New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Bel- gium, Luxembourg and northern France. XII. Paul Diederich1, Damien Ertz2, Dries Van den Broeck3, Pieter van den Boom4, Maarten Brand5 & Emmanuël Sérusiaux6 1 Musée national d’histoire naturelle, 25 rue Munster, L-2160 Luxembourg ([email protected]) 2 Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, Domaine de Bouchout, B-1860 Meise, Belgique ([email protected]) 3 Floridastraat 43 bus 1, B-2830 Willebroek ([email protected]) 4 Arafura 16, NL-5691 JA Son, the Netherlands ([email protected]) 5 Klipperwerf 5, NL-2317 DX Leiden, the Netherlands ([email protected]) 6 Plant Taxonomy and Conservation Biology Unit, University of Liège, Sart Tilman B22, B-4000 Liège, Belgium ([email protected]) Diederich, P., D. Ertz, D. Van den Broeck, P. van den Boom, M. Brand & E. Sérusiaux, 2009. New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belgium, Luxembourg and north- ern France. XII. Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois 110: 75-92. Abstract. Studies on large and mainly recent collections of lichens and lichenicolous fungi led to the addition of 19 taxa to the flora of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France:Buelliella poetschii, Caloplaca arcis, C. coralliza, C. dichroa, C. oasis, C. pyracea, Gyalecta derivata, Lem- mopsis pelodes, Lepraria ecorticata, Leptogium aragonii, L. pulvinatum, Leptorhaphis laricis, Minutoexcipula tephromelae, Monodictys epilepraria, Phoma grumantiana, Polyblastia goth- ica, Ramalina canariensis, Sphaerellothecium cladoniae and Vouauxiella verrucosa. Another 22 additional taxa are reported in recent publications: Acarospora rufescens, Arrhenia pelti- gerina, Bacidia caesiovirens, B. subfuscula, B. sulphurella, Caloplaca itiana, C. ulcerosa, Car- bonea supersparsa, Chaenothecopsis ochroleuca, Endohyalina insularis, Lecanora helicopis, L. sarcopidoides, L. subsaligna, Lepraria zeorinica, Lichenochora paucispora, Parmotrema pseu- doreticulatum, Physcia tribacioides, Sphaerellothecium araneosum, S. parmeliae, Strigula sych- nogonoides, Verrucaria poly sticta and V. xyloxena. The following species have to be deleted from the checklist: Acarospora smaragdula, Caloplaca britannica, C. lithophila, Lecanora albel- lula (syn. L. piniperda), Lepraria leuckertiana, Lichenochora inconspicua and Parmotrema stuppeum. Abrothallus acetabuli, Lepraria jackii, Phaeosporobolus usneae, Telogalla olivieri and Usnea flammea are newly reported for Belgium, and Chaenotheca brachypoda, C. hispidula, Fellhanera viridisorediata, Lepraria sylvicola, Leptorhaphis epidermidis, Lichenoconium pyxida- tae, Tubeufia heterodermiaeand Verrucaria hegetschweileri for Luxembourg. 1. Introduction 2. Survey of other publications on the This paper continues the series of notes on lichen flora and vegetation of the study area the flora of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in Kuborn & Diederich (2008) presented an Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France. inventory of the lichen flora of siliceous Although the former contribution was issued outcrops in the ‘Naturpark Obersauer’ in only a year ago (Ertz et al. 2008) a relatively Luxembourg (Ard.). They reported 197 large number of additions and changes to species, amongst which the lichenicolous the checklist of species present in that area fungi Carbonea supersparsa (Nyl.) Hertel, (Diederich & Sérusiaux 2000) can be done. Chaenothecopsis ochroleuca (Koerb.) Tibell This paper further includes the most recent & K. Ryman, Sphaerellothecium araneosum updates regarding the nomenclature and tax- (Arnold) Zopf and S. parmeliae Diederich & onomy of the species present. In the enumer- Etayo are new for the checklist area (Died- ation of specimens, the abbreviation ‘h’ refers erich & Sérusiaux 2000). Nine further spe- to the private herbarium of the collector. cies are new for Luxembourg. Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 110 (2009) 75 Garnier-Delcourt (2008) reported the dis- checklist of Belgium, Luxembourg and north- covery of the lichenicolous mushroom ern France. Buellia schaereri De Not., Didymel- Arrhenia peltigerina (Peck) Redhead et al. in lopsis pulposi (Zopf) Grube & Hafellner and the south of Luxembourg on thalli of Peltig- Hawksworthiana peltigericola (D. Hawksw.) era rufescens. U. Braun are new records for Belgium, whilst Kukwa & Flakus (2009) reported Lepraria the presence in Belgium of Bacidia subfuscula zeorinica (L. Saag) Kukwa as new to our (Nyl.) Th. Fr. is confirmed. Eighteen additional checklist area, based on material recently species are new for Flanders. collected in France (Ard.). Van den Broeck et al. (2008c) organized a Roux et al. (2009) described the new Calo- three days international excursion in the placa itiana Cl. Roux, M. Boulanger & Malle Forêt de Soignes (Zoniënwoud) near Brus- from