SCHREIBER TIMES Vol. 10 No, 10 Paul D. Schreiber High School Wednesday May 6, 1970 Gambol Tea Garden Carnival Keepingabreasi in IIH' art field, The all mghl supper dance on provide good liands and food, it is Velleman male students will be panting graduation night is a gift from the iXK'essary parents send their JIS while they are body painting their parents to all seniors and their contributions for tickets as soon partners. This will be one of the dates. as possible. TheamounI is the aspects of carnival, along with same as last year according to The theme this year is mothers bringing their children Wins Medal •Sayonara". the familiar and General Chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. for cotton candy and hot dogs, At the recent Long Island Math competing for bronze medals. lender Japanese "good bye", or, Eugene Dunning. Thisis in spite of and students trying their skill at Fair. Danny Velleman won a gold Danny was one of 120 students "if il is so,, we must part," To nsing costs, so i( is hoped there various booths The theme of medal for his computer program, chosen. This entitled him to impart the delicate beauty of the will be parents who will con- Carnival is "Keep it Clean", entitled "Logic ' The Fair, which compete for a silver medal the theme and of Japan itself, the tribute more toward the Gambol. which will also be Che saying was co-sponsored by the Nassau fallowing week, and finally a gold Gamlwl will take place in a tea However, as Mr, and Mrs painted all over the bikinied girls' and Suffolk Math Teacher's medal. He was one of twelve garden - a transformed high Dunning pointed out at a recent tKxlies Onlookers will be allowed Association and the Manhattan students to receive this high school gymasium. As the letter to committee meetmg. every senior to bet on their favorite body- branch of the Math Association of award. the parents points out. to create IS invited with a date regardless painting couple. The couple that America, was entered by over 400 this beautiful seltmg and lo of how much parents contribute O n May 1, Danny went to the finishes first and their supporters top math students from over fifty Association of Math Teachers of will receive tickets to Ihe Merv schools on Long Island. New York State conference in Griffin Show. Another event, Danny, who is a sophomore at Syracuse, where the four t>est taking place the week prior lo Schreiber. entered his program projects were presented. Kaleidoscope On Carnival, is entitled "Get the in level 15. which is the highest Judges of the projects were Filth out of your system ". In this level of competition. In the first professors at Long Island feature, a person may express on round, in which entrees were College. papier his thoughts and prizes will Sale Today be awarded for the dirtiest and cleanest composition The by Steve Feinberg Carnival Queen Contest will be held again this year. Constitution In In sicp wiih the avant garde in Tiie price cit Kaleidoscope is piieiry. plicitiigraphy. and ari, S I INI a n d it may be purchased in With these new and orginal land one sicp ahead of our vnur English class Hepresen- ideas, camivul promised to be numerous crcdiliirs> Schreit)ers best, thanks lo Mr. The Works la'ives friim Kaleidnscope will be Kaleidoscope, iho literary and nil hand in sell ilie magazine. Weintraub and the dedicated A new governmait consisting of a Student Union and fine arts magazme of Schreiber students working with him. Riies on sale liiday T w en t y yea rs from now. a powerful Faculty-Administration-Student Board is Kaleidnscope will either be a The m (.1 n e Y collected This vejir's nijigii/ini' is a being planned for Schreiber An ad hoc committee of wor'hless piece of 'rash or an goes toward scholarships for students met over the April vacation to write the new departure from previous years' expensive piece of trash, Schreiber students. Tickets sales effiiris. Tills change is im- depending on wlielher any of its are expected lo yield most of this constitution as a result of the indefinite postponement media'ely evident from ihe contributors cut 'he mustard in money, however these are sadly of G.O. eteclions. The candidates voted not lo run ouiside Ihe new. larger formal, the world of lite literati, nb- lagging. The money collected because the present G.O. is "ineffective." rlie graeelul prini, and mncivaiive viously. eiiher way 'he result is from the various attractioos at The tentative draft of the ministration tor suggestions. A layoui-nnit on ihe in.'^ide. loo. 