-... ',!' \.. Student Believes Rats Occupy Much Legislature Bill. Of Beck's Time­ ~cted On Hastily. lb nlb aub lark He Studies Thirst Page Four Page Tbree "e~·-<~t.. e~.elk. <J~ M~'': . ' ' ' ' - * Wake Forest College, Winston-~em, North Carolma, Monday, Mlll'eh 14, 1960 * NUMBER 2ll VOLUME XLV ~-----------------------------------------------------~ ~~mm~mm.-~~ma~~~~~-.~--~~omwu~~ Snow.Delays Screens Hit Hard Elimi,ation 'Terrific~ Date Of Admission \. .··cost of· Snow Is .Tournament By RAY ROLLINS The overall damage costs to the College incurred by the recent snows is nothing short of "terrific," V·ote Is Undecided according to Royce B.· Weatherly of the College Maintenance Depart- · / ment. Weatherly estimated Friday that .StutjentsMay some 100 window screens have been damaged by snow-balls, 25-31) whl· dows have been broken, ~d, an in~ Decide Issue determinate number. of screen door.s rf.l Snider Defeats Baucom -are in need of repair. ;_M_·'< "Much of the damage to the NextTu~sday screen doors," lie noted, "is not stu- 1M dent-caused. Snow blockirig the doors rn caused· the damage." ~ "Student-caused d a m a g e wili \1 amount to about $200., hut there Will ~ be a terrific overall cost,'' he said. :,, The da~ages · resulting .from the ~ most recent snows have "more than ~ ::b;:!:~!~ose of the first snow of m_t.~ In addition to windows, screens "g and such, frozen gutters thave creat- ~,. ed a serious drainage problem. And ~ the dormitory: "walking decks" have ;m cracked under the snows. R<>ads ~ into and around the eampus have. lfl frozen and crumbled.. ~~; The sno'?IS hi!,Ve . forced campus ~ maintenance men into .new and un· t) wanted duties. The workers have !@ had to adjust themselv:es to.the task ~'!'~ of shoveling snow from walkways ~ and operating makeshift snow plows. f) . A new tractor recently acquired H '·"':::,:ti:"','@i;:,::~:=i·-:;:: b?" the _Mai~ten~nce Department_ ar- fl ·''·' .. ·· ,. nved JUSt m bme to be put mto F SCULPTORS OF DELTA' SI~MA PHI AT WORK use in walk-scraping~ ~] ~:x:i~~S!.::::;.:&~~... .:::::a:::::r::r.;?i-:·:~::·;.~~;·i:~1J~~1-t"SaEn::~c1~~:t::~&~~~~.:=~;~! 1t·:::.1;;:;sl:;~;:;;r!r.;:~;Er.J;<:::~~~m:tm~;t~~?/':-:r;:nr~v:J:5.-m-;.;t?.::z~:i.;.~;.~;.~:~=i-.':.:~~~~;~j Friday~~ Band Concert 232 Are Placed To Feature Clarinetist Nearing Graduation · Polio Victim She will be at her home where, as a victim of polio, .she became lile first person in history to attend classes by means of ~ telephone communications system; she will be near _the junior college <Gardner­ Webb) where she began her unique State Legislature college· education and where she also first gained nationwide atten­ tion in her successful pursuit of knowledge. Solons To. Attend Assembly Her continual spunk and high \ academic standing has brought wide A dozen-members of the Student'1 lative sessions is to di~cuss and de~ Legisiature· will travel to Raleigh bate state, national, 31nd inter­ and frequent publicity. But :Miss Thursday to attend the annual as- national issu~s. The legislature is Mason, who appreciates sincere in­ sembly of the N. C. Student Legis- carried o~ in moek-<assembly style. terest in her, said last week, '"I hate lative Assoeiation. Wake Forest Legislators who will publicity. Honest." This will be :the first· time the be attending are Howard Bullard, She'll be a bit embarrassed, but Wake Forest Student Legislature Pete Daniels, Happy Gardner,· not resentful, that lliis article even has· been represented at the state· Le}Vis Morgan, Wan,ty Wagster, appears. "But I 'hope you've got a wide association. Marcia Jones, Charlie Chatham, good story," she quipped,. in tr~~e The legislators, :.:epresenting J~dy Parker, Anna Ruth Current, j<>urnalistic spirit. both white and Negro universities D1ck Burleson, Buddy Young and First Short Story : At ;>resent she is attempting 'to and colleges throughout the state, Don Schoonmaker.' Identification write her first short story. The pro­ ·will hold mock-assembly session.s The Wake Forest delegation d[)!ls ject is in conjunction with a writing Thursday, Friday and SaturdaY'· not plan to present any bills, be- In regard to last week's letters to course, hut she is happy fou tlie op­ Some 20 schools will be represent- cause members are unfamiliar with the editor, a word of correction _portunity, as she said, "to feel my~ ed. the procedures.' Members do plan, and clarification is in order. The self out." She wants to write a 'l1he Wake Fo:rest delegation will however, to debate and discuss is· addition of "professor of English" "social story." · consist of two m€mbers to the sues brought up. They plan also to to the signature at the end of Dr. · And why so busy her last semest­ ' Sen:ate, six members .to the House make a complete 'report of pro.: John Broderick's letter was made er in college? The courses in which ... ~ of Representatives, and four alter· ceedings for the benefit of future by Old Gold and Black. It was add­ she is enrolled call for "too much nates. legislators. ed for identification. purposes only, work to be able to loaf." The Wake Forest delegation bas ·Gov. Luther Hodges will welcome not as an intentional effort to un­ "Grades don't mean anytbing," :received ~e chairmanship of .the the student legislators. Other guest dennine !his arguments against she feels. "It would be fine just to Rules Committee, which has. the speakers will be Frederick Morrow,_ "sta~. labels" on letters of pri­ do away with them." And in spite duty ''to revise and propose neces- an assistant to the president and -vate opinion. Brod~ck·s original of this feeling, or perhaps because sary constitutional changes!'