A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL TAKE PLACE ON THURSDAY 7TH AUGUST 2014, 9AM IN THE EDUCATION CENTRE, BARNSLEY HOSPITAL AGENDA No Item Sponsor Ref 1. Apologies and Welcome 2. To receive any further declarations of interests 14/08/P-02 To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of 3. S Wragg, Chairman 14/08/P-03 Directors held in public on 2nd July 2014 To approve the Action Log in relation to progress to date 4. 14/08/P-04 and review any outstanding actions Strategic Aim 1: Patients will experience safe care L Christon 5. To receive and consider a Patient’s Story Non Executive Director To receive and endorse the Medical Director’s quarterly 6. 14/08/P-06 update report. Dr J Mahajan Medical Director 7. To receive and approve the report on Doctors’ revalidation 14/08/P-07 To receive and endorse the monthly update on Nursing & A Bielby 8. 14/08/P-08 Midwifery staffing Deputy Dir of Nursing To approve the annual report on Infection Prevention & Dr J Rao 9. Director of Infection 14/08/P-09 Presentation Control Prevention & Control To note and support progress on the Hospital @ Night A Bielby 10. 14/08/P-10 programme Deputy Dir of Nursing For the Trust’s Mortality Ratios: a) To review progress on the Trust’s Mortality Ratios Dr J Mahajan 14/08/P-11 11. b) to note the review outcomes and approve the action plan Medical Director (a-c) c) to note audit status for Sepsis Six and NEWS programmes To receive and endorse assurance report from L Christon 12. 14/08/P-12 the Clinical Governance Committee Committee Chair To receive and endorse assurance report from F Patton 13. 14/08/P-13 the Finance & Performance Committee Committee Chair To receive and endorse assurance report P Spinks 14. 14/08/P-14 from the Audit Committee Committee Chair To approve the Terms or Reference for the Governance 15. 14/08/P-15 Committees A Keeney Assoc Director of To review and endorse the Board Assurance Framework Corporate Affairs 16. 14/08/P-16 (month 3 report) Cont/… BoD August 2014: 00 PUM Agenda No Item Sponsor Ref Strategic Aim 2: Partnership will be our strength S Wragg 14/08/P-17 17. To note and endorse the monthly report from the Chairman Chairman D Wake, 14/08/P-18 18. To note the monthly report from Chief Executive Chief Executive To receive and endorse the quarterly marketing and E Parkes 19. Director of Marketing & 14/08/P-19 communications report Communications Strategic Aim 3: People will be proud to work for us Strategic Aim 4: Performance matters 20. To review the integrated performance report (month 3) Executive Team 14/08/P-20 21. In accordance with the Trust’s Standing Orders and Constitution, to resolve that representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting, having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Date of next meeting: - 4th September 2014, 9am, at Education Centre, Barnsley Hospital Signed: ………………………….. Chairman Please see reference section at back of papers for key to business plan and glossary of terms/acronyms BoD August 2014: 00 PUM Agenda REF: 14/08/P/03 REPORT TO THE BOARD OF BARNSLEY HOSPITAL NHSFT MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON 2ND JULY 2014 IN THE EDUCATION CENTRE, BARNSLEY HOSPITAL NHSFT PRESENT: Mrs S Brain England OBE Non Executive Director Mrs L Christon Non Executive Director Mr S Diggles Interim Director of Finance Mrs K Kelly Director of Operations Dr J Mahajan Medical Director Mrs H McNair Director of Nursing & Quality Mr P Spinks Non Executive Director Ms D Wake Chief Executive Mr S Wragg Chairman IN ATTENDANCE: Ms L Bamford Lead Nurse, Clinical Business Unit 4 * Dr A Bowry Clinical Director, Clinical Business Unit 5 Mr J Bradley Director of ICT Ms H Brearley Director of HR & Organisational Development (OD) Mrs L Christopher Associate Director of Estates & Facilities Ms C E Dudley Secretary to the Board Ms E Foreman Clinical Nurse Lead, Deloitte (Observer) Dr K Kapur Clinical Director, Clinical Business Unit 3 Ms A Keeney Interim Assoc Director of Corporate Affairs Mr R Kirton Director of Strategy & Business Development Ms E Parkes Director of Communications & Marketing Mr M Shiwani Clinical Director, Clinical Business Unit 4 Ms A Trainer Head of Nursing, Clinical Business Unit 4 * Mr M H Wickham Clinical Director, Clinical Business Unit 5 (* attending for Minute ref 14/115) APOLOGIES: Sir Stephen Houghton CBE Non Executive Director Mr F Patton Non Executive Director 14/111 APOLOGIES & WELCOME Members and attendees as noted above were welcomed and apologies were noted from Sir Stephen and Mr Patton. Particular welcomes were extended to Ms Foreman, attending to observe as part of the Deloitte review of the Trust’s governance arrangements, and three Clinical Directors (CDs) – Dr Bowry, Mr Shiwani and Mr Wickham. The Chairman affirmed that, following establishment of the new Clinical Business Units (CBUs), invitations had been extended to all of the CDs to attend Board meetings to provide advice directly to the Board, share updates from their CBUs and ensure timely feedback to their teams. 