SKP IDI Simposium 8 Workshop 6 E-BORNEU I, East Borneo Neurology Update I “UPDATE ISSUES OF NEUROLOGY IN DAILY PRACTICE” DOORPRIZE BALIKPAPAN, 2 - 4 April 2020 3 BUAH HP Penyangga Ibu kota Negara Indonesia PANITIA PENYELENGGARA BORNEU I 2020 BALIKPAPAN, KALIMANTAN TIMUR PERDOSSI CABANG KALIMANTAN TIMUR & UTARA Sekretariat Klinik Matahari, Jl. Agus Salim No.10, Samarinda Contact Person : Ramlah 0821 5701 2190 Sambutan KETUA PANITIA Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang senantiasa menyertai kita selama ini. Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Saraf Indonesia (Perdossi) cabang Kaltimtara akan melaksanakan East Borneo Neurology Update I (E-BORNEOU) pada tanggal 2-4 April 2020 di Hotel Jatra Balikpapan Kaltim. Pertemuan kali ini mengambil tema Update Issues of Neurology in daily practice akan dibahas beberapa topik simposium antara lain stroke, neurobehavior, neuroemergensi, epilepsi dan infeksi susunan saraf pusat dan juga beberapa workshop yakni Basic Neurobehavior, Basic Ultrasound - Guided Interventional Pain dan Neuroemergency for General Practioner. Kami mengharapkan kehadiran teman sejawat dalam simposium dan workshop ini. Sampai jumpa di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, penyangga ibu kota negara Indonesia Ketua Panitia dr. Yulius Mandua, SpS 1 E - BORNEU I 2020 BALIKPAPAN, 2 - 4 April 2020 Rundown Ws Neurobehaviour Kamis, 2 April 2020 Time Program Speaker 07.45-08.00 Opening Comittee 08.00-08.30 Dementia continuum dr. Astuti, Sp.S (K) Choosing among physician- 08.30 - 09.00 assisted cognitive screening dr. S.B. Rianawati, Sp.S (K) methods in dementia Communication strategies 09.00 - 09.30 Dr.dr. Junita Maja P., Sp.S (K) with dementia patients 09.30 - 09.45 Coffee Break Demonstration and Practice: 09.45 - 11.00 dr. S.B. Rianawati, Sp.S (K) CDT, MMSE, MoCa-Ina Demonstration and Practice: dr. Astuti, Sp.S (K) 11.00 - 12.30 CERAD 12.30 - 13.30 Praying and lunch Demonstration and Practice: 13.30 - 15.00 Dr.dr. Junita Maja P., Sp.S (K) AD-8, STRUB BLACK Sharing experiences : 15.00 - 15.30 Improving memory clinic All speakers in the JKN Era 15.30 - 15.45 Closing Comitte E- BORNEU I 2020 BALIKPAPAN, 2 - 4 April 2020 2 WORKSHOP BASIC ULTRASOUND-GUIDED INTERVENTIONAL PAIN E-BORNEU I PERDOSSI KALTIM 02 April 2020 Time Program Speaker 07.45-08.00 Opening and Pretest 08.00-08.25 Session 1 : dr. Yohan Budi Interventional Pain Hartanto,M.Sc,Sp.S CIPS Managemet 08.25-09.10 Session 2: Basic Scan USG Prof. DR.dr. Dessy Rakhmawati for Shoulder Pain Emril, Sp.S(K) CIPS 09.10-09.35 Session 3: Basic Scan USG dr. Yohan Budi for Wrist Pain Hartanto,M.Sc,Sp.S CIPS 09.35-09.45 Coffee Break 09.45-10.10 Session 4: Basic Scan USG dr. Fajar Rudy Qimindra Sp.S for Hip Pain 10.10-10.40 Session 5: Basic Scan USG dr. Muhammad Faisal Sp.S MM for Knee and Ankle Pain 10.40-11.40 Hands on 1 All Instructors 10.40-12.30 Hands on 2 All Instructors 12.30-13.10 