Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 12-10-1999 The iH lltop 12-10-1999 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 12-10-1999" (1999). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 252. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/252 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Millenni11111 Issue ILLTOP . The Nation's Largest Black Collegiate Newspaper VOLUME 83, No. 16 FRIDAY, D ECEMBER 101999 http://hilltop.howard.edu farking A Centwy of Leaders !Howard University 2000 University Problems Prepared Create ; ·For Y2K Havoc Glitches By CIIRISfOPIIER WINDHAM Hilltop Staff Writer By KELLI D. EstF:RS Asst. Campus Ediror Imagine circling Howard's campus for as much a,, a hour just 10 find a • With 22 day; lelt before the clock rolls from tiny park~ng ,pace ten minutes away. 1999 to 2000, Howard University i, Y2K com­ Imagine arriving lute 10 )Our fiN pliant. official, said. class evcryd.1y. Imagine ru,hing 10 Direcror of User Support Services and Y2K your car Mter a long day of classes Program Management Office, Charles W. Moore. only to find it gone. SmdenL, and fac­ said that 1he University has made every effort to ulty members of Howard ha\'e li\'ed minimize 1he computer problems thnr are expect­ thi, parking nightmare. ed when computer calendars roll from J999 to Student and faculty SO)' 1heir tar­ 2000. diness are n:,ults of the current park­ 'The bulk of the Universiry is on new config. ing situation. During the day, almost uration,. and it is working well," said Moore. all otthe a\'ailnble meter and resident Moore added thal the whole Universiry has spaces are fi lied before I0:00 a.m. made "prudenl measures" 10 insure thm it is The lack of spots force dri,ers to ready for any problem., associated with Y2K. The park in prime areas or ticketing or Uni\'ersity's Y2K Readiness Tham began work­ tow-away 1.one~. ing on the porential problem in 1995 with an "I have recehed about 20 ticket, in assc,smenr or the Uni"ersity's critical adminis- the pass two semesters," said Mulik 1ra1ive computer systems. If any problems were Abdullah, junior, computer science found they were remedied, Moore said. major. "Parking (is) worse than last ··we have a respon,ibility 10 be here on Deccm• year." ber 3 I ro January I in case a problem arises." said Abdullah no" parh on the crime­ File Photo, Moore. "\Ve don't expect any emergencies. bur we ridden streeL, near the Howard Plaza have prepared oursel\'eS for any emergency cir­ Towers. Howard :tlun.s Thurgood Marshall, Dr. Charles cumstance." According to campus police. 15-20 Dre", Toni Morrison, Dougl"" Wilder. Po1ricla The Year 2000 concern. commonly called Y2K parking tickets arc issued each day. Roberts Harris, and Andrew,~ bin~ mnde their or the "millennium bug:· is relaled 10 computer Fines range from $25-$50. And for marks on I.ht ccnh•I')~ sys1ems· rwo-digit daring system that was used 1hose drhers with two unpaid Uni­ to save space in the 60s. The two-field dating S)S­ versity-issued ticket, towing fines tem assumes that the fin.I two dig1L, of the year can be as high as $250. arc I nnd 9. The fear is tha1 wh'cn 2000 rolls "Campu, p.1rking had !)OI ,\,,rsc arou11a. the compurcr Mil ,ee "00'' ruld think thar at the beginning of the semester JI 1, J 900. Further because of the con,1ructioo of rhe As ·the Century Turns, s-omplica1ing tl,e maucr is 1.ha1 rhc year 2000 new libr-,u")i. said Dr. Richard Wrighr, is .1 leap year. The Y2K problem does nor only ,ice-chairman of !he foc11l1y senate. arrccr busine,scs and personal computers. but The erection of rhe Louis Stokes embedded chips in things such as heating and Health Sciences Library on whar was cooling sysrems. elevators and telephones. Sys­ a parking lot at 4th and Bryanr Street Is Howard Still the Mecca? tems that have not been made Y2K con1pliant sucked up more rhan 500 parking may crash. with widespread ,y,,tcm tailure. or spots. they mny e~pericncc minor bugs. Wright said he thought the Uni­ versity did not anticipate the conse­ Is the University Paving the Way to the Future, An Open Forum quence, ofhuilding the library on rhc tor. Or Living Off ot its Legacy of the Past? 11,i, "a scenario thar many fear will transpire ·1 he) were nor adcqumcly pre• when the clock ,rrikc, twelve on Jnnuar)· I , pared for tht facult)." Wrighr ,aid. News Analysis is apathetic and uninlcirmed abotJt ever. institutions like Florida A&M. 