Friday, May 8, *1942 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHONE CHEEKY 8800) PAGE 7 —— ¦—¦¦¦¦ ¦ Anxious Relatives Seek Word . ¦ -V . \ Of Detroiters on Corregidor Mother of 2 Marines on Rock, Taken by Japs, Asks of Sons \ «» d Grimly today many mothers and I brother of John S. Houghtby of fathers, sisters and wives awaited I 5732 Dickerson avenue, Mueller, com- who were j Cant. Charles F. word of Detroit men ‘ mamier of military police unit. His serving on Corregidor when it fell‘.sister, Mrs. Marian W. Steck, of to the Japanese. 1319 Anita avenue, a nurse at word has been received yett Deaconess Hos- No had of individuals on as to the fate horn MEVS All-Wool the GABARDINE island fortress. since Feb- SLITS units stationed ruary 15. A list of the I ¦ there has been published, but this 1' I lanes M.i- BEAUTIFULLY TEXTURED FABRICS THAT LEAD nne Corps, son ITII jjrjJjf A AEAT, Vh Help You Men*age I I.mi > , w ho re- 4 ItlSl* APPEARAA4 E FOR BUSINESS OR CASUAL W EAR / ’ iiet a ml BOYS’, STUDENTS’ Have you a relative or friend liom him at on Corregidor? C’luistmas. His home is at 1057 • tvt. Liras If so. notify the City Desk at University place. SPORT OUTFITS The Detroit Times. Cherry 88f)0. Allen R Lucas. 20. marines, son giving your name, address and of Mrs. Marian Lucas of 652 St.) telephone number Jean avenue. As fast as any information is ! Pvt. Solomon Cohen, 27. coast jsm| ¦— 75 received about individuals with artillery, son of Mr. and Mrs. I 10 WEEKS TO PAY the surrendered American forces Frank Cohen of 2210 Pingree BUY THEM A ¦ \ 0 Mai relay avenue. *ft2 Interest or Carrying Charge The Detroit Times will that information to Detroiters Martin Karabes, 25. army air AT w'ho are awaiting word of rela- corps, brother of Mrs. Albert Bos;- SAVINGS tives or friends. ot 13996 Young street .1 E. Kullman Jr.. 30, navy hos- pital apprentice, believed by his affords little consolation to a father, J. E. Kullman. of 1999 You’ll look cool—and feel cool—in these mother wondering how her boy Lansing avenue, to have been on Corregidor at its fall. fared in the final battle. handsome suits of distinctive, lustrous wool FAMILY IN PHILIPPINES ASK gabardine, famous for its ability to hold a INFORMATION Lloyd Bramble, civilian employe Among tho*c who called the in Manila with his wife. Katherine, press even in hottest, muggiest weather. today seeking information and his son. Glenn. His parents Times Lounge, drape, or campus models care- 1 was Mrs. Joseph Trupiano of 3346 are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brambl* ! of 15 Marston place. A\ j) / v street. fully finished with hand needled details, f East Fort Sgt. Samuel A. Reed, army ait It was the second time in three corps, of Attica. Mich. and becoming to men of every build and days she had called the Times—- Pvt. Fred Dalian, 28, army, SPORT COATS complexion. Naturals, tans, browns, and but her previous rail, on Tuesday, cousin of Miss Genevieve Marcil - of 12518 Promenade avenue. His teals. Second Floor , East Building was on a happier errand. parents Joy. are in 111. V ->l T “I want to recommend my Maj. D. J. Kinnee. last heard of j li^Hfl -7 block for your ‘Flghtin ent Block from Fort Drum on Manila Bay A In Town Content’," she had said. with his wife and baby. HU Rich fabrics, blended father, exactly how J. P Kinnee. lives at 612 ,<r "I don’t know Brush street. co^ors m semi-drape many we have In the service, hut Corp James S Bentley. 25. />l«*n's.vl onn{i Men’s ifa quite a few. Two are my own brother of Mr*. Gertrude Banks .* j i • * ?*. Ashley boya," she finished proudly. of 5215 avenue. ‘ 51',.,1T 51.... KS Today her rail was to FARMINGTON MAN /_ TROI.SERS, SLACKS any T 3 C. McDiarmid. United States word had boon * Marines of 18850 Sloral avenue. received re- Farmington. Last heard from gard in g her March 19. p Capt Robert K Whiteley, army surgeon. p\ Parkside Manor, last IB heard from in February from Bataan Peninsula. l>oth mom* S Pvt. John A. Lyon. 25. of hers the Staples. Minn., brother of Mrs. Fourth Marines. Victor Hardtg of 17360 Santa Bar- which bara avenue. Last heard from among the unit* in a Christmas cablegram from Mlt, on Corregidor. <OKI*- tiiiiami Fort Mills. Pda Pvt. John Holyak. 36 of 1.3471 OTHERS ON CORREGIDOR 1 Anglin avenue I-ast heard from Others beliesed to have t>eon on in November. 1941. 4 lK the fortress included: Navy Machinist’s Mate First Class D. M. MrCutrhcon. 