fied as being in Wolyn province, and as having and at Los Angeles and Washington University in had 1531 Jewish inhabitants before World War 11. St. Louis, have flourishing Jewish studies pro- But it doesn't say whme in Wolyn it is. And un- grams. Their university libraries provide essen- fortunately, our otherwise excellent Anchca tial support for these programs and should not be Hand- [20] does not show the town, either. overlooked as places to turn to for Jewish refer- Then I decided to check the Skonolctidz Uiej- ence sources. Virtually all public and university bcowudci Rzeczgponpofitej Po& hej (the later of libraries have the English- language Encyclopaedia the two comprehensive lists of place-names in the Juddica [4], and libraries emphasizing Judaica Polish Republic of 1918-39 that appeared under should also have sets of the YIVO 121, Yid- this title; both are included in the addenda to ishe Shpmkh [ll, 181, the YIVO-Yad Vashem Holo- the bibliography), and found a ZofjBwka--spelled caust bibliographies [6, 7, 14, 151, and Berl here with a "j"--in $uck county, near Silno. Kaganf s Hebnw Subb&p;tion lib& 1121 . The lat- Armed with this information, and a suggestion ter book was published jointly by KTAV Publishing that she check the U.S. Board on Geographic Names House (75 Varick St., New York, NY 10013) and the GuzeZtea for the Soviet Union 1251, Mrs. Maslov Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary. succeeded in pinpointing Trochenbrod, this time under the Russian transliteration of Zof 'yuvka, Herbert C. Unger (4712 Homer Ave., Suitland, at 50~55'north latitude and 25'42' east longi- MD 20023) writes: "The one book you didn't men- tude. Anyone with an exceptionally detailed map tion, HoRocaubR Cdendat ad Pofibh JWg by Rabbi should be able to locate it. Israel Schepansky, which I purchased as a result As for why ZofiBwka should be called Trochen- of the article in TOLEDOT [Spring 1978, p. 111 , brod in Yiddish--that's another story. I do not enabled me to find out that Oleshitze was in Lvov have an explanation for this odd name. One pos- gubernia." sible interpretation (suggested by YIVO's head I have added this source to the bibliography, librarian, Dina Abramowicz) is that the name is a along with the caveat to those who use it that combination of the German word fiochen (dry) and the sequence is not strictly alphabetical, and the Russian btrod (ford). that it is entirely in the Hebrew alphabet. Mrs. Maslov also asks for positive identifi- Mr. Unger also asks for information about cation of the town Targowica (also in Wolyn pro- the Institute for Commemoration of Galician Jew- vince, pre-World War I1 Poland) with the Yiddish ry, the publisher of Rabbi Meir WunderTs Meohd name "Truvitz." The one list that verifies this G&&: EncyCeopedia 06 GcdiCibM RabbA and --the Hebrew version of David Bass ' bibliography SchoRatb [17]. Volume 1 in this series may be of memorial books--was not included in mv oriei-- vurchased in the U.S. from Grunfeld's Hebrew Book nal bibliography and is therefore included here, Store, 4624 16th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11204 for icle "Eastern European 'Jewish . one for a town name that might sound like in the addenda. $25.00 postpaid. Rabbi Wunder's address is 13 Some Problems and Suggestions'' ap- my family's birthplace of Trochenbrod or Panim Meiroth St., P.O.B. 15042, Jerusalem, Is- e Winter 1978-79 issue of TOLEDOT, I Sofiyevka (north of Lutsk) Trochenbrod-- . David B. Samson (9221 Pine Rd., Philadelphia, rael. d a number of letters worth sharing Yiddish transliteration--has eluded me. PA 19115) writes : "I read with interest your ar- Some of these letters ask ques- As far as I know, it was a small townlet . If any readers have information about addi- equire clarification on my part, with one long street running right thru ticle on 'Jewish Geographyf in the Winter issue of TOLEDOT. I was very impressed with your bib- tional geographic reference sources, I would ap- ask for information about particular the middle of the Radziwill Forest. Ra liography but I have one question: Where can I preciate hearing about them. Please write to me Some requests required searching from surrounding towns always came there at YIVO, 1048 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10028. t of reference sources. Several for Shabban and the Holidays as there wer get the books listed in the bibliography?" , s have, in addition, brought to my four bhul2 in the town. I would love no- Indeed, a bibliography is not of much use hical reference works that de- thing better than to be able to pinpoint where the resources are not available. However, BIBLIOGRAPHY-ADDENDA cluded in a bibliography. of geo- the exact location of Trochenbrod! I am a bibliographical optimist, and I believe ces, and which I inadvertently that in most large cities in North America the JEWISH SOURCES bibliography. So I have incor- The case of Trochenbrod illustrate sources listed in the bibliography will be avail- 1281 Abramzon, Sz. Geogtradge dun Pay&; fiud dun hayntihn Pay.