Project description A Good Wind is a documentary born from an idea of the Italian Section of the Young European Federalists (GFE - Gioventù Federalista Europea), with the excitement, the young people aim of telling the experience that were able to discuss and share hundreds of young people from opinions, but above all expe- all over the world live, every year, riences. Conferences, working by taking part in the Federalist groups, the visit to Altiero Training Seminar held on the Spinelli’s tomb, swimming in the island of Ventotene. In the 2020 sea, the consultation of historical edition of the Seminar, organised texts on European and world by the Altiero Spinelli Institute federalism and, of course, the for Federalist Studies, partici- evenings spent talking together. pants were also involved in the The documentary, made by GFE Erasmus+ Y-FED project, which in collaboration with the Altiero saw young people from five Spinelli Institute for Federalist countries engaged in five diffe- Studies, received the free patro- rent hackathons to develop new nage of the Lazio Region and the ideas for the future of Europe. In Municipality of Ventotene and an atmosphere full of history and was co-financed thanks to the the Y-FED project, promoted by by the Young European Federa- lists within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. The Ventotene Seminar Every year, 150 young people from all over Europe and the world ga- ther on the island of Ventotene to learn, debate and actively contribu- te to the construction of the “con- to continue to be a symbol of the crete utopia” imagined by Ernesto free and democratic Europe of the Rossi, Altiero Spinelli and others future, also for the new genera- who were confined to Ventotene at tions of Europeans. The Federalist the end of the 1930s as opponents Seminar has become one of the of fascism. In Ventotene, today as most important moments of then, the future of the next genera- reflection on the future of Europe tions is being shaped! The seminar, and the world and has seen the organised by the Altiero Spinelli participation of important Europe- Institute for Federalist Studies, an personalities from the world of in collaboration with the Lazio politics and culture. The Seminar, Region, the Province of Latina, the which consists of two parallel Municipality of Ventotene, the Eu- sessions of events, the National ropean Federalist Movement and and the International ones, gathers the Young European Federalists every year about 150 young people (GFE), was set up back in 1982 on from all over the world* and more the direct instructions of Altiero than 30 speakers, representatives Spinelli. He wanted Ventotene of civil society and national and European institutions. *Because of the pandemic, the 2020 edition, documented in A Good Wind , unfortunately saw, among the participants, only Italian youth. tutions and parties, and sees itself as a point of reference for youth debate on European issues and for the political action for the completion of the process of political unifica- tion of Europe, considered as a first step towards the unity of the whole human race. GFE attaches great importance to dialogue with citizens and civil society associations, as well as to the education of new generations. Projects with schools, regional, national and European seminars, The Gioventù Federalista Europea The Gioventù Federalista Europea as well as other training opportuni- (GFE) is the youth organisation of ties are among the main activities the European Federalist Movement, organised by the Young Federalists, and the Italian section of the Young together with the various political European Federalists. mobilisation campaigns, which have GFE fights for a federal, free, demo- been developed by the GFE, ranging cratic and solidarity-based Europe. from the local to the European level. The Europe that young federalists The GFE has a capillary structure have in mind is not just a set of trea- that starts with local sections ties and economic agreements, but (currently more than 40 in Italy) a community of destiny. The GFE and continues at national and acts outside the framework of insti- European level. Y-FED The project “Y-FED: Europe is what we make of it” aims to bring the EU closer to its young citizens by developing a proposal to improve the institutional framework of the Union, in line with the European Youth Goals. The initiative, suppor- hackathons, a large-scale simulation ted by an Erasmus+ grant “European of a reformed EU and advocacy Youth Together”, started in January actions. Project partners comprise 2020 and will end in July 2021, and 18 civil society organisations and 2 includes a series of training courses, networks of European and regional decision-makers. The