Legislature Archaic Laws SEE STORY BELOW Becoming Clear Clearing and mild today. FINAL Cloudy and cooler tonight. Sunny, milder tomorrow. Red Bank, Freehold Long Branch EDITION (Bet BMaiH, Pat* » Monmouth County's Borne Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 181 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1970 30 PAGES 10 CENTS 'Open Door' Funds Are Stalled in By DAVID M. GOLDBERG tion of the program through medial programs were was not discussed yesterday, TRENTON (AP)-Eutgers the 1970-71 fiscal year, said "fair." . and leaders were noncommit- University, which wants that he was concerned that Several legislators indicat- tal about its- chances for dis- 1747,000 to keep its contro- the governor and legislature ed that part. of the problem cussion in the near future. versial open admissions pro- were not consulted last year stems from their past rela- Committees Met gram going through June, will before the program was insti- tionship with Rutgers presi- Most of yesterday's legis- have to wait a little longer, tuted. He said he also be- dent Mason Gross and lative day was given over to even though it has the back- lieved remedial education from the fact that the uni- committee meetings. Ing of Gov. William T. Cahill. should start at a Jower level. • versity spends money with- In the most important ac- Cahill said at a news con- But he reiterated what he out consulting the legislature tion of the day, the State ference yesterday that al- his said in the past — that', as much as the legislature Senate approved a bill de- though he has reservations discontinuing the . program believes it should be consult- signed to give to some busi- about certain aspects of the soon after it had started ed. They cite open admis- nessmen and taxpayers a program, he has urged legis- would only add to the frustra- sions as an example. break on purchases made be- lative leaders to approve the tion of the students, most of fore the two per cent sales appropriation so that students them black. Assemblyman James M. tax increase went'into effect now enrolled would not be Assembly Majority Leader Coleman, R-Monmouth, this month. left stranded. Appropriations Committee, Barry T. Parker said, how- The bill, which now goes But thcmeasure remained ever, that before taking ac- said that some of those ques- 1 tions had come up in commit- to Cahill for his signature, stalled in the Assembly, tion he wants to meet with gives purchasers a break on where leaders maintained students andtjUitgers officials tee discussions. The commit- WIFE OF FIRE VICTIM — Mrs. Joseph Grffin is comfortod by f refightors at the scene of a general alarm firs tee did not approve the ap- goods ^bought before Feb. 9, that although there will prob- to determine how well the when the tax was approved, in a four-story tenement in Passaic. Her husband, a battalion chief, and Fireman Sam Latona, 23, were killed ably be some sort of pro- program is going and how propriation although Coleman himself favors it. but not delivered until after when the entire inside of the building collapsed on them and five other men checking ihe building after the gram eventually, many legis- much money Rutgers really March 1, when it took effect. blaze was brought under control. (AP Wirophoto] lators still have many ques- has available. The appropriation is pres- The Assembly, meanwhile, tions. There was no discus- Grades 'Fair' ently in the Republican cau- approved a bill appropriating sion of it at all during the Parker said he had re- cus, which must clear it be- ?7O0,OOO to repair beach ero- short legislative session. ceived the grades of 10 stu- fore it can be voted upon. It sion in Atlantic City and Sea Cahill, who has provided in dents picked at random and did not get enough votes to Isle City. It now goes tosjjhe bis budget for the continua- that their grades in the re- come to the floor Monday, Senate. Two Firemen Die, Seven Injured as Building Falls By LEW HEAD Chief Joseph Griffin, 50, and ing and went to help. There parking lot adjoins on* side PASSAIC (AP) - Disas- Fireman-Sam Latona, 23. « were wall beams and bricks of the apartment building. ter struck firemen here yes- Four Hospitalized By JAMES H. RUBIN One of the bills sponsored that made it a misdemeanor vote in the lower house at over everything. Then we had Doctors were pressed into TRENTON (AP) - The by Woodcock would remove to impersonate Jesus Christ terday after they had. safely Four of the injured were to get out and get morq hplp." . service, to aid the trapped some later date. evacuated all the residents' of hospitalized, three were treat- New Jersey Legislature, tak- the penalties