Woman raped in Cass City area Assaulted in broad daylight Michigan state policc at may be thc same onc rcspon- point as she was walking suspcct vehicle and rcturncd thc Caro post arc .sixking a pounds. He has dirty, shod- siblc for rapes that also oc- towards the entrancc of the to her vchiclc. dcr-length blond hair, a pot malc suspcct and a rusty, currcd in broad daylight in Cass City IGA, where shc The state policc wcre noti- whitc panel van following belly and a 2- to 3-inch shopping mall parking lots had stoppcd to do soinc fied of the incidcnt by offi- beard, which isn’t trimmed. the rcportcd abduction and in thc Saginaw area. shopping. cials at Hills and Dales scxual assault of a woman Monday’s incidcnt was The suspcct forccd thc Gcncral Hospital, whcrc thc The suspect vehicle is an near Cass City Monday reported to have occurrcd at woman into his vehicle, woman went for treatment. older, white. panel van with in orn i ng . about 11:30 a.m. drove to a location not far no sidcyindows. The ve- An invcstigation of the A spokcsman at thc Caro from the village and sexu- Trcmpcrs said thc suspcct is hicle is rusty on both sidcs incidcnt is undcrway, ac- post said a Tuscola County ally assaulted her, the a whitc male, 25 to 30 years and in the back, and has 2 cording to troopcrs, who are woman in hcr 30s rcported spokcsman said, adding the of age, who is at least 6 feet covered windows in the rear woridcring if thc suspect she was abducted at knife victim then flcd from thc tall and weighs closc to 300 doors. LHKONICLE CASS CITY CHRONICLE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17,1990 A RESCUE WOKKKR carries one of 5 victirns in last week’s VOLUME 84,NUMBER 28 THIRTY CENTS 16 PAGES PLUS ONE SUPPLEMENT gas explosion at an Ubly area residence to an awaiting ambulance. Three of the 5 persons injured remain hospital- Led at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Saginaw. Fire puts home Friday 1 Seek aid for Explosion Tuesday injures 3 Three persons rcmain hos- Ubly area residence dnrn- "serious" condition in the St. ~aq’s. accident, and Cheni Apley, pitalized with burns follow- agcd bcyond rcpair. burn unit at St. Mary’s Allan Bosky, 6, was 19, was admitted and then I cancer victim ing a propane gas explosion Still hospimli~cdarc Shan- Medical Centcr, Saginaw, ucatcd at Hills and Dales discharged Thursday. last week that sent 5 wrsons non Boslcy, 1 1, and Randy and Donna Boslcy, 3 1, who Donations arc king sought cmcrgency room whh. pitiil, S;ip,iriaw, 3 Moiidays a Gcncral Hospital, CaSs City, Donna Bosley also was hi- t~ thc hospital and left thcir Bosky, 25, both listc,d in is1istcdin“fair”conditionat to hclp out an Ubly arca Nash said the efforts of month and must spcnd ;i full and released following thc please turn t~ back page, couplc who have dcvotcd hospital cmployccs and wcck thcrc cach nionth much of thcir lives to hclp- family rncmbcrs arc king undc rpo i 11 g i n tc n s i v c t hc r - irig othcrs. gcarcd ti)wards hclping to apy. 7’hc couplc, Iknnis arid reduce somc of the couplc’s Now, tic faccs 3 niiijor sur- Nancy Karr, face ovcr- financial burden rclatcd to geries. ~1-,~IiiiiGg L.~p,::,:,c~;rtbl:i::d tmvd and trcatrricnt as well T’h(> rhf I 1r-a f;t# ivc*ly as normal living expcnscs. schcrlultd Icw wrly 1)cccni- $5,000 loss in n-ursery to Dcnni(;’ brlttlc with can- ;xr, according to 14)rrainc “The main thing is to hcip kx, will tw a 10-hour pwc- Wh, who is among thosc rclievc the sucss and pro- durc involving rcriwv~i1of a working to hclp raisc funds vidccrnotional and financial mass i vc a hd om i n a1 turn or. for Lhc Karrs. support,” shc addd. A ncck tumor af‘fccting his caused by rubbing deer Nash is patient accounting In rccent rrionths, thc Karrs throat and hcart is slatcti for manager at Hills arid Dalcs have had to trawl to thc rcmoval Iaicr, as is ariothcr Gcncral Hospitrll, Cashcity, Univcrsity of Indiana in smaller turnor in his ncxk. as much as 90 percent still potted. whcrc Nancy Karr, an crwr- Indianapolis cvcry 4 wccks Ovcr the years the evcr be of dccr away and Brooks is for spccial chemotherapy Nadi piritcd out that the thcir value. The DNR suggest4 that caught in the middle. Right gcncy rooin ward sccrctc?ry, ordeal has draincci the expanding dwr hcrd in the