n . "j ..j. "-.- -- WmfM9MMi . " J OS AX3rVMXVTTMXX90i i)aiuaiian (Baffle X....11 rej. i 'SB IB 1 aa t SB 1 Tt . u.i u.k. ii,ts.VsBa'fa'esi.Bi rriajjiiti) tv osl M ao ssBsiuBs ROBERT GRIEVE & CO. -- lA.aik- ! IBMWIi M.lib. aolfWivtaoias.a.II at B Il.rrs IVrtflaroelBi. lornlHc il .. ..rTT .Zlrsasj amaia satolMBt u.ii,ii I... ijsb. ttBHB ssao- uastrsao, AT FIVE DOLLARS FER ANNUM T. rSrli .o, tABBI XtO, SB M B.' f. s, i i., . Iittraarni b.b..9 ., COT fSO OOt lurjwj: r.v jurjATii fm-- fU.,, BOB BOlBs i iif otfeBak.fat.kkaar.kir fI avroltsi s.BerrlWr. M la. Aria aster-- ....M.ioBO.BM4or ABTaWaMMIorte. y a t WwetBumeaU sot Bo oMasssBals. Irkkk aclBa...o.tBrar'e.U. iihiii.rrt.aMOJN.Ia,kom BMMBfi olB.loaao is.m th. ruo rf,looti.IOBIaltrt,,.ia, ylpaiiw BBaaaes ww fi'f abbftib.. ssiaiiswasi OBf "w Gaaotto B.UdUc. SS aad 10. 1884. I WHOLE No. 102G. .,ii K.aays. mo. BtBMBtn...Borla.eMlroBt Mrrroaat Stroot, VOL. XlX.-- No. 87.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Histrtwrmrnts. Bn ".ulijoritrj. - Jiuurnmc iN'olirtfl. flfnq otbxx Vxmcxrs ix thi Distmct or Ho- llusinrss tTurts. iltciljamwl tTarts. ilUtljamtrtl tltulis. JllflUtUlUC Xotutfl. WILLIAMS. TJIXOHD CO, Im it Enartni br tbe Kint nTnl ll,n Y,:c. ulWIHSURAHCE 'COMPANY , co., ED. C. ROWE 1 y . Boston Doanl of Tnilrnrrlttrite i: iT . oivisi". v;rn f ;.. i mnor Paper IJKST llaWallata anil r.nmlijUn MrrthasU tur Hawaiian-; ASiantlS Palat.r, i far Ike lalant.. OK SA. ;wuivafuLufl.n :..!- - i.- , BASECRS, llonan.lSlcn llar. confect yw t - KH.t'lni. vtiL.av ns- - Y ly asa i as. ipiNoimr zuugviom tlo.NOl.Vl.1, UllVllllSl.Ljt.Ml . Ij IW Klac Storrl. .olalB- anfiTila trt renrteoalr ia senibled : 3P. 3vtoiTsroEJiair"S" pkawtail o . i:iii.i:jia, rhiUdtlphla Doanl or fmlfr writer. W- - H. CROSSMAH tk B20.. Stcnox 1. That the said Act shall lv. sxriuMiK Ho. 71 Hotel St., BLACKSMITH AND MACHIHIST Tort St., aboro I he llatvallan UU.la. iiroonroiuTSo). ittos MRRCHAHTS, W and the sante is hereby amended by. ndd m CllirOMIa, s : : jiirtticucs. , VI1KXT4 fe COMMISSION uutr ltor.o MiocIhb-- t'arrlaae noth. HAND injr the Jolkiwinir VrliU-l- t AH TOIIK ..CSV I. KEEPS ALWAYS ON & AGENTS .(root, sow Tarrk. thertto w4inn "" Jlo.hlaorj, dr. CASTLE COOKE, It. Oiatakor rianlollon A a at of (he best and T WatnllBooo. SESSION LAWS OF 1884. shall lv called Section 13 a. .w 1.,., ftMl SBoooaKl.pMi..o.itt'llaCoftl.. If r. a. t;iiAi;ri:ic. K Hawaii, loVeoee ra.lle a t .ke iHJ II0.1.M, " Calirnraia oufjirinrril rrlh llMtl. Ire "Srcnox 13 A. Any finu . jvrstin or I'ari.. JOIRJ NOTT, 1 VI.K.TtflIiMMllsaarlsrVMrtetorlle aosTHBarrim asd xneAsnu . AN ACT uanng one or more ucenea veuiMi's way attSSHS. a at. itpiHSCrnLD 1 SOUS.: :lDrDC Iiaperter and Dealer In Store. Ranees Oonfootlonory .eetfA1n.aa Hoard et Cadeewrttera. , H.