• Servlng the Stat. The Weather University of Iowa Partly cloudy aDd cooler loday. .. l1igll 80 to 6~; Campus and low 65 to 72. Fair and Iowa City wan cool too1ght and Sunday. Elt. 1"8 - AP Leaaed Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, July 31, 195 .. Nation's Atom Arsenal res U.S., British Unions Iflanders Meets Opposition Growing, S~vs AEC WASHINGTON (.4") - The Alomlc Energy commission re­ Bi.kini. Radioactive dust, caught ported Friday the nation's arsen­ by an unexpected wind, settled McG.arthy D~bate Begins al o( nuclear weapons is "grow­ on some Marshall islanders, ing rapidly." It Indicated pro­ Amcrlcan nationals and Japan­ gress toward creation of an ese fishermen. atomic - powered airplane and It also disclosed that there was (onspiracy laid the first fission-fed engine enough radioactive strength left [or a submarine is almost ready. in the fall-out when it passed The information in the semi­ over the United Statcs to leave annual report, covering the sLx detectable traces in the bodies of Against Joe, months ended last June, was ob­ some people. HQwever, the scurcly phrased in the usual amount was so small and harm­ generalizcd language of the AEC. less tha t it could be discovered Says Dir~sen It commented that the rapidly only by analysis with delicate crowing st.oekpile "reflects a measuring instruments. W ASHINOTON (JP)- In an trend of increased variety and The Marshallese and Ameri­ atmosphere oC high 1crullbn Sen. versatiUty of weapons." This can nationals who were dusted Ralph Flanders (R-Vt.) fought meant that the numbers of lightly in areas bordering the pasal by Sen. George W. Ma lone Friday night to Induce the scnate to condemn the conducl of Sen. mighty fission and thermonu­ proving ground suffered no (R-Ncv.) to kill the foreign aid permanent harm, said the com­ Joseph McCarthy (R-wls.) but clear bombs for destroying cities program and Invest its accumu­ and ot smaller !packaged A .. mission. And the Japanese fish­ ran Into objections lrom several bombs and shells {or fighting on ermen are reported by Japanese lated billions in American mili­ colleagues. Ihe battlefield are increasing. phYsicians "to be improving sat­ tary aircra ft . Flanders presented hls rensure Paralleling since 1950 the isfactorily" fro m radiation Malone oftercd his plan as an rcsolutlon-!irst of lis kind in 25 !tandard fission-process bomb burns. amendment to the $3 billion tor­ years-declaring McCarth,Y's tac­ develqpment has been "convert­ tics tend to "bring the senate In­ elgn aid authorlzatJon bill. to disrepute." ed development fort on ther­ He estimated the foreign oper­ monuclear weapons," said the (D.U ...... Phi. " Fr.... H.1Il Sen. William F. KnowJand (R­ Brownell Proposes ations administration had $9.9 Cailf.), the GOP majorily lead­ AEC In talking bl'iefly about H­ DR. HENRY PILLING, OXFORD PROFESSOR curreoUy study­ billion In unspent funds from cr, quickly protesled that this bombs. Inr at tbe Unlverllty of Wlseonlln. IpeakS &0 a smaU but interest­ previous appropriations. With the was no wa,Y to handle the issue; Develop PI_¥ Enclne Rewards for lips ed audience ,a,hered In the UI Ubrary' hambaurh lecture 3.1 bUBon in new money Pres­ that "what is propeny il Judicial room about "The BrlUsb Labor Party and tbe UnHed Slates." ident Eisenhower is asking for Tho' program for development decision will be made a~ white or a nuclear-engined airplane On Enemy Agents the current risco I year, Malone heat In a politieal body." said, $13,079,000,000 would be "continued," said the report. But Mone OpPOleS Ketol lion Jt also revealed tha t the program WASHINGTON (,lP)- Rewards available for building an in­ now has moved out of the fIeld of up to half a million dollars Pe//ing Defenas British vinciblc air loree. Sen. Wayne Mor e (Ind.-Or .) of thcory and mathematical cal­ were recommended Friday for 5,000 Addmunal Plane shout d to the senate Utat "I culations into the testing of ac­ tips on enemy agents or other The Nevadun c timated the think this man (McCarthy) ought tual devices to go into an even­ persons seckjng to smuggle atom­ plan would Itive the nation an to be tried so to speak" by the Attitude on Red China senate at this session or congress, lual engine. ic weapons into the United additional 2,000 heavy jet bomb- States, or manufacture them By DRAKE MABRY ers and 3,000 jet Interceptor but that Flanders' rcsolulion was The AEC's work on the atom­ here. no mUng paper on which to act. ic power plant for the submarine The American attitude toward Red China Is based on Idco\o- planes. In addition to big cash pa y­ gies, while the British