ha:, kcn crnploycd for trcatm en ts , N ash c x pl a i ncd . Thumbhas provided huntcrs Although thc major loss is an clcctric fcncc bc installed now all he can do is survey In addition, Dennis rcccivcs couplc financially. ‘I’hcy from thc rubbing, the dccr to protcct the nursery. Will thc daniagc daily, repair any rrcarly 18 pus. havc no insiir;iIicc and arc and all thosc who gct a treatment at St. Luke’s Hos- also get in thcir licks to the Brooks do it? In a minute, if trces that he feels might be not eligible for Mctlicaid chargc out of one of nature’s “Kight now thc couplc is very young plants by eating hc wcrc surc it would work. salvaged and hopc that the bccauw of Nancy’s job. most bcautiful animals thc tcndcr buds, effcctivcly But thcrc is no guarantcc dcvastatcd by the serious- grcat momcnts of fun and dccr go away or are ha- Ironically, thc Karrs have killing many while thcy are that the fence will kecp thc vcstcd by the huntcrs. ness of his illness,” Nash spent a number i>f ycr~rs relaxation. rcrri ar ked. hclping othcrs. Thc flip sicic of thc coin is “We arc planning for soinc Dcnnis has scrvcci as an that they arc also an incrcas- fund raisers, one of which ing problcin and economic c mc rg c nc y in (XI i c a I tcL t i 11i I will bc a walk-a-thon,” she to c iari - spc c i ;i I is t w i th thc hardship for fumcrs, Add said, atidirig thc 4-mile that list Oscar Brooks’ nurs- B i rig hri n I 7’0w n s ti i p A r n bu - event will hc hcld Oct. 27 lance Scrvicc, and has cry on Schwcglcr Road, just stxting at 10 a.m. at Cass workcd for thc Marlcltc, north of biilligan Road. His City High School. Cass City-Mcrcy and C‘aro loss might be grcatcr than am bu I :incc scrv icc s . N mcy thosc suffered by farmcrs. Persons intcrcstcd in tak- Thc dccr have caused ing part arc askcd to sccure is an eriicrgcricy nicciiual tcchn icirln who also works damage cstiniatcd at $5,000 thcir own pledges (a ccrtain to sccdling trccs. Thc deer amount of rrioncy pcr milc), for he13 irighmI arr~bular~~ scrvicc. arc killing the young trccs and rcgistcr by calling the which stand about hcad high hospital at 872-2I2 1. Dcnnis, an IJbly ;1rch;1 nil- tivc, also has hccn active in by rubbing antlers on thc Pledge shccts can bc picked Dennis Karr tcndcr trcc trunks. up at thc hospid gift shop or ‘Thurnb arc3 softhdl xid baskcttrall Ictlgucs a< an The trccs arc valued be- urnpirc and rcfcrcc. 1 IC also tween $SO and $125 and has coachcd little lcaguc. alrcady morc than 50 arc Both have tJccn thc kind of lost, Brooks cslimatcd, and poplc who hrivc iilwiiys the damage continues gonc out of tlicir way to do n i g h rly . for othcrs, Nah indicated, adding, “Thcy’vc bccn Whcn hc callcd on thc doing things f‘or pcoplc. and Dcprutrncnt of Natural Re- now it’s thcir turn” to bc sources to inspcct the dam- hcl pc d . age 10 days ago, 40 trecs Pcrsons intcrc\tcd in niak- wcre damaged. Since that ing a donation or lcnciirig a time 10 more have been hand can contact Nit41 at rubbed, somc of them morc 872-2 12 1 (at. 28 I). than once. Brooks pointcd to several Program set trecs that hc had paintcd to save, only to havc thc deer horse puller of the year, to support rcturn and rub thc paintcd Page 5 arca raw again. serviceti1 en The DNR has granted Brooks thc right to shoot dccr to protcct the nursery but that hasn’t hclped. ’The dccr visit at night to do the Gagetown park committee d;i m a g c. sets fund raiser, There is a little financial p3gc 5 hclp from the DNR, uhizh will pay Brooks thc cojt of the sccd trces. That’s bcttcr than nothing, hut still a long way short of assu:igirig ttic loss. Brooks Cas City School Board demands gets nothing for the count- OSCAR BROOKS of Cass City shows one of the trees in his less hours hc spcnt preparing red stopping lights used on all buses. thc trmfor salc, k,hich may nursery damaged by rubbing dew. page 13 CASS CITY CHRONICLE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17,1990 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN Girls Scouts 1 seek service pen pals Audrey Katzenberger Phone 872-3049 Arca Girl Scouts arc biking part in 410pation:Fricnd- ship” - a pipi1 progrim with Anicricaii service nicnikrs in Saudi Arrahia Suplxr and cvcning guests Mrs.
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