Heteroptera (Hemiptera) Species Determined in Pistachio Orchards of Siirt Province with a New Record for Fauna of Turkey: Yotvata Nergal Linnavuori, 1993

Heteroptera (Hemiptera) Species Determined in Pistachio Orchards of Siirt Province with a New Record for Fauna of Turkey: Yotvata Nergal Linnavuori, 1993

DOI: 10.2478/cerce-2018-0038 Original Article Available online: www.uaiasi.ro/CERCET_AGROMOLD/ Print ISSN 0379-5837; Electronic ISSN 2067-1865 Cercetări Agronomice în Moldova Vol. LI , No. 4 (176) / 2018: 87-95 HETEROPTERA (HEMIPTERA) SPECIES DETERMINED IN PISTACHIO ORCHARDS OF SİİRT PROVINCE WITH A NEW RECORD FOR FAUNA OF TURKEY: YOTVATA NERGAL LINNAVUORI, 1993 İ. ÖZGEN1,*, B. ÇERÇI2, C. KAYA3 *E-mail: [email protected] Received: May 26, 2018. Revised: Oct. 22, 2018. Accepted: Nov. 16, 2018. Published online: Oct. 3, 2019 ABSTRACT. This study was carried out Nysius cymoides Spinola, 1837, at pistachio orchards of Siirt province Cantacader quadricornis Lepeletier and (Merkez and Aydınlar) between 2008-2009. Serville, 1828 , Lethaeus picipes Herrich- The insect species obtained with this Schäffer, 1853, Acrorrhinium conspersus study in pistachio orchards were; Noualhier, 1895, Trigonotylus pulchellus Palomena mursili Linnavuori, 1984, Hahn, 1834 and Alloeomimus kurdus Stagonomus bipunctatus Linnaeus, 1758, Hoberlandt, 1953. Yotvata nergal Macroscytus brunneus Fabricius, 1803, Linnavuori, 1993 is a new record for Lethaeus cribratissimus Stål, 1858, entomo-fauna of Turkey. Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904, Pseudoloxops sangrudanus Linnavuori, Keywords: pistachio; Heteroptera; fauna; 2006 , Psallus perrisi Mulsant and Rey, new record; Yotvata nergal. 1852 Macrolophus glaucescens Fieber, 1858, Acrorrhinium atricorne Linnavuori, INTRODUCTION 2006, Campylomma diversicornis Reuter, 1878, Nanopsallus carduellus Horváth, The pistachio has an importance 1888, Camptocera glaberrima Walker, for economy of Turkey. The 1872, Anthocoris minki Dohrn, 1860, Southeastern Anatolian Region of Yotvata nergal, Alloeotomus cyprius Wagner, 1953, Calocoris roseomaculatus Turkey is known as homeland of angularis De Geer, 1773, Horistus pistachio. The pistachio production is orientalis Gmelin, 1790, Deraeocoris extensively made in Adıyaman, serenus Douglas and Scott, 1868, Beosus Batman, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Siirt quadripunctatus Müller, 1766, and Kahramanmaraş provinces of Megalonotus maximus Puton, 1895, Turkey. Iran is the country which is at 1 Fırat University, Bioengineering Department, Elazığ, Turkey 2 Hacettepe University, Medicine Faculty, Ankara 3 Plant Protection Research Institute, Diyarbakır, Turkey 87 İ. ÖZGEN, B. ÇERÇI, C. KAYA the top of the pistachio production and associated with pistachio orchards of it is followed by USA, Turkey, Syria Siirt province and a new record for and China, respectively (Anonymous, entomo-fauna of Turkey. 2016). Turkey has 170,000 tons of pistachio production in total MATERIALS AND METHODS (Anonymous, 2016). There are too many insects and The study was carried out to deter- diseases, which affect amount of the mine Heteroptera (Hemiptera) species yield in the pistachio orchards. Due to associated with pistachio orchards of Siirt (Aydınlar and Center) province between its economic importance, there are 2008-2009. One light trap was constituted many research studies for determina- to each orchard and trapped species were tion of beneficial and pest insects collected 15 days’ intervals. Identification associated with the pistachio orchards of species was done by second author. (Günaydın, 1978; Çelik, 1983; Péricart (1972, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1998), Bolu,2002; Bolu and Uygun, 2003; Putshkov and Moulet (2009), Wagner Özgen and Karsavuran, 2005; Özgen (1974-78) and Wyniger (2004) were used and Tok, 2009, Özgen and Beyarslan, for identification species. 