E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 2017 No. 59 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was us, we must never forget those who de- about World War I and those who gave called to order by the Speaker pro tem- fended and protected freedom. so much during it. pore (Mr. WEBSTER of Florida). Many of us in Congress, as well as I hope my colleagues will join me in f citizens all over this country, are rel- cosponsoring H. Con. Res. 41. atives of World War I veterans. Many f DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO like myself had a grandparent who TEMPORE fought for this Nation. Many lost their RISE UP MAY 1 The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- relatives to this war, while many rel- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fore the House the following commu- atives returned from war forever Chair recognizes the gentleman from nication from the Speaker: changed. Over 116,000 were killed, over Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, if WASHINGTON, DC, 200,000 wounded, and over 70,000 suf- April 5, 2017. fered the effects of inhaling chlorine Donald Trump is going to be successful I hereby appoint the Honorable DANIEL gas dispelled by German military. as a President—successful from his WEBSTER to act as Speaker pro tempore on My grandfather was one of the 70,000, point of view; not the point of view of this day. and he, like many, could not cope with the American people, or history, or the PAUL D. RYAN, the effects of gas-damaged lungs and rest of the world, or the point of view Speaker of the House of Representatives. the psychological burden of war. At the of people who like peace and freedom, f age of 34 in 1926, he committed suicide. but from his point of view—then he is going to have to rely on fear. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE My father, an only child, was only 13. I am not unique in this situation, as He got elected by creating fear about The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- many families tragically suffered the immigrants, Mexicans, and Latinos, ant to the order of the House of Janu- same fate. That is why we must con- calling us rapists and criminals. He got ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- tinue to remember and honor World elected by creating fear about Presi- nize Members from lists submitted by War I veterans and their families. dent Obama, the Blacks, thugs, and big the majority and minority leaders for I want to thank Colonel Charles Bow- cities. morning-hour debate. ery, Jr., executive director, U.S. Army He got elected by creating fear The Chair will alternate recognition Center of Military History, and his among Americans about the big, scary between the parties, with each party staff for the many months of work or- world out there with threats from ISIS, limited to 1 hour and each Member ganizing this national remembrance. al-Qaida, and Mexico. But for some rea- other than the majority and minority This week across the country, we will son, he left out things like the fear of leaders and the minority whip limited begin a yearlong celebration marking Russia or his buddy and friend, Putin. to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- the 100th anniversary of World War I. And if President Trump is going to bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. This Friday, the North Carolina Mu- enact his agenda of deportations, build- f seum of History will hold a ribbon-cut- ing a wall, and making it impossible ting ceremony to mark a year cele- for people to come to the United States 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF WORLD brating those who served from North with visas, he needs to use fear as well. WAR I Carolina. My wife and I will be in at- For example, he feels he needs to pub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tendance. lish a list every week of the crimes Chair recognizes the gentleman from Additionally, Mr. Speaker, I would that were committed by immigrants to North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- like to remind Congress that on April scare Americans into fearing our com- utes. 10, 11, and 12, PBS will be airing a munity. Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, this year is three-part series titled ‘‘The Great And Trump needs to use fear in an- the 100th anniversary of World War I. Night’’ at 9 p.m. eastern standard time. other very important way. He needs to April 6 of 1917 was the beginning of it I think it will be a very informative scare the immigrant community. all, when Congress voted to authorize television program on the history of Why? military force. our country, but also the history of Because he knows he doesn’t have Mr. Speaker, I have introduced a res- World War I. the money, the manpower, or the time olution, H. Con. Res. 41, that will not In returning to this resolution, Mr. to drive 11 million men, women, and only remember World War I, but also Speaker, I again want to thank the children who are undocumented out of honor those veterans who served. While United States Army for taking the lead this country. He doesn’t have enough those brave people are no longer with in educating the American people jails, ICE agents, or airplanes to deport b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2699 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:01 Apr 06, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05AP7.000 H05APPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H2700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 5, 2017 11 million people. That is the popu- go to riseupmay1.org to get more info Ms. CLARKE of New York. Mr. lation about as big as the State of Illi- about what is planned in your city or Speaker, I rise today to celebrate the nois, and such a max exodus will not be your State. life of Mrs. Dolores S. Williams, a com- easy. This will be a day for all Americans munity matriarch. So what do they do? to demonstrate our resistance to the Her life was a true Brooklyn story. They use fear. Trump has to make mass deportation, mass discrimination, Born in Newport News, Virginia, on immigrants scared to leave their and mass deception policies of our February 14, 1933, she came to New houses. Trump has to make parents President. York City with her family as a young scared to take their kids to school. The way you deal with fear is to girl as part of the Northern migration Trump has to make doctors’ offices, stand up with your friends and allies from the South in search of oppor- courthouses, police stations, and fire and demonstrate your strength in num- tunity. departments places where immigrants bers. That is why I am going to rise up Growing up in Bedford-Stuyvesant are afraid to go. on May 1. Brooklyn, Dolores graduated from Trump has to make sure that un- Mr. Speaker, I would like to take a Thomas Jefferson High School and documented immigrants who are rais- moment to welcome the graduating married Jacob A. Williams in 1951 and ing children—most of whom are Amer- class of 2017 from Inter-American Mag- raised three children: Cheryl Elise, ican citizens—in families who have net School in the city of Chicago and Jacob Conrad, and Celeste Elena. lived in the U.S. on average for more the parents who are accompanying the than a dozen years, and who own students and the teachers. A special Dolores was a staunch believer in homes, cars, and businesses, he has to welcome to my grandson, Luis Andres education and was actively involved in make them so afraid that they want to Figueroa Gutierrez, who is with them her children’s school and with issues in leave this country. this morning at our Capitol. her community. It is a Presidency and a Presidential f She also practiced what she policy agenda that relies on fear and preached. She returned to school and bullying to achieve success—or what MINERS’ PENSIONS received a bachelor of arts in education people who surround Trump define as The SPEAKER pro tempore. The from Brooklyn College at the age of 40. success, at any rate. Chair recognizes the gentleman from She found success as an educational How do Americans respond to fear? West Virginia (Mr. JENKINS) for 5 min- sales representative for Random House Do we hide in our homes and isolate utes. publishing company, inspired by a de- ourselves and run? Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia. Mr. sire to support the education of all No, that is not what people do in the Speaker, time is running out to do children. United States of America, and we never right by our miners, their families, and Dolores returned to the classroom, will. We stand up and we stand to- their widows. earning a master of science degree in gether and confront fear. At the end of the month, the benefits special education from Hunter College, So on May 1, millions of Americans they worked their lives for will expire.
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