-V7- SEVERANCE, .. a. .a. o aT3loa a A IThUa be oSVra talc i the at irUll. Cmnpaatea n .. tike jnrta-di- - make application to the Marshal or of I wojwr J..l. fit ttadr.or rialtaa ftfalakt laltraitc Ittsiurniioo- Oompntty hi. To. Cfoomlt IV Sfds.J. 111- aoel TV Aiura- Two rtxrarrvar Chaixkxies r.Llc W llMolala, II. I, al the abtne Dnard of VaaVnrrtUf - Mr .1111 M1M11I IKlll llsetaHsn (Vo.nl i Deputy for Co. of Sydor?, Sj Cara air iTn ucal Vreraatca, ra HIIIHlf Teials. a certiSrate to enable imt To. oiMmkt P..HOC owr AT REDUCED PRICES! ! le reiitled to be the alore Ary' to aaa thrai Jrxt son to obtain a license to drive : ami the Tot- Hut of NnrZiUo,AKtlo. lu eaUJ. X te 1800. COMMISSION MERCHANT & SAXLMAKERS. tatabllihed Be. it Enact el br the King and Uk Leris Marshal or his Deputy on satisfied Fcaotkr? la otUWawirfe, PovoAa a4 WmK1eB- - J. M. OAT CO. King FalMfBC. f - thej Tk BoA ft PcitUh lolsmfcla. PottUao, tnoo LoltlaX K i'ooleV New rWTTwt nisT Bimps ok tiioirn rictus Insurance Notice. r.rir.n " latin- AimiUr at Hawaiian that the person recommended by the tuk AeeaflialBtBSl so. iBaloA TmA ... IOTII is a competent driver, shall grant To. Aom. .i 1. ei firm. To b had ta tae natket. - in the Lpjrislaturr of the. Kingdom as SomUmIm. Hoaolala, 1L I. fflllK .U1KST KOIt TIIK lUUHMI Ve- - loS.tM. CORDULS aV 4,'aMtMav Lianttedt DR. JORDAN & CO. effect: iirc- THE BEST ICE SODt WITER him a certificate to that nton 1 Looosa, b4 ru-- a deecriptlM ld d CRE1I. I rln larae la- - AUBXT. fnr Ik. todwtr. MsaaU nllfJ t TV. oortrrW Rnt of Al.tnlf. Chi.. ol al. ttlwi. reeehed lattraetioai to BHatr il ltlenf ooolota. K IMMrVKSMalt II sentation of which to the Minister of the UoozkosO. AJIli THY TIIKM.-a- a unare between llfrmtlala and 1h1 Hi la attd amt ar. sMBoelrMl lo l.iar. aoala.i St. rsTtirakl. r ITl'IlJ Srcura 1. That in addition to tlie? '.LI. - teweetrtlr Htt f Pari.. rtufrioBBra st Interior the person applying shall receive AoJlr....rt QQiiir.A.llt ly laowreetiTiltaMi l"Het.- l the eale. lKI, .. ko ro..Bjtestkr cballrarra of Hirers now alloswl by law. !!... Manufactory Bakorv mi.. with a tiita! redati fr "eat per ateaaier. sf RtOa lake, la as, sort ef Ikt- l.tsaoa .a Mr a license, w men un use suau w usw uiuj w. o. s.ito. L.A. Tavoox Candy and TllEtt. it !lYtK!. wmn unnra n.iiaiaK .. .hwm nkVealllBOJol .a. BSBkeeo, iMfrDtUnt in all criminal and UmlttMi Iroeltlaa II..M. as. Oaraunre...r.wi Timber (ii.m. IB. ailkXKTO, I.T.-.V- (mj cae?s and valid so long as the person receiv & THURSTON. D. Jlceatlttit. la. C. I.i - rrrrr plaintiff ami cnry defendant, in all l SMITH i,a.H.l rna,fMtloflfr. Faitxr Cook aai Sakir. J. LANE'S Jr fblp. 1. fcarmi.wuboo1tkwleoraw.e.n...''Bl ..viti.tr, .atai.at- WKAkrxa.... ing the same shall remain the employ ii.i-iiii- i HOPrMHLAiiiH a m, a Asia au. cml cars in any Court in this Kingdom. in ATTORNEYS AT LAW. t Tl llot.ttreet.Wtace Naaian ad t.t, t If itcu. iini:.ur.. I. lMInrnil' of and drive for the person or persons Xu. IS Xrrca.it si.. Ho.ol.1.. 11 1 if tufa AtMita fiolk. lUo.H.it l.loiiu' SI i.irk..'r Mx in arnica more? snail ie a inai vr jorr. EMMU.UTH & CO., FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. -- ti" the application for such license. 1: --". J. Tni I Jf i rn.ik lytut amifTor hall each Iw allowed two peresoptcir imciicticK. o S Naaaaa Miret, The fee for which shall be the sum of one ATTOSSET AT LAW, HIX.0, HiWAII. t'.wn tuu.ii.wr.il iiKcx.tr- - Co. ao !Ta. to jurors, withont awipuBg anr Storm riniRM. polated Ajcrata of IB aaoeiiaixurwmpaay, are pre New England Mutual life Insurance dollar and which license shall wmain in 4 BUI. rrowollyfoHlro 1 TlnmmtUii and Plumber, DaUra la therefor. Kanca. Tla, M.eet lr and CoPperJVair, .fP"' Km) tolBfnrri).acslrt Crea MnnenJ Brlrl. Of WBjtOs. AM m. COUIS BROWNE'S CHIOROOTBL rtcn force for one year. A. kaad a tall of Tiawtre. 'lT tAflh . 3, Vf and oa Jt rrel.an.lle stored Ibeeeta, mi J. Sicnai 2. This Art ball talc eflVct II. IIACKl'i:i.l CO.. uailj airtraen. Iltwr. 7 B Approved this 11th dav of August, A. laed aad ladla Eaboer tae tat laeonM tei i rr.ii. THE UUH.lNU. MI til!l(-X- trora and alter it passage. 0E.1II11 COXXISSIOK AGE5T5. lii mo lr efflce of ai ly sruni'uii.i Kii D KALAKAVA. BEX. W 11 -- I. .V 1). 1S4. qorco Mfrrt. llooolilo. I. Oooral i'oroisi .VsAana AasaBnaac O. i -- 'f .on m rMtr. tlWt t ApprtjTrd Uii llthdarot Aturost. l W. R. LAWRENCE, HAMDURC-MACDEDUR- C 7o. li ln..t BbCWAlm). mt 1SS1. HEX. JliO A. 1LASS1NGER. jv . am j tlM and ...Mr wry aMt AN ACT. c? o ! xt jv o r o ..- - it. Acoot to toko Acaowlodao.oots to Coa of FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, if.kr.f inT sunt w wtlU. 14 To lBonri ros ArrotxTsrcrr or Boat I'Uaa aad Ellaalea ParaUI.nl ff Watlti Ob. r.Hei.a M tk. noat fkOBTsaia Tsraaal rrn.litit ft W(l. tt AN ACT thi tract for Taoor. ttrwcUon. or HAMiicna (.I. ,r Vltf. thai IIWHafc am.H.Ti Srrrxvrscia rs Cinrr re im Island or L WO l.lcrior Qgyf. Ilaa,q.l f 't't-J- J CsaHaple't.l of.'SoM.ro.r.llnro Ma. Rra.su Rr I!. AflR It tW Surveying MKnrii.um.K, h r. I HlAmfT7f K. aVl4 To Ciumi XXXIX or tut. 1eal Hawaii, roa Isxap or Maiti to t Civil Engineoringand Bni.i.ix.v Ioafetl oft tftw hi. bf titafai Vt ktl. ma thi a. .v co.. ixaUft fin INSCRRD Atlt. TIAolUQURIMAaTI.in . Mtmin .t ,r ;,nf--tt- blll "l fU) Curr, IlrXATva to Gums, r.r or Moloxai ap i'. .cii.t.i:ri:it orricKo KArwiLoX ntkkkt. tit to Bioet faeoebla terma. ftAS-- t .' cxrrt also tux Islanw , W .VI-- '' Importers A Commission Merchants tdemaa'a flrtf t. arekoae. 1MAKBLI0 WORKS, A. JALURItaAat foi tne Hawiilaa I.lad4. AsaMl BremiBBI eOoliBBn r , ar. a 4. TBiirro a Ni Sictkln. Laxal, IstAxr or Oahc . rllc, las, ros thi axi thx 7l HoooHln. H..ilUo 1U.d. If y a prMalBms I da r aw)Si.
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