2010; Özgen et al., 2010; Özgen et al., 2012; Şimşek and Bolu, 2017). RESULTS These studies are focused to deter- mine species belong to the Insecta Numerical value of species class, in general. The species which obtained from study is presented in are belong to the Heteroptera order Fig. 1. and Fig. 2. were given in some parts of these studies as lists (Bolu, 2002; Şimşek PENTATOMIDAE and Bolu, 2017). Bolu (2002) was focused to determine pest and benefi- Palomena mursili Linnavuori, 1984 cial arthropods related to pistachio Material examined: Siirt, Center, orchards of Southeastern Anatolian 08.08.2008, 8 exc, 07.09.2009, 12 exc. Totally: 20 exc. Region. Bolu (2002) reported that there eight pest species and eight Distribution in Turkey: Mersin (Önder et. al., 2006) beneficial species of insects belong to Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey. the Heteroptera order. Şimşek and This record was firstly in Bolu (2017) reported that there were Southeastern Anatolia Region of eight species belong to the four Turkey. families of Heteroptera order in their study. But, there have had no any Stagonomus bipunctatus detailed data about density and Linnaeus, 1758 population situation of the pests in the Material examined: Siirt, Center, study carried out by Şimşek and Bolu 08.08.2008, 8 exc, 07.09.2009, 12 exc. (2017). This study presents Totally: 20 exc. Heteroptera (Hemiptera) species 88 THE FAUNA OF HETEROPTERA IN PISTACHIO ORCHARDS OF TURKEY Distribution of Turkey: Adana, Distribution in Turkey: Siirt Antalya, Bursa, Erzurum, Gaziantep, (Matocq & Özgen, 2010). Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Mersin, Sivas (Dursun & Fent, 2011, Önder et al., Alloeotomus cyprius Wagner, 1953 2006). Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 5 exc, 05.08.2008, 3 exc, CYDINIDAE Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 5 exc, Totally: 13 exc. Macroscytus brunneus Distribution in Turkey: Siirt Fabricius, 1803 (Aydınlar) and Diyarbakır (Matocq & Material examined: Siirt, Center, Özgen, 2010). 20.07.2008, 3 exc, 05.08.2008, 5 exc, Remarks: Entomophagous (Matocq & 07.09.2009, 8 exc. Totally: 16 exc. Özgen, 2010). Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Antalya, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Alloeomimus kurdus Hoberlandt, Gaziantep, Hatay (Önder et. al., 2006). 1953 Material examined: Siirt, Center, LYGAEIDAE 20.07.2008, 3 exc, 05.08.2008, 2 exc, Lethaeus cribratissimus Stål, 1858 Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 5 exc, Material examined: Siirt, Center, Totally: 10 exc. 20.07.2008, 5 exc, 05.08.2008, 6 exc, Distribution in Turkey: Gaziantep, 07.09.2009, 3 exc. Totally: 14 exc Kahramanmaraş (Önder et al., 2006). Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey (Önder et al., 2006). Antalya, Çanakkale, Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Mersin, Campylomma diversicornis Reuter, Muğla, Sivas (Önder et. al., 2006). 1878 Material examined: Siirt, Center, MIRIDAE 20.07.2008, 6 exc, 05.08.2008, 22 exc, Acrorrhinium conspersus Noualhier, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 12 exc, 1895 22.09.2009, 4 exc, 08.10.2009, 4 exc, Material examined: Siirt, Center, Totally: 48 exc. 20.07.2008, 21 exc, 07.09.2009, 6 exc. Distribution in Turkey: West, East Totally: 27 exc and Southeastern Anatolia (Önder et Distribution in Turkey: Adana, al., 2006). Ankara, Aydın, Hatay, Isparta, İzmir, Camptocera glaberrima Walker, Manisa, Şanlıurfa (Önder et al., 2006; 1872 Yanık & Yücel., 2001) Material examined: Siirt, Center, Acrorrhinium atricorne Linnavuori, 