CLIENT 60TH DOCK CONGRESS. I HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ) 8d Sess~on. ( XO. 10) 9. RECEIPTS AND DIHBURHEiiIENTS. LETTER FROM THE SKGRFTARY OF THE TREASURY, TRA. NSMITTING A Combined Statement of the Receipts and Disbursements of the Government for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1908. December 7, 1908.— Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE SECRFTARY) Waskington, D. r . , December 7, 1908 To t)he SPEAKER oF THE HoUsE olr REPREsENTATIvEs. SIR: In compliance with the requirements of section 15 of an act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1895, and for othe purposes, " approved July 81, 1894, I have the honor to transmit herewith a combined statement of the receipts and disbursements of the Government for the fiscal year ended June 80, 1908, Respectfully, GEORGE B. CORTELYOU, SecretQ're . COMBINED STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS A. ND DISBURSEMENTS (APPARENT AND ACTUAL) TMK U ZTITXI3 STWTKS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 1908. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, DIVIHION OF BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith a statement of the receipts derived by the Government from customs, internal revenue, and sales of public lands, in each District and State, and from the various miscellaneous sources, during the fiscal year ended June 80, 1908, amounting, in the aggregate, to It601, 126, 118.58; also, a statement of the disbursements for the same period, by appropriations, exclusive of the principal of the public debt, showing the aniounts disbursed by each Department for ''salaries, " " " "ordinary expenses, "public works, "miscellaneous, " and unusual and extraordinary " aggregating $659, 196, 819.68. Very respectfully, W. F. MAOLENNAN, C hief of Division. Hon. GEORGE B. CORTELYOU, Secretary of the Tv easury. (s) S t ates an d districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Receipts. Deductions. Net receipts. I&'rom basioms- Maine: Aroostook f38, 717. 68 ' Bangor. 325, 242. 39 & Bath . 25, 60'2. 58 Belfast . 2) 274. 42 Castine. 40 724. I Frenchman Bay. 175. 65 Machias. 332. 80 Passamaquoddy 77, 325. 10 ' Portland and Falrnouth. 206, 394. 06 Saco . 18. 51 Waldoboro. 364. 18 Wiscasset . 135. 02 $677& 30ii. 79 New Hampshire: Portsmouth. 137. 06 Vermont: Burlington. 596& 266. 84 Newport. 331& 641. 29 927, 908. ]3 Massachusetts: Barnstab le . 223. 23 Boston and Charlestown . 22& 334, 120. 75 Edgartown. 208. 62 l Fall River. 49, 828. 57 ' Gloucester 14& 871. 07 M arbleh cad 1, 064. 58 New Bedford. 34, 757. 27 Plymouth, 310. 98 Salem and Beverly . .. .. 2 71t&. 34 Springfield. 497, 074. 31 22, 935, 175. 72 Rhode Island: Bristol and Warren. .. 486. 13 Newport. .. .. 36, H57. 37 Providence 510, 888. 75 548, 232. 25 Connecticut: Bridgeport. 243, 636. 42 Hartford . 225, 680. 35 New Haven 118, 126. 13 New London 1, 212. 15 Stonington . 1, 770. BB 590, 425. 93 New York: Albany. 269, 287. 63 Buffalo. 898, 573. 19 Cape Vincent. 22, 21'7. 73 Champlain. 484, 831. H9 Dunkirk 3, 151. 57 ' Geuesee . 444, 118. 37 New York. 187, '&74, 02H. 97 Niagara . :3:34„349.62 I Oswegatchie . 