coastal rocks in northern France (Pas- sels. In total, 186 species were recorded, de-Calais, Boulonnais) within our study area. including several species characteristic for We have collected two further specimens of old forests, such as Pyrenula nitida and the same species: France, Mar.: Cap Gris Nez, Thelotrema lepadinum. à partir de la plage au N de Framzelle vers l’W, De Beer & Van den Broeck (2008), Van den sur une distance de 300 m (E22.15), alt. 5 m, Broeck (2008), Van den Broeck & Hantson sur des rochers en grès en bord de mer, 2000, (2008) and Van den Broeck et al. (2008a) P. Diederich 14387 (h) & J. Signoret; ibid., à listed the lichens observed or collected 400 m à l’W de la plage au N de Framzelle, during excursions in Flanders, organized by rochers à mi-pente, (E22.15), alt. 25 m, blocs the Vlaamse Werkgroep Bryologie en Liche- de grès dans végétation herbacée, 2000, P. nologie. In one of these papers (Van den Diederich 14455 & J. Signoret. Broeck 2008), the lichenicolous Arthonia apotheciorum (A. Massal.) Almq. is reported Giralt et al. (in press) report Endohyalina from Lecanora albescens. Until now, the entire insularis (Arnold) Giralt, van den Boom & Arthonia material from our study area grow- Elix [= Rinodina insularis (Arnold) Hafell- ing on L. albescens was included in the species ner] from northern France (Ardenne, concept of Arthonia lecanorina Almq. (Die- Chooz, lichenicolous on Lecanora rupicola). derich et al. 2009), a species described from The species is new for our checklist area. L. dispersa. As long as there is no evidence Rouxhet et al. (2008) described the vegeta- that the material on these hosts belongs to tion and flora of disused slate quarries near two distinct species, we prefer to keep all that Vielsalm (B Ard.) with a focus on the bryo- material under the name A. lecanorina. phytes and lichens. Indeed these sites host Van den Broeck et al. (2009) did a four some of the rarest species in our area of study days excursion to the Boulonnais in north- such as Cryptogramma crispa (fern), Bux- ern France. They report 55 species new for baumia aphylla (bryophyte) and the lichens the Boulonnais, including four new for our Arctoparmelia incurva, Lecanora silvae-nigrae checklist area: Bacidia caesiovirens S. Ekman and Melanelia sorediata. They confirmed that & Holien (previously known only from Scot- Brodoa atrofusca and Stereocaulon saxatile land, Ireland and Norway; photograph of have not been observed recently near Vielsalm fertile material shown in fig. 2), Lecanora and should therefore be considered extinct in helicopis (Wahlenb.) Ach., Strigula sychnogo- our study area. Species associated with metal- noides (Nitschke) R. C. Harris (sub Geisleria rich rocks are also observed in several disused s., illustrated in fig. 5) and Verrucaria polys- quarries with Acarospora sinopica, Rhizocar- ticta Borrer [this species has also recently pon oederi, Lecanora epanora, L. subaurea, L. been collected in Belgium: Mar.: Au NW de handelii and Placopsis lambii. Veurne, vers Sint-Idesbald, Ten Bogaarde Van den Broeck et al. (2008b) reported the Hoeve, vieux murs autour de la ferme près du discovery of Caloplaca ulcerosa Coppins & P. parking (C0.57), 2002, P. Diederich 15230 (h). James, Parmotrema pseudoreticulatum (Tav.) Fl.: Hundelgem (Zwalm), kerk (E3.13), on Hale, Physcia tribacioides Nyl. and Verrucaria calcareous wall, 2008, D. Van den Broeck 2746 xyloxena Norman, which are new for the (h)]. Three further species that would be 76 Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 110 (2009) new for our checklist are provisionally not de Lesdain 1914: 100), we provisionally accepted: Lecania aipospila (Wahlenb.) Th. Fr. include it in A. rufescens as well. (specimen A. Aptroot 68728 represents ster- Van den Boom & Brand (2008a) masterly ile L. cf. fructigena), Phaeopyxis punctum (A. revised the Lecanora saligna-group in west- Massal.) Rambold, Triebel & Coppins (speci- ern and central Europe. L. saligna (Schrad.) men A. Aptroot 68738 is Cladonia rangiformis Zahlbr. is confirmed as being a common spe- without visible lichenicolous fungus), and cies in Belgium and Luxembourg. L. albellula Xanthoria aureola (Ach.) Erichsen (specimen Nyl. (syn. L. piniperda Körb.) does not occur A. Aptroot 68741 contains a pebble with a in Belgium and Luxembourg and must be yellow and an orange thallus of X. parietina; removed from the checklist (Diederich & although these might be genetically distinct, Sérusiaux 2000). The new L. subsaligna M. the orange thallus does not have the typical Brand & van den Boom (type locality in morphology of X. aureola). Belgium!) is not rare in Belgium and Lux- Hellemans (2008) reported 72 lichen species embourg. L. sarcopidoides (A. Massal.) A. L. from a nature reserve in Belgium (Camp.). Sm.
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