■‘ipffaY#I 76th year, NI\ o . 2 6 4 Twin Falls, Idid a h o M o nnday, d Sepiem berr 2 1 , 1 9 8 1 " 3 25* I d a h[lo filr e c r e w s b a t ttie 3 b i g lb la z <e s -------- B y U n lle d P r e s s In tern aational—— tio drled'durihg inglhcsunitnermbiillfs! ' aTT ozc that charred sagiagebrush and ' said, whenn "the‘ wind Jusl blew Ihe ) d e s e rt la n d a s one fire. talned a 4,00(I,000-acra ii^lng-caused N a tio n all l Weather\ Service forecast-' gj r a s s a c ro s s 35,000-40,0000 acresi from retardant aw.aw a y ." Gusty winds fanned flamesflai across ers in Coij S p o k e sm e n fo r th e BBurley and fire in Shea3 BasinBr soulh ot Swan Falls loisc, however, said more -. Kuna1 Butte loSw anFallsr> ro g e d o u to f S h e sa id fi I fire bosses had made no> Shoshone BLM“ districis'Is reported Canyon, offici - ' ttnder-dry fuels .SuSunday as rainfall wasa s e x p ec ted in Id ah o Sunday control( throughout the da fficials said, while 11 spot day Sunday, estimates concerningcoi when the blaze! there had been no fires -------- fire f ig h te rs b a ttle d th rofe e bblazes. n ig h t, a nd d higliI lernperatures would j s on federal fires ignilcidd by bj ligh tn in g sirik e s in th e said Bureau of Land ManagementM; miglit be conionlalned, but officials were ______ Two of the fires covcredre d m o re th a n d ro p tn f.n. ! lands in those districts asis of Sunday Payette NatiiNational Forest. Salurday e0:70._dcgrees- on_Monday.__—( dispatcher Susan ShawveririnSolser-- i - beginning to m a k e p re lim in a ry plan."; acrcs in southwestwestern Idaho, aiding firefi 1 niglil.- However, crcws monitoredm a were expccteccted to be extinguished by •efighting efforts-after last She said 60 firefighterss battledi de- Sunday eveniening to send home some of The third was a 9,20&-,’00-acre man- week’s high i ' 20-acrc fire burning on privatepi lami today, 5h te m p e ra tu re s,’ rnse smoke caused by a temperaturete the firefightchtcrs who were summoned causcd timber fire inI northeasternn< ; “We're pi 1 oulside of Slrevell nearir tho Utah The lightniilining storm lhal moved . praying’for rain," said a " inversioni during the morriming hours, from acrossss theI state Saturday when Id a h o . dispatcher v 1 border. Dispatchers saidI crewsc were through south’luthwcstern Idaho at about r with the Payette National bI u l then fought b a c k fast-movingfi Jighlningignl?nited th e blaze, ' Slight rainfall reported•led in south- Forest, whc watching the mnn<auseced blaze to 6:45 a,m. laturdaySatu also knocked out a •here Weather Servicc fore- f la m e s a s w in d s b e g a n gustisllng la te r In. T h e l l ^htnlng t r strikes Saturday, -------- western Idaho-aided firefirefighters, of- casters said make sure it didn't jumpip fire lines. Iransmissionon line, and about 6,000 lid th e s ta te rec eiv e d ils firsl thi e d a y . to u c h ed offf twIv o b la ze s on K una B utte, ficials said.-but did littlelie toi slow tho snowfall of t becau.sc the flames threalcilcned feder- Idaho Powerer cuslomers( in Boise losl )f the season Sunday at Lick An allem pt to drop retanirdanlonthe bul officialslls said the fires quickly flam es’ advance over talltall grass that Creek Sumrr a t land. electrical serviceser for aboul seven nmlt east of McCall. tblaze from the air was callailed off, she merged andid moved soulh across the Firelighters out of Boiseise also con- •SeeFee FIRES Page A2 • ‘'i G o u t i d l ^ a c u ts ?s h a ip)e n . ^„.. -------- p o v e irtjrbilite ^ 0 , WASHINGTON (UPI) - Reacan 'Blausleinsnirtnirt chnirc ■ administration budget cutsts will cause- ■ antl-povcrtypiy-program s -work.-TJrovlde "m assive suffering” for Uiehe poor, and necessary basicbas human and social — x .........i ............. ............ - forcc-many morc-Americjicans-bclow'-s{>rvlcos andnd'help l liR people oiit of ........... thet poverty line into hopeleslessnessand poverty. n Idespair, a congresslgnaLiL_advisory ____in addition3n ti to tho 25 million Ameri- n council reporled Sunday, cans still livlniivlng in poverty, there are .1 Cuts in social program s"••will result another 30 millionmil "near poor" who ' iin a substantial increasiase in the could crosss thell line into poverty, » * . nuifiberI of poor, as those‘ whov hover Blaustelnsaid.aid . ^ jjusl abovo the poverty levek’el will sink "Ill-eonslderidered policies cannol be ^ into1 utter hopelessness," re]reported the allowed lo drivedri whole segments of 1.’