Coventry group home Top Junior Olympians Clan repeats rejected by commission coming to Connecticut 1903 picture page 9 ... page 16 ... page 11 Clear tonight; Manchester, Conn. sunny Wednesday Tuesday, July 26, 1983 — See page 2 Single copy: 25e r Unnlh Reagan faces quiz on Central America Bv Helen Thomas involve as many as 4,080 Ameri­ Republican told the president "he United Press International cans. And Navy sources said an was dismayed at all of the reports eight-ship battle group has arrived of increa.sed military and covi^rt WASHINGTON — President on station 100 miles off the Central activity. " Reagan, apparently seeking to American coast in the first stage of The aide said Michel showed reassure Congress and the public, a U.S. show of naval force in the Reagan a copy of the Peoria \ was readying his answers for region. Journal-Star that featured a ()ic- questions tonight about the flexing Reagan denied at an informal ture of the Vietnam memorial on of U.S, military muscle in Central news conference Friday that he is its front page and' a cutline America, engaging in “ gunboat diplomacy" referring to Central America that The news conference is being or is trying to depose the Marxist said: "First stop to more G.I. held at a time when apprehensions Sandinista government in Graves." are heightening over planned Nicaragua. Michel left the White Hou.se "a months-long naval exercises and At the same time, he said it lot more comfortable than when he military maneuvers involving U.S. would be "extrem ely difficult” to went in. " the aide said Me felt he and Honduran combat troops to restore stability to the area as long had some assurances ... the step up the pressure on Nicaragua. as Sandanistas remained in power. president was not headed in that A White House aide said the news There also was increased specu­ direction.” conference will provide an oppor­ lation that the “ show of force” in But House Speaker Thomas tunity for Reagan to put Central the region could lead to a quaran­ O'Neill has minced no words about America in perspective. He ex­ tine or a naval blockade, which what he thinks about the Pentagon pressed concern that there’s been Reagan has not ruled out. exercises in the volatile region, "a great deal of hype in the last few Before his 19th news conference saying "I think it's awful, abso­ I days” about Central America and was announced Monday, Reagan lutely awful." said Reagan believes it’s "neces­ held a luncheon meeting with his "It is frightening to the Am eri­ sary to get the facts out.” two ranking lieutenants on Capitol can people and to the nations of the The 8 p.m. EDT news conference Hill — Senate GOP leader Howard region," O'Neill said. will be carried live by the televi­ Baker and House GOP leader Henry Kissinger, chosen by sion networks. Rebert Michel — and sought to Reagan to head a bipartisan The Pentagon announced Mon­ reassure them that he was not commisison on Central America, day that U.S. combat troops will headed for a confrontation In said Monday the panel “ will try to join Honduran forces and that Central America. make its contribution to avoiding maneuvers at one point, will A Michel aide said the Illinois another Vietnam-type of crisis. " Kissinger: Troops r r . aren’t necessary WASHINGTON (UPI) - Henry with Senate Republican leader Kissinger, stressing his study Howard Baker of Tennesse and panel is seeking long-range solu­ Sen. Paul Laxalt, R-Nev,, a key tions to Central Am erica’s thorny Reagan associate. Also sitting in problems, said today he does not was Nicholas Brady, a commission, believe a Vietnam-style commit­ member and former GOP senator ment of U.S. forces will be from New Jersey. necessary. Later appointments included Kissinger also rejected sugges­ Democratic leaders — House tions the rapidly developing U.S. Speaker Thomas O’Neill of Massa­ involvement in the region — chusetts and Sen. Robert Byrd'of including'-naval manuevers and West Virginia ^ as well as the dispatch of iip to 4,000 Ameri­ members of key foreign policy cans to Honduras for exercises — committees. means his Centrai America policy Kissinger, who spent many of his commission’s report, expected in years in the Nixon administration Herald pholo by Tarqu about six months, will come to late working out the U.S. withdrawal to make a difference. from the Vietnam War, was asked The former secretary of state on NBC’s “ Today” show if Ameri­ Cyclists welcomed home “ commented before launching a can troops will be needed to block whirlwind tour of Capitol Hill, a the communist subversion Reagan Doreen and Tim Kelly of Manchester this morning to a welcoming ceremony string of courtesy calls on the sees as a threat to U.S. security. hug their daughter, 18-month-old at Town Hall. Their trip isn't quite over, leading players — both friends and “ I hope that that point will not be