At Home onForeign Meadows: theReintroduction oftwo Maculinea ButterflySpecies CENTRALE LANDBOUWCATALOGUS 0000 0872 4219 Promotores: Prof. Dr. H.H.T.Prin s Hoogleraar in het Natuurbeheer ind eTrope ne n Ecologieva n Vertebraten Wageningen Universiteit Prof.Dr . P.M.Brakefiel d Hoogleraar Evolutiebiologie Universiteit Leiden Promotie commissie: Prof. Dr. L.E.M.Ve t Wageningen Universiteit Prof. Dr. J.M.va nGroenendae l Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen Dr.J.A . Thomas NERC Centre of Ecology and Hydrology, England Dr. M.M. Kwak Rijksuniversiteit Groningen y; VX.JO27XV ,3o -> yAfHom e onForeign Meadows: theReintroduction oftwo Maculinea ButterflySpecies Irmgard Wynhoff Proefschrift ter verkrijging van degraa dva n doctor opgeza g van de rector magnificusva nWageninge n Universiteit Prof. Dr. Ir. L. Speelman, in hetopenbaa r te verdedigen opvrijda g 5oktobe r 2001 des namiddagst evie r uur ind eAul a Abstract Wynhoff, I.,2001 . At Home on Foreign Meadows:th e Reintroduction oftw o MaculineaButterfl y species. Doctoral Thesis. ISBN90-5808-461-2 . Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands. Maculinea butterflies live asobligat e parasites of specific Myrmica hostant s in meadow and heathland habitat maintained by low intensity landuse.Change s in agriculture causedth edeclin e and extinction of many populations. InTh e Netherlands, Maculinea nausithousan d M.te/e/t/s disappeare d inth e 1970s.I n 1990,the ywer e reintroduced following the recommendations ofth e IUCN.Thi s study focuses onth eevaluatio n ofthi s reintroduction intoth e nature reserve Moerputten inth e province of Northern Brabant. Population establishment and dispersalwer e monitoredan daccompanie d by researcho nth e impact ofth e reintroduction onspecies-specifi c genetic composition and behaviour.Maculinea teleiusimmediatel y established itself onon e meadow, where the population still occurs today. Maculineanausithous, beingth e more mobile species, colonized habitat patcheswit h thespecifi c host ant at higher distances.Thre e subpopulations werefounded . Atth e small spatial scaleth efemale s of both species were ablet o select habitat patches with host plants and host antst odeposi t their eggs, rather then loosing manyoffsprin g by random oviposition.A tth e ladscape scaleth e occurence ofth e populations was also strongly relatedt oth e presence ofth e specific host ant species. However, through the limited dispersal capacity ofth e adults highqualit y patches atgreate r distance remain uncolonized. Genetic analysis showed that the new populations have notexperience d a bottleneck in numbersfollowin g thetranslocation . However, the populations experienced selection duet ochange d ecologicalcondition s atth efounde r site, but ecologically relevant traits were apparently notaffected . The conservation ofth e reintroduced population should concentrate on keepinga high habitat quality onth ecolonize d sites andenablin g the development of metapopulations by improving the management of potential sites within colonization distance. Ultimately, the persistence ofth e populations depends on theavailabilit y ofa nextensiv e network ofsuitabl e habitat patches.Thi s requires conservation management at alandscap e scale.Thi s study emphasizes thata carefully planned and implemented reintroduction can bea successfu l toolfo r species conservation if bothsmal l and large spatial scales aretake n into account. Doctoral Thesis (2001), Department of EnvironmetalSciences ,Tropica l Nature Conservation andVertebrat e Ecology Group,Wageninge n University, Bornsesteeg69 ,670 8 PDWageningen ,Th e Netherlands. ISBN 90-5808-461-2 ^(GoS1^, 30% Stellingen behorende bij het proefschrift: At home on foreign meadows the reintroduction of two Maculinea butterfly species 1 Poolse en Nederlandse Myrmica mieren spreken dezelfde taal (dit proefschrift). 2 Eencombinati e van een hoge dichtheid aan waardplanten en een hoge dichtheid aan waardmieren levert een slechte leefomgeving voor mierenblauwtjes op (dit proefschrift). 3 Metapopulaties van zeldzame en bedreigde soorten in het Nederlandse landschap hebben nietzozee r lastva n onvoorspelbare tegenslagen veroorzaakt door demografische, omgevings- en genetlsche factoren, maar veel meer van gebrek aan ondersteuning op beleids-e n uitvoeringsniveau (dit proefschrift). 4 Restoration ecology heeft in Nederland nogwe l eens negatieve gevolgen voor de natuur, omdat over het hoofd wordt gezien dat menwerk t aan relatief weinig verstoorde eilandjes inee n sterk verstoorde omgeving, en niet aan sterk verstoorde eilandjes in een weinig verstoorde omgeving. 5 Het kan niet anders of Tijmblauwtjes uit open, montane populaties zijn in staat om nun waardmieren te detecteren. 6 Degrootst e bijdrage aan Flamenco ind e afgelopen eeuw, wat de tekst betreft, is gedaan door Frederico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936). 