JUNE 25, 18981 _ASEOCI4TIO. ISTELlI(GE"CE. r43>ny'. "| 1677 system of mains, wlhich are carried into the various labora- METROPOLITAN COUNTIES BRANCH.-The annual general meeting will tories to to which be held at the Hote. Cecil on Tuesday, June 28th, I898, at 6 P.M Thle terminals, temporary connection can be members will dine together at 7 P.M.. Robel t Farqubarson, M.D. M.P., readily made. This main is fed by a motor transformer, President-elect, in the chair.-IsAMBARD OWEN, Ht. B. ROBiNsoN, Hon. taking current from the supply at a pressure of 200 volts, and Secretaries. it at from allowing of being supplied any pressure 5 to 50 LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIBB BRANCu.-The sixty-second annual meeting- volts. This arrangement, suggested by Mr. Middletou, of tisblanuh wvihI be held In Powell's Bo)s' headiDg Room, Wigan, OD avoids the necessity of the cambrous and wasteful resistances Tuesday, June 28th, 1898, at 2 P M. Agenda: Inaueural AddresR Dy thel usually employed. President, Mr. W. berry, FRU 1. Iepoit of Council and Financial Statement. Election of Ulhce Beaiers. Representatives in the Council of the Association, RtepreseDtatives in the l-arliamentary Bills Committee, GBNERAL WORK OF THE INSTITUTE. and Ordinary Members of the Council for xI898 99. Choice of Place for- The director and staff are to be most heartily congratulated holding next Annual Meetiug. (& cordial invitation, which has beem on coming into possession of this well-equipped laboratory. provisionally accepted by the Council, has been received from the mem- a of bers resident in Boltonj, to hold the next aninual meeting in that town.).. At present large amount diagnosis work is being under- Appointment of two Auditors. Votes of Thanks to the (Office Bearers and' taken for sanitary authorities, and a staff is kept constantly Members of late Council Medical and burgical CommuDications: engaged in examining and reporting on waters, sputa, and Dr. E. T Davies: Abdominal Hysterectomy for Fibroid Tumours, withr various organic fluids. The aim of the director is to make Specimens. Dr. C. Thurstan Holland: Foreign Bodies and the Use of the x Rays. Mr. E. Stanmore Bishop: A Case uf Ureteral Calculus. The- the Institute a national home for bact'riology in all its President and Members resident in Wigan are anxious that, as far as branches. possible, this day should be spent as an enjoyable holiday. From I2 toF The present staff is as follows; Director and Honorary 2 P.M. Arrangements will be made for the inspeetion of the Free Library and Reference Library, the Wigan Parish Church, and the Exhibits. At Secretary: Dr. Allan Macfadyen, to whose enthusiastic in- 4 P.M. conveyances will be provided to convey members to Haigh Hall,. dustry the new laboratories owe many of their best features. on the invitation of the Earl of Crawford, K.T., to view the Gardens anc The bacteriologistg to the Institute are Dr. R. T. Hewlett and inspect the Library. Mr. Walter Simpson hbbs kindly invited a limited Mr. F R Arthur number of gentJemen to Longhurst for Afltrooon Tea and Bowls. The- Foulerton, C.S. Dr. Harden is chemist, and Royal Albert Edward Infirmary will also be upen to visitors, who will be- Mr. C. Cooper asiistant secretary. The department for the received by members of the medical staff. Dri,gs and Maedical Appliances. preparation of antitoxins remains at Sudbury, near Harrow, -There will be an Exhibit of New Drugs and Chemicals, Medical and. and is in charge of Dr. Dean, assisted by Dr. Salter. Surgical Instruments, etc, in the Readivg Boom. LJuncheon.-A. luncheon, provicded by the President and Members of the Wigan Medicas Society, wijl be served at the Old Council Chamber from 12 to 2 P.M. Dinner.-Arrangements have been made for a dinner at the Old Council, Chamber, Rodney Street, WigaD, at 6 30 P.A ; tickets (wine not included). ASSOCIATION INTELLIGENCE, 58. each. In order to facilitate arrangemeots the Secretary will feel much obliged if every member who intends to be present at the-- COUNOIL. meeting will kindly inform him whether he purposes being present at luncheon and dinner. Those gentlemen who iDtend coming,. NOTICE OF MEETING. but who, on the day of meeting, may find it impossible to do so, A MEETING of the Council will be held in will not be held responsible for their dinner tickets. The Secretary' the Council Room is very anxious to get the number as correctly as possible, in order to- of the Association, at No. 429, Strand (corner of Agar Street), assist the Heception Committee. N.B.