25. of all ’round wear separate or William Rieok. .34. of the With 3303 Hogarth avenue. McCutcheon Const Artillery, brother of Mrs. was last heard from February 4. Nelson Malow, 4361 Harvard road Claude H. Taylor Jr., 20. a ma- FROM LINCOLN PARK rine. .son of Mr. and Mrs Claude Pvt. Aldwin J. Eagle, 26. brother pane, H. Taylor Sr., of 133 Owen avenue. of Mrs. Ivan Wilkins of 4240 Ha- window plain colors. Pvt. Lawrence Waugh. 19. army, zel street. Lincoln Park. S *.9 to 42. nephew of Earl Waugh of 419 Pvt. Sidney Ralph Wolf. 24. Brush street. formerly of Z276 Tavlor avenue, Stcond Floor, E*it Building Corp. Nicholas Hnizdor. 60ih brother of Mrs Ruth Bolton. 18659 Coast Artillery, brother of Mrs. Monica avenue. William Tokar, 3687 Clipper! Pvt. Owen M Hewlett. 39. street. brother of Robert Hewlett, 2222 Clements avenue. Lieut. Jnrk Hawkins, Fourth Pvt. John Nolan, artilleryman Marines fiance of Mins Rhea Rit- A. Nolan K9QB9 M>n of Mrs William ter. 1205 Twentieth Miret. 11766 Longview avenue. TUI -l»l It CASI .%1. OAFOItOS (’apt. V'. L Greenwood. 35. army, James Varna, marine, brother “MARLBORO” SHIRTS brother of Mrs. James Richards. of George Varna. 6092 McKersie 11440 Rochelle avenue. avenue. Center Line iiH iii.v patterned broadcloths Lieut. Edward R. Nell. 33, regi- Lieut F. A. Madison, artillery, mental surgeon of an infantry brother of Mrs Earl Wilcox, 9971 Mr. ' Rutland avenue. unit, son of • Woven or < -'is- IN TANK CORPS • Rich Washfast '* Pvt. William Hullihan. 26. tank Colors C- ‘Breezy to it your uuu- corps, cousin of Mrs. William fiefi ft • Pre-Shrunk for Fit Reektenwald, 16873 Littlefield ave- imrjrnbc at j 'u a\-dnu n price. JBL nue. Antiqued bronits, fuo-toues, Torpedoman broun Third-Class Robert Now’s the time to get yourself a operator in the HJPPi A J. Gisner. 24. son of Mrs. Laura marines, cousin Gisner, 15750 Rockdale avenue. whole shirt wardrobe of style-right, ’l'-jk of Ned Lowe. Sgf. Harry A. Schuh. 26. army Choice $6.95 at SAV- 286 c n e air corps, husband of Mrs. Alice of Our "Supreme’* wear-right Marlboros, Schuh. 1314 Marlborough avenue. -INGS. Oioi'i from hundreds Pvt. Rudolph \ (More wev believed — w vriniee of Street floor E*'t RmMnif L. Marasovich. pvt. tiupiaso n» < 'nrrrijiHnr nr nthrr raptured .of 26. of 3141 Belmont avenue in regi- Philippine positions will he pub- mental office r.t Fort Mills. Cor- lished tomorrow.) regidor, son of Mrs. Josephine Skopowski. 3141 Belmont avenue Hamtramek. McNutt Talks to Boys Spring and solving (t’PV— S. I Rojoprs) Lloyd Dibble. 21. with CHICAGO. May 8 1. ARMY Summer Tvpea a coast artillery unit, believed to Federal Security Administrator |![jP^ the fortress, have been on island Paul V. McNutt expressed confi- brother of Mrs. John Broshic of jiihl dence last night that democracy SHIRTS SHOUTS 39 Myrtle street. 1 Walter C. Ryan. 24 radio tech- and youth after the war would MEN’S nician with the army air corps for build a world without the "un- nix years. His mother. Mrs. Cor- merited poverty and insufficiency nelius Ryan. 15700 Petoskey ave- that have afflicted our people in nue, last heard from him April 7j the past." McNutt and former by cablegram from Cebu. President Herbert Hoover spoke HOSE Karl F. Fox. 19, on aircraft at the convention of the Boys carrier at Bataan, son of Mr. and Clubs of America. Mrs. James R Fox of 6140 Bivouac treet. They heard from their on March 5. c Pvt. Lester Clyde Harris, army. His father Lester Grover Harris 35" 25 SAVE on •f 1.520 Falrview avenue believes him to be on Corregidor. California SPORTS SHIRTS Pvt. Walter Stniss, 27, is some- i.ant Hay OL'ALITY hrre in the Philippines. His |>ar- 3 for si.N nts live at 6223 Van Dyke avenue. PAJAMAS Sanford Jack Blau, 24. army air corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thrifty footnotes to 8|0» Martin M. Blau of 2911 Monterey JL Last Day avenue. new' warm weather out- $9«» Latt Day / HILLMAN, MICH, MAN fits, in whites, pastels, dark shades. Stripes, Straight across the Gerald Rea. 22 machine gunner, Made according to ltffid Army specifications, rejected Year ’round or summer country from sport- army, whose father, Karnest Rea. clox and allover pat- weights in striped, figured mindcd California to and aunt. Mrs. Robert Rea. live at for minor technical variations. Fine count white terns, w'ith reinforced broadcloth or light fabrics. you. Blue, tan, 1242 Alameda street, Hillman. broadcloth, generously cut, with balloon scat, tic sides, or green Mich. toes and heels. Sizes 10 Notch collar coats. Pull- slub broadcloth in-or- extra wide waistband, button front. Sizes 30 to 42. A, B, C, Pvt. James Robert Body. 18 son 12. over middys. D.
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