![English Nature Research Report](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
APPENDIX 4 XAhD PARTNERS FOR DELIVERY 0x2 PURLISIIED SPECIES AND HABJTAT ACTION PLANS List 1 (short list species) Species Contact Paint Lead Partner water vole EA UK water vole steering group brown hare ccw Mammal SoclGame Conservancy Wildlife TrustslEA dormouse I EN Wildlife Trusts/EN areater mouse-eared bat I EN harbour oorooise I Sea Mammal Research Unit . ... - i gipistrelle bat EN Bat Conservation Trust greater horseshoe bat EN EN/CCW red squirrel EN UK Red Squirrel Group aquatic warbler GCW RSPR skvlark- . -. .MAFF .. .. RSPR- bittern I EN RSPB stone curlew MAFF RSPB corncrake SOAEFD SOAEFDlRSPB Scottish crassbill SNH RSPB grey partridge MAFF Game Conservancy capercaille SNH ITE/RSPB song thrush EN RSPB natterjack toad Herp Conservation Trust (HCT) great crested newt British Hem. Societv/Froalife/HCT sand lizard EN EN/HCT allis shad MAFF MAFF/EA Aphodius niger Cathormiocerus brittanicus 13iodiversitv and t heJvfinerals Industries "2.2 Green Balance & AERC Ltd Cryptocephalus coryli EN EN a leaf beetle c. Exiguus EN Wildlife Trusts a leaf beetle violet click beetle Istaa beetle EN Peoples Trust for Endangered Sp. Obera oculata EN National Trust a long horn beetle Panagaeus crux major ccw CCW/EN a ground beetle Stenus palposus EHS [DoE(NI)] EHS [DoE(NI)] a ground beetle Tachys edrnondsi EN EN a ground beetle high brown fritillary FN ButterFly Conservation pearl bordered fritilley SNH Butterfly Conservation marsh fritillery ccw Butterfly Conservation silver spotted skipper EN Butterfly Conservation large copper butterfly EN Butterfly Conservation/EN large blue butterfly EN , , Butterfly ConservationJEN heath fritillary EN Buttetfly Conservation mole cricket EN Natural History Museum (NHM)/EN freshwater white-clawed crayfish Game Conservancy southern damselfly Wildlife Trusts Asilus crabroniformis ccw ccw hornet robber flv - Callicera spinolae EN EN a hover fly Chrysotoxurn octomaculaturn EN EN a hover fly Anisus vorticulus EA €A a snail sandbowl snail FN FN Margaritifera margaritifera SNH SNHlEA a freshwater pearl mussel glutinous snail Pisidium tenuilineatum €A EA a freshwater bivalve .. Pseudanodonta cornplanafa €A EA a freshwater mussel Segmentina nitida EA Wildlife Trusts a freshwater snail Biodiversitv and the Minerals Industrics Rcport bv Grccn Balmcc & AERC Ltd Vertigo angustior ccw ccw a snail V. Eenesii SNH SNH a snail I I V. Geyeri I ccw I V. Moulinsiana I EN EN Butterfly Conservation Butterfly Conservation/Nat Trust Butterfly Conservation WWF WWF RSPB Wildlife Trusts Devil’s bolete EN Plantlife nail fungus EN Wildlife Trusts Tulostoma niveum SNH SNH a stalked ~uffball FA Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh a lichen Garden Edinburah Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh SNH Plantlife Wildlife Trusts EN CCW EN -itv and the Minerals Industries 191 Report bv Green Balancc Et AER.CM Weissia mulficapsularis I EN EN mossy stonewort Royal Botanic Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh I Garden Edinburah ribbon leaved water olantain I €A €MEN creepin9, rnarshwort IEN , I EN , Norwegian mugwort SNH SNH Newrnan’s ladv fern SNH SNH Plantlife National Trust ccw Cypripediurn Committee Plantlife Plantlife Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Royal BotanicGarden Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh E. rofundifolia Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh PlantlifelWildlife Trusts Wildlife Trusts/EN/Kew British Waterwavs Board Broads AuthoritviWildlife Trusts Shetland aondweed I SNH SNH three lobed water crowfoot shore dock yellow marsh saxifrage I SNH I SNH 13iodivcrsitv and thc Mincrals lndustrics List 2 (middle list species) hinolophorus hipposideros Birds marsh warbler Environment Agency Royal Society for the Protection Acrocephalus palustris of Birds/ Wildlife Trusts igh tjar Forestry Commission Royal Society for the Protection tCaprimulgus europaeus I bf Birds innet inistry for Agriculture Fisheries Royal Society for the Protection tCarduelis cannabina bf Birds inistry for Agriculture Fisheries Royal Society for the Protection mberiza cirlus bf Birds/ English Nature English Nature Royal Society for the Protection rnbwiza schoeniclus I bf Birds ryneck cottish Natural Heritage Society for the Protection f Birds shrike cottish Natural Heritage/ English Society for the Protection anius collurio Fature f Birds oodlark Forestry Commission Royal Society for the Protection I bf Birds pcottiah Natural Heritage Royal Society for the Protection elanitta nigra kf BirdsNVildfowl and Wetlands ttrust orn bunting inistry for Agriculture Fisheries Royal Society for the Protection Filiaria calandra nd Food bf Birds/ English Nature spotted flycatcher English NaturelCountryside Royal Society for the Protection Muscicapa striata Council for Wales