256, 739. 99 Oswego 156, 993. 7 & Syracuse. 68, 020. 34 190& 212, 31'3. 0 ( New Jersey: Bridgeton 514. 02 Newark 171, 498. 83 i 146, 768. 44 Perth Amboy. i Little Egg Harbor 1. 20 318, 782. 49 Pennsylvania: Erie. 19, 445 82 I Philadelphia. 18, 079) 426. 58 Pittsburg. 673& 630. 67 18, 772, 5&03. 07 Delaware 21) 026. 52 (5) RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS' 1908. It'eeetpte —Continued. States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Receipts. Deductions. Net receipts. From C((atoms —Continued. Maryland: Annapolis. $10. 65 Baltimore. 4, 716) 435. 04 $4, 716, 445. 69 District of Columbia. I/O, 091. 09 Virginia: Alexandria. 093. 73 Newport News. 369, 684. 09 Norfolk 132, 90H. H8 Petersburg. 112, 084. 76 Richmond. 157, 958. 24 774& 619. 70 North Carolina: Albemarle 5. 70 Pamlico . 652. 45 Wilmington . 21, 207. 33 21) 865. 48 South Carolina: Beaufort. .. 977. 78 Charleston 60, 182. 82 Georgetown 82. 65 70& 243. 2D Georgia: Atlanta. 42, 512. 98 Brunswick 9& 565. 55 Savannah. 67, 302. 98 119, 381. 51 Alabama: Mobile. 76& 237. 62 Florida: Apalachicola . 652. 22 Fernandina. .. 117812. 60 Key West, 491, 947. 55 Pensacola. 27, 527. 62 St. Augustine. 4, 024. 38 St. Johns. 29, 059. 10 St. Marks. 5, 256. 88 Tmnpa. 1& 561& 75l 92 2, 132, 032, 27 Mississippi; Gul fport. 15, 716. 58 Natchez 9. 60 Vicksburg. 1. 20 15& 727. 38 Louisiana: Morgan City. 76. 35 New Orleans. 7, 046, 169. 40 7, 046, 245. (5 Texas: Brazos de Santiago. 8 827. 11 Corpus Christi. 95, 577. 08 Galveston. 497, 108. 45 Houston. 27, 859. 67 Paso del Norte. 339& 351. 48 Sabine . 7, 733. 94 Saluria. 00, 487. 51 1& 066, 945 24 Tennessee: Chattanooga . 267. 38 Iknoxville . 2, 769. 44 Memphis; 72, 742. 46 Nashville. .. 31, 058. 23 106) 837, 51 Ikentucky: Louisville . 206, 852. 64 Ohio: Cincinnati. 883& 241. 87 Columbus . 193, 592. 48 Cuyahoga 1, 443, 149. 35 Dayton. 145) 010. 92 Miami. 62& 874. 78 (67. 55 Sandusky. 9, 2, 737, 636. 95 Michigan: Detroit. 2) 114, 223. 93 Grand Rapids. 103& 866 95 Port IIuron. 424, o58. 62 Michigan. 8) 236. 48 Superior. 125) 375. 46 2, 776, 361. 44 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS) 1908. Ei scents —Cori ti 0 Red. States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Receipts. Deductions. y/ct receipts. From Cusfoms —Continued. Indiana: Evansville $80, 697. 96 Indianapolis 211) '/1 /. 48 8292, 415. 44 ~ illinois ~ Chicago. 9) 682, 190. 05 Peoria, .. .. .. 36& 41'7. 83 Rock Island . 1. 35 i 9, 718, 609. 23 ' Iowa: Burlington. 7. 89 Council Bhtffs. 8, 750. 45 Des Moines. 61, 393. 19 Dubuque. 29, 668. 99 Sioux City. 9, 922. 84 109) 743. 36 MlssouM: Kansas City, 513, 676. 35 St. Joseph 110, 563. 97 St. Louis. 2) 656) H40. 53 3, 341, 0HO. 85 Colorado: Denver. 245&, 100. 38 Oregon; Coos Bay. 1. 42 Oregon. 23, 243. 75 Willamette 1, 030, 475. 65 1&053, (20. 82 ' Washington . 1& 692, 348. 55 Montana and Idaho. 353, 110. 18 Arizona. 106, 962. 16 Minnesota: Duluth. 37, 452. 21 Minneapolis. 587, 090. 87 St. Paul. 610, 978, 41 1, 235, 521. 49 North and South Dakota. 108, 979. 05 Nebraska: Omaha 156& 2.)5. 62 Lincoln. 10, 611. 78 166, 867. 40 Wisconsin: Milwaukee. 77/, 885. 10 Utah: Salt Lake City 25, 163. 