Te mple Be th El 10 70 Orchard Ave . Providence, R. I. Only Anglo-Jewish Rhode Island's Newspaper Greatest In Independent Rhode Island Weekly VOL. XLI. No. 46 PROVIDENCE. R. I. 16 PAGES Name Dr. Ilie Berger Chairman Dr. Urrutia Says Suburbanites Organize Of R. l Pilgrimage Committee Tension Lessened Dr. Ilie Berger, veteran com­ muna l worker and leader. has In Scopus Issue been named chairm an of the New Reform Temple Pilgrimage Committee of Rhode UNITED NA TIONS. N. Y . - I sland in connection with the J ordan and Israel have agreed to For the first time in over 100 Dr. Albert S. Goodman of 10th anniversary of the founding measures which will ease the ten­ years, a new Reform Temple is Vancouver Street, Warwick, was of the State of Israel and the 20th sion in the Mount Scopus area of being organized in Rhode Island, elected chairman of this group at anniversary conference of the J rrusalem. it was reported last by a group of residents of North a meeting held last Saturday at United J ewish Appeal in J eru­ week by Dr Francesco Urrutia, Kingstown. East Greenwich and the home of Allen J . White of salem. Israel. next J une 24. 25 and personal representative of Secre­ Cranston. The only other Reform Diamond Hill. Warwick. 26 . Dr. Berger's appointment was tary-General Dag Hammarskjold. T emple in Rhode Island is Temple Other officers elected at this a nnounced today by Judge Frank Dr Urrutia outlined the progress Beth El in Providence. meeting were Mr. White, vice­ Licht. general chairm an of the of the negotiations which he had chairman ; Dr. Murray Miller of Rhode Island observance. been conducting since his appoint­ Plantation Drive. Cranston. treas­ ment in December. in his report Applications are now being ac­ urer: Mrs. White. recording secre­ to the Secretary-General. tary; Irwin K enner of G arden City cepted for the UJA anniversary Both Governments. he said. have conference tour and those wishing Dr ive, corresponding secretary. agreed that no new military instal­ Committees and chairmen were to m ake the t rip are urged to lations will be set up in the zone. contact Dr. Ilie Berger or the a ppointed to help plan the setting an Israeli enclave within the Jor­ up of a complete temple with downtown headquarters of the danian part of Jerusalem. He also General J ewish Comm ittee with­ religious services and a religious said they had given assurances school in the near future. out delay. that existing military facilities , Dr. Berger noted that the special Dr. llie Berger contrary to the 1948 agreement on The chairmen of these commit­ I tees are P eITy Bernstein. Warwick, tour arran ged by the UJA gives accommodations. three meals the area .. should be removed and constitution and by-laws; Mrs. Rhode Island Jews the opportu­ st daily in Israel and meals enroute. de royed.'' Stanley F ink. Warwick. and Mrs. nity to see first hnnd what their d t ct b I The 1948 agreement called for gifts to the annual GJC cam­ sightseeing tours con uc e . Y i the demilitarization 0f Mount Kenner. membership; Mrs. Miller English speaking guides. ups. Scopus. 1 paigns have accom plished. and Mrs. Alvin Rodin , religious taxis and entrance fees, porterage At the same time, Dr. Urrutia ! school: Dr. Miller and Mr. Rodin. The total cost of the 15-day for two pieces of baggage and said. measures were agreed upon I budget and finance ; Mr. Fink. conference tour is S998. This in­ transfer between Lydda Airport to give the United Nat:ons a housing; Mr. Fink. Mr. White a nd cludes a round trip airline ticket and your hotel in Isarel. and 44 greater measure of contr0l in the Mr. Bernstein, publicity. via El Al Israel Airlines. hotel pounds of baggage. controversial area. Ra bbi Albert G . Baum. director U. N. Inquiries Permitted of the department of n ew con­ Under one of these both parties gregations of the Union of Ameri­ f_ive Problems Face Israel would permit United Nat ions ob­ can Hebrew Congregations in New servers to investigate, on the spot. To Be Chairman - Henry York . will address members of the During Next Ten Years complaints of either side. Another Hossenfeld, president of the new organization and prospective would give to the United Nations Ge neral Jewish Committee, members on F eb. 11. NEW YORK - Israel will have ences between Israel and the exclusive control over convoys en- will be chairman, and Judge to cope with five major problems Arab states through peaceful ne­ t'=ring the area. in the second decade of its exist- gotiations." he declared. Fronk Licht will be toast­ An Israeli convoy was h eld up master, at the