$2.00 CLAN WALLACE SOCIETY WORLDWIDE Am fear-gléidhidh “The Guardian”— Published by the Clan Wallace Society Worldwide. Founded 1966. Spring 2004 Vol 38, No 1 New Members From the Desk of the President On behalf of Ian Francis Wallace of that The first quarter of first of many that I have scheduled to Ilk, 35th Chief of Clan Wallace, the Presi- 2004 has been excit- attend this year. I have on my calendar dent and Board of Directors of the Clan ing and busy, to say at this time to be at the Festivals and Wallace Society Worldwide welcome the the least. The air- Games at Dunedin, FL; Loch Norman, nine individuals listed below to the Clan ways have been NC; the Games in Southern Maryland; Council and to our Society, respectively. buzzing with e-mail the Games in Glasgow, KY; the Games Ciad mile failte! comments and dis- in Salt Lake City, Utah; the Grandfather cussions between Mountain, NC Highland Games; the COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP: your Board Members, Triad Games at Archdale, NC; the Jeffrey David Wallace, Dallas, TX as we adjust to our McLean Festival, in Carlisle, PA; the Garrett Whiteside, Woodbridge, VA new positions and McPherson Games in KS (CWSW responsibilities. I hope your winter was ADM); the Chesapeake Celtic Festival in LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP: mild and enjoyable and that you all now MD; the Festival at Stone Mountain, GA; Dr. Kevin L. Wallace, Scottsdale, AZ have your sights on the upcoming Scottish and the Richmond, VA Celtic Festival. I Arlene Wallace Tomlin, Aurora, CO Festival-Games season, that is now upon am, of course, always open to your sug- Debbie A. Wallace, Davenport, FL us. gestions for future events to attend and Pamela Messier, Madison, ME would like to spread myself around more Renee Messier, Madison, ME Several exciting things are happening in if possible. Let me hear from you, if you Kyle Wallace, Chestnut Ridge, NY our Society that should peak your interest. have any ideas or recommendations. William Jeffrey Wallace, Vienna, VA First is the “Clan Wallace Society Gather- ing 2005 Commemorating the 700th Anni- As many of you might already know, the versary of Sir William Wallace’s Execu- Clan Wallace Society Official Records New Certificates tion”. We premiered a rough draft of this are kept at the Ellen Payne Odom Gene- tour in the last newsletter to develop inter- alogy Library in Moultrie, GA. The Li- est and have since then, fine-tuned it to brary holds our records at no cost; a This year, the Board approved updated broaden the interest and make it more great benefit to us. The Board has full-color Life and Council certificates for flexible and enjoyable for all. I strongly unanimously chosen to make a $150 new members. At the same time, it re- recommend you consider joining us on donation to the Library’s free newsletter, ceives the occasional inquiry about replac- this adventure in August 2005. While The Family Tree, to support their post- ing lost or damaged Life or Council certifi- costs and final details will not be available age fund. On behalf of the Board, I have cates. The President would like to know if until April, I hope you will respond with sent that donation in appreciation for there is a demand for re-issuing certifi- your intentions by completing the provided their continued support of CWSW and cates for long-time members. Estimated response sheet and sending it to Bill Wal- have received from them back a cordial cost is $5.00 to cover production. If inter- lace, our Treasurer, soon. Please remem- thank you note. ested, please contact President John Wal- ber that the space on this tour is limited so lace at 4327 Gadwall Place, Virginia respond soon. I myself have been a convenor for Clan Beach, VA, 23462-4810 or at johnrwal- Wallace Society for many years, but only [email protected]. Secondly, when the Board adjourned its just recently during some Board discus- deliberations at the ADM in New Hamp- sions on this subject, did I truly realize shire last September, we did not have a just how many convenors we had and Inside This Issue permanent Secretary. Since then I have how broad our reach is at Games and appointed new Board Member Kay Cayler Festival throughout the USA and Can- from California as Secretary. Kay is a very ada. Update 2005 IGCW in Scotland 3 talented member of the Board and will do a great job. My sincere personal thanks I want to go on record now to sincerely Convenor’s News 4, 6 go to her for assuming this important posi- thank all of you who do this exceptional tion. Public Relations work for the Society and who volunteer to spend you time 2004 Annual Director’s Meeting 6 Just prior to writing this letter to all of you, representing the Clan and its members I attended the Scottish Gathering and in such a magnificent way. Biography: General Lew Wallace 7 Highland Games in Mesa, AZ. It was the (Continued on page 6) PAGE 2 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH SPRING 2004 CWS CONTACTS CWS Family Radio Service: Channel 13-05 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT By Jim L. Wallace and what bird they just spotted. (I think it C/o John R. Wallace Bowie, MD. is Channel 2-22.) 