project builds on Y-FED: Euro- pean Federation Model, co-organi- sed in June 2019 by JEF France, JEF Strasbourg and JEF Germany. A Good Wind objectives In such difficult years, marked Tyrrhenian Sea, a Manifesto was by countless crises, to which the written that is an integral part of the pandemic has been added, the Eu- history of Europeans. Ventotene, its ropean project has been questioned, manifesto and all that it represents together with the principles and are not, however, part of a distant values it represents and on which it is past to be remembered, nor can based. In the storm, however, there is they be chained to the present of the always a safe haven, to which one can current European Union. Ventotene the contradiction between facts Altiero Spinelli, are then a symbol return to pick oneself up and prepare is the symbol of Europe-to-be, of the and values a personal matter, is to be shared and spread, not only in to face the open sea. For those who future, and continues to represent therefore the main objective of Italy, but also in Europe and in the believe in freedom, democracy, hope for all European citizens, A Good Wind. The young people world. The GFE is ready to spread brotherhood and solidarity, that safe starting with the youngest. Giving who go to Ventotene every year are the documentary in Italian cities, haven has a name: Ventotene. a face and a voice to these young in fact the real protagonists of the organising public screenings and On the small island, lost in the people, who have chosen to make documentary. showing it in schools and univer- Thanks to their ideas, their eyes, sities all over the country. Thanks their smiles, the ideals of which to GFE’s European network, the Ventotene is an emblem, continue Young European Federalists, the to be handed down and to stand diffusion of the documentary will as a solid point of reference, while also go beyond the Italian borders, facing the open sea of history. Ven- because Ventotene represents a totene and its seminar, wanted by symbol for all European citizens. Andrea Caciagli Director Andrea Caciagli was born in is the director of “Eco del Nulla”, a Fiesole (FIorence) in 1991. He magazine on culture and visions, graduated in Directing at the and of “Duemilauno”, a magazine Cinecittà Film Academy in 2013. on cinema and contemporary He worked as assistant director on art. He is co-founder and artistic films such as Ron Howard’s “Infer- director of the literary festival no” (2015), the TV series “Medici: “Firenze RiVista”. For the last five The Magnificient” (2016-2019), years he has been working on his Michael Bay’s “Six Underground” documentary “Fading”, selected (2019), Michele Placido’s “L’om- for Eurodoc - Training Programme bra di Caravaggio”. He directed the for Documentary Producers, June documentary “The Man Behind 2018. His debut feature film “Via The Cinema Show” (2011), the Don Minzoni N°6” is currently short film “Origami” (2012). He being edited. 8 Production 8 PRODUCTION is a film staldo, a documentary on the great competition. Chromatica was advertising sector, where it made production company, founded in and controversial playwright and presented within the 2017 Venice campaigns for clients such as 2013 by Laura Catalano and Nico- director Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, Film Festival, in the opening of the Amref (with the premiere at the la Papagno, with the precise aim of co-produced by the Istituto Luce section dedicated to Virtual Re- Rome Film Festival), the Italian giving new life to the audiovisual and included in the special Sky ality. 8 Production has produced Ministry of Health, Alitalia, Intesa sector, through innovative and Art HD programme entitled “Sky short films such as Victory for All, San Paolo, Q8, Italian Red Cross. quality products, exploiting new Arte Festival”, and Chromatica, a The Spice Thief, Your Beautiful Since 2016, 8 Production has been digital and communication trends project selected by the Biennale Eyes Shine, In Time for Temporal doing Research & Development with a careful eye on the future. College (an artistic experimenta- Modifications and Happy, which in the field of Virtual Reality and 8 Production’s latest film pro- tion programme promoted by the have been selected and won several Augmented Reality and Augmen- ductions include: Metti, una sera a Venice Biennale) within the first national and international festivals. ted Reality, both at software and cena con Peppino di Antonio Ca- edition of the Virtual Reality world 8 Production is also active in the content level. contacts producer Via Ignazio Pettinengo 72, Roma [email protected] Laura Catalano www.pr8duction.com [email protected] thanks. .
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