14/112 REGISTER OF INTERESTS AND (14/07/P-02) DECLARATION OF INTERESTS The latest Registers of Interests for the Board of Directors, the Executive Team and Clinical Directors were received and noted. Members were reminded that any changes to their entries on the Registers should be declared as soon as possible. No declarations of interest were received for any agenda items. 14/113 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (14/07/P-03) The Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held in public on 3rd June 2014 were received and approved as a true record. 14/114 ACTION LOG (14/07/P-04) The action log showing progress on matters arising from the last and previous meetings held in public was reviewed and noted. Two of the older entries on the log were queried: • 14/10 (January 2014) – inreach model for AMU to be refined The log showed that the review had been completed but further progress would be “subject to funding”. Mrs Kelly advised that this related to funding sought as part of the 7-days working business case, a decision on which was due from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) shortly. • 13/182 (July 2013) – HSMR The log showed that the strategy would be developed after the review led by AQuA (Advanced Quality Alliance) had been completed. Dr Mahajan confirmed that the review work had now been progressed with AQuA, feedback from which had been shared at a recent workshop held with attendees from key areas across the Trust – see latest report on Mortality Ratios for more information. The action plan on mortality ratios was currently being revised building on the AQuA review and outcomes from the workshop and would be presented to the Board as soon as possible. 14/115 PATIENT ’S STORY Mrs McNair introduced Ms Trainer, one of the new Heads of Nursing, and Ms Bamford, a Lead Nurse in CBU 4, to present this month’s Patient’s Story. It comprised three accounts recently published by patients, relating to treatment received in May or June: two on the NHS Choices website and one in the Barnsley Chronicle. Each of the stories was very positive: • one from a patient who had previously used private healthcare and had been wary of using an NHS hospital. Their experience had been a positive one overall and they had appreciated the support and clear explanations given by the hospital’s caring staff; • the other case posted on NHS Choices related to a patient who had received treatment under anaesthetic for the first time in their life. They had been put at ease throughout their treatment and able to go home on the same day. They had been very impressed by both the staff, particularly those on the Surgical Admissions Unit (SAU), and the brilliant care they received pre- and post-operatively; • the third case was similarly positive and again related to the SAU. BoD August 2014: 03_Minutes July 2014 Page 2 of 14 Ms Trainer and Ms Bamford emphasised the value of positive feedback like this being shared with the teams involved to ensure learning and further improvements. It was also a boost to staff morale. The Board agreed that the reports were a positive acknowledgement of the high standards of care provided on the SAU. Mrs Kelly endorsed this and advised that the unit worked extremely well, particularly around escalation needs with a flexible approach between day cases and in-patients, ensuring that all patients received the right care at the right time. It was recognised that the unit operated differently to other areas, with a different mix of patients and their corresponding needs. Nevertheless the unit clearly benefited from the strong clinical leadership provided by Ms Bamford and the Board suggested that it would be useful to identify learning points and good practice to be shared with other teams. Mrs Brain England also asked if some form of “buddy” mentoring could be provided so that newer lead staff could benefit from the experience of more experienced nurses such as Ms Bamford. Ms Trainer advised that she had been looking to develop this with the band 6 and 7 staff she had worked with previously and intended to revisit the possibilities in the new CBU. She would also explore other opportunities to share learning, as outlined by the Board.
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