attitude is based on more practical grounds. He argued for It in a 'peech lt lacked the necessary "sol­ Nautilus, launched last January, ments, li(etime asyium in this was nearing completion, the re­ This is the lino of reasoninlr followed by the British Labor party" which lasted several hours but on emn bill 01 particulars," he said, country would be offered aLiens according to Dr. Henry Pelling, professor at Queen's college, Ox- the vote got the support of only endorsing a view exprllssed a port said. The Nautilus is ex­ and their families who provide few minutes earlier by Guy pected to go into operation this ford, En"land. Ix other Republicans - Sens. Sen. such information. Cordon (R-Ore.). fall. A test-type /pla nt like that Speaking about thc British Labor party and the United Statc., John W . Bricker Ohio' William These aliens would be admit­ in the SUI Ifbrllry's Shambaugh E. Jenncr, Indian~; William Lan­ Sen. Everett Dirksen (R-Ll!.), to be used in the second A-sub­ ted into the u.s. regardless of I ~ecture r~?m Friday night, !Pell- party, Pelling said. The {fade ger and Millon R. Young, North long time friend ot M Carthy, marine, the "Sea Wolf," is any laws barring them on the us­ he "nearly completed." And de­ Ing said, rr: Labor pa~lY feels unions are led by practical, Dakota; Joseph McCarthy, Wis­ arose to declare that the move ual grounds, such as Communist that tho Chmesc revolution hap- hard-headed men, who arc consin' and Herman Welker. Ida- velopment is going forward on party membership, moral turpi­ SEN. RALPll FLANDERS (R-Vt.) Is 8hown examining- a coale against the Wisconsin senator still a third type of atomic en­ pened. and it is impossible to ig- aware ot two main (acets in the ho. ' clJeck-oft role lI.t before formall,. pre entlnr hi anti-McCarthy was "In the nature of a conspir­ tude. etc. nore it, So why not recognize relaliorulhip between American O[ficials said thal while FOA gine "suitable for a hl'h-per­ IlrowJllelJ SubmU. Proposal resoluilon. lie has said that he will r~ard absence 0' any II na10r atorial effort to liquidate and formance submarine." Atty. Gen. Herbert Brownell thom?" aDd British labor. has large unspen1 (unds. most of without reason as a direct attemPt to dodre a tand on :ettator destroy him." RNIoacllvlty Tr.. ubJel .ubml"-l the \tro})Ol • to Vift.. Britain Lives on Trade Obvious Differences them ""e already obligated and McCarihy. 'Confusio. Spectacle' The report also dealt with the President Richard Nixon and Pelting cotitlnued' to say thot I: Tl\ere .ll'e obvioUl CQrulti- military Items are under COD- Dil'kscn aId !'tlInaers l1ad vls­ trOUbles that arose out of the House Speaker Joseph Martin in Britain lives by trade with other tUllOnal differenees between structlon. (Off I Hed upon the senate a "contus­ giant eXl?losion p'f a hydrogen ts ing spectacle." Flanders, hI! said, the form of legislation lor intro­ countries anti wan. to tradc America n trade unions and Brl4 O· IIClla bomb in a test last March 1 on duction in congress. with every coltnlry as long as it tish trade unions. 4 Iowa City Men unfy sPropose New had produced three "wholly dif­ He said the plan hilS the back­ is practical. 2. Both the U.S. American ferent" resolutions on htl sub­ ing of the National Security Communists are no serious Federation of Labor (AFL) and R J ct of McCarthy In the recent past. Phi Kappa Psi's council, which is composed of threat in Britain, he said. "They the Congre s of lndusll'lnl Or- Dr'IYllng Ordl'nanCe have sought to join our. lrade ganizatl~ns (CIO) aro. after the Ja"lled After Robbery eckless "In so doing," Dirkst!h sald, President EisenhOwer, Nixon, Reinstated at SUI Secrelary of State John Foster unions sinee they started the same trung as the British labor "he has done the damage - and Dulles, Secretary of Defense party in 1920 but have been re- unloos. Both are In the Inlema- Four ]owa City men were be- By JOE MORAN -- -- you don't wash out the damage The lowa Alpha chapler of Charles E. Wilson, Foreign Op­ buffed conUn'ualiy by the labor tlonal Federation of Free Trade ing held in Johnson county jail A recommendation that John- Ing drlvcrs, the judge explained, that has been done." He did not Phi Kappa Psi social fraternity erations Administrator Harold I d r " Unions, both have the same bas- Friday in connection with the son county towns pass II new because of the short distance In- elaborate. has been reinstated at SUI as E. stassen, and Defense Mobil­ ca ~ s. ic aim. robbery of Ted Helm, Iowa City, reckless dl'lvina ordinance, aimed volved.
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