.-' ^ * - ■ rNational Council on Econoir)mlc Oppor- our citizenryy towardto hopelessncM and lu n lly , « ■ despair "BlaujJausteinsald, noll-to»ltevefl-lhat-the-6ub- more crime, physicical and stanlial budgedget cutbacks in human psychological illness, brolioken lami- and social servicessci programs pro- lies, racial division and thehe potential posed In your[>ur econom ic p a c k a g c to for violence." Congress n*prf^present a severe Mtback I ....... The 15-membercouncii;«esiablished tp the poor-jf-ir-a whole, and In I by Congress and appolnteited by the particular to0 thth e e ld erly , to w om en, to 9 l president to make annualI repr o rts on m in o r itie s ain n d d toi th e yo u n g ." poverty programs, is schcheduled for The council |V ^ jF .tl^ icll said It Is "gravely abolition by the Reagan acadfnlnlslra- concerned"' aboulal cuts In federal floii, ^ ^ social progratrrams, the handing over of . Rcapn. the council lerermed ad-' proposed elim•limlnation of the Legal ministration tax cuts "regrcXesslve and Services Corp.irp. punitive." and criticized administra-ad "Each ofif thi: e se decisions ta k e n . y i l lion plans to turn federal social& pro- alone wouldd betj painful: but taken i i m s grams oyer to slates, whi'hich ''have together theycy will be absoluiely de- Iiradiiionally treated the poorp with vastallng,” thc th e council s a i d . ................................ indifference, if not hostility,' ■ The councilncil challenged Reagan In a loiter to Reagan accoi:ompanying administration:ion statements lhat the ------------------------------- -------------tl G o v em r o r d e di i c a t e s —the-reportrcouncil-chflirmanan-Arthur— ---------"S e ePP O O ^ V E R T Y P H g e ^ --------------------- B l i sts s cycle trt a c k Senate’s CDK 3 o o d — BLISS - Gov. JohnJol Evans Joined motocros:■OSS enthusiasts-in the - ”:: d e d ic a tio n of a neww tratr c k h e re Sunday, seen likelyf m pirf^ngl— i T h e c e re m o n ie s5 Includedin a ribbon-cutting hy the governor. Gifts also were exchangedged, as Evans presented Maylayor Roland Zollinger f o r O ’C o nm i o r Ou,Our regular with an official Idahoaho flag, while Evans was give:ven a key to Ihc city. , _ c r oisword s s u puzzle The tracic, locatedlied w est of B liss, Is on BLMLM land lhat i.s being WASHINGTON iUPll ------------------ lea«)d-to-the-oity-o»-os'O-recrtationai-siterThcrslrstic-cncom psssi^n -------------- ^ ----------------------sSc^nale is expcclcd to \'b t^vovxrvhelm- IshacU:k7higger-^A7 , a c r e s a n d in clu d ess a rodeoi a re n a , a s w ell a s a proposedprc rifle range. ^ ingly today — if nol unanimcn o u s l y - t o P taicek c e captures After the dedicatlration ceremonies labovc). racesi were held in ti confirmc President Reagan'sI s choice of , . , various classes of expertise< and size (actioilion al right). Evans fe SSandra Day O’Connor as thiIhe nalion's la a nJO o Oi p en — B4 remained to watchch the aciion from a viewpo ff: irst w o m an S u p re m e C o u rl; .point overlooking Ihe 2 ■'1“=''™ CI.SBlfledl e d .....................B 7 - H track. The Rovernoi•nor remarked that he had id seen inotocro.ss on 1^ Plans are already beingR mode for Comics .. te le v isio n b e fo re b)ut u lw ' atch in g it live w as a new e 8 .............................A 6 - 7 rV ex p erien c e. ijaj Mrs. O'Connor to tako her oatho at the a u u A$I-a-platoborbecb ecue lunch w as se rv e d a fle r ll , b b y ...........................A 8 rihcccremonie.s. lr:J courl Friday at Ihe end 01o Uic rail P / ” ' The proceeds fromam th e d a y 's e v en ts w ill Im; don.lonatedtothecity JJudicial Conferencc meetinlinR. I d a h o - WW e e s t .....................A l l Mrs. O'Connor. 51. slslaved in Magic VnlG a l l e y ..................A lO WashingtonV over ilie weckenend'io bo on O bltuarler l e s ........................A lO hand if any problems arorose.
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