Summer 2015 No. 81 “Reading on the Rails” Event Will ASTA Bids Farewell to Everyone’s Encourage Childhood Literacy ASTA will partner with the Admission to the event will Favorite Crew Member Cedar Park Public Library be a new or gently used chil- and a Leander Independent dren’s book, to be donated to Maurice Beckham Was the School District foundation the reading-initiative program for a gala fall afternoon in the of the Leander ISD Educa- Railroad’s Gentle, Funny and A&TC railyard, encouraging tional Excellence Foundation. area elementary-aged children The program seeks to ensure Smiling Face for 22 Years to develop a lifelong reading that every home in the district Maurice Beckham, who habit. has a selection charmed, entertained and The event, of age-appro- befriended thousands of “Reading on riate children’s A&TC passengers in on- the Rails,” will books available board service for more be from 2 to to families. than two decades, died in 6 p.m. Sunday, According Austin June 29 at age 82. Oct. 4 in the to ASTA Ex- While Maurice’s title on Cedar Park ecutive Direc- the train crew was “car at- Yard at 401 tor Lil Serafine, tendant,” he was much law enforcement, Maurice E. Whitestone “Reading on more to both the pub- had gone into an active Blvd. the Rails will lic and to his fellow crew schedule of public appear- Two chil- be an early- members, bringing to his ances as a humorist and drens authors, Beth Guil- childhood literacy event to frequent tours of duty an inspirational speaker when lot (author of Elizabeth the educate children and their unfailing store of optimism he was recruited by one Dreamer) and Susie Krolav- families about railroad heri- and good cheer. of ASTA’s founders to en- ansky (Twelve Cowboys Ropin’ tage, engage participants in Passengers over the tertain passengers on the and There was a Tall Texan That interactive activities, distrib- years were treated not only then-new excursion trains. Swallowed a Flea) will be on ute children’s books to those to Maurice’s courteous and In his career with the hand for readings. in need in Leander ISD and genuine attention, but to an Texas Department of Pub- Other activities will in- support the collective mis- array of characters–some lic Safety, Maurice rose clude interactive Train Bingo sions” of the sponsoring complete with costumes– from highway patrolman and coloring activities and a groups. that included the French to the department’s chief train-themed pop-up photo ASTA is seeking dona- poet Filet Mignon and Mc- of administration, with the opportunity, and food, bever- tions and sponsorships for Gruff the Crime Dog, and rank of major. He was also age and community-vendor the event, the proceeds to to lively performances of commissioned a special booths will be on hand. support the association’s “Chattanooga Choo-choo,” Texas Ranger. Visitors will also be able to railroad-preservation activi- the “Birthday Rap” and He also served on nu- have an exclusive first look at ties. Sponsorships are avail- “Chattanooga Shoe-shine merous boards and state ASTA’s horse-car rolling mu- able at various levels, and in- Boy.” Maurice also made commissions, including a seum space (see story on Page terested parties may contact thousands of balloon ani- term as chairman of the Three) and to tour the site ASTA Executive Director Lil mals and ran a lively raffle board of the state Employ- where Southern Pacific steam Serafine at director@austin- for a drawing of SP 786. ees Retirement System. locomotive 786 is undergoing steamtrain.org or 512-477- Retiring from a distin- Maurice was born in restoration. 8468 extension 204. guished 38-year career in ( Turn to “Maurice,” Page 3) The latest news and information on Central Texas’ historic excursion railroad is always at your fingertips: www.austinsteamtrain.org ! (Donations from April through June, 2015. If we have left anyone off, please accept our apologies and contact us at [email protected] so we Thanks to our generous friends! can make sure we recognize you in our next edition.) Thanks to our regular member-donors! Thanks to our 786 donors! $500 to $999. $50 to $99. Joe and Carolyn Osborn Stockholder. $1,000 to $2,499. Alvin Goolsby Ed Mellon Richard Preston M. H. Crockett Jr. Rei Odara Dr. Robert Scott Last Resort Michael Villareal Texas Tea-Licious $100 to $249. Anonymous* Yardmaster. .$500 to $999. Basic. .$40 to $99. G. K. Elmendorf* $20 to $49. Robert Edwin Anderson Gary Phelps Larry Chenoweth Francis Bostick Nancy A. Branch Families of William V. Mary Doyle* Mr. and Mrs. Owen P. TravisEstate* Dennis Galli Carpenter Jr. Sustaining. .