'he same, so pick up a copy of Ihe Carnival will just about cover the constitution will be taken to the This year. Kaleidiiseo[H'S ediiors 1970 KaIeidc)sen;H' cost of Carnival itself. majority of voters of each of have mainiuined a level of ar- student body, faculty, and ad- these three groups must approve tistic ()uahiy tar higher than of the final draft of the FAS previous magazines and. as a Old Library New Library constitution for it to be ruti Tied result, there is even moie re- bv Junp butonly a mainrity of pi esi'iiidUiiii in me IU7o student voles will be necessary tu Kalr[diisci)pi' than ever tK'fore. ratify the Student Union con- The lalenis of a wide cniss- stitution. seetiim of the schiMil population The Student Union is different are on rtlsplai ^Ihe fines' pieces, from the G.O. in membership, from a wide range of eon- leadership, and division of power. tritNJlors. all presenled in a Membership is limited to those beautiful formal. people who willingly join the Making their first appearance Student Union. Thus Ihe Student in Kaleidoscope Ihis year arc Union only represents those poets Chris Barrel I. Helen students who agree and want to Vigren. Heather Shepley. Alice be members. Komanelli. Cindy Cunningham. "Leadership" is limited to four Nancy Karo, Creg Denan, Jane elected student coordinators. The Weinlraub, and Neil Gebharl. coordinators each head one of the Photographer Eric Taubuman four standing committees features a series of haunting (treasury. fund-raising, photographs from a music Closes May 18 ; Opens June 28 publications, and social). Tte festival Roger Kin. Chris coordinators abo rotate the one In preparation for the opening Garrapuio. Peicr Piekow. and Student Union seal on the PAS of the new Port Washington Robert Heller also contribute Board. Library, the old Library will camera work close May IKth, Because of this, (Continued on page 3) Artists Betsy Bernhardi, Gary alt students who will need the Nikolis. Amanda Klein, and Roy excellent resources of the Nydorf grace nine pages with library between now and the end Two Win drawings. of the school year will have to Jim Velleman eonlribuies a utilize them before the closing translation of an ancient Angln- date. Sec Award Sa.nin sea epic, plus an original The construction of 2(»0 feel of Linda Tniskowski and Claudia fx M'm shelving and Ihe transportation Troisi represented Port Mark Millich is ifH- aull)»r of a of the library's 8U.IXN) books will Washington in the typing and sMriliiigsliori siriry.and Richard lake from four to five weeks to shorthand competitions Kramer and Stephen Keinberg complete. The bulk of the fur- co-.sOMisorerl by the Long Island t«"li return in Kaleidi>scope with niture has been installed. The Business Education Chairmen a lung [HH' m each and some Children's chair interior appointments include and the Schneider. Hill and simrier pieces furniture which is not part of the Nevf Auditorium Spangler Network Personnel complement of traditional System. library decorations. However tt>e Contests to determine the apparent concern for style has Lyden Favors representatives to the Nassau Russell Interviewed been kept within the bounds of County competion were held at The committee elected to student, teacher, and community practicality Schreiber in April Linda choose the new principal, in- cabinet, which held meetings The building contains an Mark Change Tru.skowski. a Sopiinnore won the cluding Dave Bandfield. Kicky every week. He would like to do auditorium with lighting beginning typing contest with a Korobkin. Todd Thompson, and the same for Schreiber along with I n my senior courses. equipment for stage production net speed of about 59 words per Vincent Nofi; have interviewed his plans to start modular Elementary Analv.sis during Ihe and can be divided by curtain lo minute, and competed in the one candidate so far. William scheduling. Mr Russell is a fall semester and Introduction lo form two meeting rooms. County (xmprtiLion on April II at Russell Mr. Russell is from quiet, good-natured individual Calculus during Ihe second Syosset High School. Linda again The young adult room Pelham High School in West who considers Port Washington semester. I have experimented placed first, with 48.5 wpm, facilitates student research. The Chester, New York His school a challenging place to present with a marking system descritx^ which entitled her to go on to the students will have eight was the first on the east coast lo his ideas A committee of one t)elow In place of HK- traditional Ixing Island Competition on April microfilm projectors and other have modular scheduling in Iheir student, one teacher and one mark on the report card, a IB m Plainview, where she placed audio-visual equipment in- program Mr. Russell is very director will visit Pelham at a written narrative report was third out of about seventeen creasing and varying the interested in education and its later date.
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