for youngsters or God. Woodcock said his propo- Throughout the rescue oper- . firemen. Dr. Steven Alexan- ing a fresh look at some old under 12 attending a theater Woodcock said he felt the sals "haven't received the a burning- apartment house ed at Beth Israel Hospital ation there was imminent der of Passaic,: wearing a laws, is adopting a more per- wHhout an adult or frequent- penalties under the original endorsement of the League of and brought the fire under and released. peril that the whoje, outside borrowed fireman's hat and missive attitude toward duel- Ing a poolroom without pa- statute constituted "an ex- Women Voters. But I think, control. Admitted, to the hospital wall would come down in a .outer coat, said he gave in- ers, intoxicated horsemen, rental supervision. treme course*' to take against we'd get the Good Housekeep- Two : firemen were killed were Battalion Chief Kenneth parking lot of St. Mary's Ro- jections to two fit the injured impersonators of Jesus Christ individuals ' which he said ing Seal of Approval." • and seven Injured when an in- Peterson and his son, Fire- man* Catholic Church. 'The men to ease their pain. "Kids hanging out in pool- ner wall of the' • four-story man Kenneth Peterson Jr.; • and youngsters who fre- rooms is small potatoes com- were little threat to society. .', Other measures in the quent poolrooms and thea- Another item in Wood-' package would lift restric- brick structure that housed Capt. Anthony Mingo Jr., 37, pared to what 16-year-olds are 12 families collapsed on and Fireman Stephen Luchko, ters unaccompanied by ad- doing today," Woodcock said. cock's package would remove tions against hunting by ults. the penalties for dueling. aliens and aliens who are them. 44. In the interests of good But one of his colleagues, "I don't believe that's hap- private detectives, and the The collapsed wall and oth- The hospital said that the legislative housekeeping, the Sen. Frack C. Italiano, R- pening today," Woodcock polluting of waters used for er debris that came tumbling Petersons were in satisfac- Senate yesterday passed and Camden, dissented. He cast said. He suggested that in- ice harvesting by placing down, trapped the injured in tory condition and that Min- sent to the Assembly a pack- Uie lone negative vote on the flicting bodily harm on oth- dead animals in them. a cellar, but firemen, work- go and Luchko were in fair age of bills that would abol- measure in the belief that the ers would be covered today Woodcock said the revis- ing feverishly, got them out. condition. ish a handful of 19th Century old law might still serve a by the laws on assault and ions were recommended by One of the injured was saved Treated and released were laws. useful purpose. battery and similar regula- the Grand Jurors Association when a hole was punched Firemen Art Sinski, Les Spon- Sen. Joseph C. Woodcock Law Deleted tions. of Bergen County in the in- through a side outer wall. dre and Robert Weiss. Jr., R-Bergen, the sponsor of The Senate also approved a Go to Assembly terest «f preventing the jam- Bodies of the two dead were • Heard Shouts the proposed reforms, inject- measure which would delete The package of bills now ming of court calendars with recovered after hours of dig- Lt. Joseph Domino, who ar- ed a tone of whimsy into Sen- from the law books an act goes to the Assembly fo a unimportint offenses ging. rived after the wall fell in, ate debate in calling for the The dead were Battalion said, "We heard them holler- revocation of laws which he said were either "irrele- vant or unenforceable" in this modern age. One-bill-prohibited riding Writer Says Mafia "a horse or beast of burden" while under the influence of an intoxicating beverage. Woodcock said it was Runs Drug Racket not exactly clear whether the old statute barred drunk- LINCROFT — The Mafia gone into a meat packaging eness by the animal or its is profiting from the. epide- .concern "and that's very rider. In either case, the sen- mic of drug addiction among .nasty," he said. "They ator said, there were ade- our youth, Fred J. Cook, au- haven't any conscience. They quate laws to deal "with thor of books about the mob, pass off horse meat, or meat drunken driving. said here last, night. from a diseased animal as The Mafia funnels into the pure meat —. and they get narcotics traffic the "huge away with it." amount of money" it raises Historically, it hasn't made HUGHES SPEAKS — Former Sove-nor Hicbard J. through gambling, numbers Telegram any difference whether Re- . Hughes, left, is shown with Joseph T. Grouse, presi- and other rackets, Mr.
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