Tenth Ann i­ ence. Dr. Nahum Goldmann. "The second m ajor problem by Jordan last year on the ground Truman Urges U.S. wo rld J ewish leader said here. He facing Israel is the need to achieve that it carried gasoline. which was versary Celebrotio') of the spoke at the Israel Institute. a reasonable measure of economic decla red prohibited material. Providence H e b re w Doy which was established jointly by independence." Dr. Goldmann Dr. Urrutia·s report indicated, School. A banquet to mark To Support Israel the J ewish Agency and the Jew- continued. "A number of sources however. that difficulties still ex­ the anniversary will be held ish Theological Sem inary fiv e that have fed Israel's econom y isted regarding both Arab and Is­ Sunday, Feb. 23, at the NEW YORK-Former President years ago to strengthen the will be exhausted some time in raeli interests in the area. These Narragansett Hotel . Harry S . Truman said last week spir itual and cultural bonds be- the second decade. The Germ an involved Israel's Hebrew Univer­ that a just settlement of the Mid­ tween Israel a nd the Unfted Rep a rations Agreement will sity and Hadassah Hospital. the dle East situation can be worked States. terminate in another few years Arab village of Issawiya, and the Wan ts Separation out if the United States maintains "The first and most decisive." and its is doubtful that Ameri­ .'\ugusta Victoria Hospital. former­ strong support of Israel. Truman he stated, "is its integration into can governmental economic aid ly a British institution but now Of Church, State was speaking at the Waldorf-As­ the Middle East. on the basis of will continue on the sam e gener­ used for Arab refugees. toria dinner of the World Academy JERSEY CITY. N. J. - The peaceful and friendly relations ous scale as hitherto. The university and the H adas­ for Higher J ewish Studies in J eru­ executive board of the American with the peoples of this area. and "Thus." Dr. Goldmann pointed sah hospital have been kept closed. salem . Jewish Congress last week went on its participation. with the other out. "Israel will be forced to re­ except for guards and maintenance record opposing the placing of " We believed in the justice of nations of the region. in the adjust itself to a ne,v. restrictive personnel. It h as been contended religious symbols such as creches. Israel's cause when the State of great reconstructionist process ~e t of circumstances. and to re­ that the use of th e Augusta Vic­ Israel was created." Truman said. toria Hospital for refugees may be menorahs, crosses or Stars of now commencing in that part of duce, if not close. the tremendous David on public school property. "The cause is no less just today. the world. T he achievement of gap between income and expendi­ beyond the scope of the 1948 agree­ We also have a record of friend­ this supreme goal of Israel's ture in foreign currency. ment and that the village has been "Our opposition to this practice ship with the Arabs in the Middle in no way derives from hostility to statesmanship is im possible with- "The thrid problem is purely (Continued on Page 5) East. We believe where Arabs are religious belief; rath er. on the out a greement. or a t least a socio-cultural. The great effort to unjustly treated they deserve just con trary. it flows from the same political arm istice between the merge the ma ny and diverse settlem ent of their claims. WEIGHS PLAN consistent lessons of history that East-West power blocs. the elimi- human elements that have enter­ "But we ought not to create the motivated the founding fathers to nation of the cold war from the ed Israel in its first decade of JERUSALEM - The Israeli impression that we will not sup­ Fina nce Ministry is considering have staked the very existence of port the State of Israel. If we re­ area and a joint East - West statehood, from environments our country on the faith that com­ gua ra ntee of the region's security centuries apart in their culture a recommendation for a S5,600,­ main firm in the position t hat the COO I equivalent) plan lo help plete separ ation between state and State of Israel is h ere to stay and from threats of aggression a nd a nd conduct. h as succeeded religion is best for state and best a rmed conflict. beyond expecta tions. but its ulti- rehabilitate 20,000 Arab refu­ that a great future of good rela­ ,::-ees. for religion." the resolution de­ 'Thls accomplished. the Arab ma te goal. the coh esion of the tions between Israel and the Arab The money would be spent clared.
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