the obduracy of and ou ot_M:th per square for each inser- Congress materially subsequent octn atf coffee These of the coffeo Hendricks; the nomination of the tion. the result of the election as first declared. the new is not equal to tho last consumed; perjmonth. figures Landers; Address all trade seem and for that of tlio communications to and yet these pounds of coffee certainly enormous, ruling Indiana Supreme Court, which Gen. Garfield has ma- singlo aggregate reason we have as will be POîiTLAND Pl-BLISHfNO certainly fifty-seven dropped, seen, CO, set aside tho of OO. in a a and verdict thp ballot box and re- CARDS. in the electoral and have year very large important trado. 000 pounds from the yearly total, in calling it BUSINESS jority college, may stored the October the To some idea of the of coffee 10,000,000 pounds. vote; nomination of η addition the six of give quantity votes California. New But there is another considerable all of which now being used or passing through the trade yet quan- English; conspired to belittle the ENTERTAINMENTS. Jersey and Nevada are Demo- tity of coffee to be taken into this estimate— undoubtedly hero in Boston is tho of this article. So campaign, ill planned and ill managed, and object all that is sold to consumers, green or un- cratic. never with far as the United States are concerned, the roasted. In the New England country trade big inspiration. Itegun upon a low NEW PORTLAND THEATRE. Appearances now are that the Democrats this is no small in Boson the toue, it failed to out from first to close one quantity of coffee consumed is simply enor- amount, though give Fra.sk O'KTis Lessee and Manager. have saved the Tennessee quantity of green coffeo for consumption is Legislature. If mous. The country of Brazil, which breezy, soul-stirring note, in spite of the capti- produces small. By actual estimates from sales at one of they have, the next Senate will have a Dem- vating of Oeu. Rancock. Thursday, Friday ami Saturday, and Sat- more than one-half the coffee of the world, the leading tea and coffee establishments here, personality The ocratic of eleven raw early days of the which were devoted urday Mut lint at 2. SO, Nov. 4, δ, 6. STEPHEN BEKItY, majority one—if Davis of Illinois finds its principal market in the United States. pounds of roasted coffee to one of canvass, are sold. Still it is that a to foolish FURNITURE. and Malione of act with We are a nation of coffee probable large work of the character of Virginia the oppo- drinkers and the smirching quantity H these sales went into the hands of Gen. fell flat Card and Job sition. The are habit is ucon us. In the Garfield, stale, and unprofitable Book, Printer, probabilities still strong growing year 1872 country consumers, and it is likely that not on the cointry; the of which Minnie Company. NO, 3T PIjCM «TRIÎET. that the Republicans will control the House 194,218,500 pounds of coffee were imported nore than one pound of raw to twenty of spur activity Palmer'^aiety roasted is sold in the local in trade The a from Brazil alone, and, this city proper. seizing upon complications Maine to by good working majority. The popular reckoning quanti- New MISS MINNIE England and western country trades take liammer ont a few lurid that PALMER, HERBERT G. for ty at a little more than one half the total im- sparks dazzled DEANE BROS. & BRIGGS, majority Garfield grows rather than les- proportionally more raw coffeo: so that a safe und misled us, was lost supported by a Company of New York Comedians SANBORN, portation of the year we find that there must estimate would be abont one raw to practically by identify at Law and Patent sens. pound of in the successful Farcical Attorney Solicitor, very Musical, have been into this for fifteen of roasted. This estimale would add ing our nominee with Greenback rottennes·, entitled 93 imported country that Comedy, Exchange Street, over «00,000 to the coffee trade and no sooner was Nés. 183 and 185 Middle St. year at least 350,000,000 pounds of coffee. This pounds yearly issue taken with the tariff from the more MAINE. Boston Jouiîxal: When Mr. William emanating Boston, making still in our Minnie Palmer's PORTLAND, could not have been 'alued at less plank national platform than, instead of product startling aggregate of over 10,(XX),000 pounds of P. 0. BOX G38. H. Barnum recovers his breath aud con- maintaining a doctrine as old as the Demo- BOARDING SCHOOL. than §42,000,000. Then, when we come to coffee passing into consumption through the The Best Goods and the Lowest Prices to cratic party, tien. Hancock was induced to kinds of Patent business and sciousness,aud collects his faculties to reflect consider thu the markets of Boston in a year. we Sale of Seats Nov. 3d. promptly consumption of coffee has Surely ',do halt, hesitate and put his foot in it. Then Wednesday, novldtd carefully executed sep3u d3m drink coffee. The demand for roasted upon the it is very that it increased in this coffee, proved and situation, likely greatly country since 1872, in to English disappointing, declined to be found in the Sate. preference raw, is rapidly gaining, al- come down with dawn him slander and false- we the stamps, made the confu- may upon that begin to realize the importance of the com- though the roasted article is" known to deterio- oct3C (12mo ART sion worse confounded iu Indian».
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