NEW ZEALAND FM LISTING BY REGION Full-time broadcasters plus their LPFM relays (other LPFM operators excluded) Freq City/Town Programme Region Operator tx_Location_lic kW_lic Website Notes licence 88.6 Auckland Mai FM Auckland Mediaworks Skytower 15.8 maifm.co.nz licence holder Te Runanga O Ngati Whatua 218319 88.9 Rodney More FM Auckland Mediaworks Moir Hill 3.16 morefm.co.nz 206026 89.4 Auckland Newstalk ZB Auckland NZME Skytower 50 newstalkzb.co.nz 206293 90.2 Auckland The Rock Auckland Mediaworks Skytower 50 therock.net.nz 206282 90.6 Waiheke Island New Zealand Chinese Radio Auckland Waiheke Island 1.58 206032 91.0 Auckland ZM Auckland NZME Skytower 50 zmonline.com 206295 91.8 Auckland More FM Auckland Mediaworks Skytower 50 morefm.co.nz 206266 92.6 Auckland RNZ Concert Auckland RNZ Skytower 50 rnz.co.nz/concert 220034 92.9 Rodney The Sound Auckland Mediaworks Moirs Hill 3.16 thesound.co.nz 206117 93.4 Auckland The Breeze Auckland Mediaworks Skytower 50 thebreeze.co.nz 206252 93.8 Auckland The Sound Auckland Mediaworks Skytower 7.9 thesound.co.nz synchronous_lic with Ruru 206205 94.2 Auckland The Edge Auckland Mediaworks Skytower 50 theedge.co.nz 206275 94.6 Great Barrier Island Aotea FM Auckland Station Rock 1 aoteafm.org 206115 95.0 Auckland 95 bFM Auckland Skytower 12.6 95bfm.com 219934 95.8 Auckland Flava Auckland NZME Skytower 50 flava.co.nz 206316 96.6 Auckland George Auckland Mediaworks Skytower 7.9 georgefm.co.nz licence holder Te Whanau O Waipareira Trust Inc/Manukau 218342 97.4 Auckland The Hits Auckland NZME Skytower 50 thehits.co.nz Urban Maori Authority 206348 97.8 Whangapararaoa More FM Auckland Mediaworks Lochamber 0.16 morefm.co.nz 206387 98.2 Auckland Coast Auckland NZME Skytower 50 thecoast.net.nz 206351 98.6 Great Barrier Island Auckland Mt Te Ahumata 0.5 licence holder NZME 224144 99.0 Auckland Radio Hauraki Auckland NZME Skytower 50 hauraki.co.nz 206357 99.4 Waiheke Island Love FM Auckland Waiheke Island 1.58 wtv.co.nz 211703 99.8 Auckland Life FM Auckland Rhema Skytower 50 lifefm.co.nz 206314 100.1 Rodney The Rock Auckland Mediaworks Moir Hill 3.16 therock.net.nz 206118 100.6 Auckland Magic Music Auckland Mediaworks Skytower 50 magic.co.nz 206342 101.4 Auckland RNZ National Auckland RNZ Skytower 15.8 rnz.co.nz/national 220035 103.8 Auckland Niu FM Auckland National Pacific Skytower 15.8 pacificmedianetwork.com/stations/niu-fm 219935 104.0 Great Barrier Island Aotea FM Auckland Port Fitzroy 0.1 aoteafm.org 231919 104.2 Auckland Chinese Radio FM104.2 Auckland Pukekohe Hill 3.16 206380 104.6 Auckland Planet FM Auckland Community Access Skytower 15.8 planetaudio.org.nz 219936 104.9 Rodney Magic Music Auckland Mediaworks Moirs Hill 3.16 magic.co.nz 225505 105.4 Auckland Gold Auckland NZME Skytower 50 gold.co.nz 206036 106.2 Auckland Humm FM Auckland NZME Skytower 15.8 hummfm.com former local commercial transitional licence 258494 107.0 GBI Whangaparapara Aotea FM Auckland _lpfm_ 0.001 aoteafm.org 104.0 Great Barrier Island 107GBI Whangaparapara 107.7 Albany/Rosedale XS80s Auckland _lpfm_ 0.001 xs80s.com 107.7Albany/Rosedale 90.3 Akaroa Akaroa Radio Banks Peninsula Akaroa 0.1 akaroaradio.co.nz 206027 91.1 Akaroa Akaroa Radio Banks Peninsula Hilltop 0.31 akaroaradio.co.nz 206029 95.1 Akaroa RNZ Concert Banks Peninsula RNZ Mt Pearce 1.26 