-Those gentlemen who have naot, yet paid their subscriptions will please remit such, withoutfurther delay, London, on Wednesday the 6th day of July next, at 2 to the Honorary Secretary, Dr. Barr. Subscriptions to the Royal Medicah o'clock in the afternoon. Benevolent College can be paid to Dr Barr. Those who wish to become members of theBranch, or of the Association and Branch, should communi- June gth, 1898. FEANcIs FOWKE, General Secretary. cate with the Honorary Secretary at once. There are over i,oco members of the medical profession in these two counties who are not members of- the British Medieal Association; and 4C0 who are members of the British NOTICE OF QUARTERLY MEETINGS OF COUNCIL Medical Association, but not of this Branch. There is thus a large field FOR i898. - in which'members can render valuable aid in stimalating the growth and, MEETINGS of the Council will be held on July 6th importance of this Branch. The Secreta' y has sent a notice of this and October I898. meeting, a list of members, and an application form to each of the 400;. Igth, Candidates for election by the he hopes that members will induce as great a number of these as possible- Council of the Association must send in their forms of to joiu the Branch. It may be pointed out lo these that at preFent ihey application to the General Secretary not later than twenty- have no representation. and the small anDual subscription of 28. 6d. is a one days before the latter meeting-namely, September good investment Those who are outside the pale of the Association and? 29th. Branch have frequently received circulars, but on tbe present occasion it- ELEOTION o0 MEBMBER. has not been deemed necessary to notify them. Application forms can Any qualified medical practitioner, not disqualified by any be had by applying to the Secretary, 72, Rodney Street, Liverpool. It is- intended to hold a joint meeting with the North Wales Branch, ia by-law of the Association, who shall be recommended as Chester, in September. Gentlemen wishing to take part in this meeting eligible by any three members, may be elected a member should communicate with Dr. Barr.-JAMEs BARR, M.D., Hlonorary Secre-- by the Council or by any recognised Branch Council. tary, 72, Rodney Street, Liverpool. Candidates seeking election by a Branch Council should apply to the Secretary of the Branch. No members can be NORTH WALES BRANCH.-The annual meeting will be held at Llangollen. elected by a Branch Council unless their names have been on or about July 13th. Members having papers to read, cases to com- municate, or specimens to show are requested to intimate the same- Inserted in the circular summoning the meeting at whicb before July 2nd.-W. JONES-MORRIS, Is-y-coed, Portmadoc, Honorary, they seek election. Secretary. FRANCIS FOWKE, General Secretary. WEST SOMERSET BRANCH -The annual meeting of this Branch will be- LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH held on Tuesday, June 28th, at 12.30 P m.. at St. Saviour's, Bridgwater, the MEDICAL residence of the President, Mr. R. H. F. Routh. Besides the ordinary ASSOCIATION. business, the President will deliver an address on " Cycling: its Prophy- MEMBERS reminded lactic and Curative Properties." The President has kindly asked the! are that the Library and Writing Rooms members of the Branch to lunch with him at his house after the meeting. of the Association are now fitted up for the accommodation During the afternoon, arrangements bave been made for the amusement. of the Members in commodious apartments, at the offices of of visitors, including a drive to Lilstock, tickets 28. 6d. There will be a. the Association, 429, Strand. The rooms are open from io dinner at the Clarence Hotel, Bridgwater, at 7.30 tickets 45., exclusive ot. A.M. to 5 P.M. Members can have their letters addressed to wine.-R. LIDDON MEADE-KING, M D, Taunton, Honorary Secretary. them at the Office. SOUTH WALES AND MOMOOUTHSHIRE BRANCH.-The next annual meet'- ing will be held at Cardiff on June 3oth. Further particulars in circular. BRANCH MEETINGS TO BE HELD. -A. SHEEN, M.D., Cardiff; D. A. DAVIES, M.B., Swansea, Honorary Secre- NORTH OF ENGLAND BR&NCH.-Tbe annual meeting will be held at taries. Sunderland on Wednesday, July 13th, at 4.30 P M., when the President- elect, Dr. William Robinson, will deliver an address, and the oflicers of BATH AND BRISTOL BRANCH.-The annual meeting of this Branch will the Branch will be elected. The dinner after ttie meeting will take Miace be held on Wednesday, June 2gth, in the Royal Mineral Water Hospital, at 6 P.M.-G. E. WILLIAMSON, F.R.C.S., Honorary Secretary, 8, Eldon Bath, at 4.30 P.M.. when Mr. F. R. Cross will resign the chair to Dr. Lionel square, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Weatherly, President-elect, who will deliver the Presidential Address. The business of the meeting will be to receive the report of the Council, OXi ORD AND DISTRTc r BRANCH.-The annual meeting will b3 held on to elect the officers of the isranch, to transact the necessary business, Frciday, JUly 8th, ar 'xfora Dr.
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