$250 to $499. Brenda Travis* Lori Kyser L.C. Casinger Marjorie Oyster Susan Gentz Andrew Diefenthaler Tim Greeson * In memory of James Reynolds Susan Satchell Genie D. Hurta Lehman Vendini Loves the Arts Roger and Joanne Program Scarborough James D. Spates Thanks to our donors for the AT&C’s new concession car! Premium. $100 to $249. George Zapalac Burnet Gunfighters Inc. Karla Zendejas Roger and Jean Shull Margaret and Thomas $25,000 and above. Frihart Donors. .$20 to $39. Burdine Johnson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. City of Cedar Park Tourism $250 to $499. Larry Chenoweth Board Gary D. Powell Hall Jeanne Cooper $10,000 and above. $100 to $249. Anonymous Jimmy and Joyce Wilson On the Train or in the Classroom, $5,000 and above. $40 to $99. Brian Schenk Was a Born Teacher Anonymous Zena and Chris Vaughn Brian Schenk, who spent High School, where the Brian material, but also his review many years with the A&TC W. Schenk Archives collec- of events that ties the whole You Can Help Bring not only as a passenger-ser- tion is named in his honor. together.” Steam Back to the A&TC! vice volunteer but as a care- In addition to his train ser- In addition to his work ful chronicler of the railroad’s vice, Brian put his scholarly for ASTA, Brian was active T Check progress on and ASTA’s early history, died skills to work chronicling the as a volunteer for the Rail- the restoration of SP 786 July 19 at the age of 76. history of the association and road and Heritage Museum by clicking the “Steam Brian joined the volunteer of the railroad on which it in Temple (making his com- Engine Restoration” page corps in 1996, and was a fa- runs. ASTA Board Member mute there twice a week via on our website! miliar presence as a car atten- David Gracy, himself a pro- Amtrak), and was active with T Contribute by send- dant on the trains, educating fessional archivist and histo- the Boy Scouts and the Gym- ing your tax-deductible passengers on the history and rian, noted that Brian “year nastics Association of Texas, contribution online or to lore of the railroad and the in and year out devoted to which he helped to found. the ASTA office: 401 E. area through which it passed, the work the hours and hours Brian is survived by his Whitestone Blvd., Suite bringing to his railroad ser- required to gather and iden- sister, JoAnne Schenk Phil- C-100, Cedar Park 78613! vice the skills of a lifelong tify the pictures, pull together lips of Fort Myers, Fla. and a teacher and historian. and organize all of the varied niece. T Volunteer for one of A New Jersey native, he archival documentation, and A memorial service will our 786 work days and put was educated at the Univer- write up his recapitulations be scheduled for September your skills to work bring- sity of Texas and spent 37 of events.” in Austin, and memorial do- ing the engine back to ser- years as a social-studies and “Brian left us,” he said, nations are requested to be vice. Call 512-477-8468 government teacher at Rea- “not only the historian’s in- made to the Temple Railroad for details! gan High School and Austin valuable gathering of source & Heritage Museum. Maurice (Continued from Page 1) Master Mason, and a member 1932 in Hallsburg, just east of of numerous law-enforce- Waco on a branch of the In- ment groups. ternational & Great Northern A softball pitcher of note Railroad. (The I&GN station in his younger years, Mau- sign for the town is in ASTA’s rice played semi-pro base- museum collection thanks to ball in the old Central Texas Maurice’s generosity.) League. He also took part in He earned a degree in DPS softball, football and criminal justice with study at judo teams, and was a Salva- Baylor University, Sam Hous- tion Army volunteer and Boy ton State and the University Scout leader. of Texas. Maurice also served Maurice is survived by in the Korean War with both Peggy, his wife of 64 years; the Army’s 24th Infantry Di- a daughter, Connie Willis; a As a permanent recognition of his two-decades-plus service to vision and the First Marine son, Hilton Beckham; eight the railroad and its passengers, the ASTA board named Santa Division. grandchildren; a sister and Fe dormitory-lounge No. 1343 the “Maurice Beckham” at the He was a Methodist and a two brothers. suggestion of his fellow passenger-service volunteers. The car, built by Pullman-Standard in 1950 and a veteran of the “Super Chief,” was Maurice’s favorite, and where he charmed and en- tertained thousands of guests over the years. The naming was Dramatic Rescue Portended a Life of Service shared with Maurice shortly before his final departure June 29.
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