rnz.co.nz/concert 220017 95.9 Akaroa XS80s Banks Peninsula Long Bay Road 0.31 xs80s.com 244518 99.1 Akaroa More FM Banks Peninsula Mediaworks Mt Pearce 0.8 morefm.co.nz 206149 100.7 Akaroa Banks Peninsula Hilltop 0.31 licence registered to MBIE 09/07/2020 for auction 21/28 Oct 278148 88.6 Tauranga Magic Music Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Kopukairua No.3 0.8 magic.co.nz 2020 205911 88.9 Matata Te Arawa FM Bay of Plenty Iwi Matata Marae 0.039 facebook.com/TeArawaFM 229993 89.4 Tauranga ZM Bay of Plenty NZME Kopukairua 3.16 zmonline.com 206270 89.7 Whakatane 1XX Bay of Plenty Radio BoP Whakatane 0.003 1xx.co.nz 205853 90.2 Tauranga Newstalk ZB Bay of Plenty NZME Kopukairua 1.58 newstalkzb.co.nz 206010 90.5 Whakatane 1XX Bay of Plenty Radio BoP Manawahe Telecom 15.8 1xx.co.nz 206340 91.0 Tauranga Radio Hauraki Bay of Plenty NZME Kopukairua 0.8 hauraki.co.nz 206271 91.3 Edgecumbe Bay of Plenty Mitchell Farm 1.58 licence holder Radio BoP 206092 91.7 Opotiki Bridge FM Bay of Plenty 25 Elliott Street Opotiki 0.1 whakaatu.wixsite.com/radiostation 248145 91.8 Tauranga Bay of Plenty Maketu 0.31 licence holder Te Runanganui O Te Arawa 231461 92.1 Whakatane Magic Talk Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Putauaki 1.58 magic.co.nz 205991 92.6 Tauranga The Sound Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Kopukairua 3.98 thesound.co.nz 205998 92.9 Ohope 1XX Bay of Plenty Radio BoP Kohi Point 0.16 1xx.co.nz 205913 93.4 Tauranga More FM Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Kopukairua 1.58 morefm.co.nz 206017 93.7 Whakatane Bayrock Bay of Plenty Radio BoP Manawahe Telecom 1.58 bayrock.co.nz 211596 94.2 Tauranga The Rock Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Kopukairua 3.16 therock.net.nz 205870 95.0 Tauranga The Hits Bay of Plenty NZME Kopukairua 3.16 thehits.co.nz 206255 95.3 Whakatane RNZ Concert Bay of Plenty RNZ Mt Edgecumbe 5 rnz.co.nz/concert 220005 95.8 Tauranga The Breeze Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Kopukairua 3.98 thebreeze.co.nz 205992 96.1 Whakatane Bay of Plenty Putauaki 1.58 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlTAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 206109 Copyright NZRDXL 2017-2020 28 September 2020 Page 1 of 16 NEW ZEALAND FM LISTING BY REGION Full-time broadcasters plus their LPFM relays (other LPFM operators excluded) Freq City/Town Programme Region Operator tx_Location_lic kW_lic Website Notes licence 96.6 Tauranga Mai FM Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Kopukairua No.3 0.8 maifm.co.nz 211756 96.9 Whakatane Tumeke FM Bay of Plenty Iwi Putauaki 3.98 tumekefm.co.nz 218313 97.4 Tauranga Coast Bay of Plenty NZME Kopukairua 1.58 thecoast.net.nz 206037 97.7 Whakatane Q97 Bay of Plenty Radio BoP Manawahe Telecom 2 q97.co.nz 206093 98.2 Tauranga Moana Radio Bay of Plenty Iwi Kopukairua 0.8 moanaradio.co.nz 218340 99.0 Tauranga Gold Bay of Plenty NZME Kopukairua 3.98 gold.co.nz 206379 99.3 Ohope Q97 Bay of Plenty Radio BoP Kohi Point 0.16 q97.co.nz 205915 99.7 Murupara Te Reo o Tawhiuau 99.7FM Bay of Plenty Murupara 0.1 facebook.com/tereootawhiuau/posts/348550145331188 224145 99.8 Tauranga The Edge Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Kopukairua 3.98 theedge.co.nz 206198 100.1 Ohope Bayrock Bay of Plenty