Heather, who accompanied them on though: They plan to bicycle on to foes — in the battle over President reached and from all that I ’ve seen Reagan’s efforts to boost military their cross-country bicycle trip for Boston. that point will not be reached, " he aid to the region. said, although he noted "vital HENRY KISSINGER world hunger. The three arrived home His first stop was a breakfast interests” are at stake and there is "an ongoing crisis that has to be . on courtesy calls met.” And, he said, " if there were Soviet bases” established in the Line Street crash kills 16-year-old region, the United States would Inside Today have to act forcefully. Kissinger was pressed about his 20 pages, 2 sections . A 16-year-old Manchester girl is 18, of 174 Lake St., apparently lost police said. No bond or court date She was the daughter of Gerald views on Reagan’s present course A dvice ..................... ................. 12 dead following an automobile control of the 1974 Mercury Comet has been set for the charges and Susan (Looby) Catolane. She accident Monday afternoon on in Central America — support for A r e a .......................... ...................9 on a straightaway in the west­ already lodged against Lavoie, was born in Hartford on Nov, 24, B u s in e s s ................... the government of El Salvador and .......... 18. 20 Line Street. bound lane of Line Street and went Results of the blood test, to be 1966 and had been a resident of C la ssifie d ................... ............. 10-19 encouragement of anti- Heather Catolane of 21 Clinton off the right side of the road, conducted by the state toxology Manchester for five years. At the C o m ic s ..................... ...................8 Nicaraguan fighters. St. was pronounced dead on arrival according to police reports. laboratory, will not be available time of her death she was em­ Entertainment........... ................. 12 "The objective is to cut off L o t te ry ..................... ...................2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital Lavoie was admitted to Man­ for a week to 10 days, police said. ployed at Indian Hill Country Club after the car she was riding in foreign supplies into Salvador," he O b itu a rie s................. ................. 10 chester Memorial Hospital with According to police reports. Miss in Glastonbury. O p in io n ...................... struck a utiiity pole and flipped said, adding that ’’Ido not think the ...................6 multiple injuries. He is being held Catolane was riding behind Lavoie Besides her parents she leaves a Peopletalk ................ ...................2 over. Cause of death has not yet for observation and is listed in in the back seat of the car. Dean brother, Scott M. Catolane of overthrow” of the Marxist govern­ S p o r t s ....................... ............. 15-17 ment in Nicargua is an "approp­ been determined. satisfactory condition. Gustafson. 19, of 76 Goodwin St. sal Manchester; her maternal grand­ T e le v is io n ................. ...................8 riate” course. Line Street runs along the Lavoie was charged with negli­ to her right in the back seat. Nigel parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Manchester-GIastonbury border. gent homieide with a motor vehicle Rogers, 17, of 53 Bush Hill Road sat Looby in Florida; and her paternal The accident occurred near the and driving with his license in the passenger’s seat in front. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. intersection of Main Street. suspended, police said. Police Gustafson was treated and re­ George Catolane of Poughkeepsie, The town fire department, po­ have reason to believe Lavoie had leased in satisfactory condition N.Y. lice, and the Manchester Ambu­ been drinking, they said. from Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Graveside funeral services will lance all responded to the 4:25 p.m. Lavoie faces a possible charge of tal. Rogers refused treatment. be conducted Wednesday at 1 p.m. Manchester schools accident. Rescuers had to cut misconduct with a motor vehicle, a "fhe three survivors are students in East Cemetery. There are no away parts of the car to extricate class D felony, if the results of a at Manchester High School. Miss calling hours. Watkins Funeral Miss Catolane’s body. blood test indicate he was intoxi­ Catolane attended the high school Home, 142 E. Center St., has will have longer day The ear’s driver, Vernon Lavoie, cated at the time of the accident. through March of this year. charge of arrangements. Starting this fall. Manchester Under the new schedules, for public school students may example, Manchester High will Crash victim Corneau out of coma have to gel out of bed a few start school at 7:50 a.m., instead minutes earlier to face a of 7:58 as in previous years.
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