La Salle University La Salle University Digital Commons Men of La Salle University Publications 4-1947 Men of La Salle News, April 1947 La Salle University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/men_of_lasalle Recommended Citation La Salle University, "Men of La Salle News, April 1947" (1947). Men of La Salle. 12. https://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/men_of_lasalle/12 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Men of La Salle by an authorized administrator of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. (Return Postage Guaranteed) 20th St. & Olney Ave. Phila. 41, Pa. LaSalle College Sec. 562 P.L. &R. MEN of LaSALLE News M E N of La SALLE APRIL MEETING Thursday, April 17, 1947 — 7:30 P. M. LaSalle College Auditorium Boxing Bouts Refreshments MEN of LaSALLE Vol. 2 PHILADELPHIA, PA. APRIL, 1947 Issue No. 5 MINSTREL, GREAT SUCCESS OVERFLOW CROWD ATTENDS PEOPLE JAM AUDITORIUM BOXING TEAM PERFORMS AT APRIL MEETING APPLAUD LOUDLY For our April meeting—April 17, the regu­ Our first minstrel show surpassed all ex­ lar third Thursday of the month—we again pectation. Since the hall was filled to ca­ focus the spot light on another High School pacity before curtain time, it was necessary activity. We are calling the boxing team to start the show early. Before nine o’clock, back for an encore. Remember, about this the aisles and rear of the auditorium were time last year, the High School pugilists filled with standees. The scene was reminis­ gave us an interesting demonstration of the cent of a Hollywood premiere. To our manly art of self defense. knowledge, it was the first minstrel at La Mr. James Gallagher, the coach, informs Salle to which the public had been invited. us that the boys have been training since The management, Driscoll and Studholm, last December and are now in very good was beaming and the audience curious to see condition; also, in order that a well rounded La Salle’s first public minstrel. That the fight card be presented, the contestants are crowd liked it was attested by the loud laughs matched according to size and ability. The and thunderous applause; but more so by the program will consist of five bouts of three fact that even though approximately three two-minute rounds. As yet, the bouts are hundred people were unable to get seats, not arranged. However, you will see in ac­ they remained until the end. The antics and tion stellar performers Bill Schwinn, Sal jokes of the endmen so amused them and the Palo, Matt Mosser, Bill Drake, John Rankin, specialty numbers of the chorus so captivated Fran Ball, Bob Muirr and Bill Ortman; them that the inconveniences and discomforts and, at popular request, the famous feather of the overcrowded auditorium were for­ weights Teddy Regan and Joe Devlin. Last gotten. year these lads fought to a draw and many When the show ended, the audience was men have expressed a desire to see them per­ very vocal in expressing praise and to a de­ form again. gree surprised that the Men of La Salle They were good last year. They ought could put on such an extraordinary perform­ to be better this year. All seats are at the ance. In fact, a few women, whose hus­ ringside. We are sure that you will enjoy bands were in another minstrel that same the bouts. Come on out and enjoy the even­ evening, remarked. “It was better than those ing and encourage the boys. Of course, after for which admission is charged.” the bouts there will be the usual goodfellow The greatest reward for such an excep­ get-together in the cafeteria. tionally fine performance was the large au­ dience and its appreciation. To those who BRO. JOSEPH APPOINTED enjoyed the evening to such a full degree, we would like to introduce the men behind ASSISTANT MODERATOR the scenes and to make public acknowledg­ Bro. E. Joseph, F.S.C., has been appointed ment of our gratitude to those who helped assistant-moderator of the Men of La Salle. to furnish us with this not-to-be-forgotten This appointment was made by Brother G. evening. Paul, President of the College, and was The labor and time that Bill Madden and necessitated by the fact that Brother Godfrey Bob Studholm expended to get the show to­ John is unable, because of not being at La gether in such short time is something we Salle, to attend to the many on-the-scene will never know. General chairman, Jim details that arise in the running of our or­ Driscoll, spent long hours planning and ar­ ganization. Brother Joseph has had teaching ranging for the many details that are neces­ assignments in many schools in the Balti­ sary to stage such a show. Bill Whiteside more Province of the Christian Brothers. At and Brother David generously and ably as­ present, besides his teaching assignment, he sisted in the publicity. The backbone of the is the food buyer for La Salle. Sincere show was the piano accompaniest, Brother thanks, Brother, for your willingness in ac­ F. Joseph, who had to attend every rehearsal. cepting this additional work. (Continued on page 3) Page 2 M en of LaS alle News April, 1947 MEN of LaSALLE A monthly publication, published by and for the Men of La Salle WHAT WE KNOW by EVERY FATHER A MEMBER PHIL HAUCK Gerry Nugent, after the Minstrel Show, gave the key-note address in our current It is a little late to wish you a Happy drive for membership. He maintained that Easter; so, our wish is that you all had a the Men of La Salle Organization was an pleasant day. insurance for worthy boys finishing their What color is poison oak? That is what education at La Salle. It is a cheap insurance Bob Pettinato was trying to find out the for on an eight hundred dollar policy the other night. Bob sought in libraries for a premium is only two dollars a year. Finan­ full color reproduction. Having no success cial reverses and unforseen expenses are not there, he inquired in pharmacies and of exceptional. Should these, unfortunately, be­ friends. A few facetious persons asked did he fall you, the Men of La Salle stand ready, want the color in the Spring or Fall of the as far as its treasury permits, to finance year. After six hours of fruitless search, he your boy’s education at La Salle. called his mother and asked her to look in Most boys find it difficult to acclimate an encyclopedia at home. You guessed it, themselves in a new school after spending it never fails, it contained a full page, full several years in another school. To prevent color reproduction. Why was Bob so inter­ this readjustment, is one of the reasons that ested? That night he was working on a the Men of La Salle exist. Among the medical poster. Did you know that artists schools conducted by the Christian Brothers, had to be so exact? it is necessary to charge tuition in some so Does the Board of Directors know that as to make possible those that are gratuitous. the afternoon of March 13, there was a fire Did you know that the Brothers teach more at La Salle? That evening it met at La Salle pupils gratuituously than those for whom for its regular monthly meeting. The dam­ tuition is charged? age caused by the fire was great but re­ Those of you who read this are probably stricted. members already. However, are you an active Mr. McCarron, the husband of the Presi­ member? Is there a man or men you know dent of the Mothers’ Club, is recuperating who would join our organization if you at home after a very critical illness. Mr. asked him? Membership is not restricted to McCarron was in the Chestnut Hill Hos­ men having boys attending La Salle. The pital for a couple of weeks. fathers of graduates or persons interested in The Koehlers have finally gotten off for La Salle are eligible. Remember our motto Peru. They were to have gone Friday, is “AN ASSOCIATION OF MEN LOYAL March 28, but the sailing was postponed TO LA SALLE.” until the next day. For the grand finale, the chorus of the It is reported that at the Mothers’ Club Minstrel Show sang the song printed below. Fashion Show a very trim young lady mod­ It has been suggested that we adopt it as eled a pair of slacks. The woman describing our theme song. the outfit explained that it was ideal for We are the Men of La Salle, traveling. Continuing she said that this en­ We are the Men of La Salle, semble was available up to size fifty-four. We are the Men of La Salle; A wag in the crowd quipped, “I’d like to It will help the boys see the size 54 modeled.” If you will come and join us : Ray Kaelin called a meeting of the nomina­ We need every Tommy and Joe ting committee for nine o’clock and still There’s lots to be done here you know: came late. His excuse was that his bank Don’t make us do it alone, was giving psychological tests to all the em- So join right now! (Continued on page 3 ) COME, SEE, ENJOY THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 8:15 P.M.
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