Lunch & Pray Time 13.10-14.00 Hands on 3 All Instructors 14.00-15.50 Hands on 4 All Instructors 15.50-16.30 Coffee Break & Pray Time 16.30-17.00 Post Test 17.00-end Closing Program Instruktur Ultrasound Guide shoulder pain intervention Prof. Dessy Ultrasound Guide wrist and hand pain intervention dr. Yohan Ultrasound Guide hip pain intervention dr. Fajar Ultrasound Guide knee and ankle pain intervention dr. Faisal & dr. Febo 3 E - BORNEU I 2020 BALIKPAPAN, 2 - 4 April 2020 E-BORNEU Workshop Neurology Emercency for GP PERDOSSI Cabang Kaltimtara Balikpapan, 02 April 2020 Time Program Speaker 07.15-07.30 Registration Comittee 07.30-07.45 Pre Test Comittee 07.45-07.50 Opening Committee / Speaker 07.50-08.50 Approach to dr. Abdulloh Machin, SpS(K) Neurological Patient: - Neurological Examination & Neuroanatomical Localization - Presenting Symptoms in Neurology Emergencies of Central & Peripheral Systems 08.50 - 09.50 Assessment & Emergency dr. Dameria Panjaitan, Sp.S Management of : - Unconscious Patients - Seizures(General Convulsive Status Epilepticus & Partial Seizure Continua) 09.50 - 10.00 Break Assessment & Emergency dr. Fajar Prabowo, Sp.S 10.00 - 10.30 management of Cerebrovascular Accident Assessment & Emergency dr. A. Thobroni AM, Sp.S 10.30 - 11.OO management of Traumatic Brain Injury 11.00 - 12.00 Assessment & Emergency dr. Abdulloh Machin, SpS(K) management of General Weakness caused by : - Peripheral Nervous System Lession - Spinal Cord Injury 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch & Praying 13.00 - 13.30 Assessment & Emergency dr. Suherman management of Intracanial CNS Tambunan, M.Ked(Neu), Sp.S Infections 13.30 - 14.00 Assessment & Emergency dr. Abdulloh Machin, SpS(K) management of Intracanial Pressure Disorder & Hidrocephalus 14.00 - 14.15 Post Test Comittee 14.15 - 14.35 Discussion & Preparing for Participants - Comittee Presentation (Based on problem-in groups) 14.35 - 16.00 Presentation & Neurology Participants - All Speakers Examination Demontration(in group) 16.00 - 16.15 Closing & Snack Comittee E - BORNEU I 2020 BALIKPAPAN, 2 - 4 April 2020 4 Roundown Symposium Day 1 - Friday, April 3rd 2020 07.15 - 08.00 Registration 08.00 - 09.00 Opening Ceremony 09.00 - 09.30 Cofee Break 09.30 - 10.40 Symposium 1 : Degenerative Neurologic Disorders (1) 1. New Ideas and Approaches in Managing Cognitive Impairment: Should we intervene early? Speaker : dr. Astuti, Sp.S(K) (Yogyakarta) 2. A to Z Neuropatic Pain Speaker : Prof. Dr. dr. Dessy R. Emril, Sp.S(K),CIPS (Aceh) Moderator : dr. Linda, Sp.S 10.40 - 11.50 Symposium 2 : Neuro-Emergency 1. Traumatic Brain Injury Speaker : Dr.dr. Abdulloh Machin, Sp.S(K) (Surabaya) 2. Traumatic Optic Neuropathy Speaker : dr. Sarmauli Sitorus, Sp.S (Balikpapan) Moderator : dr. M. Luthfi Widyastono, Sp.S 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch & Pray 13.00 - 14.10 Symposium 3 : Stroke 1. The New Perspective