FEMALE PRISONERS' DEATHS' QUESTIONED MONTICELLO, FL - During November found herself in solitary confinement at policies. Krell apparently did not '98 the FPLP staffreceived several letters Jefferson CI after she had filed understand that many prison guards and from correspondents at Jefferson Correc­ complaints with prison officials alleg­ officials believe that they can treat pris­ tional Institution (JCI), located in Monti­ ing brutality and harassment by prison oners any way they desire now that cello, FL, expressing concern about the guards. prisoners have had their access to the circumstances surrounding the hanging Thi.s was Florence Krell's first time courts almost totally cut off, and amid "suicide" of a female prisoner in the in prison,' she had no significant prior the retribution-not-rehabilitation "get confinement unit at the institution. record. She was on probation for bur­ tougher on prisoners" political dema­ Something wasn't right, the letters glary in early ]998 when her boyfriend goguery that encourages prisoner wamed. There was more to the death than reported her to police for failing to re­ abuse. prison officials wanted to be known, the turn his rental car. Krell, who lived in . Krell, the mother of two children letters informed. Rumors were flashing Hollywood, FL, was then convicted and the daughter of a former police among the other prisoners, it may not for grand theft and sentenced to detective, perhaps thought she had some have been a suicide or if it waS something 18-months in prison for the rental car "right" to speak out. Sadly, she soon forced it, and officials were trying to keep incident. She became another of the learned the truth the toughest way ofall. what really happened secret. many hundreds, if not thousands, of In mid-October Florence Krell was It's hard to keep a secret in such a women sentenced to prison in Florida . found hanging dead in her prison cell. closed environment though, and this one for relatively minor non-violent of­ No one seems to know exactly what proved impossible to keep as more letters fenses. started Krell's problems. FDOC were written and answers begin to be Krell was sent to JCI in September grievance records, document that she' demanded. The full truth still is not of 1998. Almost from the start she was had frantically and repeatedly filed known, but the details that did surface in labeled a trouble-maker by prison staff. grievances asking higher officials to late November were enough to spark out­ She apparently could not believe the stop guards from harassing her. All of rage from many in Florida and lead to world that she had been thrown into and those were denied. In a letter, that was calls for a full-scale independent investi­ what was allowed to go on in it. She later confiscated by prison officials, gation of the Florida Department ofCor­ mistakenly believed that it was okay to Krell wrote that she "lost it" on Sept. rections (FDOC) lUld prisoner abuse speak out about it, as anyone would 17. She allegedly threw all her posses­ and conditions of confinement in who has no knowledge about how sion into the hallway and threatened to particular. widespread it is becoming in the FDOC jump offher top bunk unless the guards The incident began routinely enough for prison staff and officials to use any quit harassing her. (for Florida prisons) when Florence Krell, means to suppress any complaints by In response to this guards, pumped an attractive 40-year-old female prisoner prisoners under the "get tougher" pepper spray into her cell until she al- FROM THE EDITOR 4 NEW FDOC SECRETARY NAMED 4 FL CORR. COMMISSION 1998 ANNUAL REPORT 5 FDOC MAIL RULES AMENDMENTS RE·PROPOSED 7 iN THiS lSSUE NOTABLE CASES 9 AROUND THE NATION 12 • LITERATURE REVIEW 14 most could not breathe and her skin and fear of further harm, while asking Judge FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL eyes burned. Then guards entered the cell' Carney to please investigate and help her. PERSPECTIVES and took her mattress and clothing. "I Prison records document that before she laid down naked on the metal, no blan­ could mail the letters, however, that they POBox 660-387 kets, nothing to cover up," she later where "confiscated" by guards asserting Chuluota, Florida 32766 wrote. "I laid in that room untH 'the next that they had the right to seize them­ Publishing Division of. morning they gave me a blanket." because she failed to write "legal mail" on PLOIlIIIA .RISOIlIIlS UGAL 4111 OIlOAHlZAnoll.llIC, A SOl(c}(3) Non Profit Organization After several days ofthese conditi.ons the envelope to the judge. No explanation (407) S68.