4327 Gadwall Place Virginia Beach, VA 23462-4810 The popularity of the Here is a little scene that could happen. PH: 757-495-8194 new Family Radio Sister Wallace has just left the CWS tent to Email: [email protected] Service (FRS) is evi- check out the vendors when along comes dent by their usage. a citizen to the tent who asks a question GLEIDHIDH EDITOR As an amateur radio only Sister Wallace can answer. Grab the C/o Tom E.S. Wallace operator (N3ADF) I FRS radio and give her a call. Back 50 Cavalier Drive notice when other comes the answer from Sister Wallace Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia people are carrying carrying her little radio. Or, maybe a CWS Canada B4C 3K3 little handheld radios. I see people and member just walked in the festival gate PH: 902-252-2653 kids using little radios in the malls, bird and can’t find the CWS tent. He grabs his Email: [email protected] watching and nature hikes, at sporting radio and gives a call to the CWS events and even at Scottish games & frequency. Back comes the CWS tent CWS MEMBERSHIP CHAIR festivals. convenor on his radio to give him C/o Richard (Dick) A. Wallace directions. 728 East 19th Street What they are using are inexpensive two- Marysville, CA 95901-4438 way radios in the FRS. This is a un- I propose that the Society adopt a channel/ PH: 530-743-1060 licensed, low-power (1/2 Watt), limited- sub-channel for Clan Wallace Society use! Email: [email protected] distance (1/2 mile) service the FCC has Anyone with a FRS radio can then get in setup for citizens to communicate with touch with us. I propose that all Clan Wal- SOCIETY SECRETARY one- another. I’ve seen the radios on lace members use the Channel 13 - pri- C/o Kay Cayler sale for as little as $19.95 per pair. vacy code 05; the year of William Wal- 510 Spruce St lace’s execution. Dixon, CA 95620-3742 The radios can operate on 14 channels PH: 707-678-2448 with 38 privacy codes (sub-channels). Get more info at http://wireless.fcc.gov/ Email: [email protected] The birdwatchers even have published a services/personal/family or e-mail me at specific channel and sub-channel so that [email protected] http://www.clanwallace.org they can let others know where they are CWS Member Listed in World’s Who’s Who Flowers of the Forest CWS Life Richard (Dick) Alan Jewell, 1926-2003 Robotics. His research focuses on Member Johnson City, TN intelligent control systems for robots. Andrew Andrew Wallace was born in Wallace of Former CWS Director Richard Alan Jewell, Buckinghamshire, UK, but moved to Kungsbacka, 77, Johnson City, passed away on 24 Oc- Sweden seven years ago together with Sweden, has tober 2003. Though a native of New Phila- his Swedish wife and children. Today been singled delphia, OH, he had lived in Johnson City, they live in Kungsbacka, Sweden. out for TN, since 1964. “Being in Who’s Who in the World will special probably generate a network of A graduate of Bethany College (WV) and recognition. contacts and maybe also new research the University of Maryland, Dick taught When the projects for the future,” Andrew chemistry at Washington & Jefferson last edition remarked to the press at the time of College, PA. He was employed by Great of the world- the acknowledgment. Lakes Research Corp., and later by famous Holston Defense Corp. as an analytical This reference book is published by reference chemist, until his retirement. In addition to Marquis Press, and can be found in publication Who’s Who in the World was the Clan Wallace Society, Dick was also a published in December, Dr. Andrew most libraries around the globe. Over member the Boy Scouts of America, Order Wallace, senior lecturer at the the last hundred years the most known of the Arrow and the National Railway Engineering School at the University of people in the world have been pub- Historical Society, the American Chemical Borås (Sweden) was one of the lished in one of Marquis’ “Who’s Who” Society and the Metro Kiwanis. exclusively chosen few to appear in it.
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