of Birds Biodiversity and the Minerals industries 143. Reaort bv -rice & AEKC Ltd English Nature/ Department of yal Society for the Protection fema dougallii he Environment (Northern Ireland) -Environment and tHeritage Service turtle dove Ministry for Agriculture Fisheries Royal Society for the Protection Sfrepfopeliafurtur and Food of Birds/ English Nature - pool frog English Nature English Nature Rana Iessonae an alchernilla English Nature English Nature Alchemilla minima tower mustard English Nature Plantlife Arabis glabra wild asparagus Countryside Council far Wales The National Trust Asparagus officianalis ssp. - al Botanic Garden Kew Carex vulpina zornflower Ministry for Agriculture Fisheries olantlife Cenfraurea cyanus and Food Shetland mouse-ear Scottish Natural Heritage Scottish Natural Heritage Cerastium nigrescens stinking hawk’s beard English Nature Royal Society for the Protection Crepis foetida of Birds 13iodiversitv and the Mincrais Industries 104 Report bv Green Balancc & URCLtd Nature/ Countryside Plantlife ianthus arrneria ouncil for Wales I inistry for Agriculture Fisheries IPlantlifel English Nature ad-leaved cudweed ed hemp-nettle for Agriculture Fisheries lantlife Galeopsis angustifolia t nd Food P lium tricornuturn cut-grass English Nature Environment Agency Leersia oryzoides sea lavender Countryside Council for Wales/ The National Trust/Botanical Limonium (endemic taxa) English Nature Society for the British Isles arsh clubmoss ountryside Council for Wales Plantlife inundata .. 1 pennyroyal English Nature English Nature Mentha pulegium pillwort Scottish Natural Heritage Countryside Council for Wales/ Pilularia globulifera wlantlife I grass-wrack pondweed English Nature British Waterways Board Pofamogeton cornpressus woolly willow Scottish Natural Heritage National Trust for Scotland hepherd’s needle inistry for Agriculture Fisheries pecten-veneris triangular club-rush English Nature Environment Agency Scirpus triqueter Biodiversity and the Minerals Industrics m Report by+Green Balance & AERC Ltd ey's whitebeam ountryside Council for Wales Botanic Garden of /LSorbus leyana oblong woodsia Scottish Natural Heritage Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Woodsia ilvensis Biodiver&y and the Minerals Industries Revart bv Green Balancc & AERC 3. Lead bodies for published Habitat Action Plans Fens English Nature Mesotrophic lakes Scottish E nviron men ta i Protect ion Agency Chalk rivers Environment Agency Aeedbeds English Nature Grazing marsh English Nature Cereal field margins MAFF Upland oakwood Forestry Cornmission Limestone pavements Countryside Commission Lowland heath English Nature Purple moorgrass Countryside Council for Wales Species rich hedgerows MAFF Saline lagoons English Nature Seagrass (Zostera) beds DoE(NI) Environment and Heritage Service Native pinewoods Forestry Commission Biodivcrsity imd the ,Minerals Industries uortbv Green Balance & AERC U APPENDIX 5 DATABASE OF LOCAL BlODlVERSlTY ACTION PLAN INITIATIVES UPDATED JANUARY 4 998 John Everitt Conservation Officer SUMMARY INFORMATION OF LOCAL BlODlVERSlTY ACTION PLAN lNlTlATlVES FROM AROUND THE UK The Wildlife Trusts, The Green, Witham Park, Waterside South, Lincoln LN5 73R LOCAL'REGIONAL BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLANS Plan name aioorvers;ty An Action Plan fa: Suffolk Ref. No Area Suffolk county Reqion EASTERN Organisations involved Role Suffolk WT Coordinating RSPB Coordinating EN.EnvAge Coordinating Local Authorities Coordinating NFU. CLA. CoCo Coordinating A large BAP group (above) will consult many smaller Purpose Set targets for existing work Audience General public Conservation staff in partner/related organisations Local Councillor/decisionmakers Members:volunteers Timescale First draft Planned for March 1998 Contact Julian Roughton Suffolk Wildlife Trust 01473 890089 ---_ - " ____- __ .. - - - .- - -. .- - - __ "".___-I I - -- ._ _-- .".. " .. -. --- - Plan name Cambridgeshire's Biodiversity Ref. No. Area Cambridg?shire county Region EASTERN Organisations involved Kale BCN&P Wildlife Trust Coordinating RSPB Coordinating Environment Agency Coordinating Local Authorities Coordinating English Nature Coordinating Carnbndgeshire Biodiverslty Steering Committee Comprises the Purpose Outline long term (50 yrs) vision for area Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Coordinate partners Audience General public Conservation staff in partnerhelated organisations Local Councillor/decisionmakers Mernberslvolunteers Timescale First draft Published November 1997 Contact Sam Emmerich Beds, Cambs. Northants & Peterborough WT 01223846363 Page 1 LOCAUREGIONAL BlODlVERSlTY ACTlOhj PLANS -- Plan name Eegfordsnire 8 iilton BAP Ref. No. -- Area Be~fordsnireccmty Region EASTEiiN Organisations involved 3CH 8 P Wildlife Trust Coorainating
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