- IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL SSCCHHOOOOLLSS SSPPOORRTTSS TTOOUURRNNAAMMEENNTT IISSSSTT HHaannddbbooookk 22001133--22001144 EEddiittiioonn SSeepptteemmbbeerr 22001133 - 0 - Index Section I ISST Organization and By-Laws 1-21 1.0 Table of Contents 1-2 1.1 The International Schools Sports Tournament Organization 3-4 1.2 By-Laws of the ISST 5-9 1.3 Sport Offerings/Maximum Size 10 1.4 ISST Sports Offerings 11 1.5a/b Full Member Schools/Sport Member Schools 12 1.6 Creation of Additional Divisions 13 1.7 Promotion and Relegation 14 1.8 Athletic Directors’ Contact Details 15-18 1.9 Eligibility Rules 19 1.10 Rule Books 20-21 Section II Statements of Philosophy and Guidelines 22-32 2.1 ISST Statement of Sportsmanship 23 2.2 ISST Rules and Guidelines 24-25 2.3 ISST Rules of Consistency 26 2.4 Guidelines for Coaches 27-29 2.5 Guidelines for Parents 30 2.6 ISST Regulations for Students 31 2.7 Players’ Discipline 32 Section III Sports Guidelines 33-97 3.1 Baseball – Varsity Boys 34-38 3.2 Basketball – Varsity Boys and Girls 39-43 3.3 Cross Country - Varsity/Junior for Boys and Girls 44-48 3.4 Field Hockey – Varsity Girls 49-51 3.5 Golf – Varsity Boys and Girls 52-54 3.6 Rugby – Varsity Boys 55-59 3.7 Soccer – Varsity Boys and Girls 60-68 3.8 Softball - Varsity Girls 69-72 3.9 Swimming - Varsity/Junior for Boys and Girls 73-80 3.10 Tennis – Varsity Boys and Girls 81-87 3.11 Track and Field - Varsity/Junior for Boys and Girls 88-96 3.12 Volleyball – Varsity Boys and Girls 97-102 Section IV Hosting a Championship Event 104 4.1 Pre-Planning for Hosting an ISST Championship 105 4.2 Championship Organization 106-107 4.3 Sample Travel/Hotel Form 108 4.4 Sample Physical Examination Form 109 4.5 School Responsibilities 110 4.6 Emergency Protocol 111 4.7 Facilities 112 - 1 - Section IV Hosting a Championship Event - Continued Pages 4.8 Housing Procedures 113-115 4.9 Sample Housing Form 116 4.10 Officials 117 4.11 Protest/Grievance Procedures 118 4.12 Transportation 119 4.13 Visiting Parents 120 4.14 Championship Program Contents 121 4.15 Awards Ceremony 122 4.16 All-Tournament Teams 123 4.17 Forfeit Policies 124-126 4.18 Championship Expenses 127 4.19 Championship Billing Procedures 128 4.20 Traveling Squads 129 4.21 Championship Observer’s Report 130 4.22 Sample ISST Evaluation Form 131 4.23 Sample Director’s Report Form 132-133 Section V Championship Formats 134 5.1 12-Team Format - Soccer, Rugby, Basketball, Baseball 135-136 5.2 12-Team Format – Softball 137 5.3 12-Team Format – Volleyball 138 5.4 10-Team Format – Generic 139 5.5 9-Team Format – Generic 140 5.6 9-Team Format – Baseball 141 5.7 8-Team Format – Soccer, Basketball 142 5.8 8-Team Format – Softball 143 5.9 8-Team Format – Volleyball 144 5.10 Round Robin Format - 4, 5, 6 and 7 Teams 145 Section VI ISST Awards 146 6.1 Eddie Hufford Trophy/Eddie Hufford Plate 147-149 6.2 Grell Award 150 6.3 Memoriam Awards 151-154 Appendix 155 A-1 History of the ISST 156-157 A-2 Championship Dates – 2012-2020 158 A-3 Membership Classification Chart 2012-2013 159 A-4 Host Schools History Chart 160 A-5 ISST Membership Application Form 161-166 A-6 ISST Championship Application Form 167 A-7 Athletic Director Meeting Organization 168 A-8 ISST Policy Statement – Use of Photography at ISST events 169 A-9 Sample Tournament Expenses Worksheet 170 A-10 Sample Tournament Invoice Letter 171 - 2 - IISSSSTT OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonn aanndd BByy--LLaawwss - 3 - 1.1 International Schools Sports Tournament The International Schools Sports Tournament (ISST) will celebrated its 45th anniversary year in 2013 ! Although some interschool competition did exist prior to 1968, the first real championship was held in Zurich in 1968 in soccer for boys and volleyball for girls. The organization in the 2012-2013 now boasts a membership of twenty three (23) international schools consisting of both full member and sport member schools. The ISST is fundamentally a Varsity athletic organization which governs competitive athletic championships for its 23 member schools. The ISST currently sanctions 12 sports annually across two divisions for 22 Varsity championships in soccer, volleyball, field hockey, cross country, rugby, swimming, basketball, softball, baseball, tennis, golf and track and field plus three (3) Junior championships in the sports of cross country, swimming and track and field. The organization is controlled by the Athletic Directors of the Full Member schools. The ISST is managed by an Executive Committee (EC) consisting of a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer and three (3) ISST Athletic Directors (one of whom must be from a Sport Member school). Following the first championship, a meeting chaired by John Griffin, Superintendent of the American School of the International