'in the night See Focus County Leader Ttf SPRINGFIELD, N.J.,THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29,1987-2* ''^^.^^v^^^-"f'a^v^^f^^^-L^*-fr^-'1 "-M ByJOHNA.GAVIN William Welsch, and committee,' Cieri has-continued to Disabled American Veterans Bassano faces a" challenge from use funds from-thel981 Farmland Like many other communities in Republicans, Jeffrey Katz :Ji>n_Springfleld!s Community organization, B'nal B'rith and the Democratic Township Com- Preservation bond Issue to purchase ^tn^ta^Sprjn^eld is gearuuj up Grant Committee.,and_the Art Directors Club.-., mitteeman Anthony Russo, who held additional land andpreserve it as for nextpweek's election! In addition , the committee, Tuesday's voting Solid Waste Advisory Council. He is Kurnos served In the infantry In. the Senate sjiat from 1978 to 1981. In farmland. to voting on the $185 million bond- will determine which party; will an active member of St. James _1 New Guinea! and the-Phillppines-- the race for the General Assembly, _ Issue for a proposed baseball _..•_. control the five-person committee. -—Church and the Springfield Optimist durlng World War II. His wife, Peter J. Genova of Union and Chuck stadium and choosing among a wide Approval of Question 5 would However,' as. the last .week' of Club. He is also an advocate of the Shirley, Is a teacher in the Hardwick of Westfield, the permit the state to use $10 million, field of candidates running for the Springfield Knights of Columbus.— , te campaigning closes, Springfield - -Springfield school. system. They • Republican incumbentsb , are.being guaranteeauthorizeds ifonr 198 th0e constructioto create nloa onf state Assembly and county Board of residents, have had a chance to In addition, Cieri is the recipient of — have a son, Kenneth, and a Freeholders, Sprlngfielders will be challenged by Freeholder Brian guaranteenursing homs foe rfacilities the constructio, to be usen ofd" further acquaint'themselves with many awards, including the 1981 daughter, Karen, and three grand- _Fjh^yjjLr^mwaMLfronuWestfidd,^^nstead^-Yor~the.--ci h l ^ to b d deciding who ^U^take the seat on : those candidates — William Cieri, a Knights of CoIwnJbjiBj£nlghtnt_tbe-:—childrenrr- — : '• ~~~and Robert Blitz, an attorney from the Township Committee that-will-bei-—DemocratrLand-Phlllp-KurnosrthBT~ Improvement, of facilities for the -YearT~i~T984 certificate of As both men wind-up their cam- CranfordCfd . mentally ill. • **>' _vacattid±y outgoing Mayor EdwardI—GOP-candldate. In May, both men- - recognition from the Union County ;l paigns, local residents will have a Although there are no statewide Question 61s an amendment to the Fanning.' . ran, unopposed in their respective freeholders and the 1987 Springfield _'final say on which long-term • candidates on the ballot this year, As can be Imagined, the local primary runoffs. However, during * state constitution that, if approved, B'nai B'rith Annual. Citizenship resident they would like to see there are a half-dozen referendums, would lengthen the term of office of election will be pivotal. With two the last few weeks, both: candidates Award.!-' .'.'••• : ;••;';' • •' ' • serving on the Township Committee one of which has generated con- Democrats,' Sy; Mullman and have geared up their campaigns in sheriffs elected on or after Nov. 8, Cieri served in the. Pacific during ' Board for the next three years. The siderable Interest. 1988, fronrthree tofive years. anticipation of Tuesday's election. '•, •World War II arid was honorably polls will be open Election Day from , Throughout the townt posters and The question asks the voters to discharged with the rank'of staff 7'a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters will be able to back a $185 million bond issue to placards can be seen on front lawns, sergeant. He is married to the cast their votes at the regular and building walls, .advertising both 1 finance a 45,000 seat baseball former Lexie Shoopman and has two polling, sites — the~Presbyterian stadium near Exit 17 of the New GET SUPER A';.; candidates. Last week the climax of grandchildren, Just last week, Cieri Parish House, the American Legion, . those campaigns came when both Jersey Turnpike in Lyndhurst that lost his only son, William J. Cieri, James Caldwell Elementary School, would most likely serve as the new. candidates met face-to-face on a live who worked for the. Union County Florence M. Gaudineer School, local: television show and debated home of the New York Yankees. Prosecutor's Office; • ._,. Chlsholm School, Thelma Sand- The bond issue has received the DEALS NOW! issues before home viewers, Later Kurnos will be making hisfirst try , meier Elementary School and Holy ' 'during the show, viewers were able support of Governor Thomas Kean for elective office. Professionally, he Crosstutheran Church. and the state legislature, .where to call the studio and ask their own is an artist and writer, but he has. questions. Speaker Chuck Hardwick of 1CHUUUS. ........ been involved on the Recreation Westfield claims the ballpark ^wlll Although: both candidates have . Committee for 10-years. He has County, state-races bring $100 million in new business proposed different solutions to many coached nand"" directed youth Residents going to the polls per year to the state.. •'. ' ' of the problems that plague the town baseball, football and basketball Tuesday will alsb select three full-- —In-New-York, the Yankees have — garbage disposal, rising taxes and programs jnd introduced term and one one-term.member, to gone to court* in an attempt to break the lack of volunteers. for Uie_-M3huteman football to Springfield^_': thelUnion Coujity- Board of Choserf their lease-with-thecltythatTtles Springfield FiiSt Aid Squad— they, i He has coached for 22 years. , Freeholders. .Republican in- x them to Yankee Stadium through the - •have some '""'"strikin' '*"'g similarities' "" "• . F, '; Kurnos, a graduate of Jersey City cumbents Ed Slomkowskl of .TJnljOn,, 1992 season. example, both men have^lived; in State College and the Newark School Alan Augustine of Scotch Plains and ;: 1 The city and the ballclub have Springfield for more than 30 ye^re of ,Fine' and[ Industrial Arts, has Ed Palipieri .•pf.i ElfctobeaiV.; 1'are'- discussed an extension of the lease § $9 and have be^n involved with local owned arid -operatedr # commercial: seeking', re-elecUbuj,'along 'with, thift would keep the tearnjn the civic organizations. In addition, art :stud|o in New York City: In Jeannjne Rowe of.pi^ord,.whQ Is; j Bronx through 2032, but every tune military backgrounds ^ndjn$|: addition, he has served as the seeking election to |he unexplr^d an issue has been resolved the ,_4^^'IIveteraiisi,V'i"f'^i,v'"pi'; ' dij^tor; 'of 'Sth'e]' Veterans Art ' term.^ Democratic .-*•-"—'---- '--- i Yankees have demanded other ;0^ B,Ba.Jes«wUyev>ei^ •; ;jbwphf|ui|gac| i concessions from the city 4r Anctber question seeks approval 8 ' AwawlorouStaiifi m script, HUGE DISCOUNTS ON OVER mm*. aAlflrs 250 CARS &TROCKS IN STOCK! WSiVS!. BRAND NEW '87 CHEVY BS:. NOVA SEDANS) ."•'•'^.•"iv ./••:'."'-•''/•:•"•'•;•.• :; Town gives 4-Ooors w/opt AIR COND AUJOrTONS, '•;<?;••• j.:rf*- /.;•••.'"• •• POWER STEERING, AM/FM STEREO RS MATS/" By JOHN A. GAVIN Mayor Edward Fanning, and Police of a driver Involved in a accident w/sld Mvl Enj. Power Brake, fofakr When a local emergency arises, . Chief William Chishblm gave ex- who had full cardiac arrest. USED CARS! Decorative S FuncUonil Mldjs & MOTF,VIN . whether it's a burglary, a traffic ceptional duty medals to Patrolmen The mayor and Fire Chief Ronald No 131287130513 / 12MO/12,OOOMILEGM:WARRANTY! accident or a plea from a bystander Steven Stockl, George Hildner and Johnston also awarded an ex- Cov«r» wp«lr orwplfnwnt ol «n»fc»«, tr»m powr »Ui«ilng, Richard Mlckles. Also honored was poww bnkM, ah- cond., fnnt A raw MMMmlon, and «latlili,»l, m watching a person with the symp- ceptional .duty medal to Fireman $9199! toms of cardiac arrest, members of Sgt. Ivan Shapow, who wasn't able Donald Schwerdt for his.actions in ATWOEXTRACO5TATWUXACB the Springfield Police Department to accept the award because of an saving a fire victim's life. ... 8nndNwl987ChHT Brand Nwlfl7OM«| BriBdK«wl987tlievi are normally the first ones to come injury sustained hours before the . Township committee members to the scene. In many of those cases, meeting. had high praise for the officers CELEBRITY CAPRICE .CORVETTE,, i.v>- I H0.I8I145-- . ' time is of tho essence when a victim Stockl was recognized for giving' adding , that much of Springfield's 4-DOORWAGQN CLASSIC CONVERTIBLE B/VVANUEL UNITED is near death and it's up to the police cardiopulmonary resuscitation to a success'in such areas was a result of L Ante Int fa iiwln 1inKiS fcti.1 Km Small* IH*« <» AAETHODISJ CHURCH of officer to take initial life-saving . woman at the Springfield Public all police officers aftd firefighters Springfield will celebrate its steps until fipt aid squad members Library who was In full cardiac having training in CPK.' ' saiiazneviiiwiiutH. 160th etinlVersary Sunday at or paramedic teams come to the arrest. In awarding the citation, "It's" a great attribute^to the Ust Price List Price Ust Price DsfPrice * ' ' the ,10^30 a.m. service. A scene. Fanning said, that members of the community to know that there1 ere a $12,733 $11,205! $35,745 $30,743! $20,013 $18,9998 coVeretf dl?h lUncHeon will be At Tuesday night's Springfield first aid squad and the Overlook number of individuals available who $15,686 $13,855! held In-fellowship hall at Township Committee meeting, four Hospital paramedic team credited can save lives in this manner," said I H.4« ml. VW. NO, UW»9.- : . LOW COST 100% FINANCING T *»* »«*,«.. From You.' 12:30 p.m. following the police officers and one firefighter Stockl's action with saying the Commltteeman Jeffrey Katz.
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