.. DOCUMENT RESUME N k - ED 144 353 ;., Fir 008 818 AUTHOR Smith, Sheela - TITLE Lessons in Colloquial Hindustani for Fiji. INSTITUTION. Hawaii Univ., Honoluln.,Sscial Sciences and Linguistics Inst.; PeaCe Corps, Washington, D.C. 4p13 DATE .Dec 68 NOTE 181p. 0 # . EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$10.03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Conversttional Language Courses; Form.-.Classes. (ranguages); Grammar; *Hindi.,.. *Instrgctional 'Materials; *Language Instruction; Pattern ,Drills (Language).; *Second Language Learning; Standard Spoken Usage; *Textbooks; *Urdu .IDENTIFIERS 1 Dialogs (Language Learning) ;*Hindustani .ABSTRACT, . This text consists et 89 lessons in Hindustani. Each lesson ds divided into four parts. The first section lists the grammatical-objectiVesiof the lesson. A brief dialogue follows which deals with an everyday situation. The notes clarify certain grammatical points of "the dialogue. The lesson ends with repetition, transformation,_ and subst &tution drills.(CFM) . 1 . 0 . ,. *- 0 *NC ,;, .4,F, 0 **********i**************/r*********************************************\ *P -.Documents acquired by ERIC 4nclude many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources. ERICmakes every effort * * to.obtain the bestcOpy available.Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility, and oftenencountered and this affects tils. quality * '* of the microfiche andhardcoIy reprodWctions ERIC makes available * *. via the &BIC Document` Reproduction Service- (EDRs). EDRSis not * * responsible for the quality of the original document.Reproductions * *.supplied by EDRS are the best- that c/n be made from the .origin, * **************************************************************e***t* r. " t'r\' -4f* 4--4 Preliminary Draft LESSONS IN COLLOQUIAL HINDUSTANI FOR FIJI Developed,by ,Sheela Smith - With the Assistance of Vijendra Sundar BESTCOPY AVAILABLE, 4 t'tPG:)01 u S DEPART.MENT OF mEAL"1., EDUCATION & VELFARF NAT,ONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATON F. Honolulu, Hawaii December, 1968 The Pacific and Asian Linguistics Institute. The/University of Hawaii I .." LESSON 1 me' ti Goals: 1-0 Interrogative "ka" - what. 2. Demonstrative "u" - that. -3. \Auxilla verb "hai". ,u ka ha'i? 'What-is- that? buk hai. That isa book. Notes. "U" is the demonstrative pronqun meaning "that". It should be used when the object being spokenabout" not wit...kin r,eaching :distance. of the speaker. Th,e'auxillary verb "haiutOnfillitive "hone") means "am", "is", or "are" depending illtbenumber .. .. , N of the subject. It occurs at the end of the sen le .1. / tence in a simple sentence or a.clause. In an interrogative sentence dike "u k ai?" the auxillary l'h6i; is shortened to an -e an he ic,ntence may sound i'i.ke this "i ka e?" . , .. Certain_words fram English language ae very .frequen'tly usedn HindusXani,They may etain their original. form as in "buk" or may b distorted N. CO varying degrees. e.g.. 4 cok Chalk be's bag table 'dove door 4 r) LESSON 2 Addition of demonstrative "i" = this. Goals: 1. Dialogue: i ka -.hai? . What is this? u pencil hai. That is a pencil, Notes: "i" is equalenIt to "this ".' ,It indicates the proximity of the speaker to the object. ti 1. ,Repetition i ledki hai Thisisagirl. YO" 4 i ghar het. Thisisahouse. i tcbtl. her Thisisatable. i kur-si het, Thisisachair. 2. Repetitioji ya hair What is this? u buk hai. That is a book. u ka What is that? hei._ ',That ,isa.hous'e. ka hal? What is that? 40, i lutaTh)ei. , This is a shoe., 4 r 1 ,ter) LESSON 3 1. Asking a question that calls for either;a.poSi-, . .tive ors negativse response. e- . , 2. Affirmative "er and negative luau. e . , . , Dialogue:, i'maket hai? Is this the matfetT. , ... , 4 , . , ' i . 114,i maket hai. Yes, this the:marketg u mandir hai? Is that a''temple? . - ' na, u MasYid hai'. 'No, that i -amosque.' 1, ... slit - , t . Notes: .\; A simple statement can, be transform151,into.an i .4- ) interrogation simply by changiili the.-intongtfon of ... , b the 'sentence. e.g. - -\ i maket hai 'phis.s a market. i maket hai? Is this*the market. "ha": is,equivalerkto "yes". and 'Via" or'"nahi" to'no ". "ni" is a shortened form of "nehi" and is. % - % . useemo.r.p.oftan than "uahint But both tomb- can#134, , . ? . used without isq change in the "meaning ; ..., - .... ! '4'1. Repetition a ped-C1I? i,penaiL'hai?. this0 4 1'. V; . - u mandir io Is that a etple? U vi3ay Is* that Vijay? ' 4,. .skua hai? ;, iIs -this a.b.th9.31? , ; ' , s , .4, 0 " . -3 -2 0 2. Substitution instructor: skul Class; --ha, dukan .s .. gai . 