& [Geography of Poland; study of eful tools into a list of addenda more clearly than any I can think of, t able in a combination of public, Judaica, and y, and welcome suggestions for variations between Jewish and offici university libraries. contemporary Poland] (Warsaw: Kultur-Lige, 1926). Contains 200 geo- further sources names. Trochenbrod is ide The general geographical sources (gazetteers A Yiddish geography textbook. Freya Blitstein Maslov (5819 W. Keeney, Mor- in Berl Kagan's Hehm SubbChip;tion and maps) listed in the second half of the bibli- graphic names in a Yiddish supplement, paired n Grove, IL 60053) sums up the experiences of [12] in my original bibliography), w ography are perhaps more readily available than with their Polish place-name equivalents. e geographical researcher in a letter that that in the Latin-alphabet index it the Jewish sources. Most central public librar- eserves quotation at length : its Polish name of Zofi6wk ies and university libraries have separate map [29] Bass, David. "Reshimat sifrei-zikaron she- I cannot begin to tell you how I felt indication of its location is given, divisions, and in these special divisions are yats'u le-or ba-shanim 1943-1972,'' in Yccd Vanhem, after reading your article in TOLEDOT. You only thanks to Mrs. Maslov's hint tha found many gazetteers and detailed atlases. hove& meh,k& be-)3cutilhayoR ha-bhoah ve-ha-g'vu- ave put into words the feelings and frus- Zuck that I was initially able to Most of the Jewish sources should be on hand &ah, no. 9 (1973), pp. 223-265. Includes the tions I have had for over four years any information about it at all. in more specialized collections, such as the Jew- names of roughly 400 European Jewish communities, I, too, have been a "victim" of oral For in the Shwnik Geogtradiczn ish Division of the New York Public Library, in Hebrew, with official forms in parentheses. The towns are listed alphabetically under the mission with varying accents. Because a dozen Zof ibwkas are list YIVO, Gratz College and Dropsie University in Philadelphia, Spertus College in Chicago, Hebrew countries to which they belonged between the two is, I have become somewhat of a "map yet another typical problem Union College in Cincinnati, Los Angeles and New World Wars. The largest number of communities will photocopy any old map I can the case of many towns beari York, and others. Also, a number of universities, listed is for Poland. An English-language ver- ds on--just so I can check each Blackbook the Yad Vashem [I], such as the University of California at Berkeley sion of this bibliography was published simulta- [38] U.S. Board on Geographic Names. Gaz&een NmE: The U. S. Board on Geographic Names Gaz- neously under the title "Bibliographical list of [33] Weinreich, Max. ttintohy 06 the Yiddin h SuppRemenZ: Ewrape and U.S.S.R. (Washington: &em are distributed by the Defense Mapping memorial books published in the years 1943-1972," Language (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1971). Contains corrections to the various gaz- Agency, Hydrographic/Topographic Center, Scien- in Yad Vahm S:tudia an ,the Euhopean 3UhCa- forthcoming). The Yiddish version, which appeared etteers issued by the U.S. Board on Geographic tific Data Dept., Geographic Names Data Base &xh;trrophe and RahZance, no. 9 (1973), pp. 273- in four volumes in 1973, contains an extensive Names. Div., Washington, DC 20315. 321. The disadvantage-of the English list is discussion of the linguistic factors determining that specifically Jewish place-names are not Yiddish pronunciati on of European place-names. given. Instead places are entered under their The index to the English edition will include official names. Thus, in the Hebrew version the Yiddish forms (in transliteration) and official entry for Targowica is "Truvits (Targowica) ,I1 forms of roughly 500 place-names, though the whereas in the English version it appears simply forms are not always linked Mlitkin the index. GENEALOGICAL RESOURCES A7 as "Targowica. The two forms are 1inked in the text, however. THE JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMTNARY 1301 Dobros zycki , Lucj an, and Barbara Kirshen- blatt-Gimblett. Image My Eye4 : A Photo- GENERAL SOURCES Bedune Judith E. Endelman gmpkic HAtohy ud JeLuinh Lide in Poland, 7864- [34] Glowny Urzgd Statystyczny Rzeczypospolitej 7939 (New York: Schocken Books, in cooperation Pols kiej SkonouLdz UiejncowoXci Rzeczypanpofi- . As one of the major Jewish libraries in the in the establishment of the Archives in 1976. with YIVO, 1977). Table 1, "Toponymy and popula- tej Pal~~ej[Index of places in the Polish Re- world, the Library of the Jewish Theological Sem- Prior to 1976 there was no Archives, as such, and tion of settlements where photographs in this public] (Warszawa: 1923-26).
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