20.07.2008, 2 exc, 05.08.2008, 3 exc, 2006 Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 4 exc, Material examined: Siirt, Center, 22.09.2009, 2 exc, 08.10.2009, 2 exc, 20.07.2008, 11 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, Totally: 13 exc. 07.09.2009, 5 exc, Totally: 16 exc. 89 İ. ÖZGEN, B. ÇERÇI, C. KAYA Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904 Diyarbakır, Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Material examined: Siirt, Center, Gaziantep, Siirt (Önder & Adiguzel, 1979; Çagatay, 1985; Önder et al., 05.08.2008, 8 exc, 05.08.2008, 2 exc, 2006; Matocq & Özgen, 2010). Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 1 exc, 22.09.2009, 2 exc, 08.10.2009, 3 exc, Calocoris roseomaculatus angularis Totally: 16 exc. De Geer, 1773 Distribution in Turkey: Diyarbakır, Material examined: Siirt, Center, Siirt (Önder & Adıgüzel, 1979; 20.07.2008, 1 exc, 05.08.2008, 2 exc, Matocq & Özgen, 2010). Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 3 exc, Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey. 22.09.2009, 2 exc, 08.10.2009, 1 exc, Totally: 9 exc. Pseudoloxops sangrudanus Distribution in Turkey: Widespread Linnavuori, 2006 (Önder et al., 2006). Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 1 exc, 05.08.2008, 3 exc, Deraeocoris serenus Douglas and Siirt, Aydınlar, 22.09.2009, 3 exc, Scott, 1868 08.10.2009, 2 exc, Totally: 9 exc. Material examined: Siirt, Center, Distribution in Turkey: Siirt 20.07.2008, 7 exc, 05.08.2008, 8 exc, (Matocq & Özgen, 2010). 05.08.2008, 3 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey. 07.09.2009, 2 exc, 22.09.2009, 1 exc, 08.10.2009, 2 exc, Totally: 23 exc. Macrolophus glaucescens Distribution in Turkey: Afyon, Ağrı, Fieber,1858 Artvin, Aydın, Adana, Antalya, Material examined: Siirt, Aydınlar, Bayburt, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, 22.09.2009, 4 exc, 08.10.2009, 7 exc, Giresun, Iğdır, İstanbul, Kars, Totally: 11 exc. Kırklareli, Kütahya, Mersin, Muğla, Distribution in Turkey: Nevşehir Tunceli, Hakkâri, Tekirdağ, Uşak, (Kıyak et al., 2004). Van and many province (Matocq et Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey. al., 2014; Yazıcı & Yıldırım, 2016; Nanopsallus carduellus Horváth, Çerçi et al., 2018). 1888 Horistus orientalis Gmelin, 1790 Material examined: Siirt, Center, Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 4 exc, 05.08.2008, 6 exc, 20.07.2008, 3 exc, 05.08.2008, 4 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 5 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 3 exc, 22.09.2009, 7 exc, 08.10.2009, 3 exc, 22.09.2009, 4 exc, Totally: 14 exc. Totally: 25 exc. Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Distribution in Turkey: Mardin, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Elazığ, Siirt (Matocq & Özgen, 2010; Matocq Kayseri, Antalya, Çorum, İçel, et al., 2014). Kahramanmaraş, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey. Nevşehir, Niğde (Önder et al., 2006; Lethaeus picipes Herrich-Schäffer, Özgen, 2012; Çerçi et al., 2018) 1853 90 THE FAUNA OF HETEROPTERA IN PISTACHIO ORCHARDS OF TURKEY Material examined: Siirt, Center, Trigonotylus pulchellus Hahn, 1834 05.08.2008, 23 exc, 05.08.2008, 5 exc, Material examined: Siirt, Center, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 2 exc, 05.08.2008, 4 exc, 20.08.2008, 8 exc, 22.09.2009, 9 exc, 08.10.2009, 12 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 4 exc, Totally: 51 exc. 22.09.2009, 3 exc, 08.10.2009, 11 exc, Distribution in Turkey: Diyarbakır, Totally: 30 exc. Hatay, Mardin, Siirt (Önder et al., Distribution in Turkey: Widespread 2006, Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

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