AIRAC AIP SUPPLEMENT INDIA TEL: 91-11-24632950 AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICE 53/2020 Extn: 2219/2233 AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA AFS: VIDDYXAX RAJIV GANDHI BHAVAN FAX: 91-11-24615508 SAFDARJUNG AIRPORT Email: [email protected] 11 MAR 2020 NEW DELHI – 110003 File No. AAI/ATM/AIS/09-09/2020 Following supplement is issued for information, guidance and necessary action. sd/- हﴂ द सﴂ अरव ARVIND SINGH अ鵍यक्ष/CHAIRMAN भारतीय व मानपत्तन प्राधिकरण AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA [EFFECTIVE DATE: 23 APR 2020] AERODROME DATA KOLHAPUR AIRPORT (VAKP) VAKP AD 2. AERODROMES VAKP AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME KOLHAPUR AIRPORT/ DOMESTIC VAKP AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 163958.94N 0741725.73E Aerodrome reference point coordinates 1 Mag Brg 264.89 DEG from physical and its site extremity of RWY 25. Direction and distance of aerodrome 2 reference point from the centre of the city 180 DEG / 09KM from Kolhapur city or town which the aerodrome serves Aerodrome elevation and reference 3 1996 FT / 37DEG C temperature Magnetic, date of information and annual 4 1.25 DEG W(2010)/ 0.33 DEG (2010) change Name of aerodrome operator, address, Airports Authority of India, telephone, telefax, e-mail address, AFS Kolhapur Airport, Ujalaiwadi, 5 address, website (if available) Kolhapur, Maharashtra (India), PIN- 416004. Tel +91-231-2677352 Fax: +91-231-2677355 Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 53/2020 Page 1 of 16 AFS VAKPYDYX Email [email protected] 6 Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR) VFR 7 Remarks NIL VAKP AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS MON - FRI: 0400-1230 (0930-1800IST) 1 Aerodrome Operator SAT, SUN+ HOL : Nil 2 Custom and immigration NIL 3 Health and sanitation NIL 4 AIS Briefing office NIL 5 ATS Reporting Office (ARO) AS ATS 6 MET Briefing office AS ATS 7 Air Traffic Service Refer NOTAM for Current Watch Hours 8 Fuelling Not Available 9 Handling Nil 10 Security Maharashtra State Police/MSSC 11 De-icing Not Applicable 12 Remarks Nil VAKP AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo-handling facilities NIL 2 Fuel and oil types NIL Available on prior coordination with oil 3 Fuelling facilities and capacity companies 4 De-icing facilities NIL 5 Hanger space for visiting aircraft NIL 6 Repair facilities for visiting aircraft NIL 7 Remarks NIL Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 53/2020 Page 2 of 16 VAKP AD 2.5 PASSENGER FACILITIES Hotel(s) at or in the vicinity of 1 In the city aerodromes Restaurant(s) at or in the vicinity of 2 In the city aerodromes 3 Transportation possibilities In the city 4 Medical Facilities First Aid at AD. Hospitals in city. Bank and post office at or in the vicinity Banks: In the city 5 of aerodromes Post office: In the city 6 Tourist office In the city 7 Remarks NIL VAKP AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES 1 Aerodrome category for fire fighting During ATC Watch hour CAT-V 2 Rescue equipment Available as per AES Category 3 Capability for removal of disabled aircraft As per Disable Aircraft Removal Plan 4 Remarks NIL VAKP AD 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILABILITY CLEARING 1 Type(s) of clearing equipment NIL 2 Clearance priorities NIL 3 Remarks NIL VAKP AD 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATIONS/POSITIONS DATA Designation Apron (82 M X 52.4M) Designation, surface and 1 Surface Flexible payment. Bituminous Surface strength of aprons Strength 19/F/B/Y/T Designation TWY A Designation, width, Width 25 M 2 surface and strength of taxiways Surface Bitumen Strength 13/F/B/Y/T Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 53/2020 Page 3 of 16 Location Aircraft Stands Location and elevation 3 of altimeter checkpoints Elevation 2004 FT Location of VOR 4 NIL checkpoints Position of INS 5 NIL checkpoints 6 Remarks NIL VAKP AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS Use of aircraft stand identification signs, taxiway guidelines and visual Aircraft stand ID markings. Apron Side Strip 1 docking/parking guidance system at Markings and guidelines. aircraft stands Runway Designation, Threshold, Aiming Markings Point, Touchdown zone, Centreline, turn pad & RWY Edge. Threshold light, edge Lights light & Runway end Runway and taxiway markings and 2 light lights Taxiway Center line, Edge, Taxi way-Runway Marking Intersection & Taxiway / TWY Runway Holding Position. Lights Edge Lights 3 Stop bars (if any) NIL 4 Remarks NIL Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 53/2020 Page 4 of 16 VAKP AD 2.10 AERODORME OBSTACLES RWY/Area Obstacle type Coordinates Elevation Marking/ Remarks affected (FT) LGT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mobile Road APCH-07 163940.80054N Traffic (Road Elev OTHER 2022 TKOF-25 0741643.80750E 611.3M + Traffic 5.0M) Mobile Road APCH-07 163936.81395N Traffic (Road Elev OTHER 2012 TKOF-25 0741651.36060E 608.4M + Traffic 5.0M) APCH-07 163934.62097N POLE 2100 Electric Pole TKOF-25 0741605.62826E APCH-07 