Radio BoP Ohope Beach 0.1 bayrock.co.nz 205916 100.6 Tauranga Magic Talk Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Kopukairua 3.98 magic.co.nz 228041 101.4 Tauranga RNZ National Bay of Plenty RNZ Kopukairua 7.9 rnz.co.nz/national 267475 101.7 Whakatane RNZ National Bay of Plenty RNZ Mt Edgecumbe 5 rnz.co.nz/national 220006 104.1 Whakatane The Edge Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Putauaki 1.58 theedge.co.nz 244530 104.6 Tauranga Rhema Bay of Plenty Rhema Kopukairua 7.9 rhema.co.nz 233275 104.9 Whakatane Life FM Bay of Plenty Rhema Manawahe Telecom 1.58 lifefm.co.nz 211598 105.4 Tauranga The Station Bay of Plenty Kopukairua 7.9 vinyldestination.co.nz/radio local commercial licence 258497 105.7 Whakatane The Sound Bay of Plenty Mediaworks Putauaki 1.58 thesound.co.nz 234563 106.5 Ohope Sun FM Bay of Plenty Iwi Kohi Point 1.58 sunfm.co.nz 225980 107.4 Tauranga George Bay of Plenty Mediaworks _lpfm_ 0.001 georgefm.co.nz 107.4Tauranga 87.6 Westport Brian FM Buller Brian FM _lpfm_ 0.001 brianfm.com not company's transmitter 87.6Westport 87.9 Westport Magic Music Buller Mediaworks _lpfm_ 0.001 magic.co.nz relays 100.6 Auckland 87.9Westport 88.0 Reefton RNZ National Buller RNZ _lpfm_ 0.001 rnz.co.nz/national 88Reefton 89.3 Westport Radio Hauraki Buller NZME Mt Rochfort 1.58 hauraki.co.nz 211705 90.1 Westport Magic Talk Buller Mediaworks Mt Rochfort 0.5 magic.co.nz 206372 90.3 Reefton Coast FM Buller Coast FM Reefton 0.5 coastfm.net.nz not NZME Coast 206133 90.9 Westport The Hits Buller NZME Mt Rochfort 0.5 thehits.co.nz 206203 91.7 Westport ZM Buller NZME Mt Rochfort 1.58 zmonline.com 211704 92.5 Westport Gold Buller NZME Waterworks Road 0.5 gold.co.nz licence holder West Coast FM Ltd (Birchfield) 239231 93.3 Westport Buller Mt Rochfort 1.58 static.tab.co.nz/content/trackside/index.htmlO/C; TAB Trackside Radio suspended April 2020 206102 94.9 Westport Rhema Buller Rhema Waterworks Road 0.8 rhema.co.nz 206230 95.7 Westport Newstalk ZB Buller NZME Waterworks Road 0.5 newstalkzb.co.nz licence holder West Coast FM Ltd (Birchfield) 211715 95.9 Reefton Rhema Buller Rhema Reefton 0.8 rhema.co.nz 244520 96.5 Westport Coast FM Buller Coast FM Mt Rochfort 1.58 coastfm.net.nz est 1999; not NZME Coast 206168 97.5 Reefton The Hits Buller NZME Reefton 0.8 thehits.co.nz 206172 98.9 Westport RNZ Concert Buller RNZ Mt Rochfort 0.5 rnz.co.nz/concert 220018 99.3 Karamea Coast FM Buller Coast FM Karamea 1.58 coastfm.net.nz not NZME Coast 206162 99.9 Reefton Gold Buller NZME Reefton 0.8 gold.co.nz licence holder West Coast FM Ltd (Birchfield) 239233 103.7 Westport Star Buller Rhema Waterworks Road 0.8 star.net.nz 244585 104.5 Westport Life FM Buller Rhema Waterworks Road 0.8 lifefm.co.nz 245625 87.6 Christchurch Life FM Canterbury Rhema _lpfm_ 0.001 lifefm.co.nz 87.6Christchurch 87.8 Christchurch Coast Canterbury NZME _lpfm_ 0.001 thecoast.net.nz 87.8Christchurch 88.0 Christchurch Pulzar FM Canterbury _lpfm_ 0.001 pulzarfm.co.nz 100.9 Christchurch 88Christchurch 88.9 Christchurch The Edge Canterbury Mediaworks Sugarloaf 31.6 theedge.co.nz 206103 89.3 Sumner Radio Hauraki Canterbury NZME Sumner 0.015 hauraki.co.nz 205852 89.7 Christchurch RNZ Concert Canterbury RNZ Sugarloaf 79 rnz.co.nz/concert 220037
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