7 Pecunia non oletse d non habet dulcem odorem aeternae laetae vitae (met dank aan Marian Picker). 8 Het is noodzakelijk om de anonimiteitva n zaaddonorschap te verbieden zodat kinderen het recht hebben nun vader te kennen. 9 Mobieltjes makend e mens minder mobiel. 10 Een afzuigkap is een belediging voor een goede kok. 11 Bei Niederlandern kommt der Wink mit demZaunpfah l nur dann an,wen n man den Adressaten mit dem Zaunpfahl erschlagt. Irma Wynhoff Wageningen, oktober2001 Flugeltei n kleiner blauer Falter vomWind e geweht, Ein perlmutterner Schauer, Glitzert,flimmert ,vergeht . So mitAugenblicksblinken , So imVoruberweh n Sanic h das Gluck mirwinken , Glitzem,flimmern ,vergehn . Hermann Hesse furmeine Mutter Content Chapter1: General introduction 9 Habitatfragmentation, environmental deterioration and thedecline of species 11 Declineand extinction ofMaculinea teleius and M.nausithous in theNetherlands 14 Ecologicalrestoration andreintroduction 16 Population geneticsof endangered species with smallpopulation size 18 Myrmecophily 20 Ecologyof Maculinea teleiusand M. nausithous 24 Habitatof Maculinea teleiusand M. nausithous 27 Ecologyof Sanguisorba officinalis 30 Ecologyof Myrmica ants 32 Thestudy site 34 Aimsand outline of this thesis 39 Chapter2: Therecent distribution ofthe European Maculinea species 43 Chapter3: Population development of the Large Blue Butterfly species Maculineateleius and M. nausithous afterreintroduction 59 Chapter4: Oviposition byMaculinea nausithous andMaculinea teleius butterfliesin relation to their host plant and specific host ants 75 Chapter5: Looking for the ants: Habitat selection oftwo Maculinea butterfliesand their Myrmica hostants 95 Chapter6: Landscape constraints in thedispersal of two parasitoid butterfly species 117 Chapter7: Genetic variation isretained after reintroduction ofthe butterflies Maculinea nausithous andMaculinea teleius 135 Chapter8: Synthesis 157 References 189 Summary 203 Samenvatting 209 Zusammenfassung 220 Thankyou, dankje wel, Danke,gracias! 229 Curriculum vitae 233 Generalintroduction 10 Generalintroduction Nature pays a high prizefo r the increase innumber s of human beingsal l overth eworld .At leasta thousan d plantan danima l species havebee n driven to extinction by peoplejus t since 1600A D (Jenkins 1992),an dthi s is probably only a parto fwha t is lostforever . Many morespecie s still survive butar efacin g the samefate ,soon .Wh y do so many species go extinct? Mostwer edweller so fsmal l islands andwer e simply harvested untiln o individuals were left. Other small island species were unable towithstan d introduced predators.Th e mainland situation isdifferent . Here many species arethreatene d with extinction because,apparently ,the y haveto o narrowa tolerancefo r environmental change aswel la s needing aver y specific combination of ecological conditions.Yet ,fe w ofthes e species are extinct already, andwit h enduring efforts these species may still bepreserved . Maculineabutterflie s aretypica l for the latter group of species:the y have highly specific ecological requirements combinedwit h littletoleranc e for change. Maculineabutterflies , ofwhic hfive specie s occur in Europe,sho wa typical adaptation ofthei r biology: during apar t ofthei r life cyclethe y parasitise the nestso f Myrmica ants (Thomas 1984).Thi s study concentrates onth e ecology andconservatio n oftw ospecies , Maculinea teleius, the scarce large blue butterfly, and Maculinea nausithous, thedusk y large blue. Both speciesfrequentl y live sympatrically onth e same meadows.The y use thesam e hostplant, Sanguisorba officinalis, and during their parasitic life stagesthe y behave ina simila rwa y inth ean t nests (Thomas 1984,Thoma s &Elmes1998). Habitatfragmentation, environmentaldeterioration andthe decline of species Although there are indications that Lepidoptera startedt odecreas e in numbers and distribution early inth etwentiet h century,the y have declined throughout Europe most markedly during the pastfe w decades. Many regional and national reviews aswel l ascas e studies are presented in Pavlicek-van Beek etal. (1992) and Pullin (1995).Accordin gt o national Red Data Lists,abou t40-50 %o f all Lepidoptera species occurring in Germany andAustri a areendangere d and2-5 %o fth e species occurring inthes e countries have become nationally extinct (Erhardt 1995). InTh e Netherlands thesituatio n iseve nworse :24 %o f the sedentary species have gone extinct and43 %ar ethreatene d (Wynhoff &va n Swaay 1995). Especially inth e 11 Trend J3L deer-75-100 % J3U deer.50-75 % deer. 25-50% deer. 15-25% O stable 9 unknown Figuur 1.1:Abundanc ean dstatu so fMaculinea teleius inEurop e(afte rVa nSwaa y & Warren
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