163933.03737N TREE 2138 Group of Trees TKOF-25 0741603.50395E APCH-07 163928.43575N TREE 2125 Group of Trees TKOF-25 0741602.55479E APCH-07 163933.34547N TREE 2129 Group of Trees TKOF-25 0741605.18678E APCH-07 163931.43019N TREE 2096 Group of Trees TKOF-25 0741607.03904E APCH-07 163934.78045N POLE 2119 Electric Pole TKOF-25 0741559.98234E APCH-07 163936.87674N POLE 2132 Electric Pole TKOF-25 0741559.92707E APCH-07 163935.78742N SIGN 2118 Hoarding TKOF-25 0741601.36327E APCH-07 163934.48830N TREE 2136 Group of Trees TKOF-25 0741604.42818E APCH-07 163935.24447N SIGN 2114 Hoarding TKOF-25 0741600.40775E APCH-07 163932.04523N TREE 2156 Group of Trees TKOF-25 0741552.04400E Sintex Tank on APCH-07 163928.69254N TREE 2145 Building (Building TKOF-25 0741546.99701E Top 652.2M) APCH-07 163934.19675N BUILDING 2136 Ground Level TKOF-25 0741547.32733E APCH-07 163915.35304N Mast on KIT BUILDING 2197 TKOF-25 0741540.67585E Building Pipe Top on APCH-07 163921.83961N BUILDING 2160 Building (Building TKOF-25 0741533.61294E Top 658.1M) Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 53/2020 Page 5 of 16 APCH-07 163914.01858N POLE 2197 OHWT TKOF-25 0741510.56740E APCH-07 163947.91200N FENCE 2022 Wire Fencing TKOF-25 0741648.78900E APCH-07 163756.51100N MAST 2552 Pylon Mast TKOF-25 0741339.53500E APCH-07 163942.70300N FENCE 2018 Wire Fencing TKOF-25 0741650.85600E APCH-07 163747.14200N Pylon Mast without MAST 2499 TKOF-25 0741321.52600E Wire APCH-25 163958.35600N FENCE 1998 Fencing TKOF-07 0741743.55900E Sintex Tank on In Circling 163940.90657N BUILDING 2180 Building (Building Area & at AD 0741554.61299E Top 664.0M) In Circling 163941.70286N POLE 2156 Electric Pole Area & at AD 0741555.91334E Sintex Tank on In Circling 163947.07048N BUILDING 2160 Building (Building Area & at AD 0741551.86101E Top 658.0M) In Circling 163938.87256N BUILDING 2144 Ground Level Area & at AD 0741552.13034E In Circling 163939.61156N BUILDING 2150 Ground Level Area & at AD 0741551.36109E In Circling 163937.96195N BUILDING 2147 Ground Level Area & at AD 0741549.40233E In Circling 163937.38033N BUILDING 2154 Ground Level Area & at AD 0741547.45539E In Circling 163836.09100N MAST 2146 Chimney Area & at AD 0741715.15200E In Circling 163825.53900N MAST 2160 Mast Area & at AD 0741657.92200E In Circling 163750.76500N MAST 2551 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741349.85000E In Circling 163653.65700N MAST 2635 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741303.21700E In Circling 163719.87300N MAST 2552 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741300.68800E In Circling 163717.35700N MAST 2553 Mast Area & at AD 0741336.98500E In Circling 163643.86700N MAST 2681 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741308.59500E In Circling 163952.65243N BUILDING 2001 Ground Level Area & at AD 0741711.94175E Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 53/2020 Page 6 of 16 In Circling 163949.86579N BUILDING 1996 Ground Level Area & at AD 0741705.94375E In Circling 163950.66548N FENCE 2006 Fencing Area & at AD 0741704.06037E In Circling 163955.02150N POLE 2018 Electric Pole Area & at AD 0741710.96653E In Circling 163944.05451N MAST 2224 LGT Mast (L) Area & at AD 0741548.42226E In Circling 163944.49808N MAST 2209 LGT Mast (L) Area & at AD 0741547.26567E In Circling 163942.08174N Building BUILDING 2191 Area & at AD 0741552.29462E In Circling 163950.45658N POLE 2029 WDI (L) Area & at AD 0741656.07164E In Circling 163956.17684N POLE 2018 Electric Pole Area & at AD 0741711.07611E In Circling 163955.08789N POLE 2013 Electric Pole Area & at AD 0741708.36605E In Circling 163954.87795N POLE 2017 Electric Pole Area & at AD 0741709.50943E In Circling 163938.33586N POLE 2119 Electric Pole Area & at AD 0741600.04334E In Circling 163958.52826N BUILDING 1993 Ground Level Area & at AD 0741730.10347E In Circling 163957.24970N BUILDING 1992 Ground Level Area & at AD 0741726.66482E In Circling 164000.04893N TREE 2016 Group of Trees Area & at AD 0741725.03403E In Circling 164002.07342N TREE 2018 Group of Trees Area & at AD 0741730.17235E In Circling 163835.45878N MAST 2192 Mast Area & at AD 0741510.30275E In Circling 164751.23900N TREE 2904 Tree on Hill Area & at AD 0741426.47600E In Circling 163652.83500N MAST 2494 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741459.01300E In Circling 163702.14000N MAST 2524 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741448.52500 E In Circling 163736.26700N MAST 2511 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741410.12200E In Circling 163744.74800N MAST 2511 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741400.48800E In Circling 163638.15900N MAST 2602 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741319.35200E Airports Authority of India AIP Supplement 53/2020 Page 7 of 16 In Circling 163704.30900N MAST 2557 Pylon Mast Area & at AD 0741258.39900E In Circling 163739.53800N HILL 2218 Hill Top Area & at AD 0741557.29700E In Circling 164716.91600N HILL 2552 Hill Top Area & at AD 0741328.81800E In Circling 164708.99800N
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