OF THIS B OOK THOUSAND COPI ES HAVE BEEN P R INTED J O H N Q U I N C Y A D A M S W A R D A N A P P R E C I A T I O N O I G SI A W 8 M G Q Q , A A YD VI I U Q M HO L HO T l A fl T HOq ! ORTRA I T OF oH N U I N C Y A D A M S W A RD 1 0 j Q , 9 5 C ! Y RI GH T 1 1 2 B Y T H E O , 9 , N AT I ON AL S C U L ! T U RE S OC I E T Y GFTTY CE NTERL IBRARY ’ NON HA L OT T I M O ARTI STA AL C UN CONCETTO ’ CH UN MARMO SOLO IN SE NON C IR C OSCRIVA OL S U O C I C SOVER H O , E SOLO A QUELLO ARRIVA ’ H L L I N T E L L E T L A M A N C E OBBEDIS C E A T O . M I C H E L A GN OL O B U ON A RROTI C ONTENTS ! A GE L I ST OF I LLUSTRATIONS CHRONOLOGI CAL LIST OF WORKS CHAPTER I His fare we ll His long se rvice in art Ancestry and birt h Early environment and opportunity ’ He enters Brown s studio . CHAPTER I I Significance of Brown an d Ward in t h e develop ment of American sculpture Three periods A . The Dark Ages of sculptural design B . The r - middle period C . Contempora y period Peou liar difficulties of middle period Brown and V e roc chio compared Jeff erson on Canova Brown ’ s ’ ’ genius Ward s opportunities in Brown s studio . CHAPTER I I I — n n Qualities and equipment Stay in Washi gto , and busts modeled there Return to New York Portraits Indian Hunter and Freedman 1 Election to Academy in 863 . CHAPTER IV His peculiar message as an American sculptor Views on contemporary criticism Technical proc esses Patriotism Breadth of View Bronze casting in Brown ’ s studio Feeling for the classic ix C O N T E N T S — ! A GE C HA! TER IV . C ontinued Masculine quality The Thomas Words of welcome to the women members of the Sculpture Society Personality . CHA! TER V Modeling of small obj ects Rodin Beauty un ’ related Arts over-correlated Ward s golden mean His architectural conception of work The example of the Farragut Ward ’ s generosity of spirit . CHA! TER V I ' Statues along the Atlantic seaboard — Central Park statues —The Hunter —The Shakespeare The Seventh Regiment Soldier —The Pilgrim — Comparison with the Puritan Other—New York statues , especially the Washington The B eecher The Garfield Portrait busts . CHAPTER VI I — Review of works Three typical statues , the - Hunter, the Garfield , the Hancock Century memorial addresses by Adams , Mather, Cary , and Sloane . CHAPTER VI I I Activities in different organizations Work upon Advisory Committees Library of Congress Dewey Arch L incoln letter Relation toward clients Honors received Honors due Atti tude toward art and life . LI ST OF I LLUSTRATI ONS R I F U C 1 905 F ron t is ie c PORT A T O JOHN Q IN Y ADAMS WARD , p e A T THE E N D OF THE BOOK JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WARD in his studio I NDIAN H UNTER , bronze statue T H E PEACE PLEDGE , group in relief SHAKESPEARE , bronze statue GENERAL THOMAS , bronze equestrian statue GENERAL LAFAYETTE , bronze statue GENERAL WASHINGTON , bronze statue T H E GARFIELD MONUMENT , bronze HORACE GREELEY , bronze statue ! M ALE ANDER LY AN HOLLEY , bronze bust C HENRY WARD BEE HER , bronze R C GENE AL HANCO K , bronze equestrian statue S R . AUGUST BELMONT , , bronze statue ’ JOHN QUINCY ADAMS WARD S STUDIO C H R O N O L O G I C A L L I S T O F W O R K S I I I C . W LL AM GILMORE S MMS , bronze statue , Charleston , S . , 1 1 1 87 June , 9 . I GENERAL DAN EL MORGAN , bronze statue , Spartanburg , 1 1 S . C 88 . GENERAL WASHINGTON , bronze statue , Newburyport , Mass . V t . GENERAL LAFAYETTE , bronze statue , Burlington , , June I l ra 26 , 1 883 . l ust t e d . I - GENERAL WASH NGTON , bronze statue , Sub Treasury , New 2 1 I ll tr t . 6 883 . us a e d York , November , I 6 P LGRIM , bronze statue , Central Park , New York , June , 1 885 . T E H I . GARF ELD MONUMENT , bronze, Washington , D C , 1 887 . I llustr at e d . I . W LLIAM E DODGE , bronze statue , Herald Square , New 1 885 . York , HORACE GREELEY , bronze statue , Tribune Building , New I ll ustr a te d . 1 . York , 890 ! ALE ANDER LYMAN HOLLEY , bronze bust , Washington 1 I llustr at e d . Square , New York , 890 Y . H ENRY WARD BEECHER , bronze , Brooklyn , N . , June 4 1 I llustr at e d . 