39 California: Humboldt, . 2, 102. 56 Los Angeles . 518, 452. 53 San Diego . 108, 148. 50 San Francisco . 7, 503, 969. 66 8, 132, 673. 25 Hawaii 1, 53(, 588. 73 Alaska: Juneau /0, 439. 73 Porto Rico. 13, 586. 63 $286& 1 1 3) 1 30 29 Less amount refunded for excess of deposits for unascertained duties, charged. as a disbursement under the head of "Repayment to im- porters, excess of deposits for unascertained duties". .. $,'), 362, 656. 01 Amount refunded for duties collected from importers on articles sub- sequently exported, charged as a disbursement under the head of "Debentures or drawbacks " 6, 934, 406. 40 Amount refunded to claimants from sale of unclaimed merchandise, charged as a disbursement under the head of "Unciaimed merchan- dise" 2, 20). 05 & $10, 299, 267. 46 $275, 813) 862. 83 From Ques& penalties, and forfeitures (navigation'f. 13) 324. 79 From fines, penalties, and forfeitures ((,ustoms service). 283, 076. 86 '&96. 401. 65 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS) 1908. Recetyts —Continued. Receipts. Deductions. Net receipts. Et om Customs —Continued. Less amount charged in the disbursements nnder the head of "Col- lecting revenue from customs" $296, 273. 03 ~ Less repayment of iuoueys accruing from fines, penalties, and for- feitures, or other sources, erroueously received and covered into the Treasury before the paymeut of the proper informers' moieties or other legal charges against the same, charged as a disbursement under the head of "Refunding moueys erroneously received and covered into the Treasury " 128. 62 $296, 401. 65 From customs fees (customs service) . .. .. .. , . 7, 526. 89 From labor, drayage, and storage (customs service). .. .. .. 78, 224. 13 From services of United States officers (customs service). 97, 311. (8 From mileage of examiners (customs service). 338. 58 From navigation fees. 140, 525. 94 $323& 927. 32 Less amount disbursed on these accounts, charged under the head of "Collecting i revenue from customs " 323, 927. 32 States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. From Internal Revenue- New Hampshire. $483) 144. 64 Massachusetts 4, 311, 892. 39 Connecticut .. 1, 834, 346. 69 New York: First district. 8, 952, 355. 39 Second district . 3, 965, 212. 60 Third district . .. .. 8) 483& 604. 33; Fourteenth district. .. 4, 814, 589. 22 Twenty-first district. .. 1& 937, (58. 59 Twenty-eighth dist. ict. 2) 205, 927. 68 ~ 30, 359& 447. 81 Pennsylvania: First district. 6, 876, 328. 57 Ninth district. 3, 048, 710. 97 Twelfth district. 1 912 135 53 ' Twenty-third district. 9, 413 465 84 ~ 21, 250, 640. 91 New Jersey: First district. 403, 602. 80, ' 290. 62 ' Fifth district. 6& o66, , 6, 969, 893. 42 Maryland. 7, 04o& 596. 41 Virginia: Second district. 3, 505, 237. 82 Sixth district . .. 1&056) 283. 48 4, 561, 521. 30 West Virginia 1, 456, 021. 05 North Carolina: Fourth district. 2, 283, 035. 41 ' Fifth district. 2, 798, 055. 80 5, 081, 091. 21 South Carolina . 214, 409. 99 Georgia. 419, 269. 59 Florida. 1& 058, 036. 75 Alabama 310, 904. 43 Louisiana. 5, 206, 645. 98 Kentucky: Second district . .. 2) 479, 952.
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