ABOUT SULLIVAN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COLLEGE CAMPUS Since 1973 the college has been housed in facilities COLLEGE HISTORY designed by the New York firm of Edward Durrell SUNY Sullivan was established on September 13, Stone and Associates. The main academic and 1962, when the State University of New York (SUNY) administrative buildings are connected by enclosed Trustees approved its establishment as a two-year corridors, making it a truly all-weather campus. The community college. On September 23, 1963, SUNY Paul Gerry Field House contains facilities for activities SULLIVAN welcomed its first freshman class. The such as basketball, gymnastics, racquetball, and successful establishment of the College must be weight training. credited jointly to local citizens, who conducted surveys and advocated the creation of a college and The Lazarus I Levine student residence, designed to to the County Board of Supervisors, who saw the accommodate over 300 students, is operated by the desirability and need for a community college in SUNY SULLIVAN Dormitory Corporation and is located Sullivan County. adjacent to the campus. The Eco Green Townhouses, also adjacent to the campus, feature independent- It has been more than five decades since the College style living with spacious rooms, private closets, full moved from its modest quarters in a former South size eat-in kitchens, living rooms, and a washer and Fallsburg high school to the 405-acre site it presently dryer in each unit. occupies. It has grown from a faculty of nine and a student body of 72 (enrolled in three curricula) in its STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION first year of operation in 1963-1964, to a full-time Sullivan County Community College hereby reaffirms and part-time enrollment of approximately 1600 its long standing intent and policy that the College students in 32 degree programs and 7 certificate does not discriminate in the recruitment, enrollment, programs in 2020. employment or treatment of students or employees on the basis of race, color, sexual preference, creed, COLLEGE MISSION national origin, age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, The primary mission of SUNY Sullivan, as the only or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the institution of higher education in its sponsorship Vietnam era. It assertively seeks to implement area, is to provide a wide range of higher education Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, as services and opportunities to the residents of Sullivan amended. County, and to non-residents who choose to study at the College. The College is committed to maintaining a strong liberal arts core curriculum, a broad range of contemporary career-oriented programs, appropriate STATEMENT ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT transfer and continuing education programs, Sexual harassment of employees and students at community services and cultural offerings for the SUNY Sullivan is contrary to the policy of SUNY broader community, developmental opportunities for Sullivan and is a violation of federal and state laws the educationally disadvantaged, programs that and regulations. No employee or student of either reach out to the non-traditional student, and a sex shall engage in the following behavior including, variety of student support services. To this end, the but not limited to, requiring sexual cooperation as a College is committed to offering specialized, high condition of employment or academic advancement, quality curricula and marketing them effectively to unwanted verbal or physical advances, sexually potential students not only throughout New York discriminatory, explicit or derogatory remarks, or State, but throughout the United States and abroad, display explicit or derogatory materials. The SUNY when and where appropriate. Sullivan Sexual Violence Response Policy can be viewed here: http://sunysullivan.edu/wp- GENERAL STUDENT CONCERNS/PROBLEMS content/uploads/2016/06/SUNY-Sullivan-Sexual- J113 4263 Violence-Response-Policy.pdf. HEALTH SERVICES H012 4247 WHO TO SEE FOR WHAT AND WHERE LEARNING CENTER OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT One Stop 4242 J110 4261 LIBRARY VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AND STUDENT J001A 4226 AFFAIRS J107 4270 PERSONAL COUNSELING DEAN, STUDENT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES One Stop 4242 J113 4263 PLACEMENT TESTING ACADEMIC ADVISING One Stop 4242 One Stop 4242 RECREATION & WELLNESS PROGRAMS ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES K111 4424 One Stop 4242 REGISTRATION SERVICES ADMISSIONS One Stop 4302 One Stop 4312 STUDENT ACTIVITIES ATHLETICS H122 4303 K108 4294 TUTORING BOOKSTORE One Stop 4242 H077 4421 CASHIER One Stop 4391 DISABILIITY SUPPORT SERVICES STUDENT LIFE/STUDENT ACTIVITIES One Stop 4328 Vision Statement: To enhance students’ college FACULTY STUDENT ASSOCIATION experiences through offering a variety of educational and social programming. The Student Activities Office H122 4273 strives to increase retention through student FINANCE & STUDENT BILLING involvement on campus. One Stop 4391 The Student Activities Office (SAO) supports FINANCIAL AID programs that encourage a sense of community and the concept of total student development. It is One Stop 4231 committed to providing an environment conducive to personal, cultural, social, ethical, emotional, recreational, and spiritual development through co- FOOD SERVICE/DINING HALL curricular involvement. Students are encouraged to H040 4301 participate in co-curricular activities and events designed to create and foster community spirit at Please use proper recycling and trash containers. SUNY Sullivan. These activities include clubs and If you should spill something, report it to the organizations, student government, leadership Student Activities Office so it can be cleaned up development programs, social events and activities, promptly. recreation and intramural events, athletics events, No Smoking lectures on current affairs, musical and comedy Using, and/or selling illegal and/or controlled performances, movies and other performing arts. substances is prohibited There is to be no physical horseplay or wrestling, College is a total living and learning experience, or loud and obscene language. incorporating both academics and personal growth. Using the Student Union is a privilege, not a right. As you will soon discover, academic and personal The Student Activities Office reserves the right to growth can be enhanced by involvement in student remove this privilege if a person’s behavior organizations and activities. You chose to attend interferes in the other students’ legitimate SUNY Sullivan for a variety of reasons. Some reasons enjoyment of the Student Union. The Student may have been the quality of our academic programs, Activities Office also reserves the right to deny our location, or the proximity to family and friends. entry to any non-student. Now that you are here, you will find many Treat each other, and those in charge, with opportunities to make your college experience even courtesy and respect, and you will be treated in more fulfilling. the same way. The Student Union is yours ... take care of it so next semester’s students can enjoy it The SAO serves as the primary resource for too! coordinating a variety of personal services to the undergraduate. The center of student activity is the STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (SGA) Student Union located in the upper H building. The Student Government Association (SGA) is the official student government organization. Through its A rich array of campus activities will help you identify policy board, it stimulates interest in, and support of, and develop your leadership skills. Through student those activities contributing to our cultural, government, academic and social clubs, study groups, educational and social interaction. The SGA also performing arts, sports, residence life, and a host of affords educational opportunities for expression of other opportunities, you will gain valuable experience leadership and involvement in decision-making in a working with others, which will broaden your democratic government. horizons and brighten your future. Some of the SGA’s functions are the chartering of SUNY Sullivan offers an activity for nearly every clubs, assisting with budget approvals for various interest. We are small, friendly and supportive, so organizations and activities, selecting members of the you can get involved from your very first day. You student body to represent students on faculty won’t get lost in the shuffle. Your talents will be in governance committees and in statewide student high demand. government organizations, and promoting interest in activities by students for the student body. Kaplan Student Union The Kaplan Student Union is a place to go when you STUDENT CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS have time to spare, when you need a break from the An exciting part of our Student Activities program is books, or want to meet with friends. our extensive club system. Some clubs are ongoing Student Union Policies - and some are started to meet the needs of a specific Please confine eating in the Student Union to group of students. Please visit the Student Activities snacks, candy bars, soda or coffee. If you are Office for a list of active clubs, or on the website at eating lunch or dinner, the cafeteria is available https://sunysullivan.edu/clubs-organizations/ next door. To start a club you should begin with a visit to the “PROJECTOR” WEEKLY NEWS BULLETIN Director of Student Activities in H122 to obtain the The “Projector” is the SUNY Sullivan weekly news, club packet. You will then need to find a minimum of events and announcements
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