2 , 1 89 . FIVE EMBLEMATIC STATUES , around the cupola of State Capitol , Hartford , Conn . L r . C . POETRY , statue , ibra y of Congress , Washington , D , 1 897 . I . W LLIAM H FOGG , bronze statue , National Academy of Design . B HENRY B . HYDE , bronze statue , Equitable uilding , New York . I 1 899 . N AVAL V CTORY , Dewey Arch , New York , GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS , bronze bust , New Public Li b r r 1 903 . a y , New York , L i GOVERNOR HORACE FAIRBANKS , marble bust , Public br r . r . a y, St Johnsbu y , Vt - I I VICE PRES DENT HAML N , bust . D R . VALENTINE MOTT , bust xiv C H R O N O L O G I C A L L I S T O F W O R K S JOSHUA GIDDINGS , bust . R . JAMES T . B ADY , bust ABRAHAM COWLES , colossal bust , Newark , N . J . I . WILL AM H VANDERBILT , bust . I . COLONEL ELL OTT F SHEPARD , marble bust . D R . GOODALE , bust , Columbus , Ohio M . R . C . COR ORAN , marble bust , Washington , D C D R . JONES , marble bust , Washington , D C R ! JOSEPH D E EL , marble bust , Washington , D . C . ORVILLE H . DEWEY , bust . ROSCOE CONKLING , bronze statue , Madison Square , New York . N E W T C ! 1 03 . PEDIMENT ON YORK S O K E CHANGE , marble , 9 GENERAL HANCOCK , bronze equestrian statue , Fairmount 1 1 1 I ll u tra t d . Park Philadelphia 9 . s e A N D Y . 1 . 907 SOLDIERS SAILORS MONUMENT , Syracuse , N , 1 I 908 . GENERAL SHER DAN , equestrian statue , S R . I ll ustr t e . AUGUST B ELMONT , , bronze statue a d CHAPTER I WI LL say adieu . And When the waste mold that encloses my personality Shall have been broken , I ask no greater honor than to have my brother sculptors meet here , and say a kind word in my memory . These words were spoken by John Quincy Adams Ward at r the end of an address in memo y of the young sculptor , : Lopez . They were indeed words of farewell not long after ’ ward , the waste mold , to use Ward s own figure , touchingly significant to men of his own craft , was indeed broken ; and the kind word he has asked of us is but a matter of truth and j ustice , in rendering tribute to a personality that will long outlast its shattered mold . A certain wistful charm , as of imagined things that might have been , envelops the story of creators like Raphael K and eats , cut off in the summer of their hope . Such men seem but as messengers of themselves ; we love them for their beautiful promise , as well as for the fair things they have had time to do before they were hurried away ; and we for or get , cast aside as too gross , our harsh proverb concerning - the fruit soon ripe . Those whom the gods love ah , what exquisite harmonies must remain . forever undis covered , because such men die young ! But no nimbus of incompleteness lingers around the achievement of Ward ; the unusual and happy conj unction of early bud and constant good fruit was granted to his J O H N Q U I N C Y A D A M S W A R D genius . In him , age performed the promise of youth ; more than half a century of mastery was his . That bronze figure of the Indian Hunter , for which he made the first studies in 1 85 7 1 864 , and which was finished in its present form in , ’ and four years later placed in New York s Central Park , bears no trace either of the arrogance or the timidity of the 1 9 1 1 apprentice ; and his last work , unveiled in , the eques ’ trian statue of General Hancock , for Philadelphia s Fair mount Park , Shows the strong mind and sure hand that ’ Shaped Ward s message at its best . In American art , he is at once ancestor and descendant a precursor , yet a mod ern instance . Even in his later years , he is almost as much “ the typical young man for war , as the old man for counsel . Times changed , and he , for a longer moment than is given - to most men , changed with them ; always , with that extra ’ of ordinary mind s eye his , scanning the horizon for each - new art problem , whether borne on the tide of general prog - ress , or tossed rocket like into his consciousness by some “ .
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