Schools of The Hague, was held to explore interschool links in sports, drama, art and music. This meeting formed the basis of the International Sports League (I.S.L.) which had four regular members – the American School of The Hague, Frankfurt International School, the International School of Brussels and the American School of Paris and three guest members – the American School in London, Zurich International School and the American International School - Vienna. This league never really functioned as a league due to excessive costs in time and money. The result of this non-function was the establishment of end-of-season championship events. In 1970-71 it was decided to reform the league as simply a championship organization, thus founding the ISST. Burton Maclean of ASP became the chairman of the organization and gave several ADs the mandate to establish rules and regulations and to formalize the championship structure. For the majority of the seventies, Dr. Lewis Grell of ASH strengthened the ISST and supervised the increase in sporting opportunities for both boys and girls. Miles Lovelace of the Stavanger American School in Norway steered the organization through the early eighties before handing the task to Bob Ater of ISB, who was responsible for establishing a more democratic and enlarged membership. In the late 80’s Brian Duncan of ACS Hillingdon accepted the chair and remained in that position until the mid 90’s when Ray Taylor of the Munich International School assumed the role. From 2002 until his untimely death in 2005, Executive Secretary Eddie Hufford of ASL chaired the organization. The original Secretary, Karl Hainaut from ISB, remained in the office for one year, and Eddie Hufford continued in that role until 2005. The ISST is presently managed by an Executive Committee, with the chair of that committee presiding over the three annual Athletic Directors’ meetings. The establishment of dual championships (Alpha and Omega) occurred to meet the desire of all members to participate in interscholastic sports. This subsequently trans-morphed into Divisions 1 and 2 in selected sports. The original design of the ISST logo was made by Dave Schaefer, AD at St John’s. Originally, it was more in the shape of a basketball with the initials ISST making up the panels of the ball. Although the design has changed, the original colors (green and white from St. John’s) are still used for the All-Tournament patches awarded in most of the championships. - 4 - 1.2 By-Laws of the ISST Article I: Name and Purpose Section 1.01. The name of this organization shall be the International Schools Sports Tournament. Section 2.01 The purpose of the ISST is to provide and govern interscholastic championship events and regular season competition amongst its member schools with an emphasis on the spirit of competition and fair play. Article II: Membership Section 1.01 Membership in the ISST consists of philosophically-aligned international schools in two separate categories: Full Member and Sport Member. Section 1.02 Full Member Schools a) Participate in 50 percent ( 8 sports or more ) of the ISST-sponsored Championships from the preceding year b) Host at least one (1) Championship per year or as designated c) Send a representative to all ISST meetings each year d) Pay the designated annual membership fee Section 1.03 Sport Member Schools e) Participate in less than 50 percent ( 7 sports or less ) of the ISST-sponsored Championships from the preceding year f) Be prepared to host at least one (1) Championship per year or as designated. The ISST, however, recognizes this requirement may be impractical for schools involved in only one (1) or two (2) Championships. Such schools are expected to host a Championship in which they are involved when called upon by the ISST. g) Send a representative to the meeting(s) immediately preceding and following any Championship in which they are involved h) Pay the designated annual membership fee which shall never be less than 60 percent of the Full Member fee nor more than 75 percent in any given year Section 2.01 Members are expected to attend all meetings applicable to their membership status and the ISST reserves the right to sanction any school (up to expulsion) which does not fulfill this obligation. Section 3.01 Membership in the ISST does not guarantee a position in any Championship event without a one-time approval of the applicable membership category (ies). Such approval is predicated upon a written request at an officially-scheduled ISST meeting and subsequent favorable vote of a simple majority. Section 4.01 Member schools are NOT allowed to field athletes in any ISST Championships who have received a scholarship (any financial aid) based on their athletic ability.
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