2000. Nuclear m"silc, woll randomly be fired Se, PARKl'.'IG,A7 from c(iuntr)' r,, country Plunc, will drop our of political or social issues re lat ing to Hampton and North Carolina A&T the air There will be massi,e po"er fililures lain Locke. Zora Neale the Black community. The protest of have been gaining ground in busi­ lca\'ing the world complete!) dark. Food and Hurston. Thurgood the merging of Fine Aris with the ness. communications and engineer­ water will be scarce. ATM, will rcudily spir our NO Marshall. Frederick College of Arts and Sciences in ing. But with the long list of notable cash. Ba,ically the end of the world as we know SlA Douglass. And yes, Spring I 997, along with 1he recent professors, Howard should hold on 10 1t And some prophetic rcligiou, zealots predict A "Black Tuesday" protest against the its status as the premier Black insti• mass destruction and natural disasters at the even Scan "Puffy'" Combs. These OR PAR beginning of rhe new millennium. names arc synonymous with the rich increase of tuition and fees were the tution. Professors continue on at In a Y2K open forum held lnsr monrh. "Sepa­ A..llYl history and legacy of our beloved Inst memorable stude111 movements. Howard regardless of less pay com• rating Fa~t From Fallacy." experts on Y2K were Howard Un iversity. Student These were evidence that the pared to other professors of 1heircal­ on hand to dispel some or tho,c rumors uid clear activism. a sense of family and an Howard University student body can iber throughout the United States. up any confusion about the problem academic reputation unsurpassed by indeed unify for a common cause. The core curriculum, student code Brad Kofoed. Advisor 10 the Chair on Pre,i• dent Clinton's Council on )i:ar 2000 con,ersion, any other historically Black college Despite its many problems, of conduct, security and registration said rhm the Y2K glirch is the largest technolo­ or university all make this great insli• Howard remains the hilltop of Black issues have plagued Howard in gy and inrernational problem since World War II, 1u1ion complete. With the dawn of a education. After all, we are the most recent years. Recently. the newly and community conferences have helped 10 cdu• new century. questions abound about comprehensive HBCU in America. implemented BANNER system cate ciri,cns abour ir. whether Howard is still the ·'Mecca" Our distinguished schools and pro• fai led to effectively control the influx One rumor 1.lrnt Im, been surfacing was of nuclear weapon, being fired off in rhe first ,ec Photo. Ry Erk 11..Jt of Black academia. grams offer much to both incoming of students during the registration Re«nt rort.<,tn.irlJon on c-.1.mpus has See Y2K.A7 lend to manJ parking problems. Some say today's Howard student undergraduates and graduates. How- See MECCA, A7 'Tis Truly the Season of Giving Programs Bolstered By Millions from Corporations • •• pany is noted for it, ,uppon ·of the Ford's gift will be used to c,pnnd Dionne F. Butler. a gradume of FR0\1 HILU01• S1AM· RI.POR l 'i School <>f Bu,iness program . programs sponsored by Ford which V:l,sar College and Gcorgerown L1w, "Howard conrinues to produce ,tu­ include the Ford Scholar's Progrnm. and Howard alum~a Keisha Redd Howard University received a $2 dents of high inrellcctual ability and the 21 ;r Century Advanrage program. were announced"' rhe first recipicnrs million gift Wednc,day. capping ot I , 1rong leadership character which in rhc Graduate and Undergraduate of the Helen Matthews Rand a week that saw the University gar­ turn allow, the University 10 conrin­ Busines:-. Student t\!\SOCiations anti fndowcd Scholarship. ner nearl)' $3.5 million in grants and ually attract the nation's rop high rhc Eagle and Senior Scour, pro• Butler and Red1I will rccCi\'C full ·scholarships from an array of public school students," suid James G gram tuition funding, a parrial room and and private contriburors. O'Connor. Ford Division president On rhat same day the University board stipend and a laptop compurer . Wednesday's contribution came "That. combined with rhc Uni­ announced the formation of a new SI for a maximum of rwo years. from the Ford Moror company. Ford \'eris1y·s unique mission and ,ierling million scholnrship fund sponsored The endowed scholarship fund was and University officials used rhe reputation makes Ford Motor Com­ by A.
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