- . Harry Golden, edLtor of the Ca'l'o- letter was signed simply "Jobn C. of it, her lowest grade at Wake T.be pur-pose of the student legis- lina Israelite. 1Broderick." , Forest is a lonely "B." . ' " " - ' •. PAGE TWO Monday, March 14, 1960 OLD GOLD AND BLACK Wesley Group IHappenings on· Other· Campuses!· I· . Western Carolina _College ternity at State ~liege. is sponsor­ fraternities. He . cited, according to ~o Take Trip Activities, according to the stu­ ing a "beautiful legs'! contest. the Davidsonian, the· fraternitTI dent newspaper at Western Caro­ First prize is $200. Organiziitions on "drain on a freshman! time, on lina College, "ground to a halt at campus are sponsoring .the legs. which there ~s a great demand 8Il7- To New-York. Western Carolina College as two to Judging is de.cided on the basis of a way." He said -that he "would four inches of snow covered Cullo­ photograph <legs only) submitted by rather give fraternities a whole Ily CAROL YOUNG whee . " Snow prevented about the sponsoring group: - week out of the year, if that would The Wesley Foundation will 130 students from atten<ijng class, .There are no restrictions on en­ be ·the only time tqey required, and make its annual trip to New York the . newspaper reported. tries. Anyone of any race or sex if they didn't · interfere at· other April 13 through April 18 under may enter the APO officials have times." · the the general theme of "the Christian said. · Student-faculty action at Western The time factor was not the onl7 Faith and Contemporary Culture" '"Davidson College objection raise~ by the faculty to in connection with the United Na­ Carolina College has ruled that any student at the College found with Discussion continues at Davidson frate.rnities. ,A professor sai~ "I tion and problems of world order. fireworks or caught setting off fire­ College on the merits and disadvan­ seem to find .an attitude that respon­ The trip is open to the communi­ works will be automatically sus­ tages of sophomore rushing. .Six sibility to the fraternity takes pre­ ty of lay scholars or to people who pended for a minimum of one quar­ professors and six representatives cedence · over responsibility to the have been in study groups for two ter. The action followed a- similar of the Interfraternity Council at school program; and this worries semesters. Alternates will be chos­ ruling only a week earlier wltich DAvidson debated the issue last me." -en upon two qualifications; those made possession of alcohol grouilds week. "In conflicts of interest, provided who have bPen in a study group for for suspensiop.. IFC ~president ihere has argued the aims of each are clear, one semester; and after this, per­ that sophomore rushing would tend shouldn't the i;nterests of the col­ sons in the community or those who North Carolina to reduce the size of fraternities. lege override the interests of. the have parlicipated in the study State College One of the professors said that fraternity?" he asked. groups. Student Government at N. C. "T.he faculty is .not· considering IF.C representatives charged the The cost of the trip is $42 which State College is studying a motion $OPhomore r11Sh to reduce the size of faculty with generalizing in its com­ to change the structure df the Hon­ the fraternity·group on campus." ·plaints against the fraternity sys- inclu{]es hotel rates, travel and : ... ~·. theate1· tickets. The individual must. or System. ·Chairman of the Honor Another professor said that tern. The reply was that fraternity provide for food and incidentals. Council at State College has voiced "Freshmen crime 1 to Davidso~ men were meeting the faculty With Broadway will breathe on the · t:at:! his· dis2.pproval of the bill. eager to learn, ·but something hap- a "public relations approach" and a group in the form of "Orpheus De­ The bill provides for, among pens after they !!lave been here only "defensive attitude." The IFC pres­ scending" by Tennessee Williams; other things, the establishment of a a few months, and ·enthusiasm ident ended the discussion by saying "The Connection," a story of dope proctor system.
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