$HUR$H HgUS An IndependentPublication of OrthodoxOpinion February,2003 Vol.14, No 2 (#115) Supportedby the voluntary contributions of its readers. Republicationispermitted upon acknowledgment ofsource. DECLARATIONOF MOTHEROF ONEACCUSER OF METROPOLITANVALENTIN INTERROGATION REPEATEDDESECRATION OF ST.VLADIMIR CHAPEL ON ZNAMENSKYCEMETARY IN SUZDAL AN OPENLETTER ABOUT "ELDER" JOHN KRESTIANKIN ,.DIPLOMATIC''FEAT OF ARCHBISHOPMARK OF BERLIN UNFORTUNATEFALL OF ATHONITEMONASTERY OF ESPHIGMENOU SERBIANCHURCH AND THE CATHOLICS ABOUT"THE ORTHODOXCHURCH IN AMERICA'' KESTONNEWS SERVICE DISGONTINUES ITS EXISTENCE THE EUROPEANUNION AND GOD FLIRTATIONBETWEEN CATHOLICS AND "ORTHODOX'' ROCKCONCERT OFFICIALLY SPONSORED BY THE MOSCOWPATRIARCHATE ABOUT"ORTHODOX CULTURE'' IN RUSSIA BLASPHEMOUSEXHIBIT IN MOSCOW NEWCHARTER OF GREEKARCHDIOCESE IN AMERICA EFFORTSTO INTRODUCEYOGA INTOAMERICAN SCHOOLS FROMTHE UNPUBLISHEDWORKS A NECESSARYDECLARATION CHURCHNEWS 639 CenterSt. Oradell,NJ 07649 Tef./Fax (201) 967-7684 DECLARATIONOF MOTHEROF ONEACCUSER OF METROPOLITANVALENTIN to' the Presidiumof the SuoremeCourt of the RussianFederation .___, From:Kutsyk Galina Valerianovna Res.lvanovskaya Region Gavrilo-PosadskyHousing Development 3, SplavnayaSt. Passportserial # |X-SG-#532181 lssuedby OVDSombor Regional Comm. LvovReqion. March 16'n 1982 DECLARATION l, G. V. Kutsyk,am the motherof EvgenyRomanovich Kutsyk and VeniaminRomanovich Kutsyk, who havestated that they were persecutedby Fr. AndrewOsetrov, Fr. DimitryKrasovsky and SisterSophia Morozova, with whom they livedat one timewhen they worked for the churchin Suzdal;that they demanded my childrengive some testimony and demandedthat they be photographedin a videoagainst Metropolitan Valentin and promisedthem money to buya house andget them jobs. In the beginningthey refused,but then afterwardsquite often some young peoplecame from "NasheDelo" ("Our Cause").When I becameinterested in why werethey comingand whatthey wanted, my son Evgenyanswered that this is hishit-guard who promisedto buy hima house. I advisedmy son Evgeny Kutsykto refuseand to do nothingof the sort, but my son Evgeny Kutsyksaid that if he refuses,they might "pin him down". Then they several times transported him and I againadvised him notto haveanything to do with them; maybea mother'sheart felt this wouldcome to no good end, but he repliedthat they constantlythreaten him and he is frightenedfor himself.I stronglyadvise the SupremeCourt not to acceptthe falsetestimonies of my son EvgenyKutsyk and notto includehis testimony in the case,as it was givenunder strong pressure and threatson the part of investigatorYegorov as well as on the partof youngmen from"Nashe Delo". This is my declarationand request,made without any pressurefrom the victimor by lawyers,to which I do testifywith my handwriting. December10'n,2002 . City of Suzdal, Vladimirregion, December twenty third, year two thousandand two, Galina ValerievnaKutsvk INTERROGATION Moscow Septemberg'n 2002 by me, legal counselfor JudicialConsultation # 71 lnterregionalAssociation of Lawyersto assistcitizens and employers,Ryzhov Vladimir Vasilievich, in concordancewith the paragraph9 "on lawyer'sactivities and the professionof a barrister"of the RussianFederation of citizenGalina Valerievna Kutsyk registered as residingin lvanovskayaRegion, Gavrolo-PosadskyRegion, 3, SplavnayaSt. Profession:unemployed. The interrogationproceeded with my approval. 1. Hasyour son Veniaminrelated to you that MetropolltanValentin proposed that he enterinto sexual relations? Answer:This I did not hearfrom my sonVeniamin and he did notrelate that to me. 2. Haveyou readthe minutesof the interrogationconducted by the investigatorYegorov? Answer:I have not readthe minutes. 3. Did investigatorYegorov read the textof the minutesof you interrogationvocally? Answer:No, the investigatorYegorovhas not read aloud such minutes. 4. Didinvestigator Yegorov write the minutesby handor printthem on a computer? Answer:Yegorov wrote them by hand. 5. Whatdid your son Veniamin say aboutwhy he gavetestimony against Metropolitan Valentin? Answer:He was threatenedthat he wouldbe sentto a mentalinstitution: the threatswere from Yegorov. 6. Didyour son Evgenytell you of threatson the partof investigatorYegorov? Answer:Yes, the sameas withVeniamin, that he was frightenedthat he wouldbe put intoa mentalinstitution. 7. Didthey indicate,and if so in what form,that the representativesof "NashDelo" put pressureon them? Answer:Yes. They threatened my son Veniamin,the threatswere in form of pressurewarning them aboutcriminal responsibilityfor changingtestimony. \J B. Didthe Membersof "NasheDelo" promise material rewards for testimony against Metropolitan Valentin and in what manner? Answer:Yes. They promisedto buy my son Evgenya housein Suzdal,find work for him as a guardand fromtime to time give Him monetaryrewards for smallexpenses. 