in Managing Acute Ischemic Stroke & Post Stroke Cognitive Impairment Speaker : Dr. dr. Dodik Tugasworo P., Sp.S(K) (Semarang) 2. NOAC vs Old Anticoagulant in Atrial Fibrilation Patients with Current History of Haemorrhage Stroke : The optimal timing and superiority Speaker : dr. Muhammad Iqbal Sp.JP (Balikpapan) Moderator : dr. Aswad Muhammad, Sp.S 14.10 - 15.20 Symposium 4 : Chronic Non Cancer Pain 1. Myofacial Pain & Fibromyalgia Speaker : dr. Yetty O. Hutahaean, Sp.S (Samarinda) 2. Exploring multidisciplinary pain management program : Does it really work? Speaker : Dr.dr. Jimmy F.A. Barus, M. Sc.,Sp.S (Jakarta) Moderator : dr. Kristina Dwi Wahyuni, Sp.S 15.20 - 15.35 Coffee Time 5 E - BORNEU I 2020 BALIKPAPAN, 2 - 4 April 2020 Roundown Symposium Day 2 - Saturday, April 4th 2020 08.00 - 09.10 Symposium 5 : Degenerative Neurologic Disorders (2) 1.Early and Continue Therapy of Alzhaimer Disease Speaker : dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, Sp.S (K) (Jakarta) 2. The Role of Mecobalamin in Peripheral Neuropathy Speaker : dr. Yulius Mandua, Sp.S (Balikpapan) Moderator: dr. Wid Patria, Sp.S 09.10 - 09.35 Pelantikan Pengurus Perdossi Kaltimra 09.35 - 09.50 Cofee Break 09.50 - 11.00 Symposium 6 : Epilepsy 1.Management of Partial Epilepsy in Adult Speaker : Dr. dr. Kurnia Kusumastuti, Sp.S(K) (Surabaya) 2. Management of Partial Epilepsy in Children Speaker : dr. Eliawati Hadibrata, Sp.S (Samarinda) Moderator : dr. Hendra Gunawan,Sp.S 11.00 - 12.10 Simposium 7 : Infection 1.Acute Central Nervous System Infection vs Autoimmune process Speaker : dr. Darma Imran, Sp.S(K) (Jakarta) 2. Neurorestoration & Rehabilitation for Autonom & Motor Disfunction After Transverse Myelitis Speaker : dr. Atika Ridwan , Sp.S (Bontang) Moderator : dr. Theodora Lebang, Sp.S, M.Kes 11.00 - 12.25 Clossing 12.25 - 13.00 Lunch & Pray E - BORNEU I 2020 BALIKPAPAN, 2 - 4 April 2020 6 FORMULIR REGISTRASI GUNAKAN HURUF KAPITAL NO REGISTRASI NAMA ALAMAT KOTA TELEPON MOBILE PHONE FAX EMAIL Biaya Registrasi Early Bird Late / Onsite (Sebelum 20 Maret 2020) Simposium Dokter Umum Rp 750.000 Rp 1.250.000 Dokter Internship Rp. 500.000 Rp 500.000 Dokter Spesialis Rp 2.000.000 Rp 2.500.000 Workshop Dokter Spesialis Neurobehaviour Rp 2.000.000 Rp 2.250.000 Manajemen Intervensi Nyeri Rp 3.000.000 Rp 4.000.000 Workshop Dokter Umum Neuroemergency for GP Rp 1.000.000 Rp 1.500.000 Note : 1. Registrasi Workshop hanya dapat dilakukan peserta symposium (Khusus Spesialis) 2. Workshop akan dilaksanakan jika jumlah peserta minimal 25 Contact Person : Ramlah 0821 5701 2190 Nomor Rekening : 0012993331 Atas Nama : Perdossi Cabang Kaltim Nama Bank : Bank Kaltimtara 7 E - BORNEU I 2020 BALIKPAPAN, 2 - 4 April 2020 GRAND JATRA HOTEL BALIKPAPAN Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No 47, Gn. Bahagia, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur.
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