7. ,1 I . khet S td . dalo 3. Trantfermati-on . Irransform the drills itk drill 2by,substitUting - r 9 "ne" in' ce of "ha" .,..e % 1' . -e 4 , . to , 4r . r: r e 4 ( LESSON 4 ./ 1/4 . "ahr"- and-to the Goals:' -1. Addition of the conjunction , . sentences in lesson 1.'I , 'Aviaitionof the adverb"bhi" - tooor'also.k And what is this? Dialogue: aur i ka.hei? u bhibulk hai. That too is a book. .y.ahu"\and "yeho bhi" havethe same meaning as N9tes: place of "i bhi". "i can be Is4ha.i.tu.ted in 6 All three words arecodmonl used and .all three are correct. i bhi bukhai.'' This too is a book. y hubukhai. This too`'is a book. - y hu bhibuk This too is a book'. Similarly, "vehu"and "vahu bhi" can besubsti- change in the tuted in place of"u bhi" with no ( meaning.. Drills: 1. Spetiiion and SubstitutiOn _____ A. Re ettion . pencil. our ibhiReqs.ilhai And this too is a - And this tois agirl.: auri-bhi,ladjci }lei- And this too is afield. S auari bhi 'khet-hai . And thIsetoods a house.- aur i, bhighat' hai And this too is a chair. aur-i bhikurs i hai '46 An& this too.is-atable. aur bhi tibil hei Pet 4-2 ... B. Substitution Instructor: kur01 Class: aur i bhi-kursi hal. ped 4 Whet tebil 's cok beg 44, '2. Substitution Instructor: yahu Classy yahu tebil a . , i , u bhi vahu i bhi vahu bhi U yahu bhi yahu 3. "Repetition i ladka hai aur u ladkiThis is.a boy and that is a girl. I hal i tebil hal our u kursi Th is a table and that hal is a chair-. °i am h i our u nariyal' This is:q mangoand that f. hal is a coconut. ot .c . 4-3. 6. ts i hei our u This is' an, and that emtiVen hai is an American. mendir hei our u' This is a temple a'nd that ;. mesfid hpi is a. mosque. ,- . 4 3 a 4 '`,,, 10 .0 4et LESSON 5 Goals: 1. Interrogative. whose". 1 2. Possessive "homar" and "tuma'r". 3. Posposition "ke" posseSsive. Dialogue: u kis k-e-pe.nsil hai? Whose pencil is that! u hamar pensil hai. Thlt ismypenciA, 0 ,Noyes: "ke" is attached to the oblique of .the nouns to .indicate possession. 1 \ /, :e.g. Sarla ke sadi Sarle's sari. ram ke,mytgi Rim's bicYcle. 'sambhu ke dukan Sambhuls store. dir hamar and tumar are the,possessive forms of ham and tum respectiVeiy. 1 ,Drills: 1. kepetition- '' . -.. hamar sadi My. sari site ke beg Siti's bag 'kisan ke khe Fsrmer's Herd. gokalke duk Goial's'store OE/ .tumar peri' 4 2. Substitution . e Instructor: kursi Class: i kis kursi haif r ' ghedi 42 LESSON Er Gbals: 1. Possessive is ke" and "us ke". 2. Asking a person's name. Dialo tumar nam ka hai? What is your name? hamar nam taja Nai. My Aame is Raja. aur is ke nam.ka -And what is this person's .name? is ke nam Itam hai." His'naie,is Sham. V.% Notes?: "ia" and "us" are the oblique formt of "i" and respectively. To form the possessive postpoai- tion "ke" follows.these oblique forms. 1. Repetittpn -( .., ) hamar nam sarla hal. ,My nameis Sarlg;-%61MMv-?= .,, 4 ""7442* ':,. , a --- us ke nam agokhal.° His name is Ashok. tumar nam tom 'lei Your name.is Tom. E %-.14. ,1 is ke'nam sadhu hai, His name is .Sadhu. .,.. 1 1' :. us ke nam sita had. Her name i,s,. Sita. 4 2. Substitutia Instructor: ,tumai ,Class: i tumar pensil hai? is ke sits ke hiMar vv vinay ke' I3 I oo ft-2 us ke lila ke J. Chain drtil: Student A asks student B: tumra. nam ka Ylei? Student B responds,: 1 . , . hamar nam hai.(to* student C) : ' tiiMar nam ka'hai? A And so on. ti 14 er . 1 8 . LESSON 7 4 Goals: 1. Positive commands using simplt verbs. Addition' of direct "object to the verb. ,,Dialogue: lao ,, ".-' Bring a p &ho Read or study /; Aria° Eat _ , suno Listen pensil lao Bring the pencl., boul padho Read the book. ee _khans khao : Eat 10 %eel...I__ gana sun6 Listep to the:song.Al Notes: The Imp erative mood is usedto :express command, . entreaty, prohibition and the giving of1 advice and , . Warning. .t May refer to an act in the immediate . , -- f - . , 1 presept; or the immediate future. Tie form in the lesson is used when addressing . (.4:4'4 i , }- memera of the -family except the elders, friendsof Npftio status to the speaker andservants. This form, . ; 1 ier V , should not be used when addressing one's O teachersi,: superiors and complete strangers; In an imperative sentence, the subject"you" is omitted. The Imperiitive'form for secondperson-is ob- tained'by the addition of the vowel-o to the verbal root. Verbal roots ending in consonants,-a, and -e 1.5 ae 7-2 have regular formation. e.g. sun + -o suno - Listen i bol -o bolo Speak kha + khao Eat de + -o deo Give 10 + -o lao Bring P Drills: 1.
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