9. DidEvgeny say that he hasa guard? Answer:Yes. He did and they came to us in the Petrovskydevelopment. 5 10.Did the membersof "NasheDelo" often come to pickup Evgeny,and did they take him with them and for how long? AnJwer:A weekbefore the court hearing in August, 2002, they took Evgeny and he livedwith them. That is why they membersof "NasheDelo" for sometimes two days, rarely three' !-/ . cameand he livedwith the | can onlyadd and pleadthat the courtnot accept the testimonyof my son Evgeny,but it be compassionate becausehsis mentallyilland is registeredwith a mentalhospital. I have read this and have no objections' Herewitht testifythat the abovetext is a transcriptionfrom the hand-writtentext intoprint. Note:Attention should be paidin thisinterrogation to thefact that one of the brothers,Veniamin, despite pressure and threatson partof the "mighty,"firmly rescinded his earlier testimony against Metropolitan Valentin, while his sick brother Evgenycontinues to befully jn thehands of the organization "Nashe Delo", which is forcing him to continuethe slander. Also:we have a copy of the Declarationby MetropolitanValentin to the EuropeanCourt for HumanRights in Strasbourg,France. Accordingto informationwe havereceived, this court has sentVladyka Metropolitan verification that his appealwas receivedand was also assigned a case number. This is proofthat the Court intends to hearthis case. REPEATEDDESECRATION OF ST. VLADIMIR GHAPEL ON ZNAMENSKY CEMETARY IN SUZDAL Accordingto Internetinformation from Vertograd/Razsylk a # 343 of January30th, criminals have again on JanuaryZTth desecratedthe chapelbuilt by the FirstHierarCh of the ROACMetropolitan Valentin in ZnamenskyCemetery in Suzdal. Assistantsof thedefrocked A. Osetrovalready have previously desecrated this chapel. Accordingto thisreport "The blasphemers this time used liquid tar to paintinscriptions offensive to thefaithful children of theRussian Church which was delivered to thecemetery by truck.ls quiteobvious that this is nota prank,supposedly playedby children,as the Suzdalmilitia wants to representit, but an act carefullyprepared by adults.The indirect parlcipationin suchwild crimes by the leadershipof theSuzdal administration is seen in thefact that numerous cases of desecrationof sanctuariesof the ROAC,acts of violenceagainst her clergyand lay people,and stubbornrefusal to investigatethese cases, puts them in unfavorablelight' As iI statesfurther "the reaction of the lawenforcement authorities to multiplecases of monstrousoutrage upon the Orthodoxtesti1es that they have placed the ROACoutside of lawand have deprived her of the rightsguaranteed by the . Constitutionand the international obligations of Russia to rightsand liberty". AN OPENLETTER ABOUT "ELDER" JOHN KRESTIANKIN We havereceived through the Internetan openletter addressed to an MP priestwho recentlyvisited Pechory, the residenceof JohnKrestiant<in widely renown in Russiaas an "elder".This letter is of interestfrom various points of view, thereforewe havedecided to publishit alsoin our publication.The letteris entitled:"About the healthof elderJohn Krestiankinand other three elders of theMP". VenerableFr. Georgel In 1976lwas a novicein the Dormition Pskovo-Pechorsky Monastery, towhich lwas invitedby Fr.John Krestiankin, w-t-rose own brother lhelped to buryin thespring of 1976atthe GermanCemetery in Lefortovo,and so,for 26 yearsI haveknown Fr. John and Fr. Adrian Kirsanov. Besides them, there are two other elders in the MP:Fr. Naumin the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and Fr. Cyril, also renown in theLavra. Oneshould noi forg6tthat FathersJohn and Adrian were also tonsured in the Trinity-SergiusLavra; they are highly moralpersons, but their "Orthodoxy" is questionableand this is why: 1. you willhave no problemsln tinOing the magazine "Continenl'#97 of 1998.In it therenown Archimandrite Zinon is "Pskovo- interviewedby the editorVinogradov, stat-ng that he himselfsaw that Fr. Johnand otherrespected pechorskyelders" receive com-munion with i Catholicpriest in the san_ctuaryof the DormitionPskov-Pechorsky Monastery.lt is alsostated that secretly from the people,in theTrinity-sergius Monastery, in the churchin honor of the Smolensklcon of the Theotokosan ecumenistCatholic church is established,and that serviceswith Catholicsalso are held in the EcclesiasticalAcademy. 2. lnformationverifying concelebrations with Catholics in the"Journal of the MoscowPatriarchate" # 11 of 1978'The reasoningof the BenedictineMonk (Priest) Boniface Titel (Austria, with a degreefrom the LeningradEcclesiastical AcademY,P. 18-20). 3. Herewe havethe "Journalof theMoscow Patriarchate" #2, 1983with photographs on p. 51:On May191h His Holinesspatriarch
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