()200 , Krell asked a confinement officer to al­ has been given why her letters to her Web: hllp:/Imembers.aol.comlfplp/fplp.html low her to speak to a higher official. mother were confiscated. Little did she know that such a request Although JCI prison officials could FPLAO DIRECTORS often triggers retaliation. In Krell's not verify that Krell was under a suicide TERESA BURNS case, two male guards accompanied by watch before her death, records verify that BOBPOS5V two female guards suddenly showed up she had been assigned to a prison psychol­ DARRYL McGLAMRY at her cell door after the request. ogist, as all prisoners in confinement are DAVID W. BAUER, Esq. She had "contraband" they said, in suppose to be. But further inquiry into that FPLPSTAFF the form of "toilet paper and a plastic revealed some disturbing facts. Reporters cup." They demanded that she stand from the Tampa Tribune, who worked Publisher TERESA BURNS Editor BOB POSEY naked before them while they recovered closely with FPLP staff as this story un­ Layout Editor JOHN OAKS the "contraband." "I said 'No,' because I folded, discovered that the prison psychol­ Research SHERRI JOHNSON was naked and the two male guards were ogist assigned to Krell, David A. Admin. Assls. USA FAULKNER present," Krell later wrote in one of her Schriemer, had no valid credentials to TRACIE ROSE formal grievances filed with the FDOC. practice psychology. FPLP ADVISORY BOARD The guards claimed that 'she was on a .Schriemer, it was discovered, had noth­ WILLIAM VAN POYCK "suicide watch," but records later ob­ ing but a mail-order doctorate, from a non­ PHILIP BAGLEY· SHARON SIMMONS tained by the Tampa Tribune did not accredited school. He, however, was listed TERRY VAUGHN· MICHAEL LAMBRIX ALAN J. COTION • JAMES QUIGL£Y confirm this. But when Krell refused to not only as a psychologist at JCI, he was JAMES TAYLOR - JUDIE HIGHTOWER stand up, "[t]he two males pulled me off the "senior" psychologist at the institution. CARL WEU.S - GLENN SMITH the bed by my feet and legs. I tried to go The FDOC claims that it had twice BRIAN MORRIS· EARN HOWARD LINDA GOTTLIEB - SAiLY WILCOX under the bed ... and the female sergeant tried to dem()te Schriemer because of his JANE PRATI • PAUL ADAMS grabbed my ankle and twisted it, n her lack of educational and professional KIMBERLY PEOPLES -PEiER BLANI'ON JAMES MAJOR - ENRIQUE DIAl grievance continued. credentials. Yet, each time, inexplicably, SCOTIGRAY Overpowered, Krell tried to retain Schriemer was reinstated by the state Pub­ what little human dignity she had left. lic Employees Relations Commission; de­ FLORIDA PRISON LEGAL PERSPECTIVES iJ pllbliWd iii­ m<llllllly by Florida Priscncn LosaJ Aid Orsanizalicn. 1m:. IS232 She apparently could not conceive that cisions that records show the FDOC did E ~ Dr,. 0rlancIc. FI 321128. Mailina Addrcu' fPLAO. P.O. Box 660-381. Chuluota, FL 32166 she would be forced to put herself on not appeal. No one has explained how fPLP iJ • N"" Profit pllbIicaticll rcc..sma en the FIIlrida display nude before two male guards. Schriemer was hired in the fll'st place prilOll and crimilllli jul1ico I)'J1C1l11 wilh 1110 gOll or pnMdina • ~ ror IICWI, inl'crDlllicn and racun:cs aifocWls pr;.....,., That is when the $truggle begin. with such bogus credentials. No one has lheir rutilies. fliendt and 1c¥Cd ones. oed the gcnml pullfic or FIcrido IIIId the US Rcclucticn or crime and rcci4ivism, The incident ended predictably been held accountable for his being hired maim_ or WIlily lica. ciW rigltta, impnlvi.", condiIiclls cl against such overwhelming odds; Krell or promoted to "senior" psychologist. CClIfIllCm<C1 oed oppcnunllia, Ff1Il1I'lIi"ll WIkd COIlII __ rer priscncn. and prcmcIicg ~ cl prisca ofli<iJb. arc was forced to the floor by all the officers, Other disturbing facts continued to oil is..... fPLP is cIeoignc4 co oddtat, TIl: inl'crmaIic.~ in F1'LP does ncr nccasarily rdIccI the she was handcuffed behind her back, and come to light in the investigation ofKrell's OpiniOOI or the volunteer iliff, Pubficalicn or F1'LP is modo left laying naked on the bare concrete death. Apparently Schriemer's situation pcuiIllc by Ycu, the radc< and 1UfIPCI1.... IhfUlls'ullhsaiplicn and scnml donalions. Requested dC1lOlions rer. ON ~ floor ofthe cell. She later wrote that she was "overlooked" in October when the whscriplica "'" SS-pitaaal. SIOom.. ciIimI, S25-instItuIicnJ or butincssa. was left that way for days-without water. state Correctional Medical Authority F1'LP readcn and lUfIPCI1en 1ft "wiled CO CllfIlIillult FDOC officials refuse to say much (CMA), which is responsible for oversee­ onida. newt inl'crTIIIllicn, and IIIsgcSlions rer pcJSihIc puhficalicll Suhscriplica dcnIlicns will be adtncwtedged by the ..... about Krell's death. They refused all ing the FDOC's medical services, cited Kriber'. receipt or Ille amenl iuuc or F1'LP FI'LP'• ..",. 0IICmC)' volun1eer 110fTWUlCI rupend Ie rcqllCSlS ror